home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 2 MAGIX dance maker Demo
- 3 \nMuma\nMAGIX dance maker Document\nMuma Files (*.hdp)\n.hdp\nSampli3.Document\nMAGIX dance maker Sounds
- 4 Import project...
- 5 File name for HD-Project...
- 6 Load Dump as...
- 7 8 Bit
- 8 MAGIX dance maker
- 9 16 Bit
- 10 Which Project Type?
- 11 HD-Project
- 12 RAM-Project
- 13 Load Project ...
- 14 Wrong File-Format...
- 102 Playback project once\nPlay Once
- 103 Resampling (%)
- 104 Pitchshift (Halvetones)
- 105 Timestretching (BPM)
- 106 Replace audio in video copy
- 107 Replace audio in original video
- 108 Extract audio from video
- 109 This AVI file contains no audio data
- 148 \nSampli\nSampli Document\nSampli Files (*.rap)\n.rap\nSampli.Document\nSampli Document
- 178 Video Files (*.avi)|*.avi|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
- 280 The wave file and the video file are not compatible!\nBit resolution of the AVI file and the arrangement must be 16 bit.
- 281 This file is not a PCM File!
- 282 Please input an AVI file name!
- 284 No audio data extracted from Video!
- 285 Values above 100 increase Tempo and Pitch.
- 286 Values above 0 increase pitch. Tempo stays constant.
- 287 Tempo will be adapted from :\n\nto:\nPitch stays constant.
- 288 Values above 0 increase pitch of MIDI notes in halfetones.
- 289 Transpose (Halfetones)
- 290 General
- 291 Effects
- 292 Colors
- 293 Instruments
- 300 Scanning CD-ROM for Instruments
- 301 Maximum zoom level!\nArrangement will be too large!
- 302 There are MIDI objects in the arrangement!\nOnly wave objects will be mixed to one file. MIDI objects remain unchanged.
- 303 AVI file does not contain 16 Bit audio data.\nCannot extract audio track.
- 304 File name for wave file
- 305 Cannot find file:\n'%s'\nPlease insert CD-ROM '%s'!
- 306 Cannot find file:\n'%s'
- 307 Black Box Threshold
- 308 White Box Threshold
- 309 Blue Box Threshold
- 310 Set Playback Speed
- 311 There are AVI or BMP objects in the arrangement.\nCreate AVI file or Wave file?
- 312 Wave file
- 313 AVI file
- 314 Cannot use this AVI compressor!\nPlease choose another compressor!
- 320 Please enter a number between %.1f and %.1f!
- 321 Please select a wave loop in one of the loop managers before starting the Song Wizard!
- 323 Export arrangement...
- 391 The MAGIX dance maker basic version supports only samples from the same dance maker basic CD-ROM within an arrangement!
- 392 This is not an original dance maker basic CD-ROM!
- 393 This is not an original dance maker basic sample!\n
- 394 Warning! If you want to use DirectX Plug-Ins you need a newer version of the DirectX Media runtime.
- 395 Installation
- 396 No Plug-Ins needed.
- 399 An AVI file reached the system limit of 2 GByte. \nThe AVI export process was stopped.
