8012 Preparing machine for a dialback connection...
8013 Unknown event has occurred...
8014 Establishing reliable connection...
8015 Initiating the connection...
8016 Called party did not answer...
8017 The number dialed is busy...
8018 No dial tone...
8019 Invalid phone number requested...
8020 You have modified the phone number.\nClick OK to restore the old phone number, and then use Dialing Properties to modify it.\nClick Cancel to use the modified number.
8021 Logging on to network...
8022 Unavailable
8023 Please enter at least %1!u! characters\n
8024 Invalid phone number or communication device.\nPlease verify your connection parameters.
8025 Invalid workstation name or address. Please verify your connection parameters.
8026 Login attempts exceeded. User disconnected.
8027 Login timeout has expired. Connection failed.
8028 Access to the remote system has been denied.
8029 Disconnecting due to an invalid Serial Number.
8030 Connection failed due to an unrecoverable memory allocation error.
8031 The requested line is in use.
8032 Another program is dialing the selected connection.
8033 User Logon - %s
8034 Disconnecting due to an incompatibility with the remote system.
8035 No Phone Number
8036 Unable to contact specified Internet Locator Server.
8037 Internet Locator Server error.
8038 Proceeding with the connection...
8039 Workstation is not registered with one or more of the ILS servers specified...continuing.
8040 Failed to negotiate a dial-up connection.
8041 Access Denied because the username and/or password is invalid on the domain.