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Text File | 1990-09-18 | 55.7 KB | 1,137 lines |
- Bass Class
- Version 1.0
- A Bass Fishing Tutorial & Game
- By Dick Olsen
- A Few Words About ShareWare....
- Bass Class is made available to the general public under the concept
- of ShareWare. As such, you are free to copy it and distribute it to
- others provided that all accompanying files are distributed intact and
- unmodified, and that no fee is charged. The author retains ALL rights
- to the program. You are encouraged to try the program for a reasonable
- period of time to see if you like it. If it proves to be enjoyable,
- please consider supporting the efforts of the author by registering
- your copy of the program. Once you have done so, you are entitled to
- telephone support and can expect a prompt reply to correspondence.
- Once registered, you will also receive the latest version of Bass
- Class if the version you have is not the newest. In any correspondence
- regarding Bass Class, please be SURE to specify the following
- information:
- * What version of Bass Class you have
- * What brand and model computer you have
- * How much memory your machine has
- * The disks your machine has (hard, 2 floppies etc.)
- * What kind of video card your machine has
- * Any other type of cards your machine has
- To register your copy of Bass Class, send $15.00 along with the
- registration form at the end of this document to the author:
- Richard Olsen
- 68 Hartwell Ave.
- Littleton, MA. 01460
- Thank you for supporting my efforts!
- Introduction
- Bass Class is a fishing game, but it's actually a tutorial as well.
- Even if you've never been fishing in your life, you will find Bass
- Class both educational and fun to play. The game has three skill
- levels from which to choose. In NOVICE mode, helpful suggestions will
- guide you, and a full range of help on many fishing topics is only a
- mouse click (or keystroke) away. There's even a glossary of fishing
- terms built in. If you choose the INTERMEDIATE skill level, the fish
- will be harder to find and catch, but you've still got help available.
- If you think you're good, give PRO level a try! If you're a PRO,
- you're on your own, and the fish can be very finicky.
- You've got a modern, fully rigged bass boat at your command. Aboard
- the boat you'll find six different fishing rods at your disposal, over
- 2300 lure/color combinations, a nifty LCD depth finder, a trolling
- motor, and lots of other accessories. With the powerful outboard
- motor, you can zip to the far end of the lake, or scoot back to the
- weigh in area before the six hour time limit expires. Better wear your
- life jacket though! If you're good enough (or lucky) you might even
- catch a fish big enough to be engraved upon the BASS CLASS HONOR ROLL
- PLAQUE where the top ten fish are listed.
- Bass Class comes complete with six different fishing areas from which
- to choose. Other lakes are available that can expand your choice of
- lakes (see the file ORDERFRM.TXT on your disk). If you already own
- BASSTOUR, its lakes will also work with Bass Class and visa versa.
- What You Need To Run Bass Class
- Bass Class requires an IBM PC or compatible computer with at least
- 512k of memory and an EGA video system. Because of the complexity of
- the game, there are no plans to create a CGA version. If all you've
- got is a CGA system, then you can still enjoy simulated fishing on
- your computer. Another program, BASSTOUR, is available for CGA users.
- See the order form at the end of this document or print out the file
- called ORDERFRM.TXT on the Bass Class distribution diskette for
- information on how to obtain BASSTOUR.
- You can run Bass Class from a floppy disk or from a hard disk. If you
- are lucky enough to have a VGA card and monitor, Bass Class will run
- fine on it also. Bass Class will not run on machines equipped with
- MCGA (i.e. PS-2 model 25) which is actually a subset of VGA. BASSTOUR,
- mentioned above, will run on MCGA equipped machines. If you have a
- mouse on your computer, you can use it to play Bass Class, although it
- is not necessary. It is highly recommended that you make a backup copy
- of your Bass Class diskette. Use the backup copy, and store the
- original diskette in a safe place. Since Bass Class requires a large
- amount of FREE memory, be sure that you do not have memory resident
- programs loaded before running Bass Class. Ramdisks, printer buffers,
- menu programs and other TSR's occupy large amounts of memory in your
- system, making it unusable by Bass Class. Bass Class may appear to run
- normally, but if there is not enough available memory, the program
- will halt. If this happens, a message will inform you of the fact that
- there is insufficient memory available for Bass Class. In this
- situation, Bass Class will not run properly on your system until you
- remove the offending software from memory.
- It is suggested that this file, BCLASS.DOC, which is on the Bass Class
- distribution diskette, be printed and read completely before playing
- the game. In this way, you'll have a more thorough understanding of
- what's happening on the screen as well as become more familiar with
- the equipment at your disposal. To print this file, insert the Bass
- Class diskette into drive A: of your computer and type:
- If you have trouble, read the file called Q&A.TXT. It lists common
- questions and problems and what to do about them.
