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Text File | 1997-10-16 | 48.5 KB | 1,049 lines |
- DCOM95, Version 1.1
- Release Notes
- Last Modified: October 16, 1997
- DCOM95, Version 1.1, adds support for DCOM to Microsoft Windows 95.
- Please note the following instructions, guidelines, and features
- new to this release of COM and OLE functionality for Windows 95.
- If you are considering using DCOM95 on a pre-release version of
- Windows 98, please read the Installation Notes below before
- installing DCOM95.
- Distributed COM (DCOM) extends the Component Object Model (COM)
- infrastructure, transparently and naturally adding support for
- reliable, secure, and efficient communication between COM components
- such as ActiveX Controls, scripts, and Java applets residing on
- different machines in a LAN, a WAN, or on the Internet. With DCOM,
- your application can be distributed across locations that make the
- most sense to your customer and to the application.
- For more in-depth information, please read the DCOM Technical
- Overview, available on the Microsoft COM Home Page,
- http://www.microsoft.com/com/.
- Contents
- ========
- I. Installation Notes
- A. Downloading and Extracting DCOM95
- B. Before You Install DCOM95
- C. Uninstalling DCOM95
- II. Release Notes
- A. What's New in 1.1
- B. Bug Fixes in 1.1
- C. Known Issues
- D. Differences from Internet Explorer 4.0 and Windows 98
- E. DCOM95 File List
- III. Developer Notes
- A. What's New in 1.1
- B. Bug Fixes in 1.1 Affecting Developers
- C. Known Issues Affecting Developers
- D. Differences from DCOM on Windows NT
- E. Redistributing DCOM95
- F. Support & Resources
- **********************************************************************
- A. Downloading and Extracting DCOM95
- ------------------------------------
- If you have downloaded this release of DCOM95 from a Web site, you
- should read the release notes completely before you extract and
- install DCOM95.
- After downloading DCOM95, you will have one or two compressed
- executable files on your hard drive:
- - DCOM95.EXE contains the COM system dlls
- - DCM95CFG.EXE contains the DCOM Configuration utility
- To extract either file and begin the installation process, type the
- file name at the Command Prompt or double-click the file from Windows
- Explorer. After running DCOM95.EXE, you will be prompted to reboot
- your system to complete the installation. Your existing OLE and COM
- system components will be saved to allow you to uninstall DCOM95 if
- necessary.
- If you run these programs on any version of Windows NT, no system
- components will be overwritten. You may be asked to reboot your
- system in order for changes to take effect; this is not necessary,
- as nothing as been changed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- B. Before You Install DCOM95
- ----------------------------
- The DCOM95 installation program updates your system dlls. We
- recommend that you save all open documents and close all programs
- before installing DCOM95.
- This version of DCOM95 should work with existing and future versions
- of Windows 98. However, it has not been tested extensively with
- Windows 98, and is not a supported configuration at this time. If you
- elect to install this software over Windows 98 and run into any
- problems with your system, please uninstall DCOM95 1.1 and verify the
- problem still exists before attempting to get support on Windows 98.
- Please check the COM Home Page, http://www.microsoft.com/com/, and
- the Windows 98 release notes for information about using DCOM95 1.1
- with Windows 98.
- If you are using Windows 98 with this version of DCOM95, please note
- the version of Windows 98 you are using when submitting feedback
- or bug reports about DCOM95.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- C. Uninstalling DCOM95
- ----------------------
- You can uninstall DCOM95 from the Windows Control Panel "Add/Remove
- Programs" applet. In the list at the bottom of the "Install/
- Uninstall" tab, choose "DCOM for Windows 95" and press the "Add/
- Remove" button. This will restore your previous OLE and COM system
- components. You will need to restart your computer to complete the
- uninstall.
- NOTE that if you install any applications that require DCOM95,
- performing an uninstall could adversely affect those applications.
- One application which you must be particularly careful with is
- Internet Explorer 4.0. Internet Explorer 4.0 ships with the DCOM95
- dlls. If you install Internet Explorer before installing DCOM95,
- then you can safely uninstall DCOM95. If you install DCOM95 before
- installing Internet Explorer and wish to uninstall DCOM95, you
- should uninstall Internet Explorer first, then uninstall DCOM95,
- then reinstall Internet Explorer. This is particularly important
- if you have installed the Windows Desktop Update.
- **********************************************************************
- A. What's New in 1.1
- ====================
- This section lists the major new features of DCOM95 that are visible
- to end-users and administrators. Additional features for developers
- are described in the Developer Notes below.
- International Version
- ---------------------
- DCOM95 version 1.1 can now be installed over any localized version of
- Windows 95. DCOM95 1.1 does not include the OLE Common Dialogs
- (OLEDLG.DLL), which is the only portion of DCOM95 requiring
- localization.
- Note that the end-user license agreement (EULA), release notes, and
- setup prompts have not been localized. When you run DCOM95.EXE on
- a localized version of Windows, standard Windows buttons will be
- localized, but the remaining prompts will not.
- In addition, the DCOM Configuration utility, DCOMCNFG, is only
- provided in English in this web release. The program will work
- correctly on localized versions of Windows 95.
- Localized versions of Internet Explorer 4.0 and Windows 98 will
- include localized versions of the OLE Common Dialogs and the DCOM
- Configuration utility.
