15845 \n \n** Error: Name conflict between nested Xref %s\n and a normal block in the current drawing.
15846 \nWarning: Circular reference from %s to %s.\n
15847 \n** Error: Concatenating the dependent %s name\n%s with the drawing name %s\nwould exceed the maximum symbol table name length of %d characters.\n
15848 %s has not changed.\n
15849 Xref %s
15850 \nBreaking circular reference from %s to %s.\n
15851 current drawing
15852 xref
15853 xdef
15854 layer
15855 linetype
15856 text style
15857 dimension style
15858 \n\n Unresolved dependent symbol(s) in %s symbol table:\n
15859 \n ** Error: Unable to resolve %s %s
15860 \n %d unresolved dependent %s(s).
15861 error: "%s" reading drawing. Use drawing recovery before using XREF\n
15862 Select file to attach
15863 \nXref to overlay
15864 Select file to overlay
15865 Overlay
15866 \nXref %s has already been overlaid.\nUse XREF Reload to update its definition.
15867 \n Searching in %.*s search path\n
15868 \nWarning: If you are trying to attach the file: %s as an\nXref, it must be attached using the <block>=<filename> syntax.\n
15869 A block name can be letters, numbers, '$', '_', or, '-'
15870 \nCircular reference(s) have been found. Continue
15871 \n Searching PROJECTNAME "%s" search path\n
15872 %s has been restored.\n
15873 Can't find %s\n
15874 Circular references detected.\n\nContinue?
15875 Merging %s
15876 \nError: "%s" is not a valid file name.\n
16001 Out of memory
16002 Out of disk space
16003 Disk I/O error
16004 Corruption/Assertion failure
16005 Uknown error type
16006 Unrecoverable Pager error
16007 Pager Error:
16008 \n\n%s -- Pager disabled\n\n
16009 %s\nUnable to create paging files %s0 and\n%s1
16010 \nObject paging disabled\n
16011 Leakage in %s:\n
16012 Leakage in %s\n
16013 Heap error\n%s
16014 %s\nPager disabled
16015 Unable to create pagin file %.40s0\nObject paging disabled
16016 Leakage in %s: %d leaks, %d bytes\n
16021 DXF read error
16022 Invalid character in %d group
16023 Invalid database handle %s
16024 %d group not followed by %d group
16025 %d group not followed by %d group
16026 Invalid group code %d
16027 No database handle specified for object
16028 Specified handle already in use
16029 \nSome entity groups left unread
16030 \nDXF read error
16031 Warning, duplicate handle found: %s\n
16032 Invalid database handle %s
16033 DXF read error
16034 \nUnknown object type %s ignored
16035 Cannot create entity %s
16036 \nSome entity groups left unread
16037 \nUnknown object type %s ignored
16038 Cannot create object %s
16039 Handle missing
16040 Cannot add object to the database
16041 The first object in the objects section must be a dictionary
16042 Cannot create the named objects dictionary
16043 Invalid character in %d group
16044 Non-entity:%s not allowed in the ENTITIES section
16045 Could not append %s to the database
16046 Expected BLOCK, found %s
16047 Entities not allowed in %s block definition
16048 Entities not allowed in %s block definition
16049 Expected 0 %s or 0 ENTAB, recieved 0 %s
16050 Expected dxf code 0, recieved %d
16051 Standard Linetype can not contain dashes
16052 \nSkipping linetype %s. Next linetype will become the standard
16053 \nSkipping linetype %s. Next linetype will become the standard
16054 Skipping duplicate definition of %s in %s Table
16055 Expected TABLE, recieved %s
16056 Expected dxf code 0, recieved %d
16057 Expected dxf code %d, recieved %d
16058 Skipping unknown Table:%s
16059 Bad or incomplete class definition in CLASS section
16060 Bad handle %s: already in use
16061 \nError in %s Table
16062 \nToo much information found in CLASS section
16063 MODEL_SPACE was not defined in BLOCKS section
16064 PAPER_SPACE was not defined in BLOCKS section
16065 Could not set the GroupTable dictionary
16066 Could not set the MLineStyleTable dictionary
16067 Skipping duplicate definition of %s in %s Table
16071 \nCannot break a closed, periodic curve at only one point.
16072 \nCurve must intersect cutting edges at least twice.
16073 \nNo intersections in the interior of the curve.
16074 \nCannot explode %s
16075 \nCannot TRIM this object.
16076 \nCannot EXTEND this object.
