home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <HTML id=dlgFont STYLE="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
- width: 41.4em; height: 26.9em">
- <HEAD>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
- <meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="Yes">
- <TITLE id=dialogTitle>
- ╪≡Φ⌠≥
- </TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- <SCRIPT defer>
- function callHelp(elm)
- {
- if (null != elm.helpid)
- {
- window.showHelp(elm.helpfile, "" + parseInt(elm.helpid),
- "popup");
- }
- else
- {
- if ("BODY" != elm.tagName)
- {
- callHelp(elm.parentElement);
- }
- }
- }
- function btnCancelClick()
- {
- window.close();
- }
- function getTextRange(elm)
- {
- var r = elm.parentTextEdit.createTextRange();
- r.moveToElementText(elm);
- return r;
- }
- function mouseClick()
- {
- if (window.event.srcElement.id.substring(0,3)
- == "txt")
- {
- return;
- }
- if (window.event.button == 2)
- {
- callHelp(window.event.srcElement);
- }
- }
- function txtDefaultESC()
- {
- if (event.keyCode == 27)
- {
- window.close();
- return;
- }
- }
- window.onerror = HandleError
- var L_Dialog_ErrorMessage = "┬ ²≥ε∞ ΣΦαδεπεΓε∞ εΩφσ ∩≡εΦτε°δα ε°ΦßΩα.";
- var L_ErrorNumber_Text = "╬°ΦßΩα: ";
- function HandleError(message, url, line)
- {
- var str = L_Dialog_ErrorMessage + "\n\n"
- + L_ErrorNumber_Text + line + "\n"
- + message;
- alert (str);
- window.close();
- return true;
- }
- var g_bSearchList = false;
- var g_nTimeoutID;
- var g_szLastFound = "";
- var g_nLastFoundIndex = 0;
- var g_nMatchLength = 0;
- function GetSampleString()
- {
- var strReturn = "AaBbYyZz";
- if (txtFontName.value != "")
- {
- switch (dialogHelper.getCharset(txtFontName.value))
- {
- case 2:
- {
- strReturn = "Symbol";
- break;
- }
- case 128:
- {
- strReturn = "Aa\u3042\u3041\u30a2\u30a1\u4e9c\u5b87";
- break;
- }
- case 129:
- case 130:
- {
- strReturn = "\uac00\ub098\ub2e4\u0041\u0061\u0042\u0062\u0059\u0079\u005a\u007a";
- break;
- }
- case 136:
- {
- strReturn = "\u4e2d\u6587\u5b57\u578b\u7bc4\u4f8b";
- break;
- }
- case 161:
- {
- strReturn = "AaBb\u0391\u03b1\u0392\u03b2";
- break;
- }
- case 162:
- {
- strReturn = "AaBb\u011e\u011f\u015e\u015f";
- break;
- }
- case 177:
- {
- strReturn = "AaBb\u05e0\u05e1\u05e9\u05ea";
- break;
- }
- case 178:
- case 179:
- {
- strReturn = "AaBb\u0639\u0645\u0646\u062e\u0631\u0648\u0643\u0645";
- break;
- }
- case 204:
- {
- strReturn = "AaBb\u0411\u0431\u0424\u0444";
- break;
- }
- case 238:
- {
- strReturn = "AaBb\u00c1\u00e1\u00d4\u00f4";
- break;
- }
- case 255:
- {
- strReturn = "Aa\u00f8\u00f1\u00fd";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return strReturn;
- }
- function getCheckStateCmd(checkbox, range)
- {
- checkbox.checked = (true == range.queryCommandState(checkbox.value));
- }
- function getSelectStateCmd(select, range)
- {
- var index;
- if (null != range.queryCommandValue(select.id.substring(3)))
- {
- for (index = 0; index < select.options.length; index++)
- {
- if (select.options[index].value ==
- range.queryCommandValue(select.id.substring(3)))
- {
- select.selectedIndex = index;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- select.selectedIndex = -1;
- }
- }
- function setCheckStateCmd(checkbox, range)
- {
- if (checkbox.checked !=
- (true == range.queryCommandState(checkbox.value)))
- {
- range.execCommand(checkbox.value, false);
- }
- }
- function setSelectStateCmd(select, range)
