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Windows Policy Administrative Template | 1997-09-15 | 9.1 KB | 282 lines
; inetui.adm ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CLASS USER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CATEGORY !!GeneralTab KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel" POLICY !!GeneralTab PART !!RestrictHomePage CHECKBOX VALUENAME HomePage END PART PART !!RestrictCache CHECKBOX VALUENAME Cache END PART PART !!RestrictHistory CHECKBOX VALUENAME History END PART PART !!RestrictColors CHECKBOX VALUENAME Colors END PART PART !!RestrictLinks CHECKBOX VALUENAME links END PART PART !!RestrictFonts CHECKBOX VALUENAME Fonts END PART PART !!RestrictLanguages CHECKBOX VALUENAME Languages END PART PART !!RestrictAccessibility CHECKBOX VALUENAME Accessibility END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CLASS MACHINE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CATEGORY !!Security KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" POLICY !!Security PART !!Security_HKLM_only CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security_HKLM_only END PART PART !!Security_options_edit CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security_options_edit END PART PART !!Security_zones_map_edit CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security_zones_map_edit END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CLASS USER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CATEGORY !!ContentTab KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel" POLICY !!ContentTab PART !!RestrictRatings CHECKBOX VALUENAME Ratings END PART PART !!RestrictCertificates CHECKBOX VALUENAME Certificates END PART PART !!RestrictProfiles CHECKBOX VALUENAME Profiles END PART PART !!RestrictWallet CHECKBOX VALUENAME Wallet END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!ConnectionTab KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel" POLICY !!ConnectionTab PART !!RestrictConnectionWizard CHECKBOX VALUENAME ConnectionWizard END PART PART !!RestrictConnectionSettings CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Connection Settings" END PART PART !!RestrictProxy CHECKBOX VALUENAME Proxy END PART PART !!RestrictAutoconfig CHECKBOX VALUENAME Autoconfig END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!ProgramsTab KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel" POLICY !!ProgramsTab PART !!RestrictMessaging CHECKBOX VALUENAME Messaging END PART PART !!RestrictCalendarContact CHECKBOX VALUENAME CalendarContact END PART PART !!RestrictCheckBrowser CHECKBOX VALUENAME Check_If_Default END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!AdvancedTab KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel" POLICY !!AdvancedTab PART !!RestrictAdvanced CHECKBOX VALUENAME Advanced END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CLASS MACHINE ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CATEGORY !!CodeDownload KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" POLICY !!CodeDownload PART !!Path EDITTEXT REQUIRED DEFAULT !!DefaultSearchPath VALUENAME "CodeBaseSearchPath" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CLASS USER ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CATEGORY !!sz_Channels KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions" POLICY !!sz_Channels PART !!NoChannelUI CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoChannelUI END PART PART !!NoAddingChannels CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoAddingChannels END PART PART !!NoEditingChannels CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoEditingChannels END PART PART !!NoRemovingChannels CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoRemovingChannels END PART PART !!NoAddingSubscriptions CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoAddingSubscriptions END PART PART !!NoEditingSubscriptions CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoEditingSubscriptions END PART PART !!NoRemovingSubscriptions CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoRemovingSubscriptions END PART PART !!NoChannelLogging CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoChannelLogging END PART PART !!NoManualUpdates CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoManualUpdates END PART PART !!NoScheduledUpdates CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoScheduledUpdates END PART PART !!NoUnattendedDialing CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoUnattendedDialing END PART PART !!UpdateInNewProcess CHECKBOX VALUENAME UpdateInNewProcess END PART PART !!NoChannelContent CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoChannelContent END PART PART !!NoSubscriptionContent CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoSubscriptionContent END PART PART !!NoEditingScheduleGroups CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoEditingScheduleGroups END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY [strings] GeneralTab="General" RestrictHomePage = "Disable changing home page settings" RestrictCache="Disable changing cache settings" RestrictHistory="Disable changing history settings" RestrictColors="Disable changing color settings" RestrictLinks="Disable changing link color settings" RestrictFonts="Disable changing font settings" RestrictLanguages="Disable changing language settings" RestrictAccessibility="Disable changing accessibility settings" Security="Security" PolicyName="Security Tab Settings" Security_HKLM_only="Use ONLY machine settings for security zones" Security_options_edit="Do not allow users to change policies for any security zone" Security_zones_map_edit="Do not allow users to add/delete sites from a security zone" ContentTab="Content" RestrictRatings="Disable changing ratings settings" RestrictCertificates="Disable changing certificate settings" RestrictProfiles="Disable changing Profile Assistant settings" RestrictWallet="Disable changing Microsoft Wallet settings" ConnectionTab="Connection" RestrictConnectionWizard="Disable calling Connection Wizard" RestrictConnectionSettings="Disable changing connection settings" RestrictProxy="Disable changing proxy settings" RestrictAutoconfig="Disable changing Automatic Configuration settings" ProgramsTab="Programs" RestrictMessaging="Disable changing Messaging settings" RestrictCalendarContact="Disable changing Calendar and Contact settings" RestrictCheckBrowser="Disable changing checking if Internet Explorer is the default browser" AdvancedTab="Advanced" RestrictAdvanced="Disable changing settings on Advanced Tab" CodeDownload="Code Download" SearchPath="Internet Search Path" Path="Path" DefaultSearchPath="CODEBASE;<http://activex.microsoft.com/objects/ocget.dll>" sz_Channels="Channels Settings" NoChannelUI="Disable Channel UI" NoAddingChannels="Disables adding and subscribing to channels" NoEditingChannels="Disables editing channel properties and channel subscriptions" NoRemovingChannels="Disables removing channels and subscriptions to channels" NoAddingSubscriptions="Disables adding site subscriptions" NoEditingSubscriptions="Disables editing site subscriptions" NoRemovingSubscriptions="Disables removing site subscriptions" NoChannelLogging="Disables channel logging" NoManualUpdates="Disables Update Now and Update All for channels and subscriptions" NoScheduledUpdates="Disables all scheduled channel and site subscriptions" NoUnattendedDialing="Disables unattended dialing by subscriptions" UpdateInNewProcess="Forces subscriptions to be updated outside of the shell process in integrated shell mode" NoChannelContent="Disable downloading of channel subscription content - change notification will still work" NoSubscriptionContent="Disable downloading of site subscription content - change notification will still work" NoEditingScheduleGroups="Disables editing and creating of schedule groups" [IEAK] Title=Internet Restrictions DescriptionTitle=Internet Restrictions Lock=1 Roles=001 [IEAK Description] This allows the administrator to set restrictions on items in the Internet Properties Control Panel. Channels can also be restricted through these settings. These settings allow you to disable adding, editing, or deleting any of the channel options. To set the code download search path, enter a sequence of URLs to search for ActiveX or Java code that is needed for viewing an HTML page. Example: CODEBASE;<http://activex.microsoft.com/objects/ocget.dll> would mean, use the CODEBASE attribute in the HTML <OBJECT> tag, and if absent query http://activex.microsoft.com/objects/ocget.dll for location. For details, see the Internet Component Download documentation in the Internet Client SDK.