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- Desert Storm Command
- by David Johndrow
- An MVP Software and Pod Bay Enterprises Production
- Desert Storm Command is shareware. You are free to evaluate this software for
- 30 days, after which you must either register with MVP Software or delete the
- software from your system. Thanks for playing Desert Storm Command and for
- supporting shareware. Your honesty pays.
- This is Desert Storm Command. Read on to find out how you can get the Deluxe
- version, with twice as much graphics, action and fun!
- To order Desert Storm Command Deluxe, call 800-968-9684 toll-free 24 hours a
- day. Please have your Master Card or Visa ready when you call. Or fill out
- the order form at the end of this manual and fax it to: 616-245-3204. Make
- sure your credit card number and expiration date are legible. Or if you
- prefer mail the order form and your check to: MVP Software, 1035 Dallas SE,
- Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407.
- For overseas orders or technical support call 616-245-8376.
- Download All the Latest MVP Shareware Games FREE
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- In Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- Exec-PC (414) 789-4360
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- MVP Software is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).
- ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are
- unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting
- the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you
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- technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman
- at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 or send a CompuServe message via
- CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman at 70007,3536.
- Installation
- ------------
- If you downloaded this file from a BBS, you don't need to run Install. If you
- purchased an evaluation disk from a shareware vendor or the story, follow these
- directions. To install Desert Storm Command, place the diskette into the A
- drive and type A:, or into the B drive and type B:. When the A> or B> prompt
- appears on the screen, type INSTALL. Follow the directions to install the
- software.
- Note that you must have your mouse and the DOS mouse driver installed to run
- this game. If you normally use the mouse with Windows programs, remember that
- the Windows mouse driver does not work with DOS programs. (Blame Microsoft
- for this, not us.) You need to run the MOUSE.COM program before running
- Desert Storm Command if your mouse driver is not installed. This can be
- found on the disk that came with your mouse.
- To begin the game type DSC.
- Note to Windows Users
- ---------------------
- Desert Storm Command will run as a DOS application, spawned under Windows, but
- you may encounter sound card conflicts. The best solution if you run into
- conflicts is to completely exit from Windows before starting Desert Storm
- Command. Clicking on the DOS prompt is NOT exiting Windows. You must
- actually close your Windows session.
- Desert Storm Command and Sound Blaster 16
- -----------------------------------------
- The Sound Blaster 16 sound card causes special problems, especially in 486 DX2
- systems. If the game locks up, try running it without digitized sound effects.
- Another option is to include the following command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT:
- This command may also make the music louder if it is too soft on your SB 16.
- Making a clean boot disk
- ------------------------
- If you encounter problems running Desert Storm Command there may be a
- conflict between it and a program resident in memory. Here's a way to avoid
- the conflict.
- Place a blank, unformatted diskette into drive A of your computer. Then type
- and press enter. When the computer is finished formatting the disk and
- copying the system files to it, press the RESET button on your computer or the
- ALT-CTRL-DEL keys at the same time. After your computer has rebooted, go to
- the Desert Storm Command directory and play the game. If it runs, there is a
- conflict between a resident program loaded by your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS
- file. Whenever you want to play Desert Storm Command, simply reboot your
- computer with the boot disk you have created.
- Introduction
- ------------
- Desert Storm Command is an arcade-style game that puts you in the conflict in
- the Persian Gulf. This game comprises 20 missions. Missions take place all
- over the gulf region and require you to meet certain objectives to pass on to
- the next mission. There are two basic mission types to contend with in the
- shareware version: Combat & Scuds.
- The Main Menu
- -------------
- When the game starts, it enters a demonstration mode which will show you both
- of the basic mission types. When you have finished viewing the demonstration,
- click the left mouse button to go to the main menu. The main menu has seven
- different options which are as follows:
- (1) Play Game - This option will actually start a new game, beginning with
- Mission number one.
- (2) Practice - This option will allow you to practice either of the basic
- mission types. When the practice menu screen comes up, click the left mouse
- button on the mission type you want to practice. Notice that there are four
- choices in this menu. The choices labelled "TOMAHAWKS" and "TANKS" are not
- available in the shareware version of this game. Refer to the section
- discussing Desert Storm Command Deluxe for more about these mission types.