- {
- if (-1 != select.selectedIndex)
- {
- range.execCommand(select.id.substring(3), false,
- select.options[select.selectedIndex].value);
- }
- }
- function NoCaseCompare(str1, str2)
- {
- var ideo1 = 1 != escape(str1.charAt(0)).length;
- var ideo2 = 1 != escape(str2.charAt(0)).length;
- if (ideo1 != ideo2)
- return ideo1 ? -1 : 1;
- if (str1.toLowerCase() < str2.toLowerCase())
- return -1;
- if (str1.toLowerCase() > str2.toLowerCase())
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- function fillFontSelect(select)
- {
- var index;
- var fontList = new Array();
- var optFontName;
- var len = dialogHelper.fonts.length;
- for (index = 0; index < len; index++)
- {
- fontList[index] =
- dialogHelper.fonts.item(index);
- }
- fontList.sort(NoCaseCompare);
- for (index = 0; index < fontList.length; index++)
- {
- optFontName = new Option();
- optFontName.value = fontList[index];
- optFontName.text = fontList[index];
- select.options[index] = optFontName;
- }
- }
- function setFont(range)
- {
- var FontNameCommand = "FontName";
- if (window.event.srcElement == txtFontName ||
- window.event.srcElement == cmdFontName)
- {
- range.text = GetSampleString();
- range = getTextRange(elmSample);
- }
- if (-1 != cmdFontName.selectedIndex)
- {
- range.execCommand(FontNameCommand, false, txtFontName.value);
- }
- }
- function getFontStyle()
- {
- var cmdBold = "Bold";
- var cmdItalic = "Italic";
- var globalDoc = window.dialogArguments;
- var range = globalDoc;
- with (range)
- {
- if (queryCommandState(cmdBold) && queryCommandState(cmdItalic))
- {
- selFontStyle.value = "Bold-Italic";
- }
- else if (queryCommandState(cmdBold))
- {
- selFontStyle.value = "Bold";
- }
- else if (queryCommandState(cmdItalic))
- {
- selFontStyle.value = "Italic";
- }
- else
- {
- selFontStyle.value = "Regular";
- }
- }
- }
- function setFontStyle(range)
- {
- var cmdBold = "Bold";
- var cmdItalic = "Italic";
- with (range)
- {
- if ("Bold-Italic" == selFontStyle.value)
- {
- if (true != queryCommandState(cmdBold))
- {
- execCommand(cmdBold, false);
- }
- if (true != queryCommandState(cmdItalic))
- {
- execCommand(cmdItalic, false);
- }
- }
- else if ("Bold" == selFontStyle.value)
- {
- if (true != queryCommandState(cmdBold))
- {
- execCommand(cmdBold, false);
- }
- if (true == queryCommandState(cmdItalic))
- {
- execCommand(cmdItalic, false);
- }
- }
- else if ("Italic" == selFontStyle.value)
- {
- if (true == queryCommandState(cmdBold))
- {
- execCommand(cmdBold, false);
- }
- if (true != queryCommandState(cmdItalic))
- {
- execCommand(cmdItalic, false);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (true == queryCommandState(cmdBold))
- {
- execCommand(cmdBold, false);
- }
- if (true == queryCommandState(cmdItalic))
- {
- execCommand(cmdItalic, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function getFontColor()
- {
- var cmdForeColor = "ForeColor";
- var globalDoc = window.dialogArguments;
- var range = globalDoc;
- var intColor = range.queryCommandValue(cmdForeColor);
- if (null != intColor)
- {
- selColor.value = intColor;
- if (parseInt(selColor.value) != parseInt(intColor))
- {
- selColor.customColor = intColor;
- selColor.value = "custom";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- selColor.selectedIndex = -1;
- }
- }
- function setFontColor(range)
- {
- var cmdForeColor = "ForeColor";
- var intDefaultColor = 0;
- if (-1 != selColor.selectedIndex)
