940 An error occurred while starting the application.
941 There was not enough memory to continue.
942 An error occurred while completing the TAPI request.
943 There is no voice line available! ACT! Phone Link can't run without one.
944 The line device handle passed into lineMakeCall is invalid.
945 The specified phone number is invalid.
946 Invalid country code
947 Invalid call parameter structure.
948 Out of Memory initializing Line Device
949 Currently selected service provider is incompatible with TAPI.DLL
950 The specified phone number is blocked from being dialed on the specified call.
951 Hangup
952 The billing information specified as part of the phone number has been rejected.
953 An error occurred while writing the history.
956 Operation failed due to resource overcommitment.
957 Operation is not available.
958 Failed to Connect to ACT! Server...
959 A Windows timer could not be created.\nClose any unused applications or restart Windows.
960 Unable to launch ACT! for Windows
961 Unable to launch the Telephony Control Panel applet
962 Failed to Re-initialize TAPI\nSuggest you close all TAPI applications
963 The TAPI phone services failed to initialize the phone driver.\nThe problem may be with cables or configuration of the phone driver.
964 ACT! Phone Link is unavailable.
968 Unknown error code %0LX
977 ACT!
978 Unable to register for simple tapi requests.
982 Preferences
985 PreferredLine
986 LocalPhone
987 PreferredAddress
988 xxx-xxxx
989 PreferredCallingCard
990 None (Direct Dial)
1013 Your Telephon.ini file is unreadable. Please run the Telephony Control Panel applet to repair it.
1014 Can't find the device driver for your phone line.
1015 Having problem with TAPIADDR.DLL
1018 Unknown Location
1019 Unknown Dialing Method
1541 %sl
1542 %sc
1543 Line %lu
1544 Address %lu
14001 actphone.hlp
14002 Found Contact
14003 Didn't Find Contact
14004 Forward all calls
14005 Forward calls when busy
14006 Forward calls when no answer
14007 Forward calls when busy or no answer
14008 Cancel forwarding
14009 actphone
14010 TAPI
14011 &Conference with:
14013 &Transfer to:
14015 No CallerID Information
14016 Unpark from extension:
14017 Pickup from extension:
14018 Transfer to extension:
14019 Forward all calls
14020 Forward calls when busy
14021 Forward calls when no answer
14022 Forward calls when busy or no answer
14023 Cancel forwarding
14025 SymPhone
14026 AutoPopup
14027 Forward
14028 Transfer
14029 Conference
14030 Pickup
14031 Unpark
14032 NormalPosition
14033 MinimizePosition
14034 WindowMaximized
14035 ACTLaunchTimeout
14036 Compatibility
14037 Flags
14038 AssumeTAPIInService
14039 AutoTimer
14040 UseACTHistoryWindow
14041 Regarding
14042 History
14043 EnableDialer
14045 AutoTimeIncoming
14046 AutoTimeOutgoing
14047 AutoLookup
14048 PreferredLine
14050 EnableUnpark
14051 EnablePickup
14052 EnableRedirect
14053 AutoHideOnDial
14054 HaveSpeakerPhone
14055 EnableDiagnosticsButton
14056 EnableCancelCallWaiting
14057 LastHLINEAPP
14058 EnableTraceDialog
14059 EnableTraceLineCallBack
14060 EnableTraceCallInfo
14061 EnableTraceTapiCalls
14062 TraceFile
14063 Confirm appointment
14064 Confirm shipment
14065 Discuss legal points
14066 Follow up
14067 Get the order
14068 Thank you for order
14069 Request updated prices
14070 Quote
14071 Request updated catalog
14072 Schedule a meeting date
14073 Returning call
14074 Left message for me to call
14075 Symantec Phone Link 1.00.001Symantec CorporationCopyright ⌐ Symantec Corp., 1996.
14076 ACT! Phone Link
14077 ACT!.Document\shell\open\command
14078 control.exe telephon.cpl
14079 Close all ACT! dialog boxes before writing Call History.\nClose this box last to write Call History.\n\nClick Retry to write Call History.\nClick Cancel to abort Call History.
14080 The current contact is not the same contact since this call started.\nYou may change to an appropriate contact.\nClick Yes to write a history to the current contact?
14081 Closing ACT! will disconnect your current call. Do you wish to close ACT!?
14082 This action may disconnect your current call.\nDo you wish to continue?
14083 Error %0LX occurred while attempting to setup the line.
14084 Error %0LX occurred while attempting to open the line.
14085 ForwardAllAddresses
14086 C&all...
14087 &Popup Incoming Calls
14088 &Locations...
14089 &Call History...
14090 &Setup...
