10 Select this scan to check your computer's disk space.
100 LoCom
101 Select this scan to check your computer's disk space.
102 Verifies there is enough disk space for your programs to run. When a low disk space condition exists on your computer, your programs might run slowly or not at all. If you are low on disk space, this scan helps you free up space by removing unnecessary files.
103 Low Disk Space Scan
108 Checked free disk space on drive %s.
109 Checked free disk space on drive %s.
700 Scanning drive %c: for unnecessary files.
701 Freeing up space on drive %c:
801 The available space on drive %c: is below the configured limit. You need to free up space in order to continue running your programs.
802 Drive %c: is critically low on disk space.
803 Low Disk Space: Drive %c:
804 Drive %c: is still low on disk space. In order to free up more \nspace on this drive, you should uninstall some \nprograms and reinstall them to another drive.
901 Error while accessing drive %c:
902 Would you like to prevent further scans of this drive?
1001 Delete Recycle Bin contents.
1002 Delete TEMP directory contents.
1003 Delete miscellaneous temporary files.
1004 Delete Internet Explorer cache contents.
1005 Delete Netscape Navigator cache contents.
1006 Delete Netscape Communicator cache contents.
1007 Delete Norton Protected Recycle Bin contents.
1008 Finds and removes unnecessary files on your computer.
1009 There are no files on drive %c: that can be safely removed.
1011 Files you have previously deleted are saved in the Recycle Bin. This deletes the Recycle Bin contents.
1012 Programs store temporary files in a TEMP directory. This deletes the TEMP directory contents.
1013 Temporary files are labeled with a .TMP extension. This deletes miscellaneous temporary files.
1014 Internet browsers store temporary data in a cache. This deletes the Internet Explorer cache contents.
1015 Internet browsers store temporary data in a cache. This deletes the Netscape Navigator cache contents.
1016 Internet browsers store temporary data in a cache. This deletes the Netscape Communicator cache contents.
1017 Files you have previously deleted are saved in the Norton Protected Recycle Bin. This deletes the Norton Protected Recycle Bin contents.
1021 Select this solution to delete the Recycle bin contents.
1022 Select this solution to delete the TEMP directory contents.
1023 Select this solution to delete miscellaneous temporary files.
1024 Select this solution to delete the Internet Explorer cache contents.
1025 Select this solution to delete the Netscape Navigator cache contents.
1026 Select this solution to delete the Netscape Communicator cache contents.
1027 Select this solution to delete the Norton Protected Recycle Bin contents.
2000 Logging entries begin
2001 Low Disk Space Scan deleted your Recycle Bin contents to free up disk space.
2002 Low Disk Space Scan deleted your TEMP directory contents to free up disk space.
2003 Low Disk Space Scan deleted temporary files on your hard drive to free up disk space.
2004 Low Disk Space Scan deleted files cached by Internet Explorer to free up disk space.
2005 Low Disk Space Scan deleted files cached by Netscape Navigator to free up disk space.
2006 Low Disk Space Scan deleted files cached by Netscape Communicator to free up disk space.
2007 Low Disk Space Scan deleted your Norton Protected Recycle Bin contents to free up disk space.
2008 Low Disk Space Scan deleted file: %s.
2009 Low Disk Space Scan deleted %d files.
2010 Deleted Recycle Bin contents on drive %c:.
2011 Deleted files in TEMP directory on drive %c:.
2012 Deleted temporary files on drive %c:.
2013 Cleared Internet Explorer cache on drive %c:.
2014 Cleared Netscape Navigator cache on drive %c:.
2015 Cleared Netscape Communicator cache on drive %c:.
2016 Deleted Norton Protected Recycle Bin contents on drive %c:.
2017 Logging entries end
3000 Low Disk Space
3001 Your hard disk is low on space. You need to free up space in order to continue running your programs.
3002 Select this category to see which drives are low on disk space.