+ message_three {Joystick not supported in demo...}
{"NULL","Disable Joystick"},
{"joystick","Default Joystick Map"},
{"jsticka","Standard 2 button 2 axis Joystick"},
{"jstickb","Standard 4 button 2 axis Joystick"},
{"jstickc","Standard 4 button 2 axis Joystick with Hat"},
{"jstickd","Standard 4 button 3 axis Joystick"},
{"jsticke","Standard 4 button 3 axis Joystick with Hat"},
{"wingw","Logitech Wingman Warrior"},
{"wingwex","Logitech Wingman Extreme"},
{"sidew","Microsoft Sidewinder"},
{"sidewpro","Microsoft Sidewinder Pro and Force Feedback Pro"}
joystick {
+ select {Select Joystick Map File}
+ NULL {Disable Joystick}
+ joystick {Default Joystick Map}
+ jsticka {Standard 2 button 2 axis Joystick}
+ jstickb {Standard 4 button 2 axis Joystick}
+ jstickc {Standard 4 button 2 axis Joystick with Hat}
+ jstickd {Standard 4 button 3 axis Joystick}
+ jsticke {Standard 4 button 3 axis Joystick with Hat}
option_box {
+ flat {FLAT}
+ full {FULL}
+ smooth {SMOOTH}
+ solid {SOLID}
+ low_res {LOW RES}
+ hi_res {HI RES}
+ textured {TEXTURED}
+ mixed {MIXED}
+ med {MED}
+ easy {EASY}
+ hard {HARD}
+ off {OFF}
+ on {ON}
multi_one {
+ characters {Characters}
+ description {Description}
+ mail {Mail}
+ url {URL}
+ flags {Flags}
+ dial {Dial}
+ answer {Answer}
+ comm_port {Comm Port}
+ baud_rate {Baud Rate}
+ modem_init {Modem Init String}
+ connection {Connection}
+ phone_list {Phone List}
+ server_list {Servers}
+ sn {Server}
+ pl {pl}
+ ms {ms}
multi_two {
+ create_game {CREATE GAME}
+ join_game {JOIN GAME}
+ create_room {Create Room}
+ rooms {Rooms}
+ games {Games}
+ p_in_room {Players in Room}
+ p_in_game {Players in Game}
+ ping {Ping}
multi_three {
+ maps {Maps}
+ map_layout {Map Layout}
+ vehicle {Vehicle}
+ team {Team}
+ comm_sat {Comm Sat}
+ barracks {Barracks}
+ sync_join {Sync Join}
+ player_limit {Player Limit}
+ time_limit {Time Limit}
+ kill_limit {Kill Limit}
+ flag_limit {Flag Limit}
+ sniper {Sniper}
+ lives {Player Lives}
+ deathmatch {Death Match}
+ strategy {Strategy}
+ chicken {Chicken}
+ king {KOTH}
+ capture {CTF}
+ all_maps {All Maps}
+ two_players {2 Players}
+ three_players {3 Players}
+ four_players {4 Players}
+ ping {Ping}
multi_common {
+ back {BACK}
+ next {NEXT}
+ options {OPTIONS}
+ launch {LAUNCH}
+ new {New}
+ edit {Edit}
+ delete {Delete}
+ chat {Chat}
+ whisper {W}
+ mute {M}
+ kick {K}
+ info {I}
+ email {E}
+ url {P}
+ stats {Player Stats}
+ leave_game {LEAVE GAME}
+ enter_game {ENTER GAME}
+ game_stats {Game Stats}
+ insert_CD {Please insert Battlezone CD}
+ join_game { joined the game}
+ player {Player}
+ ping {Ping}
+ kills {Kills}
+ lives {Lives}
+ deaths {Deaths}
+ died {Died}
+ kill {Kill}
+ life {Life}
+ time {Time}
+ time_in_zone {TimeInZone}
+ team {Team}
+ loss {%loss}
+ player_status {Player Status}
+ game_time {Game Time}
+ stat_line {Player Team Vehicle Ping %Loss}
+ in_game {InGame}
+ vehicle {Vehicle}
multi_popup {
+ ok_button {Ok}
+ cancel_button {Cancel}
+ wait_message {Waiting to Connect...}
+ modem_abort {Waiting for Call...}
+ modem_dial {Dialing...}
+ abort_button {Abort}
+ password {Password}
+ game_name {Game Name}
+ room_name {Room Name}
+ player_name {Player Name}
+ phone_number {Phone Number}
+ dc_modem {Disconnect Modem?}
multi_error {
+ cannot_connect_server {Cannot connect to server - }
+ problem_internet {Problem with internet connection}
+ heat_failed {Heat connection failed}
+ cannot_join {Could not join game}
+ cannot_create {Could not create game}
+ patch_fail {Patch failed to download}
+ Nomem {Nomem}
+ Empty {Empty}
+ Full {Full}
+ Badsize {Badsize}
+ Bad {Bad}
+ Busy {Busy}
+ Already {Already}
+ Bug {Bug}
+ modem_busy {Modem busy}
+ no_answer {No answer}
+ no_dial {No dial tone}
+ no_response {No Response}
+ bad_init_string {Bad initialization string}
+ no_network {Network not present}
+ bad_transport_driver {Bad version of transport driver}
+ no_net_response {Network is not responding}
+ no_host_response {Host is not responding}
+ no_modem_response {Modem is not responding}
+ unknown_error {Unknown modem error}
+ problem_closing {Problem closing down connection}
+ version_mismatch {Mission Version Mismatch, please upgrade}
+ cannot_open_internet {Could not open internet transport}
+ no_transport {No transport selected}
