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- Norton CrashGuard Deluxe v3.05
- Release Notes
- Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Symantec Corporation
- All rights reserved
- Please read this document carefully; it contains important
- information about Norton CrashGuard Deluxe. Topics include:
- - Installation
- - DCOM for Windows 95
- - Rescue Disk
- - Compatibility Issues
- - Norton Web Services
- - America Online (AOL)
- - Miscellaneous
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Installation
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Disk Space
- ==========
- If you are very low on disk space, the installation process
- might freeze at the "Norton CrashGuard Deluxe is preparing the
- InstallShield wizard" dialog box.
- To fix the installation process:
- 1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del.
- 2. When the Close Program window appears, select _DELISU in
- the list. Then click End Task. If the InstallShield
- Wizard starts, click Cancel.
- 3. Free up at least 30 MB of disk space. Then try the
- installation again.
- Microsoft recommends that any system running Windows have at
- least 23 MB of free disk space. Otherwise, Windows might
- encounter problems with its swap file, resulting in unexpected
- errors.
- InstallShield Error 112
- =======================
- This error usually means there is a problem with your TEMP
- directory, TEMP setting, or not enough hard drive free space.
- Verify that you have enough free disk space on your hard drive,
- and check the TEMP directory settings.
- To check your TEMP directory settings:
- 1. Click the Windows Start button and select Run.
- 2. Type SYSEDIT in the Open field. Then click OK.
- 3. Select the AUTOEXEC.BAT window and look for a line that says
- 4. Verify that the TEMP directory listed exists and is empty.
- Create the TEMP directory if it does not already exist.
- No Scans Registered Error Message
- =================================
- The cause of this error is most likely due to corruption of the
- Windows Registry. Microsoft has not released any information on
- the internal structure of the Windows Registry or any tools to
- fix registry corruption in Windows 95. As a result, this type of
- corruption may cause problems with applications installing or
- running correctly. To resolve this you may have to delete your
- registry files, reinstall Windows, and reinstall all software
- applications.
- You can also upgrade to Windows 98 to solve this problem.
- Windows 98 includes a program called ScanReg that fixes Registry
- corruption.
- Unsupported Paths
- =================
- You might encounter installation errors if you install Norton
- CrashGuard Deluxe to a directory that contains an apostrophe. To
- avoid this problem, use the default installation directory or
- select a directory that does not contain an apostrophe.
- NOTE: Refer to the Compatibility section for additional
- installation issues.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- DCOM for Windows 95
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- What is DCOM?
- =============
- The Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) is a Microsoft
- update to the Component Object Model (COM) and Object
- Linking/Embedding (OLE) files in Windows 95. These files provide
- improved support for reusable code in Windows. For more
- information, go to Microsoft's web site and search for DCOM.
- NOTE: DCOM is built into Windows 98.
- DCOM Installation Issues
- ========================
- In Windows 95, Norton CrashGuard Deluxe installs DCOM for
- Windows 95 since it requires DCOM to run properly. Since Windows
- 98 includes DCOM, Norton CrashGuard Deluxe does not need to
- install DCOM on Windows 98 computers.
- The DCOM installation program (DCOM95.EXE) is copied to the
- \Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ directory in case
- DCOM errors occur and it is necessary to reinstall DCOM.
- Reinstalling DCOM
- =================
- Uninstalling DCOM will prevent Norton CrashGuard Deluxe from
- functioning properly. If you remove DCOM or its installation
- becomes corrupted, you can reinstall it by running the
- DCOM95.EXE program in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec
- Shared\ directory or from the \DISK1 folder on the Norton
- CrashGuard Deluxe CD.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Rescue Disk
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Requirements
- ===========
- The Rescue Disk utility requires a 3.5" floppy disk drive
- configured as the boot floppy drive. Rescue Disk also requires
- three 3.5" floppy disks.
- Rescue Disk Freezes
- ===================
- If Rescue Disk freezes while you are creating Rescue Disks,
- format the floppy disks in Windows and run Rescue Disk again.
- To format a floppy disk in Windows:
- 1. Double-click your My Computer icon.