- Setup Improvements
- ------------------
- There have been a few improvements to the DCOM95 setup program:
- - The DCOM95 installation program is now a windowless Windows
- program, so that it does not display a mysterious console
- window. All messages from the installation program use
- Windows message boxes or dialogs.
- - The setup program will detect if a later version of DCOM95
- is installed and ask you to uninstall it before installing
- this version of DCOM95.
- - The setup program will retain the current values for the
- registry entries "EnableDCOM" and "EnableRemoteConnect", if
- they exist, rather than resetting to default values.
- - The setup program installs the redistribution agreement and
- release notes to %windir%\system\DCOM95.
- Winsock2 Compatibility
- ----------------------
- The Winsock 2.0 release for Windows 95 would not install over DCOM95
- 1.0; this will not be a problem with DCOM95 1.1. DCOM95 1.1 is
- compatible with both Winsock 1.1 and Winsock 2.0.
- Client Support for Microsoft Message Queue
- ------------------------------------------
- DCOM95 includes a new version of RPC that provides enhanced
- client-side support for RPC message queuing, which is a feature of
- Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ).
- Updated DCOM Configuration Utility
- ----------------------------------
- The DCOM Configuration Utility has been updated. In addition to a
- number of minor bug fixes, users may now enable or disable remote
- connections to a machine using DCOMCNFG.
- To let remote clients connect to servers on a machine,
- 1. Start DCOMCNFG on the machine
- 2. On the "Default Properties" page, check "Enable Distributed
- COM on this computer"
- 3. On the "Default Security" page, check "Enable Remote
- Connection"
- To prevent clients from connecting to servers on a machine,
- 1. Start DCOMCNFG on the machine
- 2. On the "Default Security" page, uncheck "Enable Remote
- Connection"
- Per-AppID Authentication Level
- ------------------------------
- In certain circumstances, developers or administrators may wish to
- change the default authentication level used for all COM calls
- without calling CoInitializeSecurity. In DCOM95 1.0 and Windows NT,
- the only way to do this was to change the default authentication
- level specified in the registry on a machine-wide basis. With
- DCOM95 1.1, developers or administrators can specify the
- authentication level used per-Appid.
- To use this feature,
- 1. Start REGEDIT and locate the following key for your application:
- HKCR\APPID\<exe-name>
- Note the AppID value in the right-hand pane. This will look
- something like:
- {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
- 2. Now locate the AppID key for your application, using the AppID
- value from step 1:
- HKCR\APPID\<appid-value>
- 3. Add a new DWORD value to this key by selecting the menu option
- "Edit|New|DWORD Value" with
- Name = "AuthenticationLevel"
- Data = 1 for no authentication -or-
- 2 for connect-level authentication
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- B. Bug Fixes in 1.1
- ===================
- This section describes bugs fixed in DCOM95 1.1 which affected
- applications running on Windows 95 with DCOM95 1.0 installed.
- Additional bug fixes are described in the Developer Notes section
- below.
- DCOM95 Uninstall: RPCLTC5.DLL Could Not Be Found
- ------------------------------------------------
- When DCOM95 1.0 is uninstalled, it will always try to restore
- RPCLTC5.DLL and RPCLTS5.DLL from the %windir%\system\oldole
- directory. However, if the files were not already installed when
- DCOM95 is installed, the files will not be in the oldole
- directory, and you will see an error message about a missing
- file. If you select the "Skip File" option on the error dialog,
- DCOM95 1.0 uninstall will complete successfully. Windows 95
- Setup only installs RPCLTC5.DLL and RPCLTS5.DLL if the NetBEUI
- protocol is installed. DCOM95 1.1 detects that the files are
- not installed, so that this error message does not occur during
- uninstall.
- DCOMCNFG Help Includes Windows NT Specific Features
- ---------------------------------------------------
- In DCOM95 1.0, the help file distributed in DCM95CFG.EXE included
- Windows NT specific features. DCM95CFG.EXE for DCOM95 1.1 includes
- an updated help file which is specific to Windows 95.
- Microsoft Outlook: External Add-ins and Extensions Cannot Be Loaded
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you are running Microsoft Outlook and you have DCOM95 1.0
- installed, Outlook will be unable to load external extensions, and
- Outlook 97 may crash when you try to switch from the Tasks folder
- to the Contacts folder. This issue is fixed by DCOM95 1.1.
- Modal Dialog Box launched by OLE Server Hangs System
- ----------------------------------------------------
- On systems with DCOM95 1.0 installed, if you are running an
- application that uses OLE and brings up a modal dialog box, the
- application may hang because the modal dialog box is unresponsive
- to mouse or keyboard input. This problem was reported:
- - when attempting to print a Microsoft Word 97 document which
- is hosted within Internet Explorer. The print dialog appears
- and neither the dialog nor Internet Explorer respond to mouse
- or keyboard input.
- - when attempting to send a mail message which contains spelling
- errors using Microsoft Outlook 97 when WordMail is used and
- spellchecking is enabled. After the WordMail spellchecker
- dialog is displayed, if you move the focus away from the
- dialog, neither Outlook nor the dialog respond to mouse or
- keyboard input.
- This problem is fixed by DCOM95 1.1.
