PC World Komputer 1998 November
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An MVP Software shareware release
Copyright 1996-1997 Grog Productions
Version 1.0
All Rights Reserved
This game is shareware. You may freely try it. If you like it
or find it useful, then you must register with MVP Software. To
"register" a shareware game means to purchase it directly from
the developer. (Shareware games are evaluation versions only,
which means you have the right to try them, but after trying them
you must either register them with the author or delete them from
your system. It is unlikely that anyone will check up on you, so
shareware works because of the honesty of users.) When you
register you will receive Notyet registered version, which
includes all of the following additional features:
* Play all 17 worlds
* Hidden worlds
* New powerups and play features
* Cool stuff like teleporters, mood rings, black hole
generators, and lots more
* Unlimited play in freestyle mode
* Neato hint book and strategy guide by the authors
* Cheat codes
To order, call MVP's 24-hour order hotline at 800-968-9684 or
616-831-7985. Please have your Master Card or Visa ready when
you call. Or fill out the order form in this manual and fax it
to 616-831-7982. Make sure your credit card number and
expiration date are legible. Or if you prefer mail the order
form and your check to:
MVP Software, P.O. Box 888281, Grand Rapids, MI 49588.
The price is $19.95 plus shipping. Shipping is $4.00 in the US,
$5.00 to Canada, and $6.00 to everywhere else. Michigan
residents please add $1.44 sales tax.
How to Register Online and Receive Notyet Immediately!
MVP is pleased that Notyet can now be registered online, with
immediate download of the registered version. This service is
available to anyone who has access to the World Wide Web and has
a Master Card, Visa or American Express card. To register Notyet
online, set your web browser to:
Once you are connected, go to the Station Exchange. There you
may purchase Notyet and download it immediately. While you are
there check out the other specials in the Station Exchange, as
well as download any other MVP shareware game you want from our
Web Site.
Download All the Latest MVP Shareware Games FREE
If your favorite BBS doesn't have an MVP file section, then you
may be missing some great shareware. To get all the latest and
greatest MVP shareware releases, call one of the leading boards
listed below, and check out the FREE MVP file area.
In Grand Rapids, Michigan -- Ryan's Bar (616) 456-1845
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- Exec-PC (414) 789-4360
In New York, New York -- The Invention Factory (212) 274-8110
In Boston, Massachusetts -- Channel 1 (617) 354-3230
In Kansas City, Missouri -- Sound Advice (816) 436-8029
In Palo Alto, California -- Space BBS (415) 323-4193
In Reston, Virginia -- World Data Network (703) 620-8900
MVP is Now on CompuServe!
You can get all of the latest MVP shareware releases, and discuss
MVP titles directly with the authors on MVP's new section on the
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membership, including software and online time worth almost $55!
That's right, you get the CompuServe Information Manager software
for DOS or Windows, which normally costs $29.95. Plus you get a
free first month of online access, worth $9.95. And to top it
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To take advantage of this free trial membership to the largest
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And then GO MVPSOFT and talk to the MVP team on CompuServe.
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You can get all of the latest MVP shareware releases, find out
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While there, you can see descriptions of all our releases,
download the shareware versions with a click of your mouse
button, and check out full color screen shots for all of our
games. Be sure to leave feedback telling us how you like our
If you prefer using direct ftp to get our files, you can find
them at the following site:
Ordering Information
Notyet is available from the following authorized distributors:
In the United States:
MVP Software
P.O. Box 888281
Grand Rapids, MI 49588-8281
phone: 800-968-9684 or 616-931-7985, 24-hour order line only
(616) 831-7981 information, technical support, or orders.
fax: (616) 831-7982
order price: $19.95 plus $4.00 shipping in the US, $5.00
shipping to Canada, $6.00 shipping everywhere else. Michigan
residents please add $1.44 sales tax.
In the United Kingdom:
Atlantic Coast Plc.
Station Rd.
Colyton, Devon, EX13 6HA
phone: 1297 552222 Fax: 1297 553366
order price: L20 (includes shipping and taxes)
Dealers please enquire.