- How To Run Bass Class From A Floppy Disk
- If your computer does not have a hard disk, at the DOS prompt,insert
- the your COPY of the distribution diskette into drive A: and simply
- type BassClas <enter>. After a few seconds, the title screen will
- appear. You will be asked to answer a few questions before the game
- starts. If your computer does have a hard disk, but you still want to
- run Bass Class from your floppy disk, insert the distribution diskette
- into drive A: and type A:<enter> at the DOS prompt, then type BassClas
- <enter>. Be sure that you leave the diskette in the drive while you
- are playing, and that it is NOT write protected. If you get real
- lucky, and catch a record sized fish, Bass Class will try to save your
- record catch on the disk. If the disk isn't there, or if it's write
- protected, Bass Class may halt, waiting for the disk to be available.
- Bass Class will allow you to save a game so that you can finish
- playing it at a later time. If you are running Bass Class from your
- floppy disk, there may not be enough disk space to save a game. To
- avoid "insufficient disk space" errors, it is suggested that you
- delete this file (BCLASS.DOC) from the disk you are using. BE SURE
- THAT YOU HAVE MADE A COPY FIRST!!! If you attempt to save a game
- on a disk with insufficient space, a message will appear to notify you
- that the game was not saved due to lack of disk space.
- How To Run Bass Class From A Hard Disk
- To run Bass Class from your hard disk, first it must be installed. The
- distribution diskette has a batch file on it called "BCINSTAL.BAT"
- that will do this for you. To run this installation file, first insert
- the distribution diskette into drive A:. Then type A:BCINSTAL. The
- installation file will create a directory on your hard disk called
- BCLASS. Then it will copy all of the files from the floppy disk to the
- hard disk. After all of the files have been copied, the message
- "installation completed..." will appear on your screen, and Bass Class
- will automatically run. Bass Class can be run at any time thereafter
- by just typing BC <enter>.
- The Files on Your Disk
- The following files should be on your Bass Class distribution
- diskette. If you have downloaded Bass Class from a BBS system, they
- will probably appear within a single large, compressed file. If you
- obtained Bass Class from a ShareWare distributor, there may be more
- files than are listed here.
- These are the files REQUIRED to run Bass Class properly:
- BASSCLAS.EXE The executable Bass Class main program.
- MAP.TRN A translate file used to create the lakes.
- PROF.PIC The picture of 'Professor Bass' from title screen.
- BCMAP.PIC The image file.
- BBOARD.PIC The blackboard picture from title screen.
- LCD.PIC The Bass Class LCD graph.
- BIGFISH.TXT The file of the 10 biggest fish caught.
- BIGSTR.TXT The file of the 10 heaviest stringers.
- JOLLY.MAP The map of Jolly Creek
- FIVEFING.MAP The map of Five Fingers Lake
- NINE.MAP The map of Lake Nine Killer
- SPECTAC.MAP The map of Spectacle Pond
- SABLE.MAP The map of Sable River
- ROCKY.MAP The map of Rocky Pond
- TIPS.RAN The file containing Dicks Hot Tips
- BOATDOCK.RAN One of the HELP files
- GLOSS.RAN The Glossary of fishing terms used in HELP
- BCINSTAL.BAT Batch file to help install Bass Class
- BC.BAT Batch file to start running Bass Class
- These files are not required to run Bass Class, but they should be on
- your distribution diskette, and you should read them:
- README.DOC A text file containing last minute stuff
- BCLASS.DOC This file you're reading
- Q&A.TXT Questions and answers to common problems
- ORDERFRM.TXT An order form listing other software available from
- the author.
- The Program
- Bass Class has three levels of play: Novice, Intermediate, and Pro.
- In each of the skill levels, you must weigh in your fish at the
- designated weigh in area before the end of the day's fishing. If you
- fail to weigh in before the six hours have elapsed, all of the fish in
- your live well are released, and you receive no credit for them. The
- total weight of your fish is accumulated at the end of the day. In
- Novice level, the fish are very easy to catch, and it's easy to catch
- a sizeable stringer and to set new records. Intermediate level
- requires a bit more searching and lure experimenting to fill your live
- well with decent sized fish. Pro level is just plain tough! The fish
- are more selective and harder to locate. In Pro mode, just as in
- reality, it can be pretty hard to catch your limit. In fact, it's not
- unusual to fish an entire day without catching a legal fish. You'll
- need to be more alert to your current situation. The weather is
- important. Your boat may drift if it's windy, and you may end up stuck
- somewhere preventing you from making the weigh in time.
- In all skill levels, if you catch a fish larger than one of the top
- ten fish, a short ceremony will ensue and you will be established as a
- record holder. The records are kept in a file called BIGFISH.TXT on
- your disk, and the 10 largest fish can be viewed at any time. In
- another file on your distribution diskette, BIGSTR.TXT, Bass Class
- keeps records of the 10 heaviest stringers caught while fishing at the
- INTERMEDIATE or PRO skill levels. NOVICE fishermen are not permitted
- to set heavy stringer records since the fish are very easy to catch at
- the NOVICE level. A stringer is considered to be the accumulated
- weight of the fish in your livewell.