- Visio: Corrupt Summary Information Causes Access Violation
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- In certain instances, Visio incorrectly writes an empty thumbnail
- property in a document's Summary Information. The system property
- set implementation provided with DCOM95 1.0 detects that the
- property is written incorrectly, but does not handle the error
- correctly, resulting in an Access Violation. In DCOM95 1.1, the
- error is correctly handled.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- C. Known Issues
- ===============
- This section describes known problems in DCOM95 1.1 which affected
- applications running on Windows 95 with DCOM95 1.1 installed.
- Additional issues are described in the Developer Notes section below.
- Corel WordPerfect Suite 7: Installation Causes Invalid Page Fault
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- If you install Corel WordPerfect Suite 7 on a Windows 95 system
- running DCOM95, you may get an invalid page fault in PfOd70.pfc
- during installation. If this error appears, just close the error
- message dialog box. Setup should continue successfully.
- CyberLife Creatures 1.0: Does Not Function Correctly Without Upgrade
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- CyberLife Creatures 1.0 is not fully compatible with DCOM95. You will
- not be able to connect to the Creatures Web site from within
- Creatures, nor will all of the kits function correctly. These
- problems are addressed by the Creatures Upgrade Pack 2, which you
- can download from the Creatures Web site,
- http://www.cyberlife.co.uk/creatures_frameset.htm.
- Microsoft Access95: Database Replication Does Not Work
- ------------------------------------------------------
- If you try to replicate an Access database using Microsoft Access95
- on machines with DCOM95 installed, you may get the following error
- message: "Microsoft Access cannot complete this operation because
- it can't find or initialize the dynamic-link library Msjtrclr".
- This is a problem in Access95. You may workaround this issue by
- writing a program which uses the Access object model rather than
- the replica tool, or by using the briefcase for replication.
- Microsoft Access97 is not affected by this issue.
- Microsoft Dialup Networking: Version Conflict with SECUR32.DLL
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- If you install Microsoft Dialup Networking from Windows 95 after
- installing DCOM95, you may see a file version conflict dialog for
- "Version Conflict : A file being copied is older than the file
- currently on your computer. It is recommended that you keep
- your existing file."
- File name: secur32.dll
- Description Microsoft Win32 Security Services
- Your version 4.10.1057
- Do you want to keep this file?
- This is because DCOM95 includes a later version of SECUR32.DLL
- than shipped with Windows 95. If this error message occurs,
- select "Yes" to keep the file currently installed on your system.
- Microsoft Fax: Windows Messaging IPF on Shutdown
- ------------------------------------------------
- On machines with DCOM95 and Microsoft FAX installed, an Invalid
- Page Fault occurs in AWFXCG32.DLL whenever Windows Messaging
- shuts down. This is due to memory corruption within Microsoft Fax.
- Since the error occurs as the process is exiting, you should be
- able to continue using your system without problem after
- dismissing the error dialog. Internet Explorer 4.0 and Windows
- 98 include an updated AWFXCG32.DLL which does not have this problem.
- Microsoft Object Packager: Loses Ability to Drag/Drop
- -----------------------------------------------------
- On machines with DCOM95 installed, if you drag a file which does
- not have an associated OLE server and drop it into an OLE
- Document, the Object Packager will be invoked to insert a package
- into the document. In some cases, once you have done this, when
- you try to drag and drop another file, you will get an error
- message similar to "The server application, source file, or
- item cannot be found.....". Once you get this error message, you
- are not able to drag and drop objects again until you restart
- your machine. This seems to happen most often with large
- packages which are inserted into large documents.
- Microsoft PowerPoint: Fails to Insert an Excel 97 Object
- --------------------------------------------------------
- If Autosave is enabled in Excel 97, PowerPoint 97 may fail to insert
- an Excel 97 object. Instead, the user will see the error message
- "PROBLEM: Error Message the Server is busy or not available". This
- is due to a combination of problems in Windows 95 COM and PowerPoint.
- The COM problem is fixed in DCOM95 1.1. An update for PowerPoint is
- also required to completely resolve the issue.
- Telcom Fax 3.1: Unable to Send Network Faxes
- --------------------------------------------
- This product currently does not work with DCOM95 installed on Win95
- client machines. Contact the manufacturer (http://www.ltc.com/) for
- information about Telcom Fax 4.0, which is compatible with DCOM95.
- Visio 1.0 Insert Object Fails
- -----------------------------
- With DCOM95 installed, attempting to insert an object into a Visio
- 1.0 document may result in an error message: "An error (1331)
- occurred during the action Insert Object. The server failed to create
- the new document. "(Object Linking and Embedding)" This problem does
- not occur with later versions of Visio.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- D. Differences from Internet Explorer 4.0 and Windows 98
- ========================================================
- Internet Explorer 4.0 and Windows 98 both include updated COM dlls
- similar in functionality to DCOM95 version 1.1. This section
- describes the differences between the dlls included in these products.
- Internet Explorer 4.0 includes DCOM95 build 1120. Windows 98 beta 2
- and beta 3 also include DCOM95 build 1120. DCOM95 version 1.1
- (build 1718) contains a small number of fixes which are not in build
- 1120 for forward compatibility with forthcoming releases of Windows
- NT 5.0, Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4, and the COM Internet Services
- beta. In addition, these bugs are fixed in DCOM95 version 1.1, but
- not in build 1120:
- - RPCSS Page Fault in OLE32 When No Network Support Installed
- - 16-bit Server Crashes When Many Objects Are Created And Destroyed
- - MkParseDisplayName assumes MAX_PATH
- For information about differences between DCOM95 and future releases
- of Internet Explorer and Windows 98, please check the release notes
- for those products.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- E. DCOM95 File List
- ===================
- This table lists the version numbers of files distributed with DCOM95
- 1.0, DCOM95 1.1, and DCOM95 build 1120(as shipped with Internet
- Explorer 4.0 and Windows 98 beta 2 or beta3).