In Denmark and all of Scandanavia:
Benloese Skel 4 G
DK 4100 Ringsted
phone: 53 61 90 42 Fax: 53 61 93 91
order price: 145,00 kr. + VAT 25% + s/h 25,00
In Japan:
P. & A. Company Ltd
1-3-6-2 Kamisunacho
Tachikawa, Tokyo 190
phone: 0425-35-9901 fax: 0425-35-9902
order price: 3015 yen includes shipping and taxes
The Netherlands and Belgium
CSD -- Computer Solutions Dorth
Postbus 59
NL-7213 ZH Gorssel
phone: +31.575.494.545 Fax: +31.575.491.222
order price: fl. 50,00 (includes VAT and shipping)
Notyet Order Form
Name ____________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
City _______________________________ State ______ ZIP ___________
Country (if outside USA) ________________________________________
Price of Notyet $19.95
Shipping and Handling (US) 4.00
Shipping and Handling (Canada) 5.00
Shipping and Handling (all other countries) 6.00
Michigan residents add sales tax 1.44
Make check payable to "MVP Software" Total enclosed: $
Master Card/Visa information (credit card orders only)
(Please note that we accept Master Card and Visa only.)
Card number __________________________________________
Expiration date ______________________________________
Where did you get Notyet shareware version? (please circle one)
Friend CompuServe AOL MSN ZDNet Channel 1 Exec-PC
Invention Factory World Data Network Ryan's Bar Space BBS
Sound Advice MVP's Web Page disk distributor CD-ROM
other ______________________________________________________
Send this order form and your check to:
MVP Software, P.O. Box 888281, Grand Rapids, MI 49588-8281.
Checks must be in US funds and drawn on a US or Canadian bank.
US or Canada 24-hour order line: 800-968-9684.
Overseas 24-hour order line: 616-831-7985
Fax: 616-831-7982.
Tech support and information: 616-831-7981.
What is Notyet?
Notyet is a unique arcade game in which the player's goal is to
clear successive screens of trigrams (those colored symbols com-
posed of broken and solid lines) without running out of energy.
How to Play
To start click on the Notyet icon from Windows or from DOS type
GROG, and press ENTER.
Navigating the menus
At the bottom of each menu screen there are several keys. When
one is lit you may use it. Hitting darkened ones has no effect.
The Keys
Esc - Takes you away from your current menu option.
Spacebar or Enter - Selects the highlighted options.
Arrows - Up and down scroll through the menu options. Certain
options (sound volume, music volume, world selection) allow you
to use the left and right arrow keys to change these features.
Main menu
Play game - Begins the game. If you have not selected a specific
world or freestyle mode, you will begin a normal game at LAKE.
Tutorial - A trip through the instructions followed by a special
round of Notyet to help you learn the game.
Instructions - The rules of Notyet. Press any key to jump from
page to page.
Ordering Info - How to get the registered version of Notyet.
Options - goes to the options menu (described below).
Quit - We'd rather you didn't, but we do understand that there is
a world outside of games.
Options menu
Control options - Selecting this option will send you to a screen
and ask you to press the key you want to represent the currently
listed function. For example, if you want 'F' to fire hit 'F' at
the "Fire" prompt. If you hit [Esc] at any point on this screen,
you will return to the options menu and all game controls will
revert to the defaults.
Sound options - Allows you to change the volume of both the sound
effects and music or to re-configure your sound card (detailed
View high scores - Displays the top ten scorers. Hit any key to
return to the options menu.
Reset high scores - Resets the high scores to our own preset
Gameplay options - Difficulty and world selection options.
Sound Options
Sound volume - Left to right, quietest to loudest.
Music volume - Same as above.
Change sound card settings - If you can hear both sound and
music, don't select this. If you do, you'll have three screens
of technical stuff where you select the Port, DMA and IRQ
settings. In all three cases, you have an autodetect option. If
you feel the need to change the settings, check your specific
sound card users manual.
If everything works you'll be asked if you want to save settings.
(Hit "Y" or "N").
Gameplay options
Difficulty level - Easiest to hardest: Left to right. The higher
the difficulty, the more black holes you face and the faster they
swallow pieces.
World selection
NORMAL GAME - The default setting. Starting with LAKE, a trip
through the worlds with bonus rounds after every five rounds.
FREESTYLE - What the name implies. You won't have any of the
really freakish special effects we've incorporated into some of
the later worlds but expect variety. Every six rounds (five plus
the bonus), you'll have a new mix of graphics, sound, black hole
behavior and play features.
SPECIFIC (i.e. named) WORLDS - Ten rounds of any world you've
encountered in normal play. There are no bonus rounds, but if
you survive all ten, you'll have the option of entering normal
play with all of your remaining energy plus starting energy.
