12536 All dates\nPast dates\nToday\nToday and Future\nLast Week\nLast Month\nLast Quarter\nLast Year\nCurrent Week\nCurrent Month\nCurrent Quarter\nCurrent Year\nNext Week\nNext Month\nNext Quarter\nNext Year
12537 &Current contact
12538 C&urrent lookup
12539 A&ll contacts
12540 &Current group
12541 C&urrent group lookup
12542 A&ll groups
12543 Activity date range
12544 Notes/History date range
12545 Contact sub-body
12546 Report Files (*.rpt)|*.rpt|Rich Text Format (*.rtf)|*.rtf|Text Only (*.txt)|*.txt||
12547 Run Report
12548 Error Loading String
12549 Summary of \n sorted by \n field
12550 Run Label
12551 Run Envelope
12552 Object Properties
12554 Are you certain you want to delete the report section and the objects it contains?
12555 Delete Section
12556 Change Section
12557 Field List
12558 All Dates
12559 Report cannot be run without main section
12560 Run Report
12561 My:
12562 System Field
12563 Label Field
12564 Text Field
12565 There is no default printer.\nInstall and select default printer.
12566 Are you certain you want to delete the report section, the objects it contains and the related sections ?
12567 Are you certain you want to delete the report section and the related sections ?
12568 A&dd
12569 Close
12570 Activity Date Range
12571 Notes/History Date Range
12572 Before
12573 After
12574 "There is no default printer.\nInstall and select default printer."
12575 1 Day \n%d Days \n1 Hour \n%d Hours \n%d Min
12576 Do you wish to cancel generating report ?
12577 '%s' has not been faxed due the lack of fax number
12578 '%s' has been faxed
12579 Do you wish to close report preview ?
12580 There is no data to print for this report.
12581 Report has no data
12582 Printer:
12583 This file is not report template.
12584 Left
12585 Center
12586 Right
12587 NONE
12588 There is not enough space on your hard drive to run this report.
23027 Empty fax field
23028 The report has not been faxed due a problem with the faxing software or hardware.\nVerify that your faxing software and modem are functioning properly.
32506 Report is being generated in the background. The print command will be enabled when the report is fully generated