- After the title screen has cleared, a command window will appear at
- the left side of your screen. This window lists most of the commonly
- used commands and functions. For many of them, one of the characters
- in the command will be highlighted in red. The red character
- represents the single character keystroke required to activate the
- command. Some of the commands require a function key, or a key press
- while holding down the ALT key. If you are fishing at either the
- NOVICE or INTERMEDIATE skill levels, help is available at any time by
- pressing the H key or the ? key. At the PRO level, most of the help
- topics are not available. One of the HELP selections is COMMAND
- REFERENCE. Selecting this help item will list all of the available
- commands on your screen. This help topic is available at all skill
- levels. If you are using a mouse, you can simply click on the command
- to invoke it.
- Some of the items in the command window will be highlighted in yellow
- to signify that they are active. Across the top of your screen are
- four groups of digits. These represent the time remaining, the
- gasoline remaining, the state of your battery charge, and your
- accumulation of points. Points are added when you do something right,
- and subtracted when you flub up. The points are just a way to judge
- your actions. The REAL measure of your skill (or is it luck?) is in
- the total weight of the fish you weigh in.
- The Boat
- Your boat is equipped with a trolling motor, an LCD chart recorder,
- 20 gallons of gasoline, batteries, a rod box, a tackle box, various
- emergency and safety devices, a live well, an anchor and of course a
- powerful outboard motor. As with a real bass boat, you need to
- exercise care and good judgment in the use of this equipment. Time is
- your biggest enemy, with the constant threat of obstacles such as
- stumps and rocks, running out of gasoline or killing your batteries
- contributing to your problems.
- The Fishing Areas
- Included on your Bass Class disk are six different bodies of water
- that you can fish. When the title screen appears, the names of the six
- fishing areas will be listed. To pick an area, just enter the
- corresponding area number. Each fishing area is unique in itself.
- Every time you start a new day of fishing, the location of the fish
- will be different, and their sizes will vary greatly. Additionally,
- every time the game is started, the depths on a particular lake will
- vary slightly. When fishing, it is wise to keep a check on the time
- remaining, the charge level of your batteries, and how much gasoline
- you have left.
- You must weigh in your fish before the time has expired. To weigh in
- your fish, you must be close to the weigh in area. The weigh in area
- on each lake or river is signified by a yellow flag, usually near
- where your boat is placed when the day begins. Your boat is the light
- blue (cyan) colored boat and starts each fishing day adjacent to the
- weigh in flag.
- The Fish
- After the lake has been drawn on the screen, the program decides where
- fish should be placed. As in real fishing, bass seem to like to be in
- or near some sort of cover. Stumps, rocks, lily pads etc. will usually
- hold the most fish. Fish also seem to congregate along humps or drop
- offs elsewhere on the lake. Boat docks, moored boats and weeds are
- also good places to look. Fish can also be caught in the middle of
- the lake. Each fish has its own unique personality, which determines
- how easy the fish is to catch.
- Some fish are more aggressive than others. They also have lure type
- and color preferences. If a fish is very aggressive, it will usually
- strike almost any type or color of bait. Mildly aggressive fish are
- more selective. Sometimes fish will cluster in an area, so it's a good
- idea to cover an area of the lake thoroughly because several fish can
- be caught in the same place at times. If you catch a decent fish in an
- area, it's wise to make several casts to the same general area since
- fish of similar size often stick together. In Intermediate and
- especially Pro modes, lure choice and color are important. You can
- cover an area completely without catching any fish, then change bait
- types or colors and catch fish after fish in the area you just
- covered. The program typically places about 2000 in a lake. If your
- computer is an XT type, it may take several seconds for the fish to be
- placed. The potential exists to catch an 18 lb. plus fish on each
- lake.
- The Equipment
- * Trolling Motor (F2 or T)
- The trolling motor is raised or lowered by pressing the F2 key or
- by pressing 'T'. If the trolling motor is down, pressing F2 (or T)
- will raise it. If the trolling motor is up, pressing F2 (or T) will
- lower it. Starting the outboard motor will automatically raise the
- trolling motor if it is down. Likewise, lowering the trolling motor
- automatically stops the outboard motor. If you are using a mouse, just
- point at the words TROLL MOTOR in thengregate along humps or drop
- offs elsewhere on the lake. Boat docks, moored boats and weeds are
- also good places to look. Fish can also be caught in the middle of
- the lake. Each fish has its own unique personality, which determines
- how easy the fish is to catch.
- Some fish are more aggressive than others. They also have lure type
- and color preferences. If a fish is very aggressive, it will usually
- strike almost any type or color of bait. Mildly aggressive fish are
- more selective. Sometimes fish will cluster in an area, so it's a good
- idea to cover an area of the lake thoroughly because several fish can
- be caught in the same place at times. If you catar a buzz that indicates that the motor is running. Remember
- that any time the outboard is running, you are consuming gasoline. The
- outboard motor can also be started by clicking on the OUTBOARD command
- with your mouse. The outboard motor has five speeds. When it's
- running, you can increase the speed by pressing the INS key or
- decrease the speed with the DEL key. You can also click on the speed
- you want with the mouse. There are two other things to be aware of
- when using the outboard motor. First, tournament rules state that when
- moving your boat under power of the outboard motor, you must wear a
- life jacket. Failure to wear your life jacket may cost you a fine and
- a citation. The life jacket usage is discussed later in this document.
