105 Copyright ⌐ 1995-1998 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
106 This work is protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. Its use is subject to the terms of the license agreement included in the package and agreed to during the installation process.
107 Portions of this product were created using LEADTOOLS ⌐1991-1998 LEAD Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
108 aview.mvb
110 Displays a Tip of the Day.
111 The shape file:
112 cannot be found.
113 The referenced font:
114 cannot be used by Autodesk View.
115 Portions Copyright ⌐1992-1995 Inso Corporation, Chicago, Il., All rights reserved.
116 converting_to_dwgdxf_format
117 compare_revisions_of_drawings
118 file_printsetup_s
119 using_the_help_search_feature_help
120 close_all_topic
121 Contents
122 Contents
123 show_hide_layers
124 choose_named_view_acad
125 show_hide_blocks
126 show_hide_xrefs
127 setting_dwgdxf_options_acad
128 setting_hpgl_options
129 setting_redline_options
130 options_notes_s
131 options_links_s
132 compare_revisions_of_drawings
133 setting_layer_properties_for_compare
134 file_printsetup_s
135 setting_print_colors
136 setting_page_layout
137 using_note_cards
138 set_display_list_options
139 setting_screen_options
140 change_direction_of_view_acad
141 converting_to_dwgdxf_format
142 dwg_unitsoptions
143 dwg_loadoptions
144 setting_document_manager_options
145 setting_text_data_options
146 edit_copytoclipboard_s
147 edit_delete_s
148 view_zoomin_s
149 zoom_acad
150 view_zoomout_s
151 zoom_extents_acad
152 zoom_plot_limits_acad
153 show_previous_view_acad
154 redraw_acad
155 panning_acad
156 change_direction_of_view_acad
157 choose_named_view_acad
158 viewing_model_paper_space_acad
159 switching_plan_view_acad
160 view_drawing_last_saved_acad
161 show_hide_layers
162 show_hide_blocks
163 show_hide_xrefs
164 redline_line_s
165 redline_circle_s
166 redline_rectangle_s
167 redline_cloud_s
168 redline_callout_s
169 adding_graphic_text
170 redline_textheight_s
171 file_redlineopen_s
172 file_redlinenew
173 file_redlinesave
174 managing_redline_files
175 redline_sketch_s
176 file_redlinecheckin_s
177 using_note_cards
178 setting_hpgl_options
179 setting_redline_options
180 options_notes_s
181 Apply unsaved changes?
182 setting_screen_options
183 defining_links
184 measuring_a_drawing
185 tools_perimeter_s
186 tools_area_s
187 setting_document_manager_options
188 setting_dwgdxf_options_acad
189 set_display_list_options
190 customizing_variview_toolbars
191 copying_to_the_clipboard
192 forging_links
193 defining_links
194 activating_links
195 view_toolbar_pop
196 redline_toolbar_pop
197 drag_and_drop_pop
198 toolbar_popup_menu_pop
199 setting_clipboard_options
200 editing_redlines
201 adding_graphic_text
202 viewing_a_drawing
203 close_topic
204 printing_a_drawing
205 file_printpreview_s
206 edit_copy_s
207 edit_undo_s
208 new_window_topic
209 arrange_icons_topic
210 cascade_topic
211 tile_topic
212 N&ext Page
213 Previous Pa&ge
214 help_aboutcadviewer
215 file_exit_s
216 printer_setup_file_pop
217 printsetup_dlg
218 printing_a_drawing
219 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
220 Ti&p of the Day...
221 Did you know...
222 Tips file does not exist in the prescribed directory
223 Trouble reading the tips file
224 &Help
225 Toggles View toolbar
226 Toggles Zoom toolbar
227 Toggles Print toolbar
228 Toggles Edit toolbar
229 Toggles Redline toolbar
230 Toggles View3D toolbar
231 Toggles Display toolbar
232 Toggles Measure toolbar
233 Toggles Snap toolbar
234 Toggles Help toolbar
235 Toggles Tree View toolbar
236 Toggles Page toolbar
238 Cannot specify /model and /paper!
239 Autodesk View has not been installed properly. Please run UnInstall and then reinstall View.
240 ;43;.xls;xlsfile;Microsoft Excel
241 ;112;.xlc;xlcfile;Microsoft Excel Chart
242 ;12;.zip;zipfile;PKZip
243 ;37;.plt;pltfile;AutoCAD Plot PLT
244 ;86;.pgl;pglfile;AutoCAD Plot PGL
245 ;61;.hpg;hpgfile;AutoCAD Plot HPG
246 ;59;.hgl;hglfile;AutoCAD Plot HGL
247 ;35;.sld;sldfile;AutoCAD Slide
248 ;95;.rlc;rlcfile;Image Systems Hybrid RLC/RLC2
14579 cannot be opened. Please choose another application from the following open file dialog.
14580 is Autodesk View and it currently has the file open. Please choose another application from the following open file dialog.
14581 Applications(*.exe)|*.exe
14582 Select application
14583 You are viewing a drawing created with Autodesk Mechanical Desktop(AMD). Paper space views in drawings created with AMD versions earlier than 1.2 are not fully supported by Autodesk View.
14584 For more information, see your Autodesk View documentation.
14585 You are viewing a drawing created with Autodesk Mechanical Desktop(AMD). Paper space views in drawings created with AMD versions earlier than 1.2 are not fully supported by CAD Viewer.
