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- ACT! 2000 for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT
- ReadMe for ACT! 2000, August 17, 1999
- Copyright 1999 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved.
- Please review this information before running ACT!
- You can also print a copy of this file for future reference.
- ACT! for Windows CE
- *******************
- Symantec no longer provides technical support for the
- ACT! for Windows CE product or for the link included within
- ACT! 2000 to Windows CE.
- ACT! and WordPerfect
- ********************
- ACT! 2000 does not support any version of WordPerfect.
- If you used a previous version of ACT! and you set your default
- word processor to WordPerfect, ACT! 2000 will set your default
- word processor to ACT! word processor. To learn about converting
- your WordPerfect templates, see chapter 8 of "ACT! 2000 User's
- Guide".
- Installation instructions
- *************************
- If you have a problem with CD Autorun, you can install the
- software on this CD-ROM by doing the following:
- 1. Click the Windows Start menu and select Run.
- 2. Type the following and click the OK button to install each
- product.
- (Substitute X with the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive.)
- ACT! 2000 X:\Act2000\Setup.exe
- ACT! PalmPilot Link X:\ACTPALM\Setup.exe
- Adobe Acrobat Reader X:\ADOBE\ar40eng.exe
- AT&T Internet Service Software X:\ATT\PCV\PCVKIT.EXE
- Earthlink Internet Service Software X:\EarthLnk\Setup.exe
- FoneSync X:\FoneSync\Setup.exe
- Mobile WinFax trial X:\MWinFax\MWinFaxT.exe
- Norton AntiVirus for Win 95/98 trial X:\Nav\NAVT9x\nav9xtr.exe
- Norton AntiVirus for Windows NT trial X:\NAV\NAVTNT\navnttr.exe
- pcAnywhere Trial X:\pcA\Setup.exe
- Quicken ExpensAble 98 trial X:\QETrial\QEtrial.exe
- TalkWorks trial X:\TalkWrks\Setup.exe
- WinFax PRO trial X:\WinFax\Wfx90t\Setup.exe