- The second thing to be aware of when using your outboard motor are
- zones designated "NO WAKE". These areas are found on most lakes, and
- are indicated by the presence of a floating sign. Sometimes, you will
- be given a citation if you pass through these areas with your outboard
- motor running at a faster than allowed speed. If you pass through a NO
- WAKE ZONE at idle speed, you will not get a citation, nor will you if
- you are using the trolling motor. Receiving a citation not only costs
- you money, it costs time as well. The faster you run the outboard, the
- more gas you consume. On the other hand, moving the boat at a fast
- speed uses less time to travel long distances. As you increase or
- decrease the speed of the outboard motor, the sound will vary in
- pitch. If you run your outboard motor at the highest speed, be
- careful. If you hit an obstacle, your outboard may be damaged and out
- of service.
- * LCD Chart Recorder (alt-F1 or G)
- Pressing ALT-F1 (hold down the ALT key while you press F1) will turn
- on the LCD recorder if it is off, or turn it off if it is on. Pressing
- 'G' will do the same thing. The LCD works almost like a real one. Its
- screen will show fish directly under the boat in the center of its
- screen, fish to the port side of the boat are on the left of its
- screen, and fish to the starboard side of the boat appear on the right
- side of it's screen. To select the LCD when using a mouse, just point
- at the LCD ON button and click. Clicking on the OFF button will turn
- off then LCD. You can also point the mouse cursor at the LCD command
- then click the left mouse button to turn on or off. The LCD recorder
- is continuously updated as you move the boat around the screen. It
- uses battery power, so use it sparingly. As with other commands, mouse
- users can also use the keyboard to control the LCD.
- * Rod Box (F9 or R)
- Your bass boat has a rod box containing six different types of rods.
- Each of these rods has certain advantages or disadvantages. For
- example, a spinning rod with 6 pound test line will allow you to cast
- your lure farther than a flippin rod (saving excessive boat moving)
- but the light line may cause you to lose a few fish. Some of the
- differences are obvious, others are not. You start each day of fishing
- with no rod selected. Before you can begin casting, you must select a
- rod. You can change rod types at any time. The F9 (or 'R') key allows
- you to select a rod. Once you have the rod box window on the screen,
- the up and down arrow keys will cause the hilite bar to move up or
- down highlighting the rod selection. After you have the hilite bar
- positioned over the rod you'd like to use, press the ENTER key to
- reselect the highlighted rod. If you have a mouse, point at the SELECT
- ROD command and click. When the ROD BOX WINDOW appears, click on the
- rod you'd like to use. If you are satisfied with your selection, press
- the right mouse button to resume the game. If you change your mind
- after clicking on a rod type, just point to the rod you want and click
- again. You can "load up" all six rods with different baits, then
- change rods thus changing baits quickly, just like in real fishing.
- * Tackle Box (F10 or B)
- At your disposal is a six drawer tackle box containing a selection of
- lures we all wish we had. Many lure types and colors are there for
- your use. Pressing F10 (or 'B') will give you access to the tackle
- box. If you are using a mouse, select the tackle box from the command
- list by pointing to the TACKLE BOX command and pressing the left
- button on the mouse. The Tackle Box consists of three windows. The
- first window allows you to choose which drawer to look in. Each drawer
- is neatly organized (I wish MY tackle box was this neat) into bait
- types. For example, crankbaits are in one drawer, spinnerbaits in
- another, plastic worms in another etc. Use the mouse to point at and
- click on which drawer you want, or use the UP or DOWN arrow keys to
- move the highlight bar to where you want it. After that, the drawer
- contents will appear in another window. In this window, you select the
- specific bait you want to use.
- Once you choose your bait, a third window will appear that lists the
- available colors for that particular lure. After you select the color,
- the tackle box windows will disappear. If you forget what bait you are
- fishing with, the STATUS command will tell you. Use of the LIST STATUS
- command is discussed later. Over 2300 lure type and color combinations
- are possible with Bass Class.
- * CHK LIVEWELL (F3 or L)
- Your boat contains an aerated live well that holds the five largest
- legal sized (12 inches or better) fish you have caught. You can
- examine the contents of your live well at any time by pressing F3 or
- L. If you have a mouse, just click on the CHK LIVEWELL command in the
- command window. The aerator will save your fish if you run it enough,
- but it does use battery power. Failure to use your aerator enough may
- cause some of your fish to die, costing you a one pound penalty for
- each dead fish weighed in. The live well will hold a maximum of five
- fish. Every legal fish you catch will be added to the live well until
- it contains five fish. After that, if you catch a fish larger than the
- smallest fish currently in the live well, the smallest fish will be
- released, and the fish you just caught will replace it in the live
- well. This way, the live well always contains the five largest fish
- you have caught.
- When you activate the CHK LIVEWELL command, a window will appear on
- your screen that shows how many fish are in the live well, what the
- total weight of those fish is, and reports the status of the aerator.
- To resume fishing, press the ESC key or the right mouse button.
- Examining the contents of your live well uses time, but no energy is
- consumed.