16077 \nConverting old drawing.\n
16078 No description
16079 Normal template file (English standard)
16080 Normal template file (Metric standard)
16081 ANSI A (landscape) title block and border
16082 ANSI B title block and border
16083 ANSI C title block and border
16084 ANSI D title block and border
16085 ANSI E title block and border
16086 ANSI A (portrait) title block and border
16087 DIN A0 title block and border
16088 DIN A1 title block and border
16089 DIN A2 title block and border
16090 DIN A3 title block and border
16091 DIN A4 title block and border
16092 ISO A0 title block and border
16093 ISO A1 title block and border
16094 ISO A2 title block and border
16095 ISO A3 title block and border
16096 ISO A4 title block and border
16097 JIS A0 title block and border
16098 JIS A1 title block and border
16099 JIS A2 title block and border
16100 JIS A3 title block and border
16101 JIS A4 (landscape) title block and border
16102 JIS A4 (portrait) title block and border
16103 Architectural 24" x 36" title block and border
16104 Generic 24" x 36" title block and border
16105 \nWarning: Drawing contains Xrefs which must also be saved as R13/R12.\n
16106 \nExploding this polyline has lost width information.\nThe UNDO command will restore it.\n
16107 \nCannot undo operations on custom object when it's in proxy state.
16111 Drawing header invalid: please stand by; recovery will take some time.\n
16112 Drawing header reconstructed successfully.\n Note: many SETVAR settings have been reset to defaults.\n\n
16113 Unable to reconstruct drawing header.\n
16114 Read error on item %d.\n
16115 CRC error on item %d.\n
16116 Replacement item %d named %s generated by recovery.\n
16117 %d errors in %s.\n
16118 lost block "%s"
16119 No objects found.\n
16120 Error in object: %s
16121 Next object found after skipping %ld bytes.\n
16122 Next object could not be found. Block definition truncated\n after the last valid object. Approximately %ld bytes were\n discarded to the end of the definition section.\n
16123 Improper Block Start.\n
16124 Unterminated Block definition.\n
16125 lost block %d
16126 %d errors found in block %s.\n
16127 No objects found in paper or model space.\n
16128 %s found in object file
16129 Error in object: %s
16130 Error is in change subfile. Resuming scan in main object stream.\n
16131 Next object found after skipping %ld bytes.\n
16132 Next object could not be found. Database truncated\n after the last valid object. Approximately %ld bytes were\n discarded at the end of the database.\n
16133 Recovery of objects terminated due to too many objects\n
16134 Objects recovered: %d spans deleted due to errors,\n
16135 totaling %ld bytes, or %d%% of the %ld byte entity section.\n
16136 Invalid or duplicate handle value %s changed to %s.\n
16173 Missing Default entry %s in SymbolTable:%s\n
16174 File lacks the NamedObject dictionary\n
16175 NamedObject dictionary entry was not an AcDbDictionary
16176 GroupTable dictionary was not defined in NamedObject dictionary\n
16177 MLineStyle dictionary was not defined in NamedObject dictionary\n
16178 Saving: %s
16179 Opening: %s
16180 \nConverting old drawing.\n
16182 The NLS files required to convert the text entities and symbol table\nnames in your drawing from code page %s to ANSI_%d\ncannot be found or are not installed in your system.\n%.*s can try to convert text entities and symbol table names\nusing the default system code page; however, this might result in a\nloss of information.\n\n To install the missing NLS files, double-click the Regional Settings\nicon in the Windows Control Panel.\n\nDo you want to continue?
16183 Updating Indexes for block %s\n
16184 Done.\n
16185 \n** Inconsistent Block links fixed in %s\n
16186 ** Drawing needs recovery.\n
16187 \n** Duplicate handle(s) ignored.\n
16188 A vertex was added to a 2D pline which had only one vertex.\n
16189 Two vertices were added to a 2D pline which had no vertices.\n
16190 A vertex was added to a 3D pline which had only one vertex.\n
16191 Two vertices were added to a 3D pline which had no vertices.\n
16192 A registered application %s was added to preserve orphaned entity xdata.\n
16211 \nHATCHCONVERT. Processed %d
16212 entity.\n
16213 entities.\n
16214 %14sUpgraded %d
16215 hatch\n
16216 hatches\n
16217 %14sFailed to upgrade %d
16218 %14sHATCHCONVERT terminated prematurely.
16219 Cannot convert this hatch. Because it is not associative there is no way to reconstruct its original boundary. This boundary is required by the new hatch entity.\n
16220 Extended entity data from old style hatch entity is being transferred to new hatch entity.\n
16221 \nAll, Select
16222 All Select
16223 All
16224 Select
16225 \n%d hatch %s converted.
16226 object
16227 objects
16228 \nHatch convert terminated prematurely.
