122 56+34 (Adds two numbers together)\nx=5 (Assigns the value of 5 to the variable x)\nx*56 (Multiplies x by 56. Equivalent to "56x", but PowerToy Calc needs to have the "*"(multiply) explicitly specified)\nf(x)=x*x (Creates a function called "f" that uses the variable "x" inside the function. When you use this function "f(5)" it will replace "x" with the value "5" and then evaluate the function.)
123 Something was wrong with your equation. Double check that your open parenthesis '(' have a matching close parenthesis ')'. Also, make sure your variables and functions are spelled correctly.
124 A post-unary operator was just added to the input field.\n\nFor example:\n12 [in->ft] would give you the number of feet in 12 inches.
125 A function was just added to the input field. \n\nFor example:\nf(5) has one parameter '5' and is followed by ')' a close parenthesis.
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134 56 34 + (Adds two numbers together)\nx=5 (Assigns the value of 5 to the variable x)\nx 56 * (Multiplies x by 56. Equivalent to "56x"\nf(x)=x x * (Creates a function called "f" that uses the variable "x" inside the function. When you use this function "f(5)" it will replace "x" with the value "5" and then evaluate the function.)
135 A function was just added to the input field. \n\nFor example:\n'5 f' has one parameter '5' and is followed by the function name.
136 Something was wrong with your equation. Double check that your operations all have the appropriate number of items preceding them on the stack. Also, make sure your variables and functions are spelled correctly.