- * Life Jacket (alt-F2 or J)
- You must wear a life jacket any time you are moving the boat with
- the outboard motor. Failure to do so may cost you time and a citation
- with an associated fine. Wearing your life jacket is a bit of a
- nuisance since it restricts your casting distance a little. The life
- jacket is selected by pressing ALT-F2 or by selecting the appropriate
- item with the mouse.
- Taking off your life jacket uses a little time, as does putting it on.
- If you are wearing your life jacket when you make this selection, it
- will be removed. If you are not wearing it, it will be put on.
- Pressing 'J' will also execute this command. The status of your life
- jacket is indicated by a highlighted yellow block in the command
- window. If on, the yellow highlight will appear, if the words LIFE
- VEST are not highlighted, it is not being worn.
- * Anchor (F8 or N)
- The anchor is of no use unless you are fishing in Pro mode. In Pro
- mode, the anchor will prevent your boat from drifting. Don't forget to
- raise the anchor before trying to move the boat. Pressing F8 (or N)
- lowers the anchor if it is up or raises it if it's down. If you are
- using a mouse, just click on the ANCHOR command. If the anchor is
- down, the command will be highlighted in yellow. As with most things
- in fishing, raising or lowering the anchor takes time.
- * Paddle (alt-F3 or P)
- Although the paddle can be used to move the boat at any time, most of
- us think of it as a last resort. The paddle uses quite a bit of time,
- but could be used to get you to the weigh in area before the allotted
- time has elapsed if both your battery was dead and you were out of
- gas. ALT-F3 or 'P' selects the paddle from the keyboard, and you can
- select it with the mouse also. As with the trolling motor or the
- outboard motor, selecting the paddle turns off any other form of
- propulsion that may be active. If you are using the paddle, the PADDLE
- command will be highlighted.
- The next section explains how to move the boat, scroll the screen
- and make casts:
- * Moving the boat
- Boat positioning is crucial to fishing success both in reality and
- while playing Bass Class. The Q, W, E, A, D, Z, X, and C keys will
- move the boat. The Q key will move the boat to the upper left, the W
- key moves the boat straight up, the E key moves toward the upper
- right, the A key moves to the left, the D key moves to the right, the
- Z key moves to the lower left, the X key moves straight down, and the
- C key moves the boat toward the lower right. Each time you move the
- boat, time is consumed. The chart below should help you to understand
- boat movement:
- ^
- \ | /
- Q W E
- <--A D-->
- Z X C
- / | \
- There is one other key you should know about when it comes to moving
- the boat. The '-' key will cause the boat to back up. If you are using
- the trolling motor, battery power is also used. The outboard motor
- uses less time to move your boat, but also consumes gasoline. The
- paddle uses the most time of all, but obviously uses neither battery
- power or gasoline. The boat cannot be moved off the screen.
- * Rotating the boat
- The left and right arrow keys, if pressed while holding down the
- CTRL key will cause your boat to rotate either clockwise or counter-
- clockwise while maintaining it's current location on the screen.
- Rotating the boat allows for the best cast positioning and also uses
- less battery power, gas and time. Obviously, to rotate your boat you
- must have the outboard motor running, the trolling motor running, or
- be using the paddle.
- * Scrolling the screen
- When Bass Class first draws the lake on your screen, what you see
- is really only about one fourth of the lake. The initial screen
- represents the upper left corner of the lake. You can scroll the
- screen (the 'lake') to the right, left, up or down to give you access
- to the whole lake. Press SHIFT-LEFT ARROW to move the screen to the
- left, SHIFT-RIGHT ARROW to move the screen to the right, SHIFT-UP
- ARROW to move the screen up, and SHIFT-DOWN ARROW to move the screen
- down. Scrolling the screen does not uses any battery power, gas or
- time. The arrow keys on the NUMERIC KEYPAD are the ones you should use
- to scroll. Make sure too, that your NUM LOCK is not on. The boat
- cannot be scrolled off the screen.
- NOTE: Some computers may exhibit keyboard differences which prevent
- scrolling the screen using the method described above. To scroll the
- screen on one of these computers, try using the 2, 4, 6, and 8 keys at
- the top of your MAIN keyboard, but do not press SHFT with them.
- Pressing 2 will scroll the screen down, 4 will scroll it left, 6
- will scroll it right, and 8 will scroll it up.
- * Casting (F5 or C)
- Casting consists of two parts. The cast itself, and the retrieve. To
- make a cast, first you need to have a rod selected. Once a rod has
- been selected, each cast you make will assume the same rod is being
- used. Cast mode is entered by pressing ALT-C (F5 will also work), or
- by selecting the 'START CASTING' command with the mouse. You can
- easily determine if you are in cast mode because the bottom line of
- screen will contain some brief casting instructions, which will
- disappear when you exit cast mode. If you are using a mouse, move the
- mouse cursor (the white arrow on the screen) to the place you want the
- cast to go. Then, press the left button on the mouse. A line will
- appear on your screen between the boat and where the arrow is
- pointing. If the sound is turned on, a squirt noise will accompany the
- line on the screen. The distance that you can cast will vary depending
- on the type of rod you have selected, and whether or not you are
- wearing a life jacket. The skill level you are playing at also helps
- to determine the maximum cast distance. A novice cannot cast as far as
- a pro. You cannot cast toward the rear of the boat. If you are not
- using a mouse, a small + symbol will appear somewhere near your boat
- when you enter cast mode. Use the up, down left and right arrow keys
- to then position your cast. You can also move the cast marker
- diagonally by using the HOME, PgUp, END, and PgDn keys. Once you have
- positioned the cast marker (the + symbol) where you want it, press
- the space bar to make the cast.