- File Name DCOM95 1.0 DCOM95 1.1 Build 1120
- ============= ============ ============ ==========
- comcat.dll 4.71.1454.1 5.0.1600.1 5.0.1555.1
- compobj.dll
- dcomcnfg.exe 5.0.1413.1* 5.0.1600.0* 5.0.1555.0
- dcomcnfg.hlp -- -- --
- dllhost.exe 4.71.426.0 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- iprop.dll 4.0.1381.3 4.0.1381.6 4.0.1381.6
- ole2.dll
- ole32.dll 4.71.430.0 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- olecnv32.dll 4.71.426.0 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- oledlg.dll 5.0.1454.1 n/s 5.0.1555.0
- olethk32.dll 4.71.426.0 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- rpcltc1.dll 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- rpcltc5.dll 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- rpcltccm.dll 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- rpclts5.dll 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- rpcltscm.dll 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- rpcltspx.dll 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- rpcmqcl.dll n/s 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- rpcmqsvr.dll n/s 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- rpcns4.dll -- -- --
- rpcrt4.dll 4.71.423.0 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- rpcss.exe 4.71.426.0 4.71.1718.0 4.71.1120.0
- storage.dll
- secur32.dll**
- imagehlp.dll 4.0.1381.1 4.0.1381.1
- stdole2.tlb 2.20.4111.1 2.20.4122.1
- stdole32.tlb 2.10.3027.1 2.10.3027.1
- oleaut32.dll 2.20.4111.1 2.20.4122.1
- olepro32.dll n/s 2.20.4122.1
- asycfilt.dll n/s 2.20.4122.1
- msvcrt40.dll**
- mfc40.dll**
- * : included in DCM95CFG.EXE
- ** : only in Internet Explorer 4.0
- -- : no version number
- n/s : not shipped
- **********************************************************************
- A. What's New in 1.1
- ====================
- Component Category Manager Features Folded into OLE32
- -----------------------------------------------------
- The Component Category Manager, COMCAT.DLL, functionality is now part
- of OLE32.DLL. This was done to improve performance. DCOM95 1.1
- includes a COMCAT.DLL which forwards requests to OLE32.DLL, to handle
- applications which directly interact with COMCAT.DLL.
- IGlobalInterfaceTable Support
- -----------------------------
- The IGlobalInterfaceTable interface added to Windows NT in SP3 is
- now supported in DCOM95 1.1. Please see the Platform SDK
- documentation for information about this interface.
- Improved Dialup (RAS) Support
- -----------------------------
- DCOM95 1.0 did not work well over dialup connections. DCOM95 1.1
- includes a number of fixes which let both calls and callbacks work
- over dialup connections.
- In particular, if a server machine gets a new IP address, DCOM95
- 1.1 clients will be able to talk to new DCOM servers on that
- machine, even if they have previously established connections to
- other DCOM servers on the machine using the old IP address.
- Also, if a DCOM95 1.1 server machine acquires a new IP address,
- remote clients over dialup connections will be able to resolve
- OXIDs and unmarshal interfaces. (Note that a client machine
- which receives callbacks is acting as a server.) However, the
- dialup connection must be established before the COM server
- process is started.
- New DCOM Protocol Version Number
- --------------------------------
- The DCOM protocol version number is now 5.3.
- New RPC APIs
- ------------
- The following APIs are now implemented in DCOM95 1.1:
- - RpcServerUseAllProtseqsEx
- - RpcServerUseAllProtseqsIfEx
- - RpcServerUseProtseqExA
- - RpcServerUseProtseqExW
- - RpcServerUseProtseqIfExA
- - RpcServerUseProtseqIfExW
- Please see the Platform SDK documentation for information
- about these APIs.
- New Storage API Stubs
- ---------------------
- Windows NT 5.0 introduces some new storage APIs, Stg*StorageEx().
- These are implemented in DCOM95 to return E_NOTIMPL.
- RPCSS Changes
- -------------
- RPCSS is used for remote communication between COM objects. DCOM95
- attempts to delay launching RPCSS until it is truly necessary. There
- were several scenarios in DCOM95 1.0 in which RPCSS was not started
- by COM at the appropriate time. In DCOM95 1.1, all known scenarios
- which required pre-launching RPCSS.EXE have been fixed. You should
- no longer need to pre-launch RPCSS.
- In DCOM95 1.0, RPCSS.EXE was shut down when a user logged off. In
- DCOM95 1.1, this is not the case. RPCSS.EXE remains running across
- logon sessions. This is required to support applications such as
- Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ) which run as services.
- Also, RPCSS.EXE no longer appears in the Windows 95 Task List.
- SetBlanket on IUnknown affects AddRef and Release calls
- -------------------------------------------------------
- When secure reference counting is turned off, calling
- IClientSecurity::SetBlanket on IUnknown will now affect AddRef
- and Release calls.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- B. Bug Fixes in 1.1 Affecting Developers
- ========================================
- This section lists additional bug fixes in DCOM95 1.1 which are not
- likely to affect end-users, but which developers or testers might
- encounter.
