5001 Continue
5002 Retry
5003 S&tart
5004 Stop
5005 Connect
5006 Done
5008 &Skip
5009 Zi&p code:
5010 &Postal code:
5011 S&tate:
5012 P&rovince/County:
5013 P&refecture:
5014 Please enter a valid e-mail address (e.g. name@domain.com).
5015 Required field is missing or incomplete. Please enter the required information.
5026 Unable to continue registration process. Either no suitable\nmethods are installed or unable to register from this location.\nPlease fill out and mail your registration card.\n\nPress OK to continue.
5027 Please send in your registration card.
5028 Please enter a valid phone number including area code.
5029 How would you like to register?
5035 Question %d of %d
5036 - Other (unlisted country/region) -
5048 Dr.|Miss|Mr.|Mrs.|Ms.|Prof.
5051 Cancel request acknowledged
5055 Click the Continue button below\nto end the registration process
5056 Click the Retry button below\nto try again
5057 Click the Start button below\nto register
5058 Click the Stop button to cancel\nthe registration process
5059 Register now to receive up-to-date product and company information.
5061 Microsoft« Windows« NT
5062 Microsoft« Windows« 95
5072 Information - Incomplete Registration
5073 Warning - Invalid Information
5074 Warning - Missing or Incomplete Information
6001 CORP\SURVEY:1:1|How would you describe your organization?|<Click to answer>:|Business:1|Academic:2|Consultant:3|Reseller:4|VAR/Integrator:5|Home User:6|Government:7|Computer Mfg.:8|Other:9
6002 CORP\SURVEY:1:2|Approximately how many PCs do you have in your organization?|<Click to answer>:|1-10:10|11-24:11|25-99:12|100-499:13|500-999:14|1000-5000:15|> 5000:16
6003 OEM\SURVEY:1:3|What generated your interest in this product?|<Click to answer>:|Web browsing:17|Friend/colleague:18|Symantec name:19|Press article:20|Advertisement:21|Direct mail:22|Trade show:23|Other:9
6004 OEM\DATE_PURCHASED|When did you purchase this software?|%DATE%:9
6005 SURVEY:1:9|How do you typically purchase your software?|<Click to answer>:|Retailer:36|On the Internet:37|Mail order:38|Corporate reseller:39|VAR/Consultant:40|From publisher:41|Other:9
6006 SURVEY:1:5|Where do you use your computer?|<Click to answer>:|Work:30|Home:31|Both:32
6007 SURVEY:1:6|Do you use a modem?|<Click to answer>:|Yes:33|No:34
6008 SURVEY:1:7|Do you use a CD-ROM?|<Click to answer>:|Yes:33|No:34
6009 SURVEY:1:8|Where do you use the Internet?|<Click to answer>:|Work:30|Home:31|Both:32|Neither:35
6010 SURVEY:1:10|Can we contact you regarding this or other products or special offers?|Yes:33|No:34
6011 END
6013 SURVEY:0:1|Can we contact you regarding this or other products or special offers?|Yes:100|No:101
6014 OEM\DATE_PURCHASED|When did you purchase this software?|%DATE%:9
6015 CORP\SURVEY:0:2|How many employees are in your company?|<Click to answer>:|1-10:1|11-24:2|25-99:3|100-499:4|500-999:5|1000-5000:6|> 5000:7
6016 CORP\SURVEY:0:3|How would you describe your organization?|<Click to answer>:|Agriculture:10|Fishing:11|Metal Industry:12|Architect:13|Factory:14|Utilities:15|Logistics:16|Telecommunications:17|Distribution:18|Retail:19|Foodstuffs:20|Banking:21|Insurance:22|Real Estate:23|Software:24|Computer:25|Information Services:26|Service Industry:27|School/Education:28|Public Institution:29|Local Government:30
6017 SURVEY:0:4|How old are you?|<Click to answer>:|< 15:40|16-20:41|21-25:42|26-30:43|31-35:44|36-40:45|41-45:46|46-50:47|51-55:48|56-60:49|61-65:50|> 66:51
6018 SURVEY:0:5|What is your job type/position?|<Click to answer>:|Operations:71|Human Resources:72|Finance:73|Product Marketing:74|Marketing Communication:75|Sales:76|Factory:77|Purchasing:78|Service:79|Information Service:80|Engineer:81|Software Engineer:82|Doctor:83|Student:84|Housewife:85|Unemployed:86
6019 END
6020 BEGIN:*
6021 SURVEY:7:56|Do you wish to be informed of relevant offers and upgrades to your Symantec product?|Yes:287|No:288
6022 CORP\SURVEY:7:48|How would you describe your organisation?|<Click to answer>:|Academic Institution:270|Business:271|Computer Mfg:272|Consultant:273|Government:274|Home User:275|Other:276|Reseller:277|VAR/Integrator:278
6023 CORP\SURVEY:7:49|Approximately how many PCs do you have in your organisation?|<Click to answer>:|1-24:279|25-99:280|100-999:281|1000+:282
6024 OEM\DATE_PURCHASED|When did you purchase this software?|%DATE%:9
6025 SURVEY:7:51|What do you use your computer for?|<Click to answer>:|Business:284|Leisure:285|Home:286
6026 SURVEY:7:52|Do you use a modem?|<Click to answer>:|Yes:287|No:288
6027 SURVEY:7:53|Do you use a CD-ROM?|<Click to answer>:|Yes:287|No:288
6028 SURVEY:7:54|Where do you use the Internet?|<Click to answer>:|Work:289|Home:290|Neither:291|Other:292
6029 SURVEY:7:55|How would you describe your level of computer literacy?|<Click to answer>:|Beginner:293|Intermediate:294|Advanced:295
6030 END