- 32772 Zoom in\nZoom In
- 32774 Zoom out\nZoom Out
- 32805 Import file into MAGIX dance maker
- 32808 Sets paths, memory mode and buffer sizes\nSetup
- 32812 Groups all selected objects\nBuild Group
- 32813 Ungroups all selected objects\nUngroup
- 32903 Records new material
- 32910 All selected objects get a new color\nSet new Color
- 32954 Sets playback parameters (sound card, sample rate...)\nPlay Parameter
- 32956 Playback project in loop mode\nPlay Loop
- 32958 Stop playback\nStop
- 32960 The virtual Project will be saved as HD-Project (Bouncing)
- 32968 Undo the last action\n UnDo
- 32969 Undo the last undo action\nReDo
- 32972 Links a MIDI or AVI file to the arangement\nAVI / MIDI Link
- 32980 Close all windows (and projects)
- 33019 Shows informations about the actual arrangement
- 33021 Recall last window positions
- 33057 Shows informations about memory, disk space and resources
- 33060 Moves the main window in the upper half of the screen
- 33070 Opens a new arrangement window\nNew Arrangement
- 33071 Loads an arrangement\nLoad Arrangement
- 33072 Saves an arrangement\nSave Arrangement
- 33073 The actual arrangement is converted to a hard disk file\nMix Down
- 33074 Exports an arrangement as wave file
- 33075 Saves an arrangement with a new name
- 33076 Deletes all selected objects\nDelete Objects
- 33077 Copies all selected objects\nCopy Objects
- 33079 Arranges all windows and sets start/stop positions\nClean Up
- 33081 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33082 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33083 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33084 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33085 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33086 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33087 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33088 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33089 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33090 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33091 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33092 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33093 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33094 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33095 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33096 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33097 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33098 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33099 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33100 All selected objects get this color\nSet Color
- 33101 Toggles color selection between foreground and background\nToggle Color Selection
- 33104 Plays sample backward\nBackward
- 33106 Saves an arrangement with all samples to a new path\n Save all files
- 33107 Calculates a low distortion\nLow Distortion
- 33108 Calculates a medium distortion\nMedium Distortion
- 33109 Calculates a strong distortion\nStrong Distortion
- 33110 Calculates a short reverb\nShort Reverb
- 33111 Calculates a medium reverb\nMedium Reverb
- 33112 Calculates a long reverb\nLong Reverb
- 33113 Calculates an echo with 1/4 sample delay \n1/4 echo
- 33114 Calculates an echo with 1/8 sample delay \n1/8 echo
- 33115 Calculates an echo with 1/16 sample delay\n1/16 echo
- 33116 Boosts low frequencies\nFilter Low Boost
- 33117 Boosts medium frequencies\nFilter Medium Boost
- 33118 Boosts high frequencies\nFilter High Boost
- 33120 Multiplies volume with factor 2\nVolume * 2
- 33121 Multiplies volume with factor 4\nVolume * 4
- 33122 Divides the volume by 2\nVolume / 2
- 33123 Divides the volume by 4\nVolume / 4
- 33124 Use 16 faders to control volume or filter settings\nGater
- 33125 Sets volume to maximum\nNormalize
- 33126 1 wave list\n1 Wave List
- 33127 2 wave lists\n2 Wave Lists
- 33128 3 wave lists\n3 Wave Lists
- 33129 Displays informations about the selected project.
- 33130 a
- 33131 b
- 33132 c
- 33133 Changes Pitch and Tempo\nResampling
- 33134 Changes Tempo\nTimestretching
- 33135 Changes Pitch\nPitchshift
- 33136 Transpose MIDI objects\nMIDI Transpose
- 33137 Changes Position using Surround Sound\nSurround
- 33138 Adapt MIDI objects to actual tempo\nChange MIDI Tempo
- 33167 Search Piano Sounds on CD-ROM\nSearch Piano
- 33168 Search Percussion Sounds on CD-ROM\nSearch Percussion
- 33169 Search Keyboard Sounds on CD-ROM\nSearch Keyboard
- 33170 Search Guitar Sounds on CD-ROM\nSearch Guitar
- 33171 Scans CD-ROM for available Instruments\nScan CD-ROM
- 33173 Search Bass Sounds on CD-ROM\nSearch Bass
- 33202 Search String Sounds on CD-ROM\nSearch Strings
- 33203 Search Brass Sounds on CD-ROM\nSearch Brass
- 33206 Search Drum Sounds on CD-ROM\nSearch Drum
- 33207 Search special Effect Sounds on CD-ROM\nSearch FX
- 33210 Search name on CD-ROM\nSearch Name
- 33212 Search Vocal Sounds on CD-ROM\nSearch Vocals
- 33218 Search electic Guitar Sounds on CD-ROM\nSearch el. Guitar
- 33219 Search Mix Sounds on CD-ROM\nSearch Mix
- 33220 Search MIDI files on CD-ROM\nSearch MIDI
- 33228 Blue areas of the video object become transparent.
- 33229 Set double playback speed.
- 33230 Playback backwards.