- 16-bit Server Crashes When Many Objects Are Created And Destroyed
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- When thousands of 16-bit COM objects were created, marshaled to
- another apartment, then destroyed within a short period of time
- (< 2 minutes), a stack fault would occur in the server when DCOM
- cleaned up its internal list of object IDs (OIDs). The OID cleanup
- code has been modified so it does not cause a stack fault.
- Access Violation When In-Process Server Fails to Load
- -----------------------------------------------------
- In certain situations, DCOM95 1.0 was not able to detect that an
- in-process server was not loaded successfully, because
- GetLastError() was not returning the correct error code after
- LoadLibraryEx() failed. An access violation would occur when
- attempting to access the server. DCOM95 1.1 detects this situation
- and returns ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT when the server is loaded.
- Class Moniker Not Registered Correctly
- --------------------------------------
- In DCOM95 1.0, the PROGID for the Class Moniker was not added to
- the registry during setup. This would prevent MkParseDisplayName
- from recognizing a moniker display name "clsid:<clsid>". DCOM95
- 1.1 correctly adds the Class Moniker PROGID to the registry during
- setup.
- COMCAT: Category [Un]Registration Under a Non-Existant CLSID Succeeds
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- In DCOM95 1.0 and previous versions of COMCAT.DLL, registering and
- unregistering implemented or required class categories for a
- non-existant CLSID succeeded. In DCOM95 1.1, attempts to register or
- unregister categories for a non-existant CLSID fail.
- COMCAT: GetCategoryDesc Returns Wrong LCID
- ------------------------------------------
- In DCOM95 1.0 and previous versions of COMCAT.DLL, when the
- description of a category for the specified LCID is not found, the
- returned description will be for the first locale under the category,
- but the returned LCID is not updated to the first locale value. This
- is corrected in DCOM95 1.1.
- COMCAT: IEnumXXX::Next() Succeeds Unexpectedly
- ----------------------------------------------
- In DCOM95 1.0 and previous versions of COMCAT.DLL, the Next method
- of IEnumCATEGORYINFO, IEnumCATID, and IEnumCLSID succeeds when the
- caller passes pceltFetched NULL and celt > 1. In DCOM95 1.1, these
- methods match the specified behavior, which is to fail.
- DllCanUnloadNow/CoFreeUnusedLibraries Race Condition
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Under certain circumstances, it was possible for COM to try to unload
- in-process COM servers which were already unloaded. This would
- generally cause a page fault. This has been fixed in DCOM95 1.1.
- IStorage::SetElementTimes Does Not Marshal NULL Parameters Correctly
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- If one or more parameters are set to NULL in a call to
- IStorage::SetElementTimes on a storage object obtained by standard
- marshaling, SetElementTimes returns RPC_X_NULL_REF_POINTER
- (0x800706f4). The interface definition of IStorage has been modified
- to handle NULL parameters correctly.
- NOTE that this means marshaling does not work correctly to a machine
- which is running Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or earlier, Windows 95, or
- Windows 95 with DCOM95 1.0. Windows NT 4.0 SP4, Windows NT 5.0, and
- Windows 98 will be compatible with DCOM95 1.1.
- Marshaling Problems
- -------------------
- In DCOM95 1.0, big-endian values and Variants were not always
- marshaled correctly. These problems have been fixed in DCOM95 1.1.
- MkParseDisplayName assumes MAX_PATH
- -----------------------------------
- MkParseDisplayName assumed any kind of moniker it did not recognize
- was a file moniker and thus that the maximum length of the display
- name was MAX_PATH characters. If the display name was really longer
- than MAX_PATH characters, the stack would be corrupted and the client
- which called MkParseDisplayName would crash. MkParseDisplayName now
- makes no assumptions about the maximum length of a moniker display
- name.
- Remote COM Calls Fail Because RPCSS is not Started
- --------------------------------------------------
- In DCOM95 1.0, there were a number of scenarios where RPCSS was not
- started at the appropriate time, causing remote COM calls to fail.
- All known scenarios which required pre-launching RPCSS.EXE have been
- fixed in DCOM95 1.1.
- RPCRT4.DLL Leaks Memory When Loaded and Unloaded Within a Process
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- If RPCRT4.DLL was repeatedly loaded and unloaded within a running
- process, system memory functions such as HeapCreate and CreateThread
- would start failing, due to a memory leak in RPCRT4. This has been
- fixed.
- RPCSS Assumes All Servers On Same Machine Speak The Same Protocol
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Assume a client C1 on machine C starts talking to a server X on
- machine S via protocol P1. Now another client C2 (also on machine
- C) comes along that wants to talk to server Y on machine S via
- protocol P2. This did not work correctly - RPCSS on C assumed that
- all servers on S would speak the same protocol (P1) using the same
- endpoints and did not correctly handle the binding information
- needed to speak to S. This could lead to crashes on the client
- machine. Although DCOM95 currently only supports one protocol, this
- has been fixed for forward compatibility with the COM Internet
- Services (which introduces a second protocol) and Windows NT 5.0
- (which lets you specify which endpoints to use for different servers).