- If a fish strikes, the message FISH ON! will pop onto your screen,
- followed by other information windows about the fish. These messages
- will stay on the screen for short time, then disappear. They will
- disappear immediately if you move the mouse or press a key while they
- are displayed. This is to speed up the game if you desire. Casting too
- close to land will sometimes cause your bait to snag. Casting at
- stumps, docks, other boats, lily pads, rocks, etc. will normally not
- cause you to snag if you are using an appropriate bait for the type of
- cover you are fishing.
- * Retrieving your bait
- If a fish does not strike immediately after your cast hits the water,
- you must RETRIEVE the bait. RETRIEVING is accomplished by holding the
- space bar down, or by repeatedly pressing the left mouse button. If
- you're using a mouse, you can hold down the mouse button after casting
- to quickly retrieve the bait. Fish may strike at any time while
- RETRIEVING. Stop RETRIEVING when the bait reaches the boat unless you
- want another cast to go to the same place.
- * Weighing In Your Fish (ALT-W)
- Weighing in your fish is almost as important as catching them in the
- first place. Each lake has a weigh in area signified by a bright
- yellow flag. To weigh in, you must proceed to the weigh in area and
- dock your boat as close to the flag as possible before the six hour
- time limit has expired. When you think your boat is close enough to
- the flag, press ALT- F8 (or ALT-W) to begin the weigh in procedure. If
- you are not close enough to the weigh in area, a message will appear
- to let you know. If you are within the weigh in area, the message "Are
- you sure you want to weigh in now?" will appear. A "Yes" reply will
- start the weigh in procedure, any other reply will abort the weigh in
- process. Fish can be weighed in at any time, but once you do, you are
- done fishing for that day. A message will appear on your screen that
- say's "Beginning weigh in...". After a few seconds, your statistics
- for the day will pop onto the screen. It is a good idea to allow
- yourself plenty of time to get to the weigh in area. You never know
- what might happen on your way back! If you have a printer connected,
- you can make a listing of the day's fishing results. Just press P when
- so instructed to get your print out.
- Miscellaneous Commands
- * HELP ME! (H or ?)
- Pressing H, the ? key or clicking on the HELP ME! command will display
- a list of topics for which help is available. Help on subjects such as
- fishing around boat docks, in rock piles, or bait selection (to name
- just a few) is available. The inexperienced angler will find the
- GLOSSARY of FISHING TERMS a great help. Additionally, there is a
- COMMAND REFERENCE to remind you of the keys to press for various
- things. As a bonus, there is an entry titled 'Dick's HOT Tips' which
- will display a randomly selected fishing or boating tip. Selecting the
- COMMAND REFERENCE, the GLOSSARY, or the HOT Tips will not cost you
- anything, but help on other topics will cost you a few points. You can
- click on the help topic with your mouse, or use the Up/Down arrow keys
- to move the highlight bar if you're not using a mouse.
- If you are fishing in the PRO skill level, only the COMMAND REFERENCE,
- the GLOSSARY of FISHING TERMS, and the HOT TIPS are available since it
- is assumed that as a PRO, you don't need much assistance. NOVICE skill
- level also has suggestions that will appear if Bass Class decides you
- need some guidance.
- * Contour Map (M)
- Pressing 'M' will display a small contour map of the lake you are
- fishing. You can also click on the command with your mouse. The map
- consists of shaded areas that represent the various depths in the
- lake. Shallow areas are indicated by the lighter colors while deeper
- areas are indicated by the darker colors. The weigh in area is shown
- as a bright yellow square and the current location of your boat is
- represented by a blinking black/green square. Consulting the contour
- map uses 15 seconds of your time each time you use it.
- * Sound ON/OFF (F4)
- This command is executed by pressing F4, or by clicking on it with
- your mouse. The status of the sound is indicated by a yellow
- highlighted box in the command window. If the sound is ON (the
- default), selecting this command will turn it off. If the sound has
- been turned off, this command will turn it back on. It can be changed
- at any time. When the sound is on, a 'squirt' noise will be heard as
- you make each cast, and a buzzing sound will be heard when the
- outboard motor is running. When you hook a fish, another distinct
- sound will be heard.
- * List Status (alt-F10 or S)
- This command is executed by pressing ALT-F10 (hold down the ALT key
- while you press F10), by pressing "S", or by clicking on it with the
- mouse. A window will pop up on your screen with lots of information
- about the rod you have selected, the lure type and color, time
- remaining etc. It costs you no time, battery power or gasoline to
- execute this command.