- 33232 Changes all colors to gray values
- 33233 Inverts all colors
- 33234 Any color of the video object can become transparent.
- 33235 Smooth rounding of all color values
- 33236 Exchanges the color values (RGB) of each pixel.
- 33238 Mirror from the upper half to to the bottom half
- 33239 Adapts the playback tempo of the AVI to the actual arrangement.
- 33240 Set half playback speed.
- 33242 AVI and Bitmap objects on several tracks will be mixed.
- 33243 Black areas of the video object become transparent.
- 33244 Strong rounding of all color values
- 33245 Exchanges the color values (RGB) of each pixel.
- 33246 Medium rounding of all color values
- 33247 Exchanges the color values (RGB) of each pixel.
- 33249 Resets all video effects.
- 33250 Mirrors the left top part to all other parts
- 33251 Mirrors the left half to the right
- 33252 Mirrors the left half to the right.
- 33253 Mirrors the upper half to the lower half.
- 33254 White areas of the video object become transparent.
- 33255 Video objects on lower tracks overwrite the display of the upper tracks.
- 33256 Set the black box threshold level.
- 33257 Set the white box threshold level.
- 33258 Set the blue box threshold level.
- 33259 Reset size and position of the video display.
- 33260 Set the color keying range using the mouse in the Video Window.
- 33261 Set size and position using the mouse in the Video Window.
- 33262 File name for HD project...
- 33264 Search Bitmap files on CD-ROM\nSearch Bitmaps
- 33265 Search AVI files on CD-ROM\nSearch AVI
- 33266 Exports the arrangement as .avi File
- 33267 Blue areas of the video object become transparent.
- 33270 Use left Mouse button to manipulate objects and move curve points\nMouse Mode Object
- 33271 Shows or hides the realtime mixer window\nMixer
- 33272 Use left Mouse button to draw curve points\nMouse Mode Curves
- 33278 The curves modulate the track volume
- 33279 The curves modulate the Aux1 volume
- 33280 The curves modulate the Aux2 volume
- 33281 The curves modulate the cuttoff frequency of a smooth filter
- 33282 The curves modulate the cuttoff frequency of a sharp filter
- 33283 The curves modulate the distortion
- 33284 The curve modulate the brightness of the video
- 33285 The curve changes the size of the Video
- 33286 The curves controls the effect/original ratio for videos
- 33298 Shows or hides the upper toolbar
- 33300 Calculates a DirectX Plugin to the material
- 33301 Shows or hides the Transport Control
- 33306 Generates a curve from wave objects
- 33307 Shows or hides the bottom Colorbar
- 33308 Inverts the complete curve
- 33309 Deletes all points of the curve
- 57344 MAGIX dance maker
- 57345 Press F1 to open the online help system...
- 57346 Select object for Help...
- 57600 Create a new document
- 57601 Open an existing document
- 57617 Loads this Arrangement
- 57618 Loads this Arrangement
- 57619 Loads this Arrangement
- 57643 Undo the last action
- 57644 Redo the previously undone action
- 57648 Open another window for the active document
- 57649 Arrange the icons
- 57650 Project windows will be overlapped\nCascade
- 57651 Project windows will be arranged\nArrange
- 57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles
- 57653 Split the active window into panes
- 57664 Program information will be displayed
- 57665 Exits MAGIX dance maker
- 57666 Show the index of online help
- 57668 Show informations about using help
- 57669 Show help about selected object\nContext Help
- 57670 A description of MAGIX dance maker will be displayed
- 57680 Switch to the next window pane
- 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane
- 59136 EXT
- 59137 CAP
- 59138 NUM
- 59139 SCRL
- 59140 OVR
- 59141 REC
- 59142 Cannot allocate %1 Bytes
- 59392 Shows or hides the toolbar
- 59393 Shows or hides the statusbar
- 59394 Shows or hides the effects toolbar
- 59395 Shows or hides Mixer\nMixer
- 59396 Shows or hides the color bar
- 59399 Shows or hides the video/graphic window
- 61184 Changes window size
- 61185 Changes window position
- 61186 Shows window as icon
- 61187 Maximizes the window
- 61188 Shows next project window
- 61189 Shows previous project window
- 61190 Closes the active window
- 61202 Restores normal window-size
- 61203 Activates task-list
- 61215 Activates this window
- 61217 False Project Typ!