- (3) Load Game - When playing a game, if you achieve the minimum objective to
- advance to the next level, you will be offered a chance to save the game at
- that point. Doing so will allow you to either continue play at a later time
- or resume at this same point should you not meet the objectives for the
- coming round. To make reaching the finale more of a challenge, after the
- 15th level, the save option is not offered. When the "Save Game?" prompt
- appears, hit the Y key. Note: There is only one saved game at a time so be
- careful not to overwrite a 14th level save with a 3rd level save.
- (4) Instructions - This section not only gives you a brief overview of the
- program, it also takes you through both of the mission types, step-by-step.
- Note: A "Click mouse button or hit any key" prompt is displayed for the first
- few screens but is not from then on. Be aware that the help section will
- wait for you to tell it to advance.
- (5) Game Settings - This section will allow you to set the program up the way
- you like it. After clicking on this option, you will see the Game Settings
- menu. Within this menu you can: (1) Turn music on & off (2) Turn sound
- effects on and off (3) Adjust the music and sound volumes and (4) set the
- game difficulty from easy to extremely hard.
- (6) Hall of Fame - This is a record of the 10 highest scoring players. When
- a new high score is achieved, you will be asked to enter your name. In
- addition to the score, the Hall of Fame also reports the level reached,
- difficulty used, whether the game was finished (level 20), and whether the
- scorer ever saved the game. Since saving games will allow you to start over
- at that point, individuals who play the game straight through are duly noted
- for their courageous efforts! If you desire to start a new high score table,
- simply delete the file called "DSC.SCR".
- (7) Quit - Exits Desert Storm Command and returns you to DOS.
- Getting Started
- ---------------
- When you run Desert Storm Command for the first time, you will be asked
- whether or not you want to run the game in bloodless mode. This is due to
- the bloody nature of the combat scenarios. If you choose YES, the combat
- missions will not display the blood during shooting. You will also be
- informed of what to do if your machine is slow enough to cause problems or if
- there are some sound card conflicts that may cause lock-ups. After getting
- through this section the first time, you won't be annoyed with the questions
- subsequently. If you wish to change the bloodless setting, you can always
- delete the file called DSC.SAV and run the program again. All other settings
- can be changed in the GAME SETTINGS menu.
- Combat Missions
- ---------------
- The combat missions throw you into the heat of hand-to-hand battle. When the
- mission begins, you will see men start to run across the bottom of the screen
- from left to right. These are the men in your troop and you must protect
- them. Meanwhile, men will start appearing in window sills, bushes, and even
- foxholes. Unbeknownst to everyone but you, your troop has stumbled into an
- ambush! You must eliminate these snipers before they take pot-shots at your
- men. As the levels advance, more and more men will appear at the same time.
- Fortunately for you, your weapons will advance as well. When you start the
- game you are using an M-9 pistol. Each shot must be carefully aimed. As you
- eventually work your way towards an M-60, multiple shots are fired for each
- pull of the trigger. Of your original troop, at least half of them must make
- it across the screen alive for you to advance in the game. Troop sizes vary
- from 12 to 30, so be prepared for some long engagements.
- Scud Missions
- -------------
- The scud missions put you in charge of the Patriot Missile Defense System.
- You will use your Patriot missiles to eliminate wave after wave of enemy scud
- missiles, choppers, and jets. Foremost, and by far most important, are the
- scud missiles. Move your crosshairs across the screen and click the left
- mouse button repeatedly to send up Patriots to intercept the scuds as they
- rain down on intended targets. When the occasional chopper comes out, you
- should eliminate it as early as possible. If the chopper is left alone, it
- will drop a bomb which does damage to the targets below. The bomb does about
- half of the damage done by a single scud missile, so it is clearly not as
- important. If you can spare the time, though, the chopper is certainly
- easier to hit than the bombs are.
- You will also periodically see an enemy jet stray onto the screen. The jets
- are worth a lot of points, but since they do no damage, you can ignore them.
- This is always good advice when you have your hands full with a volley of
- scuds. Every scud missile that you fail to intercept will cause damage to
- the cities and installations below. Your primary goal in these missions is
- to maintain the status of these installations at 50% or more. Pay close
- attention to your status bar in the top left corner of the screen. When the
- status bar turns yellow, it is a warning that you are in danger of
- approaching the 50% mark. When this status bar turns red, it means that you
- have exceeded the 50% mark and the game will end after this mission.