16229 \nFailed to upgrade %d hatch %s.
16230 \n\nWARNING. Associative hatch data exceeded 16kb.\nHatch %s will loose associativity in R13 DWG.\n
16231 \n\nWARNING. Round-trip hatch data exceeded 16kb.\nHatch %s will not be automatically upgraded to R14 format if R12/13 DWG opened in R14.\n
16232 \nFailures due to hatch boundaries on locked or frozen layers: %d
16241 %17sHatch pattern %s \n
16242 %17sHatch scale %9.16q1\n
16243 %17sHatch angle %6.20q2\n
16244 %17sAssociative\n
16245 %17sNot associative\n
16246 \nHatch boundary associativity removed.
16247 \nError: expected group code %d
16248 \nLocked or Off layer detected. Associative hatch(s) not updated.\n
16249 \nAssociatve hatch entity on locked or frozen layer. No update performed.\n
16250 \nBoundary entity on locked or frozen layer. Associative hatch not updated.\n
16251 \n\nWARNING. Round-trip hatch data exceeded 16kb.\nHatch %s will not be automatically upgraded to R14 format if R12/13 DWG opened in R14.\n
16252 \nError: degenerate hatch vertex data
16253 %17sHatch spacing for user pattern %9.16q0\n
16261 dummy
16262 inch
16263 sq
16271 Duplicate definition of block %s %s ignored.\n
16272 (external dependent)
16273 (external reference)
16274 \n Nested Xref %s converted to standard Block.\n
16275 Block %s references itself\n
16301 Cannot write to undo file (probably disk full)
16361 Invalid symbol table name:%s, was expecting %s
16362 Invalid symbol table record name:%s
16363 Invalid symbol table flag:%d
16364 Undefined line type %s
16365 Invalid symbol table record name:%s
16366 Invalid textstyle name for shapeFile:%s
16367 Invalid symbol table record name:%s
16368 Invalid symbol table flag:%d
16369 Excessive item count %d
16370 Too many Linetype elements
16371 Insufficent number of Linetype elements:%d, expected:%d
16372 Invalid symbol table record name:%s
16373 Invalid Paper space view specification
16374 Invalid symbol table record name:%s
16375 Invalid UCS symbol table entry.
16376 Invalid symbol table record name:%s
16377 Invalid symbol table record name:%s
16378 Invalid symbol table record name:%s
16379 Warning: current drawing layer is frozen.
16380 Bad string:%s for DXF code %d
16381 Error: Block %s was not defined
16382 Did not receive %s name
16383 Did not receive %s flags
16384 Error: Undefined line type %s in LayerTableRecord %s
16385 Dimstyle %s has a bad text style reference
16386 Complex linetype data must start with group code %d: shape flag
16387 Missing group code %d in complex linetype
16388 Dash count must preceed dash elements
16389 Invalid linetype shape flags
16390 Invalid color index:%d
16411 %19sDXF name: %s\n
16412 %19sClass name: %s\n
16413 %19sApplication name: %s\n
16414 Proxy metafile contains bounding box. Not exploded\n
16415 Proxy object(s) created.\n
16416 Class Id %ld for ACAD_PROXY_OBJECT invalid. Skipping.\n
16417 Class Id %ld for ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY invalid. Skipping.\n
17301 Default constructor for AcDbImpModelerCurve called
17302 \nNon-coplanar curves. No fillet computed.\n
17303 Circumference:
17304 Length:
17305 Area:
17306 \nCannot offset non-planar objects.
17307 \nInvalid through point.
17351 X = %-9.16q0, Y = %-9.16q0, Z = %-9.16q0\n
17352 Bounding Box:
17353 Lower Bound
17354 X = %-9.16q0, Y = %-9.16q0, Z = %-9.16q0\n
17355 Upper Bound
17356 \nUnable to extrude the object with taper angle.
17401 Cannot open a temporary file
17402 Cannot write to a temporary file
17403 Cannot restore object from ACIS representation
17404 No ACIS body was read
17405 Single ACIS body required but %d ACIS entities were read
17406 Object read was not an ACIS body
17407 ELLIPSE center not specified
17408 ELLIPSE major axis not specified
17409 ELLIPSE radius ratio not specified
17410 Bad ellipse definition data
17411 Spline degree must be greater than zero
17412 Spline degree not supplied
17413 Bad fit spline data
17414 No knots provided
17415 Number of weights must be the same as number of control points
17416 Bad spline data
17417 Neither control points nor fit points supplied
17431 \nThis selection for an edge is invalid.\n
17432 Next Ok
17433 \nNext/<OK>:
17434 \nGetting all adjacent faces failed.\n
17435 \nMore than two adjacent faces not handled in chamfer.\n
17441 \nUnable to load the Modeler DLLs.