- {
- if ("custom" == selColor.value)
- {
- range.execCommand(cmdForeColor, false,
- parseInt(selColor.customColor));
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- range.execCommand(cmdForeColor, false,
- parseInt(selColor.value));
- }
- }
- }
- function syncSelect(ctlSelect, ctlText)
- {
- if (-1 != ctlSelect.selectedIndex)
- {
- if (ctlText.value.toLowerCase()
- == ctlSelect.options[ctlSelect.selectedIndex]
- .text.toLowerCase())
- {
- ctlText.value = ctlSelect.options[ctlSelect.selectedIndex].text;
- }
- }
- }
- function syncSelect2(ctlSelect, ctlText)
- {
- if (-1 != ctlSelect.selectedIndex)
- {
- ctlText.value = ctlSelect.options[ctlSelect.selectedIndex].text;
- }
- }
- function findMatch (strMatch, optionsList)
- {
- var index;
- var index2;
- var bestChar = 0;
- var bestMatch = 0;
- var strOptText;
- for (index = 0; index < optionsList.length; index++)
- {
- strOptText = optionsList.options[index].text;
- for (index2 = bestChar; index2 < strMatch.length; index2++)
- {
- if (strMatch.substring(0, index2 + 1).toLowerCase() ==
- strOptText.substring(0, index2 + 1)
- .toLowerCase())
- {
- bestChar = index2 + 1;
- bestMatch = index;
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return bestMatch;
- }
- function updateSample()
- {
- var rngSample = getTextRange(elmSample);
- setCheckStateCmd(chkUnderline, rngSample);
- rngSample.text = GetSampleString();
- rngSample = getTextRange(elmSample);
- setFont(rngSample);
- setSelectStateCmd(cmdFontSize, rngSample);
- setFontStyle(rngSample);
- setFontColor(rngSample);
- }
- function searchText()
- {
- var index;
- var index2;
- var bestChar = g_nMatchLength;
- var bestMatch = g_nLastFoundIndex;
- var strOptText;
- var optionsList = cmdFontName.options;
- var strMatch = txtFontName.value;
- if (strMatch.length == 0)
- {
- cmdFontName.selectedIndex = -1;
- g_nMatchLength = 0;
- g_nLastFoundIndex = 0;
- g_bSearchList = false;
- g_szLastFound = "";
- return;
- }
- if (strMatch.length >= g_szLastFound.length
- && (strMatch.substring(0, g_nMatchLength).toLowerCase()
- == g_szLastFound.substring(0, g_nMatchLength).toLowerCase()))
- {
- index = g_nLastFoundIndex;
- }
- else
- {
- index = 0;
- bestChar = 0;
- }
- for (; index < optionsList.length; index++)
- {
- strOptText = optionsList.options[index].text;
- for (index2 = bestChar; index2 < strMatch.length; index2++)
- {
- if (strMatch.substring(index2, index2 + 1).toLowerCase() ==
- strOptText.substring(index2, index2 + 1)
- .toLowerCase())
- {
- bestChar = index2 + 1;
- bestMatch = index;
- g_nLastFoundIndex = bestMatch;
- g_nMatchLegth = bestChar;
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (bestChar > 0 && index < optionsList.options.length - 2 &&
- optionsList.options[index + 1].text
- .substring(bestChar - 1, bestChar).toLowerCase()
- != strMatch.substring(bestChar - 1, bestChar).toLowerCase())
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- cmdFontName.selectedIndex = bestMatch;
- g_bSearchList = false;
- g_szLastFound = txtFontName.value;
- }
- function TextboxKeyDown(textbox, select, iKeyCode)
- {
- var fReturn = false;
- if (38 == iKeyCode || 40 ==iKeyCode)
- {
- var iDirection = (iKeyCode == 38) ? -1 : 1;
- if (!((iDirection == 1 &&
- !(select.selectedIndex < select.options.length - 1))
- || (iDirection == -1 && !select.selectedIndex)))
- {
- select.selectedIndex = select.selectedIndex + iDirection;
- textbox.value =