- 61218 Not a Wave File!
- 61221 DOS-Error while renaming %s in %s !
- 61222 Open %s Error %ld %s
- 61223 Cannot open File\n %s\n
- 61224 Write error in File %s\nRequested: %ld Actual: %ld\n
- 61225 Read error in File %s\nRequested: %ld Actual: %ld\n
- 61226 Only with RAM- or HD-Project!
- 61227 Mark Cursor %ld
- 61230 Waveform output device '%s' cannot play this format!\nReason:\n%s
- 61231 Cannot open waveform input device '%s' \nReason:\n%s
- 61232 Wave file defective!
- 61233 Cannot prepare wave-header
- 61234 Bit-Resolution outside of range!
- 61235 Cannot open HD-Project twice!
- 61236 No activ project!
- 61237 This project is still used in a virtual project!
- 61238 Rename project
- 61239 Wrong track number!
- 61240 Cannot open new project
- 61242 Project %s not saved
- 61243 Object is longer than physical Sample!
- 61247 Continue
- 61248 Abort
- 61250 No Objects selected!
- 61251 Cannot mix clip with clip!
- 61254 This operation is allowed with RAM und HD projects only!
- 61255 This operation is allowed with virtual projects only!
- 61256 EMPTY
- 61259 This is not a HD project!
- 61260 DOS-Error: Cannot delete file \n%s\n
- 61261 Delete which HD-project?
- 61262 HD-Projects (*.hdp)|*.hdp|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
- 61263 RAM-Projects (*.rap)|*.rap|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
- 61264 Arrangements (*.vip)|*.vip|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
- 61265 Wave Files (*.wav)|*.wav|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
- 61267 This function is not supported in the demo version of MAGIX dance maker!\nOnly the demo wave files can be loaded!
- 61270 Bad file format!
- 61271 File name for MIX file...
- 61272 Load arrangement...
- 61273 Load RAM project...
- 61274 Load HD project
- 61275 Import project
- 61277 This Function is allowed in the professional version of MAGIX dance maker only!
- 61278 This Function is not allowed in the demo version of MAGIX dance maker!
- 61279 This Function is not allowed in the standard version of MAGIX dance maker!
- 61280 Arrangement \n%s\nwas changed and not saved!\nSave arrangement now?
- 61281 Save project
- 61282 Don┤t save
- 61283 No Redo possible!
- 61284 No Undo possible!
- 61285 Undo/Redo for virtual Projects not enabled (see Undo-Options)
- 61286 MIDI Video Wave(*.mid;*.avi;*.wav)|*.mid;*.avi;*.wav|MIDI Files (*.mid)|*.mid|Video Files (*.avi)|*.avi|Wave Files (*.wav)|*.wav|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
- 61291 Media file name...
- 61293 Save Arrangement...
- 61294 Path for HD-Projects...
- 61295 All Files (*.*)|*.*||
- 61296 Path for RAM-Projects...
- 61297 Path for virtual projects...
- 61298 Path for import and export...
- 61299 No raster defined!
- 61300 Out of memory!
- 61301 Track-Bouncing...
- 61302 Resampling...
- 61303 Cutting...
- 61304 Deleting...
- 61305 Converting...
- 61307 Save complete Project to...
- 61312 Calculating reverb...
- 61313 Filtering...
- 61314 Calculating display data
- 61315 This is not a PCM file!
- 61316 This file has no sample datas!
- 61317 Loading...
- 61318 Saving...
- 61319 Importing...
- 61320 Range
- 61321 Cursor
- 61322 Object
- 61323 Mixing...
- 61324 Calculating distortion...
- 61325 Looking for maximum...
- 61326 Normalizing...
- 61327 Changing amplitude...
- 61328 Inverting...
- 61329 Calculating reverse effect
- 61332 Calculating echo...
- 61350 No undo for this project!
- 61351 No undo!
