129 Log Book cannot be opened. You must uninstall and then reinstall CrashGuard Deluxe.
130 CrashGuard Deluxe System Check
131 Settings cannot be opened. You must uninstall and then reinstall CrashGuard Deluxe.
132 Scan
133 Status
134 Paused
135 Problem
136 Number Found
137 Problem: %s\nSolution: %s
138 %ld
139 You did not select any scans. Exiting System Check.
140 Auto Check: Idle
141 Auto Check: Scanning
142 Auto Check: Fixing Problems
143 Auto Check: Need User Interaction
144 Auto Check: Cleaning Up
145 Since Installation
146 CrashGuard Deluxe fixed the following problems during the last session.
147 &Open
148 &Weekly Status...
149 &Settings...
150 &Log Book...
151 Cannot start System Check because Auto Check cannot be terminated.\n\nPlease close Auto Check, then start System Check again.
152 Auto Check Status
153 Problem: %s
154 E&xit
155 Auto Check will close for the remainder of this Windows session. Auto Check will start automatically the next time you restart Windows.
156 Auto Check does not run in Safe Mode. Open CrashGuard Deluxe and run System Check to scan your computer.
157 One or more of the scans you selected require an Internet connection\nand Connect to the Internet as Needed is disabled. System Check will now exit.
158 CrashGuard Deluxe Auto Check
159 Auto Check is disabled. Do you want to enable it?
160 No scans are registered on your computer. You must uninstall and then reinstall CrashGuard Deluxe.
161 You must restart your computer before running this program.
162 No problems found.
163 Number Fixed
164 CrashGuard Deluxe Session Status
165 System is being modified. Terminating this session.
166 Dial-Up failed
167 Login failed
168 The virus protection in CrashGuard Deluxe provides basic virus detection and repair. For complete virus protection, use Norton AntiVirus for Windows. Visit http://www.symantec.com for product details.
169 There is a virus on your computer. Any remaining scans will not run.
180 The DCOM components on this computer are damaged, missing, or invalid. To run Norton CrashGuard Deluxe, you must have a functional version of DCOM Installed.\n\nWould you like to install the DCOM components now?
181 The DCOM components are not currently installed on this computer.\n\nTo install DCOM, open the DISK1 folder on the product CD and double-click DCOM95.EXE.
182 Norton CrashGuard Deluxe was unable to find DCOM95.exe, a necessary file for repairing DCOM.\n\nTo install DCOM, open the DISK1 folder on the product CD and double-click DCOM95.EXE.
183 A bad boot sector was found on %c:.\n\nTo fix this problem, insert your Rescue Disk in your floppy drive and restart your computer. When prompted whether you want to proceed with the tests, answer No.\nEnter the following when the DOS prompt appears:\n\n NDD %c: /Q\n\n(You may want to write this down.)\n\nFollow the instructions that appear on the screen to repair your drive.\nWhen you click OK, %s will exit.\n