- RPCSS Can Not Restart After a Crash
- -----------------------------------
- In DCOM95 1.0, RPCSS cached information in shared memory, preventing
- RPCSS from being restarted if it crashed. RPCSS no longer caches
- information in shared memory, so it can be restarted.
- RPCSS Page Fault in OLE32 When No Network Support Installed
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- If RPCSS.EXE was launched for any reason on machines without network
- support installed, a page fault in OLE32.DLL might occur. The RPCSS
- startup code has been cleaned up to handle scenarios like this in
- DCOM95 1.1.
- System Property Set Implementation Leaks Memory
- -----------------------------------------------
- Applications that retrieve property values from property sets using
- the system-provided property set implementation exhibit a gradual
- increase in memory usage. The IPROP.DLL included with DCOM95 1.1
- fixes this problem.
- System Property Set Implementation Loses Part of DocumentSummaryInfo
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- With DCOM95 1.0 and previous versions of IPROP.DLL, when a client
- uses the system-provided property set implementation to create the
- user-defined properties in a DocumentSummaryInfo property set, the
- primary section of the property set is lost. This is because the
- system implementation deletes any existing streams when a property
- set is created. The IPROP.DLL included with DCOM95 1.1 correct
- handles creating all sections of DocumentSummaryInfo and
- SummaryInformation property sets.
- WM_TIMERs fill queue on long call
- ---------------------------------
- In DCOM95 1.0, COM or RPC calls which took a long time to complete
- could generate WM_TIMER messages but not dispatch them, filling the
- application's message queue and consuming space in the 16-bit heap.
- This could cause system response problems and instability. This is
- fixed in DCOM95 1.1.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- C. Known Issues Affecting Developers
- ====================================
- AutoDial Dialog May Appear Unexpectedly
- ---------------------------------------
- If AutoDial is enabled on a Windows 95 machine with DCOM95 installed,
- the AutoDial dialog may appear when a remote object is accessed via
- DCOM, even if the remote machine is accessible without establishing a
- dialup connection. If you cancel the AutoDial dialog, the call to the
- remote object will succeed.
- Compiler Errors
- ---------------
- There are two issues that can result in the "'xxx' is not a member
- of _COSERVERINFO" and "'CoInitializeEx' (or 'CoCreateInstanceEx'):
- undeclared identifier" compilation errors while building DCOM
- programs.
- One is caused by out-of-date headers that expose the changes of the
- definition of the COSERVERINFO structure from Windows NT 4.0 Beta 1.
- In order to support the ActiveX SDK Beta, Microsoft Visual C++r 4.2
- shipped with headers from Beta 1 of Windows NT 4.0. These have an
- earlier and incorrect version of the COSERVERINFO structure definition.
- To work around this problem, install the final Windows NT 4.0 SDK and
- put its include, lib, and bin directories first on your tool paths. A
- patch to Microsoft Visual C++r 4.2 is also available at http://www.microsoft.com/visualc/patches/v4.2b/vc42b.htm
- which updates these headers.
- A second issue revolves around the need for pre-processor definitions
- to allow access to DCOM-only features in the Win32 header files. The
- DCOM features in the Windows NT 4.0 SDK (and in the Microsoft Visual
- C++ 4.2 + patch headers) are protected by two preprocessor
- definitions.
- One of these, setting _WIN32_WINNT=0x0400, is used for targeting
- applications for Windows NT 4.0. Use this setting if you are building
- a DCOM-aware application for Windows NT 4.0 only. Note that this
- setting is automatically established by the makefile helper that comes
- with the SDK when you use TARGETOS=WINNT and use
- "!include <win32.mak>".
- The other setting, _WIN32_DCOM, is used for targeting applications
- for Windows 95 (with DCOM installed) as well as Windows NT 4.0. Use
- this to build DCOM applications for both platforms without making
- use of Windows NT-specific features.
- If you don't use one of these two settings, the compiler will warn
- you or halt with errors about structures and APIs that you use that
- are specific to Windows NT 4.0 or DCOM for Windows 95.
- Applications using CLSCTX_SERVER/CLSCTX_ALL do not run on plain
- Windows 95 or previous versions of Windows NT if compiled with
- _WIN32_DCOM or _WIN32_WINNT>=0x0400.
- The new definitions of CLSCTX_SERVER and CLSCTX_ALL include
- CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER. Applications using these flags will not run on
- plain Windows 95 or previous versions of Windows NT when compiled as
- instructed, above, with the _WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 or _WIN32_DCOM flags.
- Previous versions of COM/OLE validate the flags passed to
- CoCreateInstance or CoGetClassObject and fail with E_INVALIDARG when
- CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER is specified. When targeting both Windows NT 4.0
- and Windows 95 or previous versions of Windows NT, you need to ensure
- that the _WIN32_WINNT preprocessor symbol is defined to be less than
- 0x0400 and the _WIN32_DCOM preprocessor symbol is not defined.
- DCOM Dialup Connections Don't Work When Ethernet Card is Stopped
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- In situations where an ethernet card is used, the card is stopped,
- and then a dialup (RAS) connection is established, DCOM calls may
- fail or crash.
- Dialup Connections Do Not Work to Running Servers
- -------------------------------------------------
- If a COM server is running on a DCOM95 server machine before a client
- establishes a dialup (RAS) connection to the server machine, the
- remote client will not be able to talk to the COM server over
- the RAS connection.
