home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <%
- Response.Buffer=TRUE
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Request the User String
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- IEAKuser = Request("User")
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Check to see if a user is entered
- '% if not then display a message
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- if IEAKuser = "" then
- Response.Write "Please enter a username"
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% If the user does enter a User variable then we
- '% write an INS file with their User Information
- '% in it. And name the file [user].INS
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- else
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Write information out to a text file
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- filepath = server.mappath(IEAKUser & ".ins")
- Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(filepath, True)
- a.WriteLine("[Entry]")
- a.WriteLine("Entry_Name=Your Internet Connection")
- a.WriteLine("")
- a.WriteLine("[User]")
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Notice that we are placing the User = to the
- '% user variable in the URL
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- a.WriteLine("Name1=" & IEAKuser)
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- a.WriteLine("Password=passsword")
- a.WriteLine(IEAKuser)
- a.WriteLine("[Phone]")
- a.WriteLine("Phone_Number=1234567")
- a.WriteLine("Area_Code=123")
- a.WriteLine("Country_Code=1")
- a.WriteLine("Country_ID=1")
- a.WriteLine("")
- a.WriteLine("[Server]")
- a.WriteLine("Type=PPP")
- a.WriteLine("SW_Compress=yes")
- a.WriteLine("PW_Encrypt=no")
- a.WriteLine("Network_Logon=no")
- a.WriteLine("SW_Encrypt=no")
- a.WriteLine("Negotiate_TCP/IP=yes")
- a.WriteLine("")
- a.WriteLine("[TCP/IP]")
- a.WriteLine("Specify_IP_Address=no")
- a.WriteLine("Specify_Server_Address=no")
- a.WriteLine("IP_Header_Compress=yes")
- a.WriteLine("Gateway_On_Remote=yes")
- a.WriteLine("")
- a.WriteLine("[Internet_Mail]")
- a.WriteLine("SMTP_Server=msmail-gw.bbc.com")
- a.WriteLine("Name=" & IEAKuser)
- a.WriteLine("Password=password")
- a.WriteLine("POP_Server=msmail-gw.bbc.com")
- a.WriteLine("Domain=microsoft.com")
- a.WriteLine("Install_Mail_16=0")
- a.WriteLine("Email_Name=")
- a.WriteLine("POP_Logon_Name=" & IEAKuser)
- a.WriteLine("POP_Logon_Password=password")
- a.WriteLine("Email_Address=")
- a.WriteLine("")
- a.WriteLine("[Internet_News]")
- a.WriteLine("NNTP_Server=msnews-gw.bbc.com")
- a.WriteLine("Logon_Required=0")
- a.Close
- Response.redirect IEAKUser & ".ins"
- 'Response.write "IEAKuser:" & IEAKuser
- end if
- %>