"HintText": "Returns the absolute value of a number."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 141,
"ItemName": "Asc",
"ItemNameIntl": "Asc",
"HintText": "Returns a numeric value that is the ANSI code for the first character in a string expression."
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 3,
"ItemName": "Asc",
"ItemNameIntl": "Asc",
"HintText": "Returns a numeric value that is the ANSI code for the first character in a string expression."
"CategoryID": 12,
"ItemID": 113,
"ItemName": "Atn",
"ItemNameIntl": "Atn",
"HintText": "ArcTangent of a number. Takes the ratio of two sides of a right triangle and returns the corresponding angle."
"CategoryID": 15,
"ItemID": 130,
"ItemName": "Avg",
"ItemNameIntl": "Avg"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 169,
"ItemName": "CCur",
"ItemNameIntl": "CCur"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 170,
"ItemName": "CDbl",
"ItemNameIntl": "CDbl"
"CategoryID": 14,
"ItemID": 127,
"ItemName": "Choose",
"ItemNameIntl": "Choose"
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 142,
"ItemName": "Chr",
"ItemNameIntl": "Chr",
"HintText": "Returns a one-character string whose ANSI code is the argument."
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 4,
"ItemName": "Chr",
"ItemNameIntl": "Chr",
"HintText": "Returns a one-character string whose ANSI code is the argument."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 143,
"ItemName": "Chr$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Chr$"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 5,
"ItemName": "Chr$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Chr$"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 171,
"ItemName": "CInt",
"ItemNameIntl": "CInt"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 172,
"ItemName": "CLng",
"ItemNameIntl": "CLng"
"CategoryID": 9,
"ItemID": 68,
"ItemName": "CodeDB",
"ItemNameIntl": "CodeDB"
"CategoryID": 9,
"ItemID": 69,
"ItemName": "Command",
"ItemNameIntl": "Command"
"CategoryID": 9,
"ItemID": 70,
"ItemName": "Command$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Command$"
"CategoryID": 12,
"ItemID": 114,
"ItemName": "Cos",
"ItemNameIntl": "Cos",
"HintText": "Cosine of an angle, measured in radians."
"CategoryID": 15,
"ItemID": 131,
"ItemName": "Count",
"ItemNameIntl": "Count"
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 71,
"ItemName": "CreateControl",
"ItemNameIntl": "CreateControl"
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 72,
"ItemName": "CreateForm",
"ItemNameIntl": "CreateForm"
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 73,
"ItemName": "CreateGroupLevel",
"ItemNameIntl": "CreateGroupLevel"
"CategoryID": 5,
"ItemID": 190,
"ItemName": "CreateObject",
"ItemNameIntl": "CreateObject"
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 74,
"ItemName": "CreateObject",
"ItemNameIntl": "CreateObject"
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 75,
"ItemName": "CreateReport",
"ItemNameIntl": "CreateReport"
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 76,
"ItemName": "CreateReportControl",
"ItemNameIntl": "CreateReportControl"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 173,
"ItemName": "CSng",
"ItemNameIntl": "CSng"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 174,
"ItemName": "CStr",
"ItemNameIntl": "CStr"
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 93,
"ItemName": "CurDir",
"ItemNameIntl": "CurDir"
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 94,
"ItemName": "CurDir$",
"ItemNameIntl": "CurDir$"
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 78,
"ItemName": "CurrentUser",
"ItemNameIntl": "CurrentUser"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 175,
"ItemName": "CVar",
"ItemNameIntl": "CVar"
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 183,
"ItemName": "CVDate",
"ItemNameIntl": "CVDate"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 6,
"ItemName": "CVDate",
"ItemNameIntl": "CVDate"
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 38,
"ItemName": "Date",
"ItemNameIntl": "Date",
"HintText": "Return the current system date."
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 39,
"ItemName": "Date$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Date$"
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 40,
"ItemName": "DateAdd",
"ItemNameIntl": "DateAdd",
"HintText": "Returns a Variant of type Date to which a specified time interval has been added."
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 41,
"ItemName": "DateDiff",
"ItemNameIntl": "DateDiff",
"HintText": "Returns a Variant that contains the number of time intervals between two specified dates."
