300 Please contact the network administrator immediately
301 Please refer to the user manual for further details
400 Sophos Anti-Virus
401 InterCheck for Windows 95/98 version %1
402 Version %1
416 InterCheck is now active.
417 InterCheck has been disabled.
420 InterCheck Installation.
421 Your PC will now be swept for viruses.\nThis may take a few minutes.
422 InterCheck has been updated.
423 Your PC will now be swept for new viruses.\nThis may take a few minutes.\nPlease note that this only occurs when you update\nInterCheck. The next time InterCheck is activated it will\nonly check the critical portions of the PC and will load\nwith a minimal delay.
425 The new version uses an incompatible checksum file format.\nAll existing checksum information has been deleted and a new\nchecksum file will be created automatically.
426 InterCheck is already active.
427 The checksum information has been purged.
429 ERROR : %1
430 WARNING: %1
431 Please note that this only occurs the first time you use\nInterCheck. The next time InterCheck is activated it will\nonly check the critical portions of the PC and will load\nwith a minimal delay.
433 Sweep95 VxD version is %1 and detects %2 viruses
434 Sweep95 VxD version %1
435 Initialising Sweep95 VxD.
436 InterCheck is already loading.
437 InterCheck failed to create an essential registry setting.
438 InterCheck has installed a system component. Please restart Windows.
439 Virus: '%1' detected in %2
440 Counting directories: %1
441 Sweeping memory
442 Checking the integrity of the virus data
443 Sweeping logical sectors
444 Sweeping physical sectors
445 Sweeping files
446 Reading virus data
447 Virus library date: %1
448 Expiry date: %1
449 %1 viruses were found.\n%2
450 One virus was found.\n%1
451 Files examined: %1
452 Time required (minutes:seconds): %1:%2
453 Number of viruses found: %1
454 Number of infected files: %1
455 Number of errors: %1
456 Info: %1
457 Error: %1
458 Sweeping: %1
459 Your PC will now be swept for viruses. This may take a few minutes. Please note: this only occurs the first time you use InterCheck. The next time InterCheck is activated it will only check the critical portions of the PC and will load with a minimal delay.
460 Your PC will now be swept for new viruses. This may take a few minutes. Please note: this only occurs when InterCheck is updated.
474 InterCheck has been installed and your PC has been swept for viruses. InterCheck has found that your PC is not virus-free.
475 InterCheck has been updated and your PC has been swept for viruses. InterCheck has found that your PC is not virus-free.
476 InterCheck needs to restart your system before it can provide protection against viruses.\nThis will happen after %1 seconds or when you press 'Restart Now'.
477 InterCheck needs to restart your system before it can provide protection against viruses.\nThis will happen after %1 seconds or when you press 'Restart Now'.\n\nIf you want to continue working without protection, press 'Restart Later'.
478 Elapsed time: %1
479 Reading configuration file...
480 Initialising the SWEEP95 VxD...
481 Initialising the InterCheck VxD...
482 Preparing to sweep...
483 &About...
484 Show details
485 Hide details
486 Virus library version
487 , %1 viruses
488 InterCheck has been installed and your PC has been swept for viruses. InterCheck has found that your PC is virus-free.
489 InterCheck has been updated and your PC has been swept for viruses. InterCheck has found that your PC is virus-free.
490 InterCheck has been installed.
491 InterCheck has been updated.
500 Invalid command line argument %1
501 There is no configuration file
502 Invalid configuration file
503 Configuration file error at line %1
504 Error reading the configuration file
505 An InterCheck file has been corrupted:\n%1
506 Error occured accessing file %1
507 Could not find a required InterCheck file:\n%1
508 Unable to execute file %1
509 Unable to load %1
510 Could not create temporary file
511 This version of InterCheck can only run on Windows 95 and Windows 98.
512 Unable to determine the program directory.
513 Unable to locate the communication directory.
514 Cannot create required event.
515 Unable to initialise support process.
516 Unable to initialise the virtual device driver.
517 The virtual device driver is not the correct version.
518 Unable to find out about the virus library
519 Unable to locate the temporary directory.
520 Unable to copy file %1
521 VxD communication failed.
523 An incompatible version of InterCheck is already active.
524 An error occured whilst converting a long file name.
525 An unsupported version of SWEEP.EXE has been detected.
600 The InterCheck server is not running
601 Checksum file has been corrupted
602 Could not create the checksum file
604 Workstation address not known
605 Error(s) were encountered while sweeping for viruses
801 InterCheck loaded (version %1)
802 InterCheck updated (version %1)
803 InterCheck installed (version %1)
900 Cannot start the Sweep95 VxD.
901 An unsupported version of the Sweep95 VxD has been detected.
902 The Sweep95 VxD failed to create a mutex.
903 The Sweep95 VxD failed to find the TEMP directory.
904 The Sweep95 VxD VDL engine failed to initialise.
905 An incompatible version of Sweep95 VxD has been detected.
906 Failed to reserve memory for the Sweep95 VxD stack.
907 An unknown error occurred during the Sweep95 VxD initialisation.
908 The Sweep95 VxD failed to return version information.
909 An unsupported version of the Sweep95 VxD has been detected.\nPlease restart the machine.
910 An invalid parameter was passed to the Sweep95 VxD.