- select.options(select.selectedIndex).text;
- textbox.select();
- updateSample(getTextRange(elmSample));
- }
- fReturn = true;
- }
- return fReturn;
- }
- function syncTextFont()
- {
- if (TextboxKeyDown(txtFontName, cmdFontName, window.event.keyCode))
- return;
- if (g_szLastFound.toLowerCase() == txtFontName.value.toLowerCase())
- {
- return;
- }
- if (g_bSearchList)
- {
- window.clearTimeout(g_nTimeoutID);
- }
- g_bSearchList = true;
- g_nTimeoutID = window.setTimeout("searchText()", 200);
- }
- function loadBdy()
- {
- var doc = window.dialogArguments;
- var L_InsideFrameset_ErrorMessage =
- "▌≥α Ωε∞αφΣα φσΣε±≥≤∩φα, ∩ε±ΩεδⁿΩ≤ ±≥≡αφΦ÷α ±εΣσ≡µΦ≥ ΩαΣ≡√.";
- if (doc.parentWindow.frames.length > 0 &&
- doc.all.tags("IFRAME").length == 0)
- {
- alert(L_InsideFrameset_ErrorMessage);
- window.close();
- }
- var rngCurrent = doc;
- document.onhelp = new Function("callHelp(window.event.srcElement)");
- document.onmouseup = new Function("mouseClick()");
- txtFontName.onblur = new
- Function("syncSelect(cmdFontName, txtFontName)");
- txtFontName.onfocus = new Function("txtFontName.select()");
- txtFontName.onchange = new
- Function("setFont(getTextRange(elmSample))");
- txtFontName.onkeyup = new Function("syncTextFont()");
- txtFontName.onfocus = new Function("txtFontName.select()");
- txtFontName.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()");
- txtFontStyle.onblur = new
- Function("syncSelect(selFontStyle, txtFontStyle)");
- txtFontStyle.onfocus = new Function("txtFontStyle.select()");
- txtFontStyle.onchange = new Function("setFontStyle" +
- "(getTextRange(elmSample))");
- txtFontStyle.onkeyup = new Function("synchText()");
- txtFontStyle.onfocus = new Function("txtFontStyle.select()");
- txtFontStyle.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()");
- txtFontSize.onblur = new
- Function("syncSelect(cmdFontSize, txtFontSize)");
- txtFontSize.onfocus = new Function("txtFontSize.select()");
- txtFontSize.onchange = new
- Function("setSelectStateCmd(cmdFontSize, " +
- "getTextRange(elmSample))");
- txtFontSize.onkeyup = new Function("synchText()");
- txtFontSize.onfocus = new Function("txtFontSize.select()");
- txtFontSize.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()");
- cmdFontName.onchange = new Function("syncSelect2(cmdFontName, txtFontName);" +
- "setFont(getTextRange(elmSample))");
- selFontStyle.onchange = new Function("syncSelect2(selFontStyle," +
- "txtFontStyle);" +
- "setFontStyle(getTextRange(elmSample))");
- cmdFontSize.onchange = new Function("syncSelect2(cmdFontSize, txtFontSize);" +
- "setSelectStateCmd(cmdFontSize, getTextRange(elmSample))");
- chkUnderline.onclick = new Function("setCheckStateCmd(chkUnderline," +
- "getTextRange(elmSample))");
- selColor.onchange = new Function("setFontColor(getTextRange(elmSample))");
- btnCustom.onclick = new Function("btnCustomClick()");
- btnOK.onclick = new Function("btnOKClick()");
- btnCancel.onclick = new Function("btnCancelClick()");
- fillFontSelect(cmdFontName);
- getCheckStateCmd(chkUnderline, rngCurrent);
- getSelectStateCmd(cmdFontName, rngCurrent);
- getSelectStateCmd(cmdFontSize, rngCurrent);
- getFontStyle();
- selColor.customColor = 0;
- getFontColor();
- syncSelect2(cmdFontName, txtFontName);
- syncSelect2(selFontStyle, txtFontStyle);
- syncSelect2(cmdFontSize, txtFontSize);
- txtFontName.select();
- g_szLastFound = txtFontName.value;
- updateSample();
- txtFontName.focus();
- }
- function btnCustomClick()
- {
- var result = dialogHelper.choosecolordlg(selColor.customColor);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- selColor.customColor = result;
- selColor.value = "custom";
- setFontColor(getTextRange(elmSample));
- }
- }
- function btnOKClick()
- {
- var globalDoc = window.dialogArguments;
- var range = globalDoc;
- setCheckStateCmd(chkUnderline, range);
- setSelectStateCmd(cmdFontSize, range);
- setFont(range);
- setFontColor(range);
- setFontStyle(range);
- window.close();
- }
- function synchText()
- {
- var index;
- var elmSource = window.event.srcElement;
- var arrSelect = new Array();
- var elmSelect;
- var elmOptions;
- arrSelect["txtFontName"] = cmdFontName;
- arrSelect["txtFontStyle"] = selFontStyle;
- arrSelect["txtFontSize"] = cmdFontSize;
- elmSelect = arrSelect[elmSource.id];
- elmOptions = elmSelect.options;
- if (TextboxKeyDown(elmSource, elmSelect, window.event.keyCode))
- return;
- if ("" != elmSource.value)
- {
- elmSelect.selectedIndex = findMatch(elmSource.value,
- elmOptions);
- }
- }
- <BODY id=bdy onload="loadBdy()" style="font-family: 'MS Shell Dlg'; font-size: 8pt;
- background: threedface; color: windowtext;" scroll=no>
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- HEIGHT=0 WIDTH=0 tabindex=-1>
- <DIV id=divFontName style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
- left: 0.98em; top: 0.9126em; width: 2.38em; height: 1.2168em;">
- <LABEL id=lblFontName for=txtFontName tabIndex=-1 helpid="35420"
- helpfile=msoe.hlp>
- <u>╪</u>≡Φ⌠≥:</LABEL>
- </DIV>
- <DIV id=divFontStyle style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
- left: 14.86em; top: 0.9126em; width: 6.76em; height: 1.2168em;">
- <LABEL id=lblFontStyle for=txtFontStyle tabIndex=-1 helpid="35425"
- helpfile=msoe.hlp>
- ╤<u>≥</u>Φδⁿ:</LABEL>
- </DIV>
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- left: 27.58em; top: 0.9126em; width: 2.24em; height: 1.2168em;">
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- helpfile=msoe.hlp>
- <u>╨</u>ατ∞σ≡:</LABEL>
- </DIV>
- <INPUT type=text ID=txtFontName ACCESSKEY=° tabIndex=5
- style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
- left: 0.98em; top: 2.3em; width: 13.04em; height: 1.9773em; "
- helpid="35420" helpfile=msoe.hlp>
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- style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
- left: 14.86em; top: 2.3em; width: 11.3em; height: 1.9773em; "
- helpid="35425" helpfile=msoe.hlp>
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- style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
- left: 27.58em; top: 2.3em; width: 3.8em; height: 1.9773em; "
- helpid="35430" helpfile=msoe.hlp>
- <SELECT ID=cmdFontName style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
- left: 0.8em; top: 4.2588em; width: 13.2em; height: 9.9739em; "
- name=setCmdID tabIndex=-1 size=7
- helpid="35420" helpfile=msoe.hlp>
- <SELECT ID=selFontStyle size=7 tabIndex=-1
- style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
- left: 14.8em; top: 4.2588em; width: 11.5em; height: 9.9739em; "
- helpid="35425" helpfile=msoe.hlp>
- <OPTION id=optRegular VALUE=Regular SELECTED> εß√≈φ√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optItalic VALUE=Italic> Ω≤≡±ΦΓ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optBold VALUE=Bold> µΦ≡φ√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optBoldItalic VALUE=Bold-Italic> µΦ≡φ√Θ Ω≤≡±ΦΓ </OPTION>