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 42,
"ItemName": "DatePart",
"ItemNameIntl": "DatePart",
"HintText": "Returns a specified part of a given date."
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 7,
"ItemName": "DateSerial",
"ItemNameIntl": "DateSerial",
"HintText": "Returns the date serial for a specific year, month, and day."
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 184,
"ItemName": "DateSerial",
"ItemNameIntl": "DateSerial"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 8,
"ItemName": "DateValue",
"ItemNameIntl": "DateValue",
"HintText": "Returns the date represented by the date of a String argument."
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 185,
"ItemName": "DateValue",
"ItemNameIntl": "DateValue"
"CategoryID": 6,
"ItemID": 27,
"ItemName": "DAvg",
"ItemNameIntl": "DAvg"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 9,
"ItemName": "Day",
"ItemNameIntl": "Day",
"HintText": "Returns an integer between 1 and 31, inclusive, that represents the day of the month for a date argument."
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 176,
"ItemName": "Day",
"ItemNameIntl": "Day"
"CategoryID": 6,
"ItemID": 28,
"ItemName": "DCount",
"ItemNameIntl": "DCount"
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 55,
"ItemName": "DDB",
"ItemNameIntl": "DDB",
"HintText": "Depreciation of an asset for a specific period using the double-declining balance method."
"CategoryID": 5,
"ItemID": 47,
"ItemName": "DDE",
"ItemNameIntl": "DDE"
"CategoryID": 5,
"ItemID": 48,
"ItemName": "DDEInitiate",
"ItemNameIntl": "DDEInitiate"
"CategoryID": 5,
"ItemID": 49,
"ItemName": "DDERequest",
"ItemNameIntl": "DDERequest"
"CategoryID": 5,
"ItemID": 50,
"ItemName": "DDESend",
"ItemNameIntl": "DDESend"
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 79,
"ItemName": "DeleteControl",
"ItemNameIntl": "DeleteControl"
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 80,
"ItemName": "DeleteReportControl",
"ItemNameIntl": "DeleteReportControl"
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 95,
"ItemName": "Dir",
"ItemNameIntl": "Dir"
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 96,
"ItemName": "Dir$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Dir$"
"CategoryID": 6,
"ItemID": 81,
"ItemName": "DLookup",
"ItemNameIntl": "DLookup"
"CategoryID": 6,
"ItemID": 31,
"ItemName": "DMax",
"ItemNameIntl": "DMax"
"CategoryID": 6,
"ItemID": 32,
"ItemName": "DMin",
"ItemNameIntl": "DMin"
"CategoryID": 9,
"ItemID": 82,
"ItemName": "DoEvents",
"ItemNameIntl": "DoEvents"
"CategoryID": 6,
"ItemID": 33,
"ItemName": "DStDev",
"ItemNameIntl": "DStDev"
"CategoryID": 6,
"ItemID": 34,
"ItemName": "DStDevP",
"ItemNameIntl": "DStDevP"
"CategoryID": 6,
"ItemID": 35,
"ItemName": "DSum",
"ItemNameIntl": "DSum"
"CategoryID": 6,
"ItemID": 36,
"ItemName": "DVar",
"ItemNameIntl": "DVar"
"CategoryID": 6,
"ItemID": 37,
"ItemName": "DVarP",
"ItemNameIntl": "DVarP"
"CategoryID": 9,
"ItemID": 83,
"ItemName": "Environ",
"ItemNameIntl": "Environ"
"CategoryID": 9,
"ItemID": 84,
"ItemName": "Environ$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Environ$"
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 97,
"ItemName": "EOF",
"ItemNameIntl": "EOF"
"CategoryID": 7,
"ItemID": 51,
"ItemName": "Erl",
"ItemNameIntl": "Erl"
"CategoryID": 7,
"ItemID": 52,
"ItemName": "Err",
"ItemNameIntl": "Err"
"CategoryID": 7,
"ItemID": 53,
"ItemName": "Error",
"ItemNameIntl": "Error"
"CategoryID": 7,
"ItemID": 54,
"ItemName": "Error$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Error$"
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 85,
"ItemName": "Eval",
"ItemNameIntl": "Eval"
"CategoryID": 12,
"ItemID": 115,
"ItemName": "Exp",
"ItemNameIntl": "Exp",
"HintText": "e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power."