- * Add Fish Formula to Bait (F)
- You can add Fish Formula to your bait by pressing the F key. A short
- message will appear on the screen to notify you that Fish Formula
- was used. Each time you add a shot of Fish Formula, it costs you ten
- seconds in time. Sometimes, adding Fish Formula seems to have a great
- deal to do with your success. You'll have to be the judge! Each shot
- of Fish Formula lasts for about 6 or 7 casts. You must have a rod
- selected, and that rod must have a bait attached to benefit from this
- command.
- * Weather Report (ALT-F4)
- This command will display a weather report on your screen. It is
- executed by pressing ALT-F4 or by clicking on it with the mouse. The
- weather is of little interest unless you are fishing at the Pro level.
- Wind speed and direction are important in that your boat may drift if
- the wind is strong enough. The boat will drift in the direction that
- the wind is blowing. Be aware that it is possible to drift into rocks
- or other obstacles that can cost you some kind of penalty. It is also
- possible that your boat can become stuck as a result of drifting. If
- you get stuck, it is sometimes (but not always) possible to run your
- boat in the opposite direction from that which it was moving when it
- became stuck. If you become stuck, and cannot get out, keep trying.
- You can never tell when someone might come along to help! There is no
- alternate key to access this command.
- * Quitting the Game (ALT-Q)
- Pressing ALT-Q will cause the message "Are you sure you want to QUIT?"
- to appear. Answering "Y" will terminate the game, any other key will
- allow you to continue playing. Any record sized fish that you have
- caught will be recorded if you quit without weighing in, but you must
- weigh in to be credited with a heavy stringer record.
- * View BASS CLASS Honor Roll (V)
- Pressing the V key will display the weights of the 10 largest fish
- caught, who caught them, where and when they were caught. After you
- have looked at the "BIG FISH HONOR ROLL", press any key to see the
- "HEAVY STRINGER HONOR ROLL". This represents the ten heaviest
- stringers on record. If you are fishing at the NOVICE level, you can
- still set BIG FISH records, but you are not permitted to set HEAVY
- STRINGER records. When you have finished viewing the heaviest
- stringers, press any key to continue what you were doing.
- In PRO or INTERMEDIATE skill levels your total weight may qualify you
- for a record stringer. If so, your name, total weight, date, and the
- name of the lake or river will be saved, and your record will become
- one of those to beat! The big fish records and the heavy stringer
- records can be printed when you see them displayed on the screen. To
- do this, first make sure your printer is ready, then press P when you
- see the honor roll plaque that you want to print.
- * The - (minus) Key
- Pressing the '-' key will cause the boat to go backwards.
- * Saving a Game (ALT-S)
- You can save a game and continue playing it at a later time. This
- can be done at any time by holding down the ALT key while you
- press the "S" key. The status of the game will be saved on your disk
- in a file called BCLASS.SAV. This file occupies about 60k of disk
- space so be sure that your disk has enough room for the file. If you
- have saved a game, it can be restored by selecting "R" when you are
- asked what area you would like to fish on the title screen at the
- start of a game. Clicking on the SAVE GAME command in the command
- window will also save the game for you. Only one game may be saved.
- * BOSS Mode (ALT-Z)
- This was not my idea! Many people requested it so here it is. You
- know what to use it for. When you press ALT-Z, the lake map disappears
- and is replaced with a dummy disk directory listing. The lake map will
- reappear and the game will continue when you press any key.
- A Few Choice Words....
- * Wear your life jacket at all times. Put it on at the start of
- each day of fishing. (Good advice in real fishing too!)
- * Start the live well aerator as soon as the first fish is added to
- it. This will usually save you a penalty at weigh in time.
- * Work a likely spot thoroughly. Make several casts to the same area.
- Applying Fish Formula sometimes helps.
- * If you're not catching fish, try another bait or change colors.
- Often,
- a totally different type of bait will produce results.
- * Allow plenty of time to return to the weigh in area.
- * Use the ROTATE keys. They use less time and energy than moving the
- boat.
- * If you run into rocks, stumps etc. back your boat out in the
- opposite
- direction, or use the '-' key.
- * Learn to recognize areas that might cause you to snag. Lost lures
- cost
- you time and money, so choose baits that are appropriate for the
- structure
- you are fishing.
- * Use the contour map. It will help you find the deep holes, and make
- it easier to find your way back to the weigh in area.
- Credits:
- * Nels Anderson for allowing me to use some of his marvelous
- programming tools. Without him, Bass Class could not have been
- written. Nels is the wizard that brought us MAHJONGG, EGATREK,
- SHOOTING GALLERY and SUPER FLY (among others). You haven't seen an EGA
- VGA or MCGA program until you've seen one of his! Nels also has a
- program available called BassMap, which allows you to create your own
- lakes for use with Bass Class. These lakes can also be used if you
- have BassTour. His address is:
- Nels Anderson
- 92 Bishop Drive
- Framingham, MA 01701
- BassMap costs $10 plus $2 for postage. It can also be downloaded from
- the Xevious BBS mentioned below.