17442 \nUnable to get the address of a DLL function.
17443 \nLoading Modeler DLLs.\n
17444 Loading Modeler DLLs.
17445 This version of DWG Unplugged does not support ACIS.
17451 \nUnable to create ellipse.
17452 \nUnable to create wire.
17453 \nIgnoring zero length major axis.\n
17454 \nIgnoring intersecting a curve with itself.
17455 \nIgnoring zero length minor axis.\n
17456 \nDirection of minor axis not defined, ignoring it.\n
17457 \nCurve offset failed.\n
17458 \nDegenerate case for ellipse projection.\n
17459 \nSpline data attribute not found.
17460 \nUnable to fillet curves.\n
17461 \nUnable to create spline from control points.
17462 \nUnable to create cubic spline.\n
17463 \nSpline curve creation failed.\n
17464 \nUnable to close spline.\n
17471 \nError computing circle tangent to curves.
17472 \nTangent not found from point to curve.
17473 \nError computing bitangent.
17474 \nNo convergence while computing bitangent.
18001 Runtime Extension '%s' is already loaded.
18002 AcRxDynamicLinker failed to load '%s'\n%s
18003 Runtime Extension '%s' is already loaded.
18004 Runtime Extension Program '%s'\ndoesn't define function %s\n
18005 Attempt to initialize unloaded file '%s'.
18006 Duplicated Service Name: %s
18007 Arx Application Error:\nAcRxDLinkerReactor instances were still\nregistered when the program ended.
18008 Arx Dynamic Linker Failure for Symbol %s\n%s
18009 No entry for %s was found.\n
18010 %s isn't configured to load this way.\n
18011 ACAD.RX Error: Unable to find file "%s"\n
18012 Application '%s' can't be unloaded because of referenced objects \nby ActiveX Automation applications.
18021 Error code 0x%08x %d\n
18022 Error code (0x%lx) %s\n
18023 Error code 0x%08x %d\n
18024 \n%s is incompatible with this version of %.*s.\n
18025 %s not found in %s\n
18026 \n%s is an invalid ARX file.\n
18027 \n%s cannot find a procedure that it needs.\n
18028 \n%s cannot find a dll or other file that it needs.\n
18361 Millimeter
18362 Centimeter
18363 Meter
18364 Kilometer
18365 Inch
18366 Foot
18367 Yard
18368 Mile
18369 Other
18370 Failed to merge ISM image dictionaries!
18371 Your system may not have enough temporary storage\nspace to load the image file you have selected.\nTo load %s\nyou must increase the space available on drive %c.\n\n Space available: %ld KB\n Space needed: %ld KB
18401 Out of RAM
18402 . Swap partition may be too small.
