Clicking the Ok Button signifies that the entries are accurate, and you wish to continue with the second part of the Input Form.
Cancel Button Help
Clicking the Cancel Button cancels the operation and the entries revert to the old values.
Delivery Information Help
This dialog box gathers information on how Autographix should deliver slides to you.
Turn Around Help
(required field)
user's requested timeframe for delivery of AGX package.
Choices are:
Standard normal overnight delivery
Rush as soon as 12-hr delivery.
Delivery Help
(required field)
This field specifies how you will receive your order from Autographix.
Purchase Order Help
(optional field)
This field may be filled in for bookkeeping purposes. Autographix will stamp any orders with this purchase order number for your convenience.
Courier Help
(optional field)
Autographix will automatically choose a courier for you. If, however, you wish to use a particular courier enter your choice here.
Courier Number Help
(optional field)
If you have an existing account with a courier that you wish to use, enter the Account number here.
Special Help
(optional field)
This field allows you to enter any special processing or delivery instructions that you wish Autographix to take note of. If you have any questions or comments you can enter them here as well.