- IAccessControl::IsAccessAllowed Erroneously Denies Access
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- IAccessControl::IsAccessAllowed uses the API NetAccessCheck() to
- determine whether a users is allowed access. In some cases,
- NetAccessCheck returns the wrong value, causing IsAccessAllowed to
- return the wrong value as well.
- Receiving OR_INVALID_OXID (0x80070776)
- --------------------------------------
- When using COM creation APIs (such as CoCreateInstance,
- CoCreateInstanceEx, or CoGetClassObject) to create remote objects
- (objects on other machines), incorrectly configured network settings
- that otherwise appear to support file or print sharing properly may
- cause Distributed COM to fail with the distinguished error,
- OR_INVALID_OXID (0x80070776). This is typically not a problem with
- COM, but is simply a network configuration problem that is not
- exposed by other networking operations that have different fall-back
- behavior from COM over improperly configured protocols.
- A common occurrence of this failure is when a machine has been
- configured with TCP/IP as well as another network transport, such
- as IPX/SPX, or NetBeui, but the TCP/IP configuration is improperly
- configured. For example, it may be configured to be dynamically
- assigned an IP address using DHCP, yet no DHCP server may be
- available and so it has no IP address.
- The solution to this problem is to properly configure TCP/IP
- networking. A test that TCP/IP networking is properly configured
- is to use the PING command to test the connection between the client
- and the server. That is:
- From the client: PING <server-host-name>
- From the server: PING <client-host-name>
- If either PING command fails with errors such as "Bad IP address
- <xxx>" or "Request timed out," you may experience difficulties
- creating remote objects until the issue preventing the connection
- is resolved.
- TreatAs on Remote Server
- ------------------------
- During a remote activation for a specific class, the server side
- does not correctly use the TreatAs mappings: Although the correct
- server process gets connected to, COM still expects the original
- CLSID instead of the mapped CLSID. If the server does not provide
- a class factory (through CoRegisterClassObject) for the original
- CLSID, the activation times out after 30 seconds.
- Two Identical FORMATETC's on Clipboard Seen As One
- --------------------------------------------------
- If a data object is created with two identical FORMATETC formats,
- or two FORMATETC formats which differ only in their aspect, and
- the data object is set to the clipboard, when you get the data
- object from the clipboard and enumerate its formats, there is
- only one FORMATETC.
- VREDIR BlueScreen During CoCreateInstance
- -----------------------------------------
- When using DCOM between a DCOM95 machine and an Windows NT machine
- in a Novell Netware workgroup, if you map a drive letter on the
- DCOM95 machine to a shared directory on the Windows NT machine, you
- may get a blue screen in VREDIR during CoCreateInstances call on
- the DCOM95 client machine. The problem does not occur if you don't
- have mapped drives. The system can recover from the blue screen if
- you hit enter. This problem has only been seen with the original
- Windows 95 release, not with OSR2 or later. A hotfix for VREDIR.VXD
- is available from Microsoft to correct this problem.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- D. Differences from DCOM on Windows NT
- ======================================
- Security Capabilities of DCOM for Windows 95
- --------------------------------------------
- The core functionality and application programming interfaces (APIs)
- new to Distributed COM are identical in both Windows 95 and Windows
- NT 4.0; however, certain capabilities related to security are
- different because of the different security infrastructures of the
- operating systems. Using the default security settings of the system
- is recommended; it is also necessary to enable "user-level" security
- on file-system shares (see below).
- The following services, which can be used to override default
- security, are available:
- - CoInitializeSecurity
- - CoQueryAuthenticationService
- - CoQueryProxyBlanket
- - CoSetProxyBlanket
- - CoQueryClientBlanket
- - IClientSecurity Interface
- - IServerSecurity Interface
- However, certain capabilities that are part of DCOM for Windows NT
- 4.0 will not be available on Windows 95 because of differences in
- the security infrastructure on Windows 95.
- In particular, the lack of Win32 security APIs, such as the ability
- to create Access Control Lists (ACLs), and the AccessCheck function,
- as well as the lack of a security context associated with thread- and
- process-tokens, should be taken into account. Windows 95 does not
- natively support these APIs or constructs. Because of this, DCOM95
- will not support impersonation (specifically, the CoImpersonateClient
- and CoRevertToSelf helper functions over the IServerSecurity
- interface), which is based on thread- and process-token security in
- Windows NT 4.0. Impersonation is commonly used to automatically
- control access to restrictable system resources such as the file
- system, other processes, and the network. These resources are not
- restrictable on Windows 95.
- DCOM95 does, however, offer programmers various helper objects to
- provide access-control-list and access-check functionality, which
- can be used to explicitly control access by remote clients to both
- system and user-defined resources or data. These helper objects are
- provided by the system object CLSID_DCOMAccessControl, which
- implements the IAccessControl interface.
- IAccessControl should be used to manage security permissions
- programmatically wherever portability between Windows 95 and Windows
- NT is a concern. The CLSID_DCOMAccessControl object is available in
- all releases of DCOM95 and in Windows NT 4.0 SP2 or later. Please
- see the Platform SDK documentation for more information about
- IAccessControl.
- Launch and Access Security
- --------------------------
- "Launch security" -- controlling who can launch server-class code
- -- is not provided in DCOM for Windows 95 because launching servers
- is not supported. Servers/Classes must already be running in order
- for remote clients to connect and make use of their services.