- 2. Right-click your floppy drive (usually A:). Then select
- Format in the menu that appears.
- 3. Select Full as the Format Type. Then click OK.
- Running Rescue Disk Recovery
- ============================
- Rescue Disk recovery must be run from DOS. Norton CrashGuard
- Deluxe does not support running Rescue Disk recovery from a DOS
- window inside Windows.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Compatibility Issues
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Outlook 97 Issues
- =================
- After you install Norton CrashGuard Deluxe, Outlook 97 might not
- function properly. The program might not start at all, cause a
- General Protection Fault (GPF) error, or lock up. This problem
- is usually the result of a conflict between DCOM for Windows 95
- and the Microsoft Fax service. Microsoft has provided a detailed
- technical note at the following web site that discusses the
- problem and provides a solution:
- http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q175/3/14.asp
- Microsoft provides five possible solutions to this problem. The
- easiest way to resolve the problem is to download and install
- the new AWFXCG32.DLL file that Microsoft has provided to fix
- this error. To download this file, visit this link:
- http://support.microsoft.com/download/support/mslfiles/Awfxcg32.exe
- CompuServe Winsock
- ==================
- Norton CrashGuard Deluxe is not compatible with CompuServe's
- Winsock. When you install CompuServe Information Manager for
- Windows 95, do not install the CompuServe Winsock.
- Disk Overlay
- ============
- When using Dynamic Disk Overlay (DDO) software, such as
- EZDrive or OnTrack's DiskManager, you must run Rescue Disk
- recovery in accordance with the disk overlay floppy disk boot
- procedures.
- Promise Ultra33
- ===============
- Computers that use the Promise Ultra33 IDE hard drive controller
- (included with some Gateway 2000 G6 computers) might experience
- compatibility problems with Norton CrashGuard Deluxe. Norton
- CrashGuard Deluxe conflicts with Promise driver version 1.30.
- This problem does not exist with version 1.33 of this driver,
- which you can download from:
- http://www.promise.com/html/support/latestdrivers.html
- You can also contact Promise Technical Support. If you do not
- have version 1.33 or later of this driver, do not use Norton
- CrashGuard Deluxe to repair errors on your hard drive.
- SoftRAM95
- =========
- Microsoft has determined that SoftRAM95 is not compatible with
- Windows and it should not be used with Norton CrashGuard Deluxe.
- Stacker
- =======
- You might encounter a blue screen fatal error when installing
- Norton CrashGuard Deluxe on a drive with Stacker. To fix this
- problem, update to the latest version of Stacker.
- Norton Navigator
- ================
- If Norton Navigator 95.0.b is installed on your system, you
- might receive a Mem_Bad_Pointer error while using the Edit
- Solution on invalid .PIF, .URL, or .LNK files. Update to version
- 95.0.c of Norton Navigator to fix this problem. Visit
- http://www.symantec.com to download the update.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Norton Web Services
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subscription Required
- =====================
- LiveUpdate Pro requires an active Norton Web Services
- subscription. Norton Web Services is an Internet-based service
- designed to enhance your computer and keep it healthy.
- Free Subscription
- =================
- Norton CrashGuard Deluxe includes a free 6-month subscription to
- Norton Web Services. To initialize your subscription, read the
- instructions on the Norton Web Services coupon in the Norton
- CrashGuard Deluxe box.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- America Online (AOL)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Version Compatibility
- =====================
- In Windows 95, Norton CrashGuard Deluxe works with version 3.0
- or later of AOL for Windows 95. The standard 16-bit versions of
- AOL software do not support Norton CrashGuard Deluxe. Order AOL
- for Windows 95 on CD from America Online, or download it by
- using the AOL keyword: GET95.
- In Windows 98, Norton CrashGuard Deluxe works only with AOL
- version 4.0 or later since AOL version 4.0 is the only version
- that is compatible with Windows 98.
- If you are not sure which version of AOL you have, select About
- in the Help menu and verify that the version is at least
- AOL 3.0 for Windows 95.
