16034 This full path of '%s' exceeds %d characters.
16035 '%s' is an invalid file system name or path.
16036 An error occurred while opening this database. It may be damaged, or missing a component. Do you want to try to restore the database?
16037 Can't Remove open '%s' Database
16038 Can't Remove open '%s' Database
16039 Cannot copy '%s': Source and destination are the same
16040 System error: The disk is full
16041 System error: out of memory
16043 Purging notes
16045 Purging history
16046 Cannot open '%s'. This file may not be an ACT! for Windows file, or it could be a severely damaged ACT! for Windows file.
16047 Database has unsupported language. Do you want to convert in user default language?
16048 Searching Contacts Database
16049 Searching Activities Database
16050 Searching Notes/History Database
16051 Searching Email Database
16052 Searching Groups Database
16053 Purging attachments
16054 Purging notes and history
16055 Purging notes and attachments
16056 Purging history and attachments
16057 ACT! Database
16058 Copying Database files
16059 You may not have enough disk space to complete this operation. If a network drive is not mapped, ACT! cannot determine if you have enough disk space to complete this operation. Your database can be damaged if you proceed without adequate disk space.
16060 This record has been deleted from the database. Your current view will update to reflect the change.
16061 This record has changed since you last viewed it. Your current view will update to reflect the change.
16062 Repairing database
16063 Record cannot be deleted. A note or activity is locked.
16064 This database is from a previous version of ACT! Do you want to convert it?
16065 The security information for the user named "%s" was damaged but has been repaired by reversing all settings to default values. You should review the user setting using "File>Administration