- DCOM95 does support the ability to connect to already running
- classes/servers. "Access security" is supported via the
- \APPID\{.}\AccessPermissions registry key and adjusted via the
- DCOMCNFG tool or during installation or setup of the server code.
- Unauthenticated users will be able to use servers if you configure
- the class to support unauthenticated connections (through static
- configuration tools or dynamically via the CoInitializeSecurity
- function) and you can also build arbitrary access-control lists
- to define which users and groups can access specific services.
- Authentication Levels
- ---------------------
- DCOM95 clients can make DCOM calls using any authentication level.
- DCOM95 servers (or clients receiving callbacks) can only accept DCOM
- authentication levels.
- Transports
- ----------
- DCOM95 only supports TCP connectivity. If you do not have the TCP/IP
- protocol installed, DCOM95 will not be able to support cross-machine
- COM.
- Registry Settings
- -----------------
- The following registry keys found under
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\OLE are established by DCOM95.
- EnableDCOM (default value = "Y")
- Enables Distributed COM on this machine. When set to "N", the
- machine is prevented from connecting to or activating objects on
- remote machines, and remote machines are unable to connect to
- objects on the local machine. Setting this value to "Y" enables
- either connectivity as a client to remote objects (when
- EnableRemoteConnect='N', see below), or full client/server
- connectivity (when EnableRemoteConnect='Y', see below).
- EnableRemoteConnect (default value = "N")
- Enables COM servers to act as DCOM servers. When this value is set
- to "Y", references to interfaces on local objects can be passed to
- remote clients, and remote clients are allowed to connect to
- running objects. When this value is set to "N", this machine is
- allowed to connect to remote objects but cannot act as a server
- -- that is, the machine is prevented from connecting to running
- objects.
- In addition, the following registry key is found under
- {bdc67890-4fc0-11d0-a805-00aa006d2ea4}\InstalledVersion
- Contains the version number of DCOM for Windows 95, in the format
- "a,b,c,d". This value can be used by Internet Component Download
- to determine whether DCOM95 is installed. This value is added to
- the registry during setup, and should not be modified.
- Using Windows 95 as a DCOM Server Host
- --------------------------------------
- Windows 95 can be a DCOM server host with the following caveats:
- 1. There is no launch capability which means the DCOM server
- process must be already running for a client to connect to it.
- 2. If secure connections are needed, then the server (and in the
- case of callbacks, the client) must have user-level access
- control with the name of a security provider set.
- 3. The registry value "EnableRemoteConnect" must be set to "Y".
- DCOM95 has been tested most extensively using the Windows NT Domain
- security provider. You may encounter problems using other security
- providers.
- To establish user-level access control, you must have FILESEC.VXD
- installed. This is generally installed on Windows 95 machines by
- installing File and Print Sharing.
- To enable user-level access control, launch the Network control panel
- applet, choose the "Access Control" tab, check the box marked
- "User-level access control", and enter the name of your security
- domain. This may affect the way you currently share directories on
- the network from your computer; see the on-line documentation for
- details. If you do not have an "Access Control" tab in your network
- configuration control panel, you need to install a network client
- service. See the "Network clients, setting up" help topic in the
- on-line help for information on installing a network client.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- E. Redistributing DCOM95
- ========================
- If you depend on DCOM95 functionality, you have two options:
- redistribute the updated system files (DCOM95) with your application,
- or point users at our DCOM95 web release. Pointing users at the web
- release is recommended if your application will be downloaded from
- the web, since DCOM95 is fairly large and many users may already
- have it.
- For further information about redistributing DCOM95, please review
- the redistribution guidelines in DCOMDIST.TXT and the
- redistribution agreement in DCOMLIC.TXT.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- F. Support & Resources
- ======================
- Paid Support
- ------------
- DCOM95 application development is supported by Microsoft Technical
- Support. You can ask questions through your Premier Level support
- contract. You can also ask questions through your Priority Level
- contract or purchase individual Priority Support incidents
- (essentially a one-time fee for one question). If you would like to
- understand more about Microsoft's paid support options, you can call
- Microsoft Support Sales at (800) 936-3500 from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Pacific time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Please note
- that technical support is not available through this number. Microsoft
- Technical Support Information is also available on the World Wide
- Web at http://www.microsoft.com/support/.
- Free Support
- ------------
- Newsgroups are a great place for free peer support. As time and
- resources allow, Microsoft developers, program managers, support
- engineers, and test engineers visit the site to collect
- feedback and answer questions or correct misperceptions. There is
- no guarantee that you will receive a response from Microsoft to
- any newsgroup posting.
- The following newsgroups can be used to ask questions about DCOM95:
- - comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.ole
- - microsoft.public.win32.programmer.ole
- The DCOM mailing list is another good form of free peer support.
- An advantage to being on a mailing list is that this is where
- Microsoft will make early announcements of information on a given
- topic. Again, it is peer support, and Microsoft staff will often
- lurk there, but are not guaranteed to respond to any postings. To
- learn more about the DCOM mailing list, please review our Mailing
- List page at http://www.microsoft.com/sitebuilder/resource/mail.asp.
- Providing Feedback
- ------------------
- Please send any comments or bug reports to the DCOM mailing list.
- Resources
- ---------
- You can find additional information about DCOM on the COM Home
- Page at http://www.microsoft.com/com/.