14586 For more information, see your CAD Viewer documentation.
14587 R14 version drawing not supported, only thumbnail image will be displayed.
14588 R14 version drawing not supported.
14589 Snap Mode
14590 AutoSnap
14591 Object Snap
14592 Snap Options
14593 Criteria
14594 Aperture
14595 Create Redlines
14596 Measure Pspace
14597 Magnet
14598 Marker
14599 Marker Size
14600 Marker Color
14601 CAD Viewing
14602 General Viewing
14603 Markup
14604 Application Settings
14605 Import options settings from previous version of Autodesk View?
14606 Unable to open View configuration settings file.
14607 View configuration settings were successfully imported into the registry.
14608 Notify Options
14609 Warning: One or more unsupported HP-GL instructions encountered.
14610 NotifyHPGL
14611 DWF file was unable to be loaded.
14612 DWF file was unable to be completely loaded.
14613 Move mouse up to zoom in, down to zoom out.
14614 Press left mouse button to start zoom.
32769 Delete the selection\nDelete
32770 Activate Selected Item\nActivate
32771 Edit Selected Item\nEdit Item
32772 Zoom In\nZoom In
32773 Zoom Rectangle\nZoom Rectangle
32774 Zoom Out\nZoom Out
32775 Zoom Extents\nZoom Extents
32776 Zoom Limits
32777 Previous View\nPrevious
32778 Redraw current window\nRefresh
32779 Toggle Pan mode\nPan
32780 Set Custom View Direction\nCustom View Direction
32781 Display the Stored Views dialog box\nStored Views
32782 Toggle Paper Space View\nPaper/Model
32783 Switch to World Plan\nWorld Plan
32784 Change View to default drawing View\nAs Saved
32785 Display the Layers dialog box\nLayers
32786 Display the Blocks dialog box\nBlocks
32787 Display the External References dialog box\nXrefs
32788 Enter Add Line mode\nLine
32789 Enter Add Circle mode\nCircle
32790 Enter Add Rectangle mode\nRectangle
32791 Enter Add Cloud mode\nCloud
32792 Enter Add Callout mode\nCallout
32793 Enter Add Text mode\nText
32794 Enter Set Text Height mode\nText Height
32795 Open an existing redline file
32796 Create a new redline file
32797 Save the current redline file
32798 Save current redline with new filename
32799 Enter Add Sketch mode\nSketch
32800 Enter Add Note mode\nAdd Note
32801 Enter Add Link mode\nAdd Link
32802 Enter Measure Distance mode\nDistance
32803 Enter Measure Perimeter mode\nPerimeter
32804 Enter Measure Area mode\nArea
32807 Convert between DWG/DXF
32808 Compare DWG/DXF Files
32809 Print Options\nPrint Options
32810 Display the Options dialog
32811 Display the Tools Preferences tabbed dialog
32812 Toggle thumbnail View
32813 Close the active window
32814 Rotate the view 90 degrees
32815 Rotate the view 180 degrees
32816 Rotate the view 90 degrees counterclockwise
32817 Flip the image
32818 Mirror the image
32819 Constrain measurements to the X and Y directions. (Holding SHIFT also accomplishes this)
32820 Choose snap measurement criteria.
32821 Calibrate raster image for measurement
32822 Align raster image
32823 Invert the colors of the image
32824 View Next Page in Document\nNext Page
32825 Views Previous Page in Document\nPrevious Page
32826 Close all windows
32827 Toggle the Tree View Window on or off\nTree View
32831 Fit to Window
32832 Launch the Document Editor\nLaunch Editor
32833 Updates file in the Tree View
32834 Top View\nTop View
32835 Bottom View\nBottom View
32836 Left View\nLeft View
32837 Right View\nRight View
32838 South West Isometric View\nSW Isometric View
32839 South East Isometric View\nSE Isometric View
32840 North East Isometric View\nNE Isometric View
32841 North West Isometric View\nNW Isometric View
32842 Front View\nFront View
32843 Back View\nBack View
32844 Load the Autodesk View Homepage\nHome Page