Playing Notyet
Game goal - Clear successive screens of trigrams (those colored
symbols composed of broken and solid lines) without running out
of energy.
Trigrams can be Removed Three Ways
1. Matching identical, unfrozen pieces in concentric streams.
This is the only way to gain energy during regular play.
2. Falling into a black hole. This happens after several seconds
of being caught by one. Stuck trigrams lose all color then
flash. NOTE: A trigram that would otherwise match a stuck
trigram will be frozen in place and eventually sucked in as well.
3. Destroyed by trying to jump one track inward or outward when
there's no room, or being shot when stuck in a black hole.
Energy (applicable everywhere but in bonus worlds)
Trigram matched: 4 units (8 for the pair) of energy gained.
Trigram destroyed: (any way): 4 units of energy lost.
Firing gun: 1 unit of energy lost.
Player Controls
[Space Bar] - Fires your gun at a minor energy cost. When hit,
unfrozen trigrams try to jump one track outward. If there's no
space, they explode.
[Left Arrow/Rt Arrow] - Change the direction of your gun.
[Enter] - Freezes gun movement.
[Down Arrow] - Flips your gun 180 degrees instantly.
[Up Arrow] - Warps you to the next level when enabled (i.e. the
screen is free of duplicate trigrams). When you warp, frozen
trigrams get sucked into black holes.
[Alt] - Turns the kicker (the object circling the outer track) on
and off. When on, it kicks trigrams (only) inward. The kicker
uses no energy, but like bullets, will destroy trigrams stuck in
black holes and those without a clear space to jump into.
[Ctrl] - Changes the kicker's direction.
[F1] - Help key.
[F2] - Toggles music on/off.
[F3] - Toggles sound effects on/off.
[Esc] or [P] - Pauses the game. Press any key to unpause.
Screen Features Found in all Normal Rounds
Energy arrows - Shooting one changes the track direction. When
moving uninterrupted, they gain energy and when filled with
color, they create a trigram.
Trigram to match (upper left hand corner) - Clearing the screen
of all trigrams but this one yields a major bonus.
The Sun (lower-left hand corner) - Represents player energy
level. The brighter the sun, the more energy you have. When the
sun is black, the game is over.
Duplicates (right side of the screen) - A display of which
trigrams have more than one representative in play. When all
excess trigrams are removed, "WARP" appears on the left side of
the screen as an extra reminder. At this point, players may warp
(up-arrow) or continuing playing toward a bonus.
Bonus Round Rules
During these rounds, you cannot lose energy. The longer you last,
the more energy you gain.
You can't stop firing or kicking.
Non-identical trigrams match and vanish.
Filled arrows remove trigrams.
You will automatically warp when enabled.
Things Activated by Shooting
Stop sign - [red octagons] One of these temporarily halts all
activity in a given track. Shooting a stop sign with super
bullets temporarily stops all tracks.
Yin/yang - [one's drawn in the intro screen to Wind] Activating
this has random consequences including teleporting, changing
every piece in the track to its opposite, destroying pieces, or
simply mutating those nearby. If shot while stuck in a black
hole, it will destroy the hole. Yin/yangs can appear anywhere in
the regular game except Lake world.
Super-bullet activators - [a normal bullet surrounded by a red
and yellow flashing circle] As long as the circle surrounding
your gun flashes red and yellow, your bullets will destroy
anything except all arrows. In the normal game, these are always
found in levels with boulders. Shooting one of these stuck in
black hole destroys the black hole. Super-bullets cost the same
amount of energy as normal bullets.
Bullet-mutators [small yin/yangs in red circles] - As long as the
circle surrounding your gun flashes black and white your bullets,
which will look like mini-yin/yangs will mutate any trigram into
a different piece. Additionally, they will also mutate any
special piece except boulders, track-bombs, and all arrows.
Little arrows [it's in the name] - They will either speed up or
slow down a track depending if they are facing the same direction
as the large arrow. Shooting one changes it's direction.
Track bombs [glowing red circles with black cross-pieces] - When
activated it sends two fireballs around the track destroying
everything in its path -- including black holes and all arrows.
No new pieces can appear in a destroyed track and those shot into
one falls to their destruction.
Activated on Contact (all of these are fixed in place)
Boulders [gray rock things] - Barriers and nothing more. Super
bullets will destroy them.
Piece morpher [spinning yin/yang surrounded by four multi-colored
circles] - Changes the identity of whatever hits it except all