1664 The security data file was not found or is corrupted.
1665 The password you have entered is incorrect. Try again.
1666 You have exceeded the number of allowable password attempts.
1667 Bad confirmation of password. Please try again.
1668 Unrecoverable error creating the security data file.
1670 Access denied, could not delete security file.
1671 You have created a global security password, but no access password options have been enabled. If you continue, unauthorized access to Carbon Copy Utilities may occur. Continue?
1672 The value you have selected exceeds the range of valid values (%d - %d). Try again.
1673 Require Logins is enabled, but the Password Table is empty. Require Logins must be disabled otherwise no one will be able to access your PC.\n\nDo you want to disable Require Logins?
1674 Your Security file cannot be found. For security reasons, you are restricted from using security features.
1675 Your Security file cannot be found. Do you want to create a new one?
1676 Unrecoverable error trying to create a Security file.
1677 Security Options
1678 You have entered an non-hexadecimal value in the manual key field. Try again using valid characters (A...F) or (0...9).
1679 The key you have entered is incomplete. Try Again.
1680 You have set Carbon Copy to use\nnative NT security. Carbon Copy needs to run as a service under this condition.\n\nPlease exit the program and restart it as a service.