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 98,
"ItemName": "FileAttr",
"ItemNameIntl": "FileAttr"
"CategoryID": 12,
"ItemID": 116,
"ItemName": "Fix",
"ItemNameIntl": "Fix",
"HintText": "Returns the integer portion of a number, removing any fractional part. If negative, returns the first negative integer >= number. See also Int."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 144,
"ItemName": "Format",
"ItemNameIntl": "Format",
"HintText": "Format a number, date, time, or string according to instructions contained in a format expression."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 145,
"ItemName": "Format$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Format$"
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 99,
"ItemName": "FreeFile",
"ItemNameIntl": "FreeFile"
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 56,
"ItemName": "FV",
"ItemNameIntl": "FV",
"HintText": "Future value of an annuity based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate."
"CategoryID": 5,
"ItemID": 189,
"ItemName": "GetObject",
"ItemNameIntl": "GetObject"
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 86,
"ItemName": "GetObject",
"ItemNameIntl": "GetObject"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 12,
"ItemName": "Hex",
"ItemNameIntl": "Hex"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 13,
"ItemName": "Hex$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Hex$"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 14,
"ItemName": "Hour",
"ItemNameIntl": "Hour"
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 177,
"ItemName": "Hour",
"ItemNameIntl": "Hour"
"CategoryID": 14,
"ItemID": 128,
"ItemName": "IIf",
"ItemNameIntl": "IIf"
"CategoryID": 9,
"ItemID": 348,
"ItemName": "In",
"ItemNameIntl": "In"
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 100,
"ItemName": "Input",
"ItemNameIntl": "Input"
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 101,
"ItemName": "Input$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Input$"
"CategoryID": 13,
"ItemID": 124,
"ItemName": "InputBox",
"ItemNameIntl": "InputBox"
"CategoryID": 13,
"ItemID": 125,
"ItemName": "InputBox$",
"ItemNameIntl": "InputBox$"
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 146,
"ItemName": "InStr",
"ItemNameIntl": "InStr",
"HintText": "Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another."
"CategoryID": 12,
"ItemID": 117,
"ItemName": "Int",
"ItemNameIntl": "Int",
"HintText": "Returns the integer portion of a number, removing any fractional part. If negative, returns the first negative integer <= number. See also Fix."
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 57,
"ItemName": "IPmt",
"ItemNameIntl": "IPmt",
"HintText": "Interest payment for a given period of an annuity pased on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate."
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 58,
"ItemName": "IRR",
"ItemNameIntl": "IRR",
"HintText": "Internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows (payments and receipts)."
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 186,
"ItemName": "IsDate",
"ItemNameIntl": "IsDate"
"CategoryID": 11,
"ItemID": 107,
"ItemName": "IsDate",
"ItemNameIntl": "IsDate",
"HintText": "Returns a value indicating whether or not a Variant argument can be converted to a date."
"CategoryID": 11,
"ItemID": 108,
"ItemName": "IsEmpty",
"ItemNameIntl": "IsEmpty"
"CategoryID": 11,
"ItemID": 109,
"ItemName": "IsNull",
"ItemNameIntl": "IsNull"
"CategoryID": 11,
"ItemID": 110,
"ItemName": "IsNumeric",
"ItemNameIntl": "IsNumeric"
"CategoryID": 1,
"ItemID": 1,
"ItemName": "LBound",
"ItemNameIntl": "LBound"
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 147,
"ItemName": "LCase",
"ItemNameIntl": "LCase",
"HintText": "Return a string in which all letters of an argument have been converted to lowercase."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 148,
"ItemName": "LCase$",
"ItemNameIntl": "LCase$"
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 149,
"ItemName": "Left",
"ItemNameIntl": "Left",
"HintText": "Returns the leftmost n characters of a string argument."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 150,
"ItemName": "Left$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Left$"
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 151,
"ItemName": "Len",
"ItemNameIntl": "Len",
"HintText": "Returns the length of a string."