18403 Can't open working file %s
18404 Error during meta character expansion.
18405 No file prefix permitted
18406 Wrong file type
18407 \n** Drawing %s not found.\n Used file %s.\n
18408 Can't open file
18409 Inappropriate device
18410 Invalid file name
18411 "%s"%sCan't open file\n
18412 in %s (current directory)\n
18413 or %s\n
18414 Invalid circle radius (%.18q0) defaulted to %.18q0.\n
18415 Invalid arc radius (%.18q0) defaulted to %.18q0.\n
18421 Closing %s\n
18422 No file defined\n
18423 Open Files (excludes ADS, ARX and Lisp files) Size Modes\n
18441 File I/O
18442 Network I/O
18443 File not found
18444 Path not found
18445 Invalid filename
18446 Invalid path
18447 Write protect
18448 Access denied
18449 File exists
18450 File locked
18451 Memory
18452 Insufficient memory
18453 Invalid environment
18454 Device not ready
18455 Unknown command
18456 Interrupted system call
18457 Invalid device
18458 Internal
18459 Device space
18460 Disk quota
18461 Too many open files
18462 Invalid drive specification
18463 Exceeded FCB limit
18464 Full directory
18465 Drive not ready
18466 Share violation
18467 Hardware lock
18468 No process
18469 General process
18470 Exec
18471 Link
18472 Pipe
18473 Socket
18474 User failed in response to
18475 Network lock
18476 File (or directory) not found
18481 To access files in a read-only directory\nyou must configure a temporary file location other than DRAWING .
18482 Can't open file %s
18483 Can't open working file %s
18567 Invalid file name.
18573 Codepage conversion failed with unexpected error: %d.\n
18574 Codepage conversion failed with %s.\n
18601 Can't run two instances on Win32s
18602 %s Release %s\nBuild %s using %s\n%s %s
18603 No ACIS
18604 ACIS LT
18605 ACIS
18611 Solid User
18612 Normal Outermost Ignore
18621 Internal Error: Out of memory\n
18622 Invalid type in ads_buildlist() arg #%d\n
18630 IMAGE
18800 DXF read error
18801 DXF read error
18802 Section name is missing
18803 Error %d in drawing header
18804 Invalid HANDSEED specification: %s
18805 Invalid section name %s
18806 Undefined block %s\n
18807 Unknown header variable %s ignored
18808 Undefined GCODE %d in DXIHDR
18809 Syntax error or premature end of file
18810 Table start expected, not found
18811 Syntax error or premature end of file
18812 Unknown table %s ignored
18813 Incorrect group %d in table head
18814 Syntax error or premature end of file
18815 Table name missing
18816 Bad table entry type %s
18817 Syntax error or premature end of file
18818 Improper table entry name %s
18819 Improper text style name
18820 Improper table entry flags
18821 Undefined line type %s
18822 49 group without count before
18823 Too many 49 groups
18824 Excessive item count %d
18825 Unknown table group %d (CHP)
18826 Unknown group %d for table
18827 Table name missing
18828 Duplicate table name
18829 Table flags missing
18830 Duplicate table flags
18831 Omitted group %d
18832 Omitted group %d
18833 Omitted group %d
18834 Duplicate group %d
18835 Invalid UCS symbol table entry.
18836 Invalid Paper space view specification
18837 Warning: current drawing layer is frozen.\n
18838 Unloadable shape/text file
18839 Syntax error or premature end of file
18840 Incomplete block definition
18841 Incomplete complex object
18842 Invalid group code
18843 Block definitions can't be in ENTITIES section
18844 Block definitions may not be nested
18845 Block end without matching definition
18846 Incomplete complex object
18847 Syntax error or premature end of file
18848 Duplicate layer specification
18849 Improper layer name %s
18850 Improper linetype name %s
18851 Improper color number %d
18852 Handle specified twice
18853 Input database handles are ignored when $HANDLING is not set to ON.\n
18854 Invalid database handle %s
18855 Only block references and polylines may have attributes
18856 Invalid polyline attribute - %d
18857 Duplicate block name
18858 Duplicate block flags
18859 Invalid dimension style name %s
18860 Undefined shape %s
18861 A 0.0 INSERT scale factor was found and reset to 1.0.
18862 Unknown FTYPE %d in DXIENT
18863 Undefined group code %d for object
18864 Improper layer name 0
18865 No layer specification for this object.
18866 No database handle specified for object
18867 Bad item type %d in default set/DXIENT
18868 Required group %d not supplied
18869 Required group %d not supplied
18870 Duplicate specification of group %d
18871 Extrusion Direction Vector was 0 length. (0,0,1) will be used
18872 Extrusion Direction Vector was not unit length; it was rescaled
18873 Block name missing
18874 Block flags missing
18875 Invalid anonymous block %s
18876 Duplicate definition of block %s
18877 Vertex can appear only in a Polyline
18878 Attributes cannot follow object without 66 group
18879 POLYLINE requires a 66 group
18880 A polyline must have at least 2 vertices.
18881 3DLINE object was converted to a LINE.
18882 Warning, duplicate handle found: %s\n
18883 Invalid application name in %d group
18884 Syntax error or premature end of file
18885 Too much extended object data - ignored\n
18886 Unrecognized control type
18887 Invalid application name in %d group
18888 Invalid layer name in %d group
18889 Invalid character in %d group
18890 Invalid handle found %s\n
18891 Unrecognized field type
18892 Invalid block name %s
18893 binary data chunk length > %d was ignored.
18894 string > %d chars; excess ignored.
18895 at byte address %ld.
18896 on line %ld.\n
18897 byte address %ld.
18898 line %ld.\n
18899 Improper nesting in application data.
18900 Object has mixed groups from current release and version 9...\nObject fixup assumed current release for object prior to
18903 Unknown code page %s ignored
18904 Specified handle %s already in use
18905 Skipping BlockDef for:%s\n
18906 The NLS files required to convert the text entities and symbol table\n names in your DXF file from code page %s to %s\n cannot be found or are not installed in your system.\n %s can try to convert text entities and symbol table names\n using the default system code page; however, this might result in a\n loss of information.\n\n To install the missing NLS files, double-click the Regional Settings\n icon in the Windows Control Panel.\n\n Do you want to continue?
18907 Unknown value %s encountered in drawing version.\n