* * * IMPORTANT: Virex Update Notes * * * May 7, 1991 Version 3.2
PLEASE NOTE: Keep your original Virex disk locked at all times. When copying Virex files, DO NOT drag the whole Virex disk icon onto your hard disk. Copy only the individual Virex files from the disk as described below.
1. Start your machine from the locked Virex diskette and launch the Virex application from the floppy.
2. Diagnose all available volumes (except the Virex diskette).
3. Repair or replace any infected files.
4. Quit the Virex application.
5. Launch the Virex Installer and use it to copy the new Virex INIT to your System folder. If you already have a copy of the INIT in the System folder, it will be replaced but its password will be retained. The Installer will also copy the Virex application to the Desktop of your hard disk.
6. Restart your machine under Finder and launch the Virex application.
7. Diagnose all your floppy diskettes and repair or replace any infected files.
If you have problems using the Virex Installer, you can update your machine manually as follows:
1. Start your machine from the locked Virex diskette and launch the Virex application from the floppy.
2. Diagnose all available volumes (except the Virex diskette).
3. Repair or replace any infected files.
4. Drag a copy of the new Virex INIT into the System folder of your startup drive. Throw away the old version.
5. Drag a copy of the new Virex application to your hard drive. Throw away the old version.
6. Restart your machine under Finder and launch the Virex application.
7. Diagnose all your floppy diskettes and repair or replace any infected files.
The Virex Installer will copy the Virex INIT into your System folder unless your System folder is hidden within another folder. Move the System folder to the Desktop of your computer if you want to use the Installer to update your copy of the Virex INIT.
• Microcom highly recommends that System Administrators set the "Automatic Scanning Option" of the Virex INIT to scan the System Folder on Start Up.
• The System folder on the Virex diskette does not have any printer drivers. As a result, you will not be able to print any Virex reports while you have booted your machine from original Virex diskette. If you wish to print a report, you can save it to your hard disk by choosing 'Save' under the 'File' menu. When you Restart your machine from your hard disk or from a floppy with drivers for your printer, you can use the Virex application to 'Open' the reports that you saved and use 'Print' to send them to the printer.
• The Virex INIT enables you to set a password so that only authorized personnel can change the Control Panel settings or remove the Virex INIT from the System folder. Please consult the Help Screens within the Virex INIT Control Panel for instructions on the use of the password feature. If you wish to remove the INIT and YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN THE PASSWORD, you must boot from a floppy disk with a System folder, such as the Virex diskette, open your hard disk, and drag the Virex INIT from the System folder to the trash. You must replace the Virex INIT in your System folder with a fresh copy. If you boot from your hard disk, you will not be able to circumvent the password feature. For security reasons, you should not copy these Read Me notes to your hard disk.
• Virex is compatible with the A/UX 2.0 operating system.
Virex History
•Virex was updated to version 3.2 to detect and repair the 3 Tunes HyperCard virus. This virus is a HyperCard stack infector. It replicates by infecting the Home stack, which in turn, infects all stacks that opened by that Home stack. It does not infect the HyperCard application or any other type of file.
There is a new option in the 'File Diagnose Options' of the Virex INIT that allows the diagnosis/repair of infected HyperCard stacks. This option may be disabled to shorten the time required to scan a volume. Options such as Scan on Startup and Shutdown, Hot Key scans, and scanning upon file opening will follow the setting however, the Virex INIT will always diagnose inserted floppies for the 3 Tunes HyperCard virus. If you enable the 'Diagnose Files When Opened' and 'Check HyperCard Virus' infected HyperCard stacks cannot be copied and should be repaired.
The Virex application has a new 'Diagnose HyperCard Stacks' option under the Options pull-down menu. It may be disabled to increase scanning speed.
TOPS servers should implement the Network Options (pp. 32-34 of the User's Guide) if the HyperCard option is turned on. Due to the nature of TOPS, a Virex INIT virus alert will appear on the serving machine when an infected stack is encountered. All other infection alerts will appear on the workstation.
If a HyperCard Script is disinfected, Virex will insert text stating the date of the repair to maintain the original stack size. This text will not effect the stack but it can be removed to make the stack smaller.
The Record/Scan feature will not log changes to HyperCard stacks.
• Virex was updated to version 3.1 to detect and repair a new strain of the nVIR virus, using a resource of "nCAM", and a newly discovered MDEF variant known as MDEF-D.
• Virex version 3.0 was a major upgrade that included many new and powerful features. One of the most important additions to Virex 3.0 is User-Configurable viruses. Virex has a 'Define Virus' feature that allows users to manually update Virex to detect new viruses. The Virex INIT has incorporated the ability to repair infected files as soon as it discovers an infection. You must use the Virex application while booting from the original Virex diskette to repair the System file on your hard disk.