32845 Displays File Properties
32846 Displays File Properties
32847 Save and checkin the current redline file
32848 Selection Mode\nSelection Mode
32850 Brings Tree View To Front\nBring To Front
32851 Zoom Realtime\nZoom Realtime
32853 Snaps to the closest endpoint of an arc or a line\nSnap to Endpoint
32854 Snaps to the midpoint of an arc or a line\nSnap to Midpoint
32855 Snaps to the intersection of a line, an arc or a circle\nSnap to Intersection
32856 Snaps to the center of an arc or a circle\nSnap to Center
32857 Snaps to a quadrant point of an arc or a circle\nSnap to Quadrant
32858 Snaps to the tangent of an arc or a circle\nSnap to Tangent
32859 Snaps to a point perpendicular to an arc, a line, or a circle\nSnap to Perpendicular
32860 Snaps to the insertion point of text, a block, a shape, or an attribute\nSnap to Insert
32861 Snaps to a point object\nSnap to Node
32862 Snaps to the nearest point of an arc, a circle, a line, or a point \nSnap to Nearest
32863 Send the document to a Folder\nSend To Folder
32866 Go to Page in Document\nGo To Page
32877 Displays and prints in black on white\nNo Color
32886 Create Redlines from Measure Tools\nCreate Redlines
32887 Toggles the Snap Magnet\nSnap Magnet
32888 Toggles the Snap Marker\nSnap Marker
32903 Zoom one image pixel to one screen pixel\nActual size
45002 Redline
45005 View
45018 Set HPGL viewing options
45019 Set raster file viewing options
45020 Set redline options
45021 Set Notes Options
45022 Set Links Options
45023 Customize screen colors
45024 Toggle Toolbar
45025 Set user preferences
45038 Set DWG/DXF viewing options
45039 Set display list options
45046 File
45047 Redline
45058 Searches for a Help topic
45062 Close all windows
45064 X:00000000.0000
45065 Y:00000000.0000
45067 Z:00000000.0000
57344 Autodesk View
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57348 Autodesk
57600 Create a new document
57601 Open an existing document\nOpen
57602 Close the active document\nClose
57603 Save the active document\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name
57605 Change the printing options\nPrint Options
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrinter Settings
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57609 Print Preview\nPrint Preview
57612 Send the document to a Mail Recipient\nSend To Mail Recipient
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection\nErase Selection
57633 Erase everything
57634 Copy the selection\nCopy Selection
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard
57636 Find the specified text
57637 Insert Clipboard contents
57638 Insert Clipboard contents and a link to its source
57639 Insert Clipboard contents with options
57640 Repeat the last action
57641 Replace specific text with different text
57642 Select the entire document
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action
57648 Open another window for the active document
57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window
57650 Arrange windows so they overlap
57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles
57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles
57653 Split the active window into panes
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents
57666 List Help topics\nHelp Topics
57668 Display instructions for how to use Help
57669 Context Help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows
57670 Display help for current task or command
57680 Switch to the next window pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane
57856 Insert new embedded object
57857 Edit linked objects
57872 Activate embedded or linked object
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents