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- Notyet
- An MVP Software shareware release
- Copyright 1996-1997 Grog Productions
- Version 1.0
- All Rights Reserved
- This game is shareware. You may freely try it. If you like it
- or find it useful, then you must register with MVP Software. To
- "register" a shareware game means to purchase it directly from
- the developer. (Shareware games are evaluation versions only,
- which means you have the right to try them, but after trying them
- you must either register them with the author or delete them from
- your system. It is unlikely that anyone will check up on you, so
- shareware works because of the honesty of users.) When you
- register you will receive Notyet registered version, which
- includes all of the following additional features:
- * Play all 17 worlds
- * Hidden worlds
- * New powerups and play features
- * Cool stuff like teleporters, mood rings, black hole
- generators, and lots more
- * Unlimited play in freestyle mode
- * Neato hint book and strategy guide by the authors
- * Cheat codes
- To order, call MVP's 24-hour order hotline at 800-968-9684 or
- 616-831-7985. Please have your Master Card or Visa ready when
- you call. Or fill out the order form in this manual and fax it
- to 616-831-7982. Make sure your credit card number and
- expiration date are legible. Or if you prefer mail the order
- form and your check to:
- MVP Software, P.O. Box 888281, Grand Rapids, MI 49588.
- The price is $19.95 plus shipping. Shipping is $4.00 in the US,
- $5.00 to Canada, and $6.00 to everywhere else. Michigan
- residents please add $1.44 sales tax.
- How to Register Online and Receive Notyet Immediately!
- MVP is pleased that Notyet can now be registered online, with
- immediate download of the registered version. This service is
- available to anyone who has access to the World Wide Web and has
- a Master Card, Visa or American Express card. To register Notyet
- online, set your web browser to:
- http://www.mvpsoft.com
- Once you are connected, go to the Station Exchange. There you
- may purchase Notyet and download it immediately. While you are
- there check out the other specials in the Station Exchange, as
- well as download any other MVP shareware game you want from our
- Web Site.
- Download All the Latest MVP Shareware Games FREE
- If your favorite BBS doesn't have an MVP file section, then you
- may be missing some great shareware. To get all the latest and
- greatest MVP shareware releases, call one of the leading boards
- listed below, and check out the FREE MVP file area.
- In Grand Rapids, Michigan -- Ryan's Bar (616) 456-1845
- In Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- Exec-PC (414) 789-4360
- In New York, New York -- The Invention Factory (212) 274-8110
- In Boston, Massachusetts -- Channel 1 (617) 354-3230
- In Kansas City, Missouri -- Sound Advice (816) 436-8029
- In Palo Alto, California -- Space BBS (415) 323-4193
- In Reston, Virginia -- World Data Network (703) 620-8900
- MVP is Now on CompuServe!
- You can get all of the latest MVP shareware releases, and discuss
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- That's right, you get the CompuServe Information Manager software
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- To take advantage of this free trial membership to the largest
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- And then GO MVPSOFT and talk to the MVP team on CompuServe.
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- http://www.mvpsoft.com
- While there, you can see descriptions of all our releases,
- download the shareware versions with a click of your mouse
- button, and check out full color screen shots for all of our
- games. Be sure to leave feedback telling us how you like our
- page!
- If you prefer using direct ftp to get our files, you can find
- them at the following site:
- ftp.mvpsoft.com
- Ordering Information
- Notyet is available from the following authorized distributors:
- In the United States:
- --------------------
- MVP Software
- P.O. Box 888281
- Grand Rapids, MI 49588-8281
- phone: 800-968-9684 or 616-931-7985, 24-hour order line only
- (616) 831-7981 information, technical support, or orders.
- fax: (616) 831-7982
- order price: $19.95 plus $4.00 shipping in the US, $5.00
- shipping to Canada, $6.00 shipping everywhere else. Michigan
- residents please add $1.44 sales tax.
- In the United Kingdom:
- ---------------------
- Atlantic Coast Plc.
- Station Rd.
- Colyton, Devon, EX13 6HA
- phone: 1297 552222 Fax: 1297 553366
- order price: L20 (includes shipping and taxes)
- Dealers please enquire.
- In Denmark and all of Scandanavia:
- ---------------------------------
- Pro-Soft
- Benloese Skel 4 G
- DK 4100 Ringsted
- phone: 53 61 90 42 Fax: 53 61 93 91
- order price: 145,00 kr. + VAT 25% + s/h 25,00
- In Japan:
- --------
- P. & A. Company Ltd
- 1-3-6-2 Kamisunacho
- Tachikawa, Tokyo 190
- phone: 0425-35-9901 fax: 0425-35-9902
- order price: 3015 yen includes shipping and taxes
- The Netherlands and Belgium
- ---------------------------
- CSD -- Computer Solutions Dorth
- Postbus 59
- NL-7213 ZH Gorssel
- phone: +31.575.494.545 Fax: +31.575.491.222
- order price: fl. 50,00 (includes VAT and shipping)
- Notyet Order Form
- Name ____________________________________________________________
- Address _________________________________________________________
- City _______________________________ State ______ ZIP ___________
- Country (if outside USA) ________________________________________
- Price of Notyet $19.95
- Shipping and Handling (US) 4.00
- Shipping and Handling (Canada) 5.00
- Shipping and Handling (all other countries) 6.00
- Michigan residents add sales tax 1.44
- -----
- Make check payable to "MVP Software" Total enclosed: $
- Master Card/Visa information (credit card orders only)
- (Please note that we accept Master Card and Visa only.)
- Card number __________________________________________
- Expiration date ______________________________________
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Where did you get Notyet shareware version? (please circle one)
- Friend CompuServe AOL MSN ZDNet Channel 1 Exec-PC
- Invention Factory World Data Network Ryan's Bar Space BBS
- Sound Advice MVP's Web Page disk distributor CD-ROM
- other ______________________________________________________
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Send this order form and your check to:
- MVP Software, P.O. Box 888281, Grand Rapids, MI 49588-8281.
- Checks must be in US funds and drawn on a US or Canadian bank.
- US or Canada 24-hour order line: 800-968-9684.
- Overseas 24-hour order line: 616-831-7985
- Fax: 616-831-7982.
- Tech support and information: 616-831-7981.
- What is Notyet?
- ---------------
- Notyet is a unique arcade game in which the player's goal is to
- clear successive screens of trigrams (those colored symbols com-
- posed of broken and solid lines) without running out of energy.
- How to Play
- -----------
- To start click on the Notyet icon from Windows or from DOS type
- GROG, and press ENTER.
- Navigating the menus
- --------------------
- At the bottom of each menu screen there are several keys. When
- one is lit you may use it. Hitting darkened ones has no effect.
- The Keys
- --------
- Esc - Takes you away from your current menu option.
- Spacebar or Enter - Selects the highlighted options.
- Arrows - Up and down scroll through the menu options. Certain
- options (sound volume, music volume, world selection) allow you
- to use the left and right arrow keys to change these features.
- Main menu
- ---------
- Play game - Begins the game. If you have not selected a specific
- world or freestyle mode, you will begin a normal game at LAKE.
- Tutorial - A trip through the instructions followed by a special
- round of Notyet to help you learn the game.
- Instructions - The rules of Notyet. Press any key to jump from
- page to page.
- Ordering Info - How to get the registered version of Notyet.
- Options - goes to the options menu (described below).
- Quit - We'd rather you didn't, but we do understand that there is
- a world outside of games.
- Options menu
- ------------
- Control options - Selecting this option will send you to a screen
- and ask you to press the key you want to represent the currently
- listed function. For example, if you want 'F' to fire hit 'F' at
- the "Fire" prompt. If you hit [Esc] at any point on this screen,
- you will return to the options menu and all game controls will
- revert to the defaults.
- Sound options - Allows you to change the volume of both the sound
- effects and music or to re-configure your sound card (detailed
- below).
- View high scores - Displays the top ten scorers. Hit any key to
- return to the options menu.
- Reset high scores - Resets the high scores to our own preset
- values.
- Gameplay options - Difficulty and world selection options.
- Sound Options
- -------------
- Sound volume - Left to right, quietest to loudest.
- Music volume - Same as above.
- Change sound card settings - If you can hear both sound and
- music, don't select this. If you do, you'll have three screens
- of technical stuff where you select the Port, DMA and IRQ
- settings. In all three cases, you have an autodetect option. If
- you feel the need to change the settings, check your specific
- sound card users manual.
- If everything works you'll be asked if you want to save settings.
- (Hit "Y" or "N").
- Gameplay options
- ----------------
- Difficulty level - Easiest to hardest: Left to right. The higher
- the difficulty, the more black holes you face and the faster they
- swallow pieces.
- World selection
- ---------------
- NORMAL GAME - The default setting. Starting with LAKE, a trip
- through the worlds with bonus rounds after every five rounds.
- FREESTYLE - What the name implies. You won't have any of the
- really freakish special effects we've incorporated into some of
- the later worlds but expect variety. Every six rounds (five plus
- the bonus), you'll have a new mix of graphics, sound, black hole
- behavior and play features.
- SPECIFIC (i.e. named) WORLDS - Ten rounds of any world you've
- encountered in normal play. There are no bonus rounds, but if
- you survive all ten, you'll have the option of entering normal
- play with all of your remaining energy plus starting energy.
- Playing Notyet
- --------------
- Game goal - Clear successive screens of trigrams (those colored
- symbols composed of broken and solid lines) without running out
- of energy.
- Trigrams can be Removed Three Ways
- ----------------------------------
- 1. Matching identical, unfrozen pieces in concentric streams.
- This is the only way to gain energy during regular play.
- 2. Falling into a black hole. This happens after several seconds
- of being caught by one. Stuck trigrams lose all color then
- flash. NOTE: A trigram that would otherwise match a stuck
- trigram will be frozen in place and eventually sucked in as well.
- 3. Destroyed by trying to jump one track inward or outward when
- there's no room, or being shot when stuck in a black hole.
- Energy (applicable everywhere but in bonus worlds)
- --------------------------------------------------
- Trigram matched: 4 units (8 for the pair) of energy gained.
- Trigram destroyed: (any way): 4 units of energy lost.
- Firing gun: 1 unit of energy lost.
- Player Controls
- ---------------
- [Space Bar] - Fires your gun at a minor energy cost. When hit,
- unfrozen trigrams try to jump one track outward. If there's no
- space, they explode.
- [Left Arrow/Rt Arrow] - Change the direction of your gun.
- [Enter] - Freezes gun movement.
- [Down Arrow] - Flips your gun 180 degrees instantly.
- [Up Arrow] - Warps you to the next level when enabled (i.e. the
- screen is free of duplicate trigrams). When you warp, frozen
- trigrams get sucked into black holes.
- [Alt] - Turns the kicker (the object circling the outer track) on
- and off. When on, it kicks trigrams (only) inward. The kicker
- uses no energy, but like bullets, will destroy trigrams stuck in
- black holes and those without a clear space to jump into.
- [Ctrl] - Changes the kicker's direction.
- [F1] - Help key.
- [F2] - Toggles music on/off.
- [F3] - Toggles sound effects on/off.
- [Esc] or [P] - Pauses the game. Press any key to unpause.
- Screen Features Found in all Normal Rounds
- ------------------------------------------
- Energy arrows - Shooting one changes the track direction. When
- moving uninterrupted, they gain energy and when filled with
- color, they create a trigram.
- Trigram to match (upper left hand corner) - Clearing the screen
- of all trigrams but this one yields a major bonus.
- The Sun (lower-left hand corner) - Represents player energy
- level. The brighter the sun, the more energy you have. When the
- sun is black, the game is over.
- Duplicates (right side of the screen) - A display of which
- trigrams have more than one representative in play. When all
- excess trigrams are removed, "WARP" appears on the left side of
- the screen as an extra reminder. At this point, players may warp
- (up-arrow) or continuing playing toward a bonus.
- Bonus Round Rules
- -----------------
- During these rounds, you cannot lose energy. The longer you last,
- the more energy you gain.
- You can't stop firing or kicking.
- Non-identical trigrams match and vanish.
- Filled arrows remove trigrams.
- You will automatically warp when enabled.
- Things Activated by Shooting
- ----------------------------
- Stop sign - [red octagons] One of these temporarily halts all
- activity in a given track. Shooting a stop sign with super
- bullets temporarily stops all tracks.
- Yin/yang - [one's drawn in the intro screen to Wind] Activating
- this has random consequences including teleporting, changing
- every piece in the track to its opposite, destroying pieces, or
- simply mutating those nearby. If shot while stuck in a black
- hole, it will destroy the hole. Yin/yangs can appear anywhere in
- the regular game except Lake world.
- Super-bullet activators - [a normal bullet surrounded by a red
- and yellow flashing circle] As long as the circle surrounding
- your gun flashes red and yellow, your bullets will destroy
- anything except all arrows. In the normal game, these are always
- found in levels with boulders. Shooting one of these stuck in
- black hole destroys the black hole. Super-bullets cost the same
- amount of energy as normal bullets.
- Bullet-mutators [small yin/yangs in red circles] - As long as the
- circle surrounding your gun flashes black and white your bullets,
- which will look like mini-yin/yangs will mutate any trigram into
- a different piece. Additionally, they will also mutate any
- special piece except boulders, track-bombs, and all arrows.
- Little arrows [it's in the name] - They will either speed up or
- slow down a track depending if they are facing the same direction
- as the large arrow. Shooting one changes it's direction.
- Track bombs [glowing red circles with black cross-pieces] - When
- activated it sends two fireballs around the track destroying
- everything in its path -- including black holes and all arrows.
- No new pieces can appear in a destroyed track and those shot into
- one falls to their destruction.
- Activated on Contact (all of these are fixed in place)
- ------------------------------------------------------
- Boulders [gray rock things] - Barriers and nothing more. Super
- bullets will destroy them.
- Piece morpher [spinning yin/yang surrounded by four multi-colored
- circles] - Changes the identity of whatever hits it except all
- arrows.