14091 Unable to place call
14092 [%s] %s
14093 [%s] [%s] %s
14094 Ready for call
14095 Incoming call
14096 Accepting call...
14097 Dial tone
14098 Dialing...
14099 Line ringing...
14100 Line busy
14101 Connected
14102 Call in process...
14103 Hold
14104 In conference
14105 Holding for conference
14106 Holding for transfer
14107 Party disconnected
14108 Call status unknown
14109 [%s]
14110 [%s] [%s]
14111 Phone services are not available.\nThe problem may be with cables or configuration of the phone driver.
14112 Phone services are initializing
14113 Transferring...
14114 Conferencing...
14115 &Unhold
14116 &Dial
14117 &Forward...
14118 &Transfer...
14119 Conf&erence...
14120 &Pickup...
14121 &Unpark...
14122 &Hang Up
14123 &Answer
14124 Ho&ld
14125 &Edit >>>
14126 <<< &Edit
14127 &Forward
14128 &Transfer
14129 &Conference
14130 Pickup
14131 Unpark
14132 &Join
14133 &Start
14134 &Stop
14135 Com&plete
14136 &Redirect
14137 Forward
14138 Transfer
14139 Conference
14140 Pickup
14141 Unpark
14142 %02d:%02d:%02d Call Duration
14143 Redirect
14144 Send to
14145 Calls forwarded to %s
14146 Calls forwarded to %s when busy
14147 Calls forwarded to %s when no answer
14148 Calls forwarded to %s when busy or no answer
14149 Calls not forwarded
14150 Unknown forward mode
14151 Calls forwarded
14152 Calls forwarded when busy
14153 Calls forwarded when no answer
14154 Calls forwarded when busy or no answer
14155 Windows Telephony Service Provider for Universal Modem Driver
14156 The requested telephone or modem is unavailable. Try shutting down other applications that may be using the telephone or modem.
14157 The requested telephone or modem is unknown. Double-click the Telephony icon in the Windows Control Panel and make sure that the correct telephone or modem driver is installed.
14158 The requested bearer mode is unavailable.
14160 The telephone or modem is currently in use.
14161 The maximum number of outstanding call completions has been exceeded.
14162 The conference is full.
14163 Unsupported dialing characters were detected by the telephony driver. Make sure the phone number contains the correct characters and redial the number.
14167 An incompatible telephone or modem driver was detected. You may need to update or reinstall your driver software.
14169 Unreadable configurations file (TELEPHONE.INI) has been detected.\nDouble click on the Telephony icon in the Control Panel to correct the problem.
14170 The requested telephone or modem is in use. Try shutting down other applications that may be using the telephone or modem.
14171 The number you dialed is invalid. Try checking the number and redialing.
14183 The requested operation is not available at this time.
14185 The requested calling card information is not found.
14189 The specified country code is invalid.
14197 The specified group ID for this operation is unknown.
14199 The phone device is not able to perform the requested operation at this time.
14200 The requested location information is not found.
14206 The specified parking ID is unknown.
14207 The specified parking mode is unknown.
14221 The requested telephone or modem could not be found. Double-click the Telephony icon in the Windows Control Panel and make sure the correct telephone and modem drivers are installed.
14222 Either the file TAPIADDR.DLL is not found or a telephony driver reported an internal error.\nTry re-installing the driver software.
14223 There is insufficient memory to complete the action you requested. To free up memory, try closing any applications you are not currently using.
14225 Another application is the owner of this call. You cannot control calls with ACT! that are owned by another application.
14227 The operation you requested could not be completed for unknown reasons. Try the operation again.
14228 The requested operation is not available.
14229 The specified media rate is not available.
14230 The requested operation failed due to the hardware not being accessible. If you are dialing with a modem, another program may be using the modem.
14233 The call could not be handed off to another application.
14234 An application cannot hand off a call to itself.\nCheck your telephony configuration settings.
14235 The requested operation failed because the telephony services has not initialized.
14237 Telephony services are currently unavailable. To restore telephony services, close and restart all applications that use the telephone or modem.
14239 The requested billing information has been rejected.
14241 A telephony driver is being loaded more than once. Double-click the Telephony icon in the Windows Control Panel to remove one of the duplicate drivers.
14242 Internal phone dialer error #%0lX. Try restarting your computer or reinstalling your telephony driver software.
14300 The Windows phone services reports that no phone drivers are installed. You must install a driver for your telephone or install a modem driver to dial with your modem. Refer to Windows help or your hardware manual.
14301 A modem or telephone has been selected for you because it is the only device detected. Please select one of the available addresses.
14302 A previously selected modem or telephone cannot be detected.
14303 Please select a new modem or telephone line.
14304 Another modem or telephone has been selected for you because it is the only device detected.
14305 A previously selected address cannot be detected.
14306 An address has been selected for you because it is the only address detected.
14307 A modem or telephone and an address has been selected for you because it is the only device detected and the only address for the device.