- Game Playing Tips
- -----------------
- Combat Missions: At times this section will get a bit difficult. On the
- foxhole screen, if your hands are full, you may want to choose to ignore the
- guy in the foxhole since he is in such a remote location. Likewise for the
- guy in the bushes on the red-building screen. Sometimes the time taken to
- get your crosshairs over to them will cost you more men than just ignoring
- them will. Also, as the missions get more intense, fortunately the skill
- of the snipers worsens. For example, in the early missions the sniper will
- hit his target on 1 out of every 2 shots. Later, this may go to 1 out of 5.
- This doesn't make it too easy on you, though, since there are so many snipers
- then.
- Scud Missions: When the scud density is high, you may have to sacrifice a
- portion of the screen. Decide where the largest portion of buildings are,
- protect them at all cost, and you should succeed.
- During scud missions, if you can afford the time, hit choppers when they first
- appear. Never do this, though, at the cost of letting a scud hit its target.
- Mission Tables
- --------------
- Note: The term "random Seed" in the tables below refers to frequency with
- which either choppers or jets can appear. This value ranges from 0 to 255
- with the following qualities:
- 0 - The jet or chopper never appears on this level
- 1 - The jet or chopper is almost constantly appearing
- .
- .
- 255 - The jet or chopper rarely appears
- +---------------------------------------------------------+
- | Scud Missions +
- +-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
- | | Max # | Total # | Max # | Jet | Chopper |
- |Mission| scuds | scuds | patriots| Random | Random |
- |Number | at once | in level| at once| Seed | Seed |
- +-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
- | 2 | 1 | 30 | 5 | 200 | 200 |
- | 3 | 2 | 40 | 3 | 255 | 255 |
- | 5 | 2 | 40 | 5 | 50 | 100 |
- | 6 | 2 | 50 | 6 | 200 | 0 |
- | 8 | 1 | 24 | 1 | 100 | 0 |
- | 9 | 2 | 50 | 2 | 0 | 100 |
- | 10 | 2 | 40 | 5 | 10 | 255 |
- | 12 | 3 | 60 | 6 | 0 | 200 |
- | 13 | 3 | 80 | 6 | 20 | 0 |
- | 14 | 2 | 100 | 5 | 25 | 100 |
- | 16 | 1 | 50 | 1 | 200 | 255 |
- | 17 | 6 | 120 | 5 | 200 | 200 |
- | 19 | 2 | 100 | 6 | 100 | 255 |
- | 20 | 3 | 150 | 6 | 0 | 0 |
- +-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
- +-------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Combat Missions |
- +-------+---------+---------+--------+------------------------+
- |Mission| Total # | Sniper | Your | |
- |Number | Troops | density | Weapon | Setting |
- +-------+---------+---------+--------+------------------------+
- | 1 | 16 | 2 | M-9 | Desert Village/Foxhole |
- | 4 | 24 | 2 | M-1 | Semi-Urban |
- | 7 | 20 | 3 | M-1 | Desert Village/Foxhole |
- | 11 | 20 | 3 | M-16 | Semi-Urban |
- | 15 | 30 | 3 | M-60 | Desert Village/Foxhole |
- | 18 | 20 | 3 | M-16 | Semi-Urban |
- +-------+---------+---------+--------+------------------------+
- Difficulty Tables
- -----------------
- The following tables will reflect how the difficulty settings change the
- various features of each level. The double-dashed line means that there is
- no change in that statistic whereas a value will change this feature in the
- way described. For example, If you have the difficulty set to EXTREME,
- mission number 2 will have 3 scuds at a time and will not end until 45 scuds
- have been destroyed by you or the ground! At the end of your game you will
- be rewarded 0, 50,000, 100,000 or 200,000 points, depending on the difficulty
- level you have played.
- Combat Missions Easy Normal Hard Extreme
- ---------------------------- ---- ------ ---- -------
- # Snipers at a time -- -- +1 +1
- Scud Missions: Easy Normal Hard Extreme
- ---------------------------- ---- ------ ---- -------
- Number of Scuds at a time -- +1 +2 +2
- Total # of scuds in mission -- -- -- x1.5
- Ordering Information
- Desert Storm Command Deluxe is available from the following authorized
- distributors:
- In the United States:
- --------------------
- MVP Software
- 1035 Dallas SE
- Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407
- phone: 800-968-9684 24-hour order line only
- (616) 245-8376 information, technical support, or orders.
