102 Compares your computer's software applications and hardware drivers to the LiveUpdate Pro database and finds any available updates. These updates can prevent your computer from crashing. This scan requires an Internet connection and a subscription to Norton Web Services.
103 Select this scan to check for updates to your software applications and hardware drivers.
104 LiveUpdate Pro Database
105 Contains information about available updates for your computer's software applications and hardware drivers.
106 Select this entry to scan your computer's software applications and hardware drivers for available updates.
107 New Virus Definition and Product Updates
108 New virus definition and product updates might be available. Using current virus definitions helps to protect you from late-breaking viruses. Keeping your product current ensures that you have the latest crash prevention technology from Symantec.
109 Select this problem to view its solution.
110 Software or Hardware Updates Available
111 One or more of your software applications or hardware drivers has an update available. Using updated software and drivers can prevent computer crashes.
112 Select this problem to view its solution.
113 Run LiveUpdate.
114 Runs LiveUpdate to check for and download new virus definition and product updates. An Internet connection is preferred for this solution; otherwise long distance charges might appear on your telephone bill. Since LiveUpdate might require you to restart your computer, you might want to fix other problems first.
115 Select this solution to run LiveUpdate.
116 Run LiveUpdate.
117 Runs LiveUpdate to check for and download new virus definition and product updates. An Internet connection is preferred for this solution; otherwise long distance charges might appear on your telephone bill. Since LiveUpdate might require you to restart your computer, you might want to fix other problems first.
118 Select this solution to run LiveUpdate.
119 Run LiveUpdate Pro.
120 Runs LiveUpdate Pro to install software and driver updates to your computer. This solution requires an Internet connection. Since LiveUpdate might require you to restart your computer, you might want to fix other problems first.
121 Select this solution to run LiveUpdate Pro.
122 Run LiveUpdate Pro.
123 Runs LiveUpdate Pro to install software and driver updates to your computer. This solution requires an Internet connection. Since LiveUpdate might require you to restart your computer, you might want to fix other problems first.
124 Select this solution to run LiveUpdate Pro.
125 String not found.
126 Virus Defs & Product Update Scan
127 Verifies that your virus definitions and CrashGuard Deluxe are current. The interval for updating your virus definitions and CrashGuard Deluxe is fourteen days. Using current virus definitions helps to protect you from late-breaking viruses. Keeping your product current ensures that you have the latest crash prevention technology from Symantec.
128 Select this scan to check whether your virus definitions and CrashGuard Deluxe are current.
129 Virus Defs and Product Update
130 Contains the latest product information and virus definitions to protect your computer from crashes and recent viruses.
131 Select this entry to check for the latest product updates and virus definitions.
133 LiveUpdate Pro Scan cannot find one or more components to run. Please reinstall CrashGuard Deluxe.
134 LiveUpdate Pro Scan Error
135 Virus Definition and Product Updates
136 Virus definition and product updates might be available.
137 Select this category to view the problem.
138 Software or Hardware Not Current
139 One or more of the software applications or hardware drivers on your computer is not current.
144 New virus definition and product updates might be available. Using current virus definitions helps to protect you from late-breaking viruses. Keeping your product current ensures that you have the latest crash prevention technology from Symantec.
145 Select this problem to view its solution.
146 New Virus Definition and Product Updates
147 New virus definition and product updates might be available. Using current virus definitions helps to protect you from late-breaking viruses. Keeping your product current ensures that you have the latest crash prevention technology from Symantec.
148 Select this solution to run LiveUpdate.
150 Ran LiveUpdate to download new product and virus definition updates.
151 Virus Defs & Product Update Scan ran LiveUpdate to download new product and virus definition updates.