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 102,
"ItemName": "Loc",
"ItemNameIntl": "Loc"
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 103,
"ItemName": "LOF",
"ItemNameIntl": "LOF"
"CategoryID": 12,
"ItemID": 118,
"ItemName": "Log",
"ItemNameIntl": "Log",
"HintText": "Natural logarithm of a number. See also exp."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 152,
"ItemName": "LTrim",
"ItemNameIntl": "LTrim",
"HintText": "Return a copy of a string with leading spaces removed."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 153,
"ItemName": "LTrim$",
"ItemNameIntl": "LTrim$"
"CategoryID": 15,
"ItemID": 134,
"ItemName": "Max",
"ItemNameIntl": "Max"
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 154,
"ItemName": "Mid",
"ItemNameIntl": "Mid",
"HintText": "Return a string that is part of some other string."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 155,
"ItemName": "Mid$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Mid$"
"CategoryID": 15,
"ItemID": 135,
"ItemName": "Min",
"ItemNameIntl": "Min"
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 178,
"ItemName": "Minute",
"ItemNameIntl": "Minute"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 15,
"ItemName": "Minute",
"ItemNameIntl": "Minute"
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 59,
"ItemName": "MIRR",
"ItemNameIntl": "MIRR",
"HintText": "Modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows (payments and receipts)."
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 179,
"ItemName": "Month",
"ItemNameIntl": "Month"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 16,
"ItemName": "Month",
"ItemNameIntl": "Month"
"CategoryID": 13,
"ItemID": 126,
"ItemName": "MsgBox",
"ItemNameIntl": "MsgBox"
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 43,
"ItemName": "Now",
"ItemNameIntl": "Now",
"HintText": "Returns a date that represents the current date and time according to the setting of the computer's system date and time."
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 60,
"ItemName": "NPer",
"ItemNameIntl": "NPer",
"HintText": "Number of periods for an annuity based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate."
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 61,
"ItemName": "NPV",
"ItemNameIntl": "NPV",
"HintText": "Net present value of an investment bases of a series of periodic cash flows (payments and receipts) and a discount."
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 17,
"ItemName": "Oct",
"ItemNameIntl": "Oct"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 18,
"ItemName": "Oct$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Oct$"
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 88,
"ItemName": "Partition",
"ItemNameIntl": "Partition"
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 62,
"ItemName": "Pmt",
"ItemNameIntl": "Pmt",
"HintText": "Payment for an annuity based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate."
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 63,
"ItemName": "PPmt",
"ItemNameIntl": "PPmt",
"HintText": "Payment for an annuity based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate."
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 64,
"ItemName": "PV",
"ItemNameIntl": "PV",
"HintText": "Present value of an annuity based on periodic, constant payments to be paid in the future and a constant interest rate."
"CategoryID": 9,
"ItemID": 89,
"ItemName": "QBColor",
"ItemNameIntl": "QBColor"
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 65,
"ItemName": "Rate",
"ItemNameIntl": "Rate",
"HintText": "Interest Rate per period for an annuity. For all argunents, cash paid out is represented by negative number; cash received by positive."
"CategoryID": 9,
"ItemID": 90,
"ItemName": "RGB",
"ItemNameIntl": "RGB"
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 156,
"ItemName": "Right",
"ItemNameIntl": "Right",
"HintText": "Returns the rightmost n characters of a string argument."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 157,
"ItemName": "Right$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Right$"
"CategoryID": 12,
"ItemID": 119,
"ItemName": "Rnd",
"ItemNameIntl": "Rnd",
"HintText": "Random Number."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 158,
"ItemName": "RTrim",
"ItemNameIntl": "RTrim",
"HintText": "Return a copy of a string with leading spaces removed."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 159,
"ItemName": "RTrim$",
"ItemNameIntl": "RTrim$"
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 180,
"ItemName": "Second",
"ItemNameIntl": "Second"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 19,
"ItemName": "Second",
"ItemNameIntl": "Second"
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 104,
"ItemName": "Seek",
"ItemNameIntl": "Seek"
"CategoryID": 12,
"ItemID": 120,
"ItemName": "Sgn",
"ItemNameIntl": "Sgn",
"HintText": "Sign of a number, returns -1, 0 or 1."