- fax: (616) 245-3204
- order price: $19.95 plus $3.00 shipping in the US, $4.00 shipping to
- Canada, $5.00 shipping everywhere else. Michigan residents please add
- appropriate sales tax.
- In Australia:
- ------------
- Budgetware
- 9 Albermarle St
- Newtown NSW 2042
- phone: (02) 519-4233 Fax: (02) 516-4236
- order price: $A30.00 (includes shipping)
- In the United Kingdom:
- ---------------------
- Testware Publishing
- 46 The Avenue
- Harrogate, N Yorks HG1 4QD
- phone: (0423) 886 415 Fax: (0423) 889 728
- order price: 20 pounds (includes shipping)
- In Denmark and all of Scandanavia:
- ---------------------------------
- Pro-Soft
- Benloese Skel 4 G
- DK 4100 Ringsted
- phone: 53 61 90 42
- fax: 53 61 93 91
- order price: 139,00 kr. + VAT 25% + s/h 25,00
- In Japan:
- --------
- P. & A. Company Ltd
- 302 Bellwins, 1367-23
- Nakagami, Akishima, Tokyo 196
- phone: 425-46-9141
- fax: 425-46-9142
- BBS: 425-46-9143
- 3015 yen includes shipping and taxes
- Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
- ---------------------------------
- JDS -- Software Vertrieb
- Jens Driese
- Postfach 1269
- D-26302
- phone: 04451-85743
- fax: 04451-860500
- CIS: 100273,2252
- price: 33 DM (includes taxes) plus 6 DM shipping
- The Netherlands
- ---------------
- HaSa Software Applications
- PO Box 414
- 9500 AK Stadskanaal
- phone: 5990 50161
- fax: 5990 50124
- BBS: 5990 50212 or 50314 or 50232
- CIS: 100115,542
- price: Call for current price
- Italy
- -----
- Systems Comunicazioni srl
- via Olanda
- 6 - 20083 Gaggiano
- phone: (02) 9084 1814
- fax: (02) 9084 1682
- BBS: (02) 9084 1811
- price: Lire 42.000 IVA inclusa
- Name ________________________________________________________________
- Address _____________________________________________________________
- City _______________________________ State ______ ZIP _______________
- Country (if outside USA) ____________________________________________
- CIRCLE HD DISK SIZE: 5-1/4" -or- 3-1/2" IMPORTANT!
- Price of Desert Storm Command Deluxe $19.95
- Shipping and Handling (US) 3.00
- Shipping and Handling (Canada) 4.00
- Shipping and Handling (all other countries) 5.00
- Michigan residents add sales tax 1.38
- ------
- Make check payable to "MVP Software" Total enclosed: $
- Master Card/Visa information (credit card orders only)
- Card number __________________________________________
- Expiration number ____________________________________
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOLUNTARY QUESTIONS: Please help us determine what features you would like
- ==================== in future products.
- Circle what type of equipment you have: 8088 286 386 486 Pentium
- Circle the speed of your computer(Mhz): 12 16 20 25 33 40 50 66 ___
- Circle any that apply: Joystick Mouse Modem_______ SVGA card____________
- (speed) (type)
- Sound Capability: Adlib Sound Blaster SB Pro SB 16 SB AWE32
- PC speaker only Other ____________________________________
- Where did you get Desert Storm Command?
- Friend CompuServe AOL Prodigy Ryan's Bar Exec-PC WorldNet
- Invention Factory Sound Advice Channel 1 Novalink
- BBS (name): _______________________
- Shareware Distributor (name): _________________________________________
- Are you a game player? Please answer the following questions about what you
- like and don't like in computer games.
- Approx # of commercial games owned: ____ #Registered shareware games: ____
- Circle preference: Beautiful Graphics Game Complexity
- Circle preference: Solo against computer -OR- Modem 2-Player
- Circle preference: Strategy Action Simulation Other_________
- Long term game playability: Few Levels w/ hard difficulty Lotsa Levels
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Send this order form and your check to:
- MVP Software, 1035 Dallas S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407
- US or Canada 24-hour order line: 800-968-9684. Fax: 616-245-3204.
- Tech support, information, or overseas order line: 616-245-8376.