+ no_character {No character selected}
+ no_phone {No phone number selected}
+ no_server {No server selected}
+ error_open_transport {Error opening trasnport}
+ no_internet {You are not connected to the internet}
+ fail_create_player {Failed creating player}
+ player_kick {You have been kicked out}
+ fail_create_game {Failed to create game}
+ game_full {Game Full}
+ fail_join_game {Unable to join game}
+ incorrect_pass {Incorrect Password}
+ need_two_players {You need at least 2 players.}
+ modem_lost {Modem lost connection}
+ game_lost {Lost connection to game}
+ error {Error}
multi_message {
+ system_slow {<system> this server is very slow ! you can try to go back and pick a different one.}
+ system_merge {<system> leaving to merge with a better lobby}
+ system_best {<system> merging with the best lobby found}
+ only_ckick {Only the creator can kick}
+ send_buffer_full {<error> Send buffer full, message not sent.}
+ success { Success}
+ fail { Fail}
+ player_named {<system> }
+ left_room {left.}
+ entered_room {entered.}
+ you_are_host {<system> You are now the host.}
+ file_differs {file differs with player}
+ to_message {To}
+ from_message {From}
+ kick_room {You have been kicked out of the room.}
+ lost_game_connect {<system> Connection to game lost.}
+ lost_room_connect {Lost connection to current room.}
+ no_info {has not provided a description.}
+ no_email {has not provided an email address.}
+ no_url {has not provided a web page address.}
+ no_any {has not provided any information.}
+ get_info {get info}
+ info_player {Player named}
+ email {Email :}
+ url {URL :}
+ description {Description :}
+ select_player_first {Select a player first.}
+ send_email {send email}
+ mail_to {mail to}
+ go_to_page {go to page}
+ creating_player {Creating Player .}
+ joining_game {Joining Game .}
+ unknown {Unknown}
+ enter_room_name {You must enter a room name.}
+ system_server {<system> You are on server }
+ high_end_one {<system> We recommend a 56kps or higher Internet connection or high speed Local Area IPX Network connection in order to ensure smooth play with more than 6 players in a game.}
+ ejected {ejected}
+ ship_destroyed_by {'s ship destroyed by}
+ pilot_destroyed_by {'s pilot destroyed by}
+ killed {killed}
+ killed_by {killed by}
+ defeated {Has Been Defeated}
+ ship_destroyed {'s ship destroyed}
+ you_win {You win}
+ player_joined {Player Joined}
+ player_left {Player Left}
+ s_pilot {'s pilot}
+ sniped {sniped}
+ sniped_by {sniped by}
+ host {You have been elected host}
multi_help {
+ kick {Kick out highlighted player}
+ mute {Mute highlighted player}
+ whisper {Whisper to highlighted player}
+ com_sat {Allow building satellite comm tower}
+ sync {Starts all players at the same time}
+ barrack {Allow building pilot barracks}
+ p_limit {Set max number of players}
+ t_limit {Set max length of game time}
+ k_limit {Set max number of kills}
+ f_limit {Set max number of flags captured}
+ lives {Number of player respawns allowed}
+ sniper {Disable sniper rifle}
+ team {Set team ID number}
+ info {Display player information}
+ email {Send Email}
+ url {Go to web site}
warning {
+ line_one {Some monitors do not support modes other than 640x480.}
+ line_two { If you see problems in the game, return to this menu}
+ line_three { and set the resolution back to 640x480.}
+ title {Battlezone Warning}
keyboard {
+ KeypadEnter {Keypad Enter}
+ GreyLeftArrow {Grey Left}
+ GreyRightArrow {Grey Right}
+ GreyUpArrow {Grey Up}
+ GreyDownArrow {Grey Down}
+ LeftArrow {Keypad Left}
+ RightArrow {Keypad Right}
+ UpArrow {Keypad Up}
+ DownArrow {Keypad Down}
+ LeftBracket {Left Bracket}
+ RightBracket {Right Bracket}
+ GreyStar {Grey Star}
+ Keypad5 {Keypad 5}
+ GreyMinus {Grey Minus}
+ GreyPlus {Grey Plus}
+ LeftBackSlash {Back Slash}
+ GreySlash {Grey Slash}
+ GreyHome {Grey Home}
+ GreyEnd {Grey End}
+ GreyPageUp {Grey PageUp}
+ GreyPageDown {Grey PageDown}
+ GreyInsert {Grey Insert}
+ GreyDelete {Grey Delete}
+ BackQuote {Back Quote}
+ Insert {Keyboard Insert}
license {
+ title {Map Editor License Agreement}
+ accept {Accept}
+ not_accept {Do Not Accept}
hardware {
+ message {The game was not closed properly. Do you wish to run regular Software mode or Hardware accelerated mode?}