"CategoryID": 9,
"ItemID": 91,
"ItemName": "Shell",
"ItemNameIntl": "Shell"
"CategoryID": 12,
"ItemID": 121,
"ItemName": "Sin",
"ItemNameIntl": "Sin",
"HintText": "Sine of an angle measured in radians."
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 66,
"ItemName": "SLN",
"ItemNameIntl": "SLN",
"HintText": "Straight-line depreciation of an asset for a single period."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 160,
"ItemName": "Space",
"ItemNameIntl": "Space",
"HintText": "Return a string consisting of a specified number of spaces."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 161,
"ItemName": "Space$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Space$"
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 105,
"ItemName": "Spc",
"ItemNameIntl": "Spc"
"CategoryID": 12,
"ItemID": 122,
"ItemName": "Sqr",
"ItemNameIntl": "Sqr",
"HintText": "Returns the square root of a number."
"CategoryID": 15,
"ItemID": 136,
"ItemName": "StDev",
"ItemNameIntl": "StDev"
"CategoryID": 15,
"ItemID": 137,
"ItemName": "StDevP",
"ItemNameIntl": "StDevP"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 20,
"ItemName": "Str",
"ItemNameIntl": "Str",
"HintText": "Number to String"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 21,
"ItemName": "Str$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Str$"
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 162,
"ItemName": "StrComp",
"ItemNameIntl": "StrComp",
"HintText": "Returns a variant that indicates the result of the comparison of two string arguments."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 163,
"ItemName": "String",
"ItemNameIntl": "String",
"HintText": "Return a string whose characters all have a given ANSI code or are all the first character of a string expression."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 164,
"ItemName": "String$",
"ItemNameIntl": "String$"
"CategoryID": 15,
"ItemID": 138,
"ItemName": "Sum",
"ItemNameIntl": "Sum"
"CategoryID": 14,
"ItemID": 129,
"ItemName": "Switch",
"ItemNameIntl": "Switch"
"CategoryID": 8,
"ItemID": 67,
"ItemName": "SYD",
"ItemNameIntl": "SYD",
"HintText": "Sum-of-Years-Digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period."
"CategoryID": 3,
"ItemID": 92,
"ItemName": "SysCmd",
"ItemNameIntl": "SysCmd"
"CategoryID": 10,
"ItemID": 106,
"ItemName": "Tab",
"ItemNameIntl": "Tab"
"CategoryID": 12,
"ItemID": 123,
"ItemName": "Tan",
"ItemNameIntl": "Tan",
"HintText": "Tangent of an angle."
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 44,
"ItemName": "Time",
"ItemNameIntl": "Time",
"HintText": "Returns the current system time."
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 45,
"ItemName": "Time$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Time$"
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 46,
"ItemName": "Timer",
"ItemNameIntl": "Timer",
"HintText": "Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since 12:00 AM (midnight)."
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 22,
"ItemName": "TimeSerial",
"ItemNameIntl": "TimeSerial"
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 188,
"ItemName": "TimeSerial",
"ItemNameIntl": "TimeSerial"
"CategoryID": 4,
"ItemID": 187,
"ItemName": "TimeValue",
"ItemNameIntl": "TimeValue"
"CategoryID": 2,
"ItemID": 23,
"ItemName": "TimeValue",
"ItemNameIntl": "TimeValue"
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 165,
"ItemName": "Trim",
"ItemNameIntl": "Trim",
"HintText": "Return a copy of a string with leading and trailing spaces removed."
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 166,
"ItemName": "Trim$",
"ItemNameIntl": "Trim$"
"CategoryID": 1,
"ItemID": 2,
"ItemName": "UBound",
"ItemNameIntl": "UBound"
"CategoryID": 16,
"ItemID": 167,
"ItemName": "UCase",
"ItemNameIntl": "UCase",
"HintText": "Returns a string in which all the letters have been converted to upper case."