- 61353 The marked range is shorter than delay!
- 61358 Cannot close Waveform-Device for playback!\nReason:\n%s
- 61359 Cannot open Waveform-Device '%s' for playback!\nReason:\n%s
- 61360 Das Waveform-Device fⁿr die Aufnahme kann nicht geschlossen werden!\nGrund:\n%s
- 61361 Recording OK?
- 61362 Yes
- 61363 Delete
- 61365 Cannot open physical project! Try it in another directory?
- 61366 Retry
- 61368 Cancel
- 61370 Cannot rename HD-Project (different drives)! Copy it?
- 61371 Copy it
- 61373 Preloading...
- 61374 Inserting (Moving data to the end)...
- 61375 Inserting (Copying clip into file)
- 61376 Copying into clip
- 61378 Deleting...
- 61382 The marked range must be inside the object!
- 61383 The marked range must be inside the size of the physical project!
- 61386 Failed to waveInAddBuffer from device !
- 61387 Failed to waveOutWrite !
- 61388 Trouble with PI and SI number in SaveObject !
- 61389 DOS-Error while renaming\n%s in %s !\nReason: File %s \nalready exist !
- 61390 This function is only available with virtual projects !
- 61391 WAVE file has no data chunk !
- 61392 Failed to read format chunk!
- 61393 MCI-Error in command %s:\n%s!
- 61403 This Wave-File is not a PCM format but:\n %s\nThis format cannot be imported!
- 61407 Warning!\n The free disk space on drive '%c:' is\n%s Bytes, but the project needs\n%s Bytes space on disk!
- 61409 DOS-Error: Cannot change length of file \n%s \nRequested: %ld Return: %ld\n
- 61419 New project
- 61421 Demo Version allows 15 Minutes Playback ony!
- 61422 Please install MAGIX dance maker studio from the original disk!
- 61424 This Function is not allowed in the pro version of MAGIX dance maker!
- 61425 This function is not allowed in the Multimedia Version of MAGIX dance maker!
- 61426 This Version of MAGIX dance maker supports upto\n2 Mono-Tracks or 1 Stereo-Tracks only!
- 61427 This Version of MAGIX dance maker supports upto\n4 Mono-Tracks or 2 Stereo-Tracks only!
- 61428 This Version of MAGIX dance maker supports upto\n8 Mono-Tracks or 4 Stereo-Tracks only!
- 61429 Create directory
- 61430 Directory \n%s \ndoes not exist! \nCreate it now?
- 61431 Cannot create Directory \n%s !\n
- 61432 Cannot calculate effect with MIX file!
- 61433 Directory
- 61434 Cannot found some projects!
- 61435 Cannot find Freqout!\nPlease insert the CD-ROM with 'freqout.exe'!
- 61436 New AVI Filename...
- 61438 Drive or Directory not ready, not available or protected!
- 61440 Notice: CD-Rom was changed!
- 61442 This Version of MAGIX dance maker supports upto\n16 Tracks only!
- 61443 Calculate DirectX-PlugIn
- 61444 Name for a new part
- 61445 Append the new part behind the last part
- 61446 Insert the new part before the actual marked part
- 61447 Number of loops per part
- 61448 Number of bars per loop
- 61449 Order of parts for the song (arrangement)
- 61450 Copy the actual marked part
- 61451 Delete the actual marked part
- 61452 Insert the clip before the actual marked part
- 61453 Cut the actual marked part
- 61454 Append the clip behind the last part
- 61455 Select the basic loop for the generation of the song part
- 61456 Fills the selected part with a sequence of loops using all adjustments
- 61457 Undo the last operation
- 61458 Redo the previously undone operation
- 61459 Playback the actual song part in loop mode
- 61461 Select the pitch step for one loop
- 61463 Set random pitch steps
- 61464 Close the wizard
- 61493 Project \n'%s' \nalready exists! Do you want to overwrite it?
- 61494 Overwrite
- 61496 Path\n%s\n is a CD-ROM drive and cannot be used for writing data!
- 61497 Please insert the MAGIX dance maker \ninstallation CD-ROM and restart the program!