- There is an incompatibility with AOL version 3.x and DCOM for
- Windows 95. AOL is aware of this issue and is working on solving
- the problem. Currently the only solutions are:
- - Minimize your AOL browser windows without closing them.
- - Use an external browser instead of the AOL browser.
- - Upgrade to AOL version 4.0 or later.
- - Install Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later.
- Difficulty Connecting
- =====================
- If you install AOL for Windows 95 and have difficulty
- connecting to the Internet through Norton CrashGuard Deluxe,
- reinstall the TCP/IP components, dial-up adapters, and AOL
- adapters on your system.
- To reinstall these components:
- 1. Double-click your My Computer icon. Then double-click the
- Control Panel icon.
- 2. Double-click the Network icon.
- 3. In the list of installed network components, remove all
- TCP/IP components, Dial-Up Adapters, and AOL Adapters. Then
- click OK.
- 4. Restart your computer.
- 5. Start America Online. AOL installs the correct drivers and
- asks you to restart the computer.
- If Norton CrashGuard Deluxe still has problems connecting to the
- Internet, contact technical support. See the Norton CrashGuard
- Deluxe manual for more information.
- Virus Definitions
- =================
- In order to download virus definitions and product updates
- through LiveUpdate, you must open your AOL connection prior to
- starting the LiveUpdate process. If there are virus definitions
- or product updates available, launch AOL and login. After you
- log in, minimize AOL and start the LiveUpdate process. When
- asked how you want to connect to a LiveUpdate server, select
- Internet.
- LiveUpdate Pro Scan
- ===================
- When you use System Check, if the LiveUpdate Pro Scan is
- enabled, System Check searches your system for hardware and
- software drivers that are out of date. If the scan detects any
- hardware drivers or software updates are available, System Check
- takes you to the Norton Web Services web page where you can run
- LiveUpdate Pro. LiveUpdate Pro requires an active Norton Web
- Services subscription.
- When you use LiveUpdate Pro through AOL, Norton Web Services
- launches inside your AOL browser. Your Norton Web Services login
- is not complete until the AOL advertisements finish displaying.
- To disable these login advertisements, use the AOL keyword:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Miscellaneous
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Disk Space
- ==========
- Over time, entries in Norton CrashGuard Deluxe's undo folder can
- occupy a significant amount of disk space. If you need more disk
- space you can delete all log entries and the contents of your
- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\UndoData folder.
- NOTE: Deleting log entries permanently removes the event from
- Log Book. You can no longer undo an event after you delete it
- from the Log Book.
- Internet Connection Settings
- ============================
- If you have more than one dial-up connection, like an Internet
- Service Provider and an AOL account, the Norton CrashGuard
- Deluxe installation prompts you to select the connection you
- want to use. You can change these settings after installation in
- Norton CrashGuard Deluxe Settings.
- To change your dial-up settings:
- 1. Open Norton CrashGuard Deluxe. Then click Settings in the
- main window.
- 2. Click the Internet tab and select the connection you would
- like to use.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.x
- =======================================
- If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or
- later, the Internet connection settings in the Internet
- Properties dialog will override the Norton CrashGuard Deluxe
- Internet settings.
- Auto Check Shortcut
- ===================
- The Norton CrashGuard Deluxe installation places an Auto Check
- shortcut in your Windows 95 StartUp folder. This shortcut
- launches Auto Check automatically every time you start Windows.
- Virus Defs & Product Update Scan
- ================================
- The Virus Defs & Product Update Scan launches LiveUpdate to
- update your virus definitions and Norton CrashGuard Deluxe
- program files. If you do not have an Internet connection,
- LiveUpdate dials a long-distance phone number to download the
- latest updates. To control how LiveUpdate connects for these
- updates, change LiveUpdate settings by double-clicking the
- LiveUpdate icon in the Windows Control Panel.
- User Guide
- ==========
- The online version of the Norton CrashGuard Deluxe User Guide
- contains the most up-to-date information about the product. The
- Adobe Acrobat file, CGDELUXE.PDF and a copy of the Acrobat
- Reader, AR32E301.EXE, are located in the Manual folder on the
- Norton CrashGuard Deluxe CD.