102 Uses Norton Disk Doctor technology to inspect your computer's file allocation table for errors. These errors can cause cross-linked files and lost clusters on your hard drive. File allocation errors can cause some programs to crash or prevent them from running at all. These errors might also prevent you from accessing some of your files. The Hard Drive Integrity Scan finds and corrects these errors so your programs run correctly and you do not lose valuable data.
103 Select this scan to find and fix problems on your hard drive.
104 Hard Drive Integrity Scan: Operation cancelled
105 Hard Drive Surface Scan
106 Uses Norton Disk Doctor technology to inspect your computer's hard drives' media for errors. These errors can cause data loss if a file is stored there. The Hard Drive Surface Scan finds and marks these errors so your operating system will not use them.
107 Select this scan to find problems on your hard drive's media and prevent the operating system from using the affected areas.
200 I believe the following words are placed at the end of the short & long descriptions.
201 Corrected
202 skipped
203 not fixed
204 I think this is the end of the action strings.
301 Scanning boot record
302 Scanning file allocation table
303 Scanning directory structure
304 Scanning for lost clusters
305 Scanning file structure
310 Scanning disk surface
999 I think this is the start of the logbook short description strings.
1000 Corrected partition table.
1001 Corrected boot record of drive %c:
1002 Corrected file allocation table of drive %c:.
1003 Corrected directory structure of drive %c:.
1004 Repaired lost clusters found on drive %c:.
1005 Corrected file structure of drive %c:.
1006 Corrected file structure of compressed drive %c:.
1049 This is the end of the logbook short description strings.
1050 Restarting due to disk write...
1051 Skipping this drive due to too many restarts...
1100 This is the start of the long descriptions for the logbook. I have no idea what to enter here, so this is an exact duplicate of the short description text.
1101 Hard Drive Integrity Scan corrected an error in the partition table.
1102 Hard Drive Integrity Scan corrected an error in the boot record of drive %c:
1103 Hard Drive Integrity Scan corrected an error in the file allocation table of drive %c:.
1104 Hard Drive Integrity Scan corrected an error in the directory structure of drive %c:.
1105 Hard Drive Integrity Scan repaired lost clusters found on drive %c:.
1106 Hard Drive Integrity Scan corrected an error in the file structure of drive %c:.
1107 Hard Drive Integrity Scan corrected an error in the file structure on compressed drive %c:.
1150 This is the end of the long descriptions for logbook.