4027 There is not enough disk space to complete this operation.
4028 Some of the old files already exist in the backup directory. Do you want to replace them?
4029 Could not move $f to the backup directory.
4030 Deletions:
4031 Notes/Histories were not sent last time. Only the changed ones were sent now.
4032 Activities were not sent last time. Only the changed ones were sent now.
4033 Private data was not sent last time. Only the changed ones were sent now.
4034 Some of the sync groups were not sent last time. Some data related to the new groups may not have been sent.
4035 Records Sent:
4038 Reassigning $r
4039 Scanning $r
4040 User
4041 Modified Match Fields
4042 Sending deletions
4043 Receiving deletions
4044 Sending contact field defaults
4045 Sending contact field labels
4046 Sending contact field popups
4047 Sending group field defaults
4048 Sending group field popups
4049 Sending group field labels
4050 Adding imported contacts to active group
4051 Synchronize\Purge Days
4052 Local time
4053 GMT time
22248 General
22249 User
22250 Unknown
22251 Public
22252 Private
22253 Group Private
22254 Unknown
22255 None
22256 Contact not found
22257 Group not found
22258 No information
22259 Error retrieving information
22260 ============
22261 User data
22262 User name:
22263 Password:
22264 User record id:
22265 User record owner:
22266 Access:
22267 Login
22268 Synchronization
22269 None
22270 Direct-Synchronization
22271 Privilege:
22272 Administrator
22273 Standard
22274 Browse
22275 Unknown
22276 Sync options info
22277 Carrier name:
22278 Connect name or modem number:
22279 Sync options:
22280 Send-PrivateData
22281 Send-All
22282 Receive-PrivateData
22283 Send-FieldDefinitions
22284 Receive-FieldDefinitions
22285 Collection group:
22286 None
22287 Sync groups
22288 Group count:
22289 Group %3d:%s
22290 Sync process (transaction log) info
22291 Remote database (peer) name:
22292 Sync connection id:
22293 Send number:
22294 Send position:
22295 Send time:%s GMT
22296 Acknowleged send number:
22297 Acknowleged send position:
22298 Acknowleged send time:%s GMT
22299 Receive number:
22300 Receive position:
22301 Receive time:%s GMT
22302 Last sent sync
22303 Flags:
22304 Send-Note-Histories
22305 Send-Activities
22306 Send-PrivateData
22307 Send-All
22308 Group count:
22309 Group %3d:%s
22310 Bad blob (zero length)
22311 Contacts marked for deletion
22312 Contact count:
22313 Contact %3d:%s
22314 None
22315 Groups marked for deletion
22316 Group count:
22317 Group %3d:%s
22318 None
22319 Last synchronized contacts
22320 Contact count:
22321 Contact %3d:%s
22322 None
22323 Last synchronized groups
22324 Group count:
22325 Group %3d:%s
22326 None
22327 End of user data
22328 Database field definitions that may be received from %s cannot be applied and will be ignored because this database is not locked at synchronization time.
22329 Sending sync
22330 Sent LinkContact Id
22331 Sent UnlinkContact Id
22332 Sent Reference
22333 Sent Deleted Id
22334 Sent Cleared (removed) Activity Id
22335 Sent GroupContact Id
22336 Sent ActivityContact Id
22337 Sent
22338 UNQ
22339 If you wish to apply database field information from any user, you must check "Lock database upon synchronizing" from the Synchronize dialog before applying further synchronization packets.
22340 File Type
22341 Synchronize\ReporterLogfileFolder
22342 Synchronize\ReporterLogfileExt
22343 Synchronize\ReporterDetail
22344 Synchronize\ReporterMainSwitch
22437 DBToDB
22438 Synchronized from "%s" to "%s"
22439 See "%s" for a detailed sync report.
22440 Currently open database: "%s"
22441 Created field: "%s"
22442 Field not updated: "%s"
22443 Contact fields:
22444 Group fields:
22445 FIFO%d.%s
22446 Shared Folder
22447 SNC
22448 Applying sync
22449 ...
22450 Contact
22451 Group
22452 Activity
22453 Note/History
22454 Email
22455 Modified field: "%s"
22456 Not Replaced (due to lock)
22457 Not Copied (due to lock)
22458 Replaced
22459 Copied
22460 Rejected (older edit time)
22461 Not Updated (due to lock)
22462 Updated
22463 from
22464 Rejected (older than clear/deletion time)
22465 Rejected (skipped)
22466 Linked Contact
22467 Unlinked Contact
22468 Rejected (has private contact or group)
22469 Deleted
22470 Rejected deletion (destination has newer edit time)
22471 Cleared
22472 Rejected clear (destination has newer edit time)