14308 Dial tone was not detected. Be sure the phone cables are connected and that no one else is using the line.
14309 An error occurred while changing the Windows location setting.
14310 The Windows phone services reports that no phone drivers were found for the phone dialer. This may be due to the driver for your telephone or modem being removed from the Windows configuration. Refer to Windows help or your hardware manual to re-install your telephone or modem driver.
14311 The phone line selected in the dialer preferences cannot be found. Refer to the modem or telephone configuration in the Windows Control Panel to verify settings.
14312 The telephone "address" selected in the dialer preferences cannot be found. Refer to the modem or telephone configuration in the Windows Control Panel to verify settings.
14313 You have not selected an telephone line or modem. The dialer will not be enabled.
14314 You have not selected an "address". The dialer will not be enabled.
14315 The ACT! dialer has detected an error with the current call. If you are talking on a call resetting the ACT! dialer may disconnect the call.\nDo you wish to reset ACT! dialer now.
14316 Waiting for phone services to shutdown.
14317 System\CurrentControlSet
14318 Unimodem/V is not installed. The Unimodem/V driver appropriate for your operating system is needed to provide caller ID.\n\nAt the time of publication, Unimodem /V is not available for Windows NT. Please contact Microsoft for further information.\n\nYou may get Unimodem/V from Microsoft's Web Site at http://www.microsoft.com.
14319 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MicrosoftOperator
14320 Your modem may have caller ID capabilities but your modem configuration does not have the proper settings to use them under Unimodem/V.\n\n<cont>
14321 Normally your modem manufacturer provides these settings in the modem's INF file.<cont>
14322 If you have an updated file from the modem manufacturer, you should copy the file to the windows\inf directory. After copying the file, remove and reinstall the modem driver using the Windows Modems Control Panel.\n<cont>
14323 \nIf you don't have the latest modem INF file, this wizard will attempt to add support for caller ID for this modem.<cont>
14324 If you proceed, these settings will be written to the selected modem's configuration.<cont>
14325 \n\nIf you have problems after using this wizard, you can restore your old configuration by reinstalling your modem in the Windows Modem Control Panel.
14326 Your modem settings have been changed. You must restart Windows before the changes will take effect.
14327 The driver for your telephone or modem does not support caller ID.
14328 Speaker
14329 Mute
14331 The driver for your telephone or modem does not support a speaker phone option. You may need an updated driver from your modem manufacturer if your telephone or modem has a speakerphone option.
14332 Unimodem/V is not installed. The Unimodem/V driver appropriate for your operating system is needed to support speaker phone modems.
14333 \n\nYou may get Unimodem/V from Microsoft's Web Site at http://www.microsoft.com.
14334 ACT! has detected two problems. Unimodem/V is not installed and the driver for your telephone or modem does not support a speakerphone option. You will need the Unimodem/V driver that is appropriate for your operating system.
14335 \n\nYou may get Unimodem/V from Microsoft's Web Site at http://www.microsoft.com.
14336 \n\nRefer to your modem manufacturer to get an updated driver for your telephone or modem.
14451 kernel32.dll
14452 t32s_16.dll
14453 Init16BitThunk
14454 MarshalTapiProc
14455 UTRegister
14456 UTUnRegister
14457 Windows Telephony Service Provider for AT Command Set Compatible Modems
14458 UseACT!AddressTranslation
14459 An error has occured with your telephone or modem.\n\nIf you have an external telephone or modem do the following.\n\n - Check that the cable between the device and your computer is secure.\n - Check that the telephone or modem is plugged in and turned on.\n\nIf you have an internal telephone or modem reboot your computer.\n\nClick Retry to reinitialize your telephone or modem.\nClick Cancel to disable the Dialer.
61440 Open
61441 Save As
61442 All Files (*.*)
61443 Untitled
61446 an unnamed file
61457 &Hide
61472 No error message is available.
61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
61474 A required resource was unavailable.
61475 Out of memory.
61476 An unknown error has occurred.
61696 Invalid filename.
61697 Failed to open document.
61698 Failed to save document.
61699 Save changes to %1?
61700 Failed to create empty document.
61701 The file is too large to open.
61702 Could not start print job.
61703 Failed to launch help.
61704 Internal application error.
61705 Command failed.
61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.
61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.
61712 Please enter an integer.
61713 Please enter a number.
61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
61717 Please select a button.
61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
61719 Please enter a positive integer.
61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
61721 Please enter a currency.
61728 Unexpected file format.
61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
61730 Destination disk drive is full.
61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
61836 Unable to read write-only property.
61837 Unable to write read-only property.
61840 Unable to load mail system support.
61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
61856 No error occurred.
61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61858 %1 was not found.
61859 %1 contains an invalid path.
61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
61861 Access to %1 was denied.
61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
61865 Seek failed on %1
61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
61869 Disk full while accessing %1.
61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61872 No error occurred.
61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.