1 WARNING: No timers are available. Scheduling will be disabled.
2 00:00
3 ERROR: Incorrect version of SWEEPDLL.DLL.\nPlease re-install SWEEP.
4 No days are selected!\nThis scheduled job will never become active.
5 No times are specified!\nThis scheduled job will never become active.
6 No days or times specified!\nThis scheduled job will never become active.
7 List contains maximum number of items.
8 List contains no items.
9 ERROR: This version of SWEEP95.EXE is not the same as the version of the SWEEP DLL on this system.\nPlease re-install SWEEP.
10 WARNING: Useful life of SWEEP of 4 months has been exceeded.\nAfter this date it may not discover current viruses.
11 Sophos recommends you add the following\nfile types to your executable extensions list:\n\n%1\n\nDo you want to add these now?
13 Sophos recommends you add the following\nfile types to your executable extensions list:\n\n%1\n\nYou may wish to edit your extensions list to\nreflect this. See the user manual or on-line\nhelp for assistance.
101 &About Sweep...
32774 Edits configuration of the current selection\nConfiguration
59416 Memory allocation error!\n\nThe application will now be closed down.
59417 Configuration information is invalid or new user running SWEEP for first time.\nSetting defaults.
59418 Error reading registry.\nSetting defaults
59419 Error writing to registry
59420 A new version of SWEEP is available.\nDo you want to upgrade now?\n
59421 Failed to start automatic upgrade.\nPlease run SETUP.EXE manually.\n\nSystem Error: %1
59422 Configuration information could not be read.\nDefault settings will be used.\n\nNo configuration information will be saved \nuntil SWEEP is reinstalled.
59423 SWEEP was not installed properly.\n\nPlease close down the application and\nrun setup.exe from the installation disk.
59424 Cannot access log file: %s%s
59425 Could not open file %s
59426 ListView failed to initialise!
59427 Invalid object selected
59428 Job name empty!
59429 SWEEP version %s is available.\nDo you want to upgrade now?\n
59430 Job name already exists!
59431 Select only one item to edit
59432 Could not open file %s\nWould you like to find it yourself?
59433 Error reading virus information.
59435 Error in StartPage.
59436 Error in EndPage.
59437 Error in EndDoc.
59438 Immediate Mode Configuration
59439 Scheduled Job Configuration - "%s"
59440 Immediate
59441 Please wait...
59442 Sweeping memory
59443 Memory Sweep
59444 Sweeping:
59445 More viruses were found.\nSee log file for details.
59446 Counting:
59447 Viruses were found in memory.\nSee log for details.
59448 The following viruses were found in memory:\n\n