- <SELECT ID=cmdFontSize size=7 tabIndex=-1 name=setCmdID
- style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
- left: 27.5em; top: 4.2588em; width: 4em; height: 9.9739em; "
- helpid="35430" helpfile=msoe.hlp>
- <OPTION id=opt8 VALUE=1> 8 </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=opt10 VALUE=2> 10 </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=opt14 VALUE=4> 14 </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=opt18 VALUE=5> 18 </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=opt24 VALUE=6> 24 </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=opt36 VALUE=7> 36 </OPTION>
- <FIELDSET id=fldEffects style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
- position: absolute; left: 0.98em; top: 14.6em; width: 15.54em;
- height: 8.8em;">
- <LEGEND id=lgdEffects>
- ▌⌠⌠σΩ≥√
- <INPUT ID=chkUnderline ACCESSKEY=∩ type=checkbox tabIndex=35 value=Underline
- name=setCmdID helpid="35445" helpfile=msoe.hlp
- style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
- left: 2.1em; top: 16.6em; width: 1.2em; height: 1.2em; ">
- <DIV id=divUnderline style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
- left: 3.8em; top: 16.5789em; width: 6.44em; height: 1.521em;">
- <LABEL id=lblUnderline for=chkUnderline helpid="35445" helpfile=msoe.hlp
- tabIndex=-1><u>╧</u>εΣ≈σ≡ΩΦΓαφΦσ
- </LABEL>
- </DIV>
- <DIV id=divColor style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
- left: 1.96em; top: 18.8604em; width: 2.66em; height: 1.2168em;">
- <LABEL id=lblColor helpid="35440" helpfile=msoe.hlp for=selColor>
- <u>╓</u>Γσ≥:</LABEL>
- </DIV>
- <SELECT ID=selColor ACCESSKEY=÷ tabIndex=55
- style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
- left: 1.96em; top: 20.3814em; width: 11em; height: 1.21em; "
- helpid="35440" helpfile=msoe.hlp>
- <OPTION id=optBlack value=0 > ≈σ≡φ√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optWhite value=16777215> ßσδ√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optGreen value=32768 > ≥σ∞φε-τσδσφ√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optMaroon value=128 > ∞αδΦφεΓ√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optOlive value=32896 > εδΦΓΩεΓ√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optNavy value=8388608 > ≥σ∞φε-±ΦφΦΘ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optPurple value=8388736 > ±Φ≡σφσΓ√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optGray value=8421504 > ≥σ∞φε-±σ≡√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optYellow value=65535 > µσδ≥√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optLime value=65280 > τσδσφ√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optAqua value=16776960> πεδ≤ßεΘ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optFuchsia value=16711935> ≡ετεΓ√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optSilver value=12632256> cσ≡σß≡Φ±≥√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optRed value=255 > Ω≡α±φ√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optBlue value=16711680> ±ΦφΦΘ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optTeal value=8421376 > ßΦ≡■τεΓ√Θ </OPTION>
- <OPTION id=optCustom value=custom > Σ≡≤πεΘ </OPTION>
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- ╬ß≡ατσ÷
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- ╬≥∞σφα</BUTTON>
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