Press F5 to redraw the screen. You can regenerate the display list by pressing SHIFT+F5.
Autodesk View Release 2.0 supports IntelliMouse wheel. With a drawing open, turn the wheel to pan up and down. Hold SHIFT and turn the wheel to pan left and right.
You can reuse measurements. Press CTRL+C to copy the measurement to the Windows Clipboard.
You can change Object Snap modes as you measure: click one of the buttons on the Snap toolbar to toggle it on or off. (If the toolbar isn't visible, right-click next to a current toolbar, and choose the toolbar name from the shortcut list.)
You can change the color of redlines and notes using controls available by clicking Tools>Options, then either Redline or Notes, under Markup at the left.
You can control the accuracy of ACIS objects using 3D-Solid controls available by clicking Tools>Options.
You can change the current font mapping by clicking Tools>Options. With DWG/DXF selected at the left, click Font Map. Then click Add, or with a current font mapping highlighted, click Delete or Edit. (Note: You'll also use Font Map to remap fonts as you load the drawing in Autodesk View if the program cannot find the font files listed in the drawing.)
You can control the view of your drawing as Autodesk View loads it. Click Tools>Options. With Load selected at the left, turn on either As Saved or Extents.
Autodesk View Release 2.0 supports realtime zoom and pan: the screen display changes as you move the cursor. With display lists enabled, click View>Zoom>Realtime or View>Pan. (To enable display lists, click Tools>Options. Select Display List, under CAD Viewing at the left, and turn on Enable.)
You can use geometric points on objects in an AutoCAD drawing to increase accuracy in measurements. At any point during a measure operation, toggle the appropriate tool from the Snap toolbar.
Right-click to see a shortcut menu of options available for the current file type, or activity, or location in the View interface.
You can access the Autodesk View online Help by pressing F1. Press SHIFT+F1 to get Help about the active or selected item.
If you need to alter the file you're viewing in Autodesk View: click File>Launch Editor to bring up the application associated with the current file type.
Use Tree View to browse your file system and preview or open files. To turn this feature on, click Window>Tree View.
Change the path or extension of redline files you create in Autodesk View: click Tools>Options, and select Redline, under Markup at the left.
You may want to set the size of redline text before you create the redline: click Redline>Text Height and draw a rectangle defining the size you want for a capital letter.
You can define a region of a drawing as a hyperlink to another document: when you double-click the region, the linked document opens in a new window. Click Redline>Add Link, draw the region, and then name the target file.
You can optimize View for displaying AutoCAD drawings by adjusting DWG/DXF settings available by clicking Tools>Options. Turn on Linetypes, Fill, or Width , or increase a value for Arc and Circle Smoothness.
If you experience memory problems while printing an AutoCAD drawing, try turning off display lists, using Tools>Options.
Install the AutoCAD redlining import tool to help you work with redlines in AutoCAD. Run the Autodesk View setup program to install this tool.