- Good Fishing!
- Dick Olsen
- Be sure to try the Xevious BBS system in Framingham, MA. The newest
- version of Bass Class is always available there first! You can also
- leave me messages there. Leave notes to Dick Olsen, then check again
- in a few days for a reply. The number for Xevious is (508)-875-3618.
- Xevious has 1 gigabyte of disk space (and growing), with HST modems on
- most of the lines.
- *********************************************************************
- *********************************************************************
- This software is sold "as is", without any warranty as to performance
- or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the
- many hardware and software environments into which this program may
- be used, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered.
- The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Any
- liability of the seller will be limited exclusively to product
- replacement or the refund of the registration fee.
- *********************************************************************
- *********************************************************************
- This software is produced by Dick Olsen who is a member of the
- Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure
- that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
- resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting
- the member directly, ASP may be able to help.
- The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
- ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members'
- products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786,
- Bellevue, WA 98006, USA or send a CompuServe message via easyplex to
- ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- _______
- ____|__ | (R)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- If you encounter a problem with Bass Class, I'd like to know about
- it. Please take a few minutes to fill out the following form, then
- mail it to me. I will do my best to correct the problem. If a new
- version of Bass Class is created as a result of the problem you have
- reported, I will send you the new version with the problem
- corrected.
- Your Name_______________________________________________________
- Street Address__________________________________________________
- City, State, ZIP________________________________________________
- Day time Phone #________________________________________________
- Evening Phone #_________________________________________________
- Best time to call_______________________________________________
- What version of Bass Class do you have?_________________________
- Where did you get it?___________________________________________
- What brand of computer are you using?___________________________
- What Model of computer__________________________________________
- How much memory does your computer have?________________________
- What brand of video card does your computer have?_______________
- How much memory is on the EGA card?_____________________
- What other cards are in your computer?
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Are you using a mouse?___________________
- Does your computer have a hard disk?__________More than one?_______
- Describe the problem. What were you doing when it happened? What
- mode were you operating in? Were you out of gas or was the battery
- dead? Was the LCD recorder on? Was the sound on?
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Bass Class Registration Form v1.0
- Dear Dick,
- Enclosed find my check or money order for $15.00 (U.S. funds). Please
- register me as a Bass Class user and send me the latest version if
- the version I have is not the latest.
- Thanks!
- YOUR NAME________________________________________________
- STREET ADDRESS___________________________________________
- CITY, STATE, ZIP_________________________________________
- COUNTRY__________________________________________________
- Bass Class Version you have______________________________
- COMMENTS_________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________
- Olsen Outdoors Software Order Form
- Enclosed please find cash, check or money order (U.S. funds) for
- $___________. Please rush me the software I have indicated.
- _____ Copies of BassTour @$15 for 5 1/4 inch disks, $17 for 3 1/2 inch
- disks. Similar to Bass Class, but you're fishing a 3 day tournament
- against 30 of the top names in bass fishing. Comes complete with six
- areas to fish, all different than the Bass Class lakes (they work with
- Bass Class too). Works on VGA, EGA, MCGA, CGA, and Hercules graphics
- systems. Requires 512k of memory. Mouse support is provided.
- _____ Copies of Lakes #1 @$10 for 5 1/4 inch disks, $12 for 3 1/2 inch
- disks. This disk contains an additional seven fishing areas that you
- can add to your BassTour or Bass Class game.
- _____ Copies of Lakes #2 @$10 for 5 1/4 inch disks, $12 for 3 1/2 inch
- disks. This disks contains another seven fishing areas for use with
- BassTour or Bass Class. Each is different. Use of both Lakes #1 and
- Lakes #2 will bring 14 more fishing areas to your BassTour or Bass
- Class game, giving you 20 places to choose from!
- _____ Copies of FishBase ][ @$10 for 5 1/4 inch disks, $12 for 3 1/2
- inch disks. FishBase ][ is a fishermans log book and data base program
- that also gives you lots of statistics about the fish you catch. For
- color or monochrome systems. Requires 256k of memory.
- _____ Copies of BassTips @$10 for 5 1/4 inch disks, $12 for 3 1/2 inch
- disks. BassTips is a collection of over 100 fishing tips. Complete
- with a tip editor so you can add your own tips. You can configure the
- tips to 'POP' onto your screen. For color or monochrome systems.
- _____ Copies of TIKLER @$10 each for 5 1/4 inch disks, $12 for 3 1/2
- inch disks. TIKLER is an appointment/reminder program that is FAST as
- well as easy to use. Reminds you of upcoming events such as birthdays,
- meetings etc. You can set how many days in advance you want to be
- notified. Handles up to 600 events and has a built in perpetual
- calendar. For color or monochrome systems. Requires 256k of memory.
- Sub Total $_______________ Mail your order to: Olsen Outdoors
- 68 Hartwell Avenue
- Shipping $2.00 per order Littleton, MA 01460
- U.S.A.
- TOTAL $_______________
- Your Name_______________________________________________________
- Street Address__________________________________________________
- City____________________________________________________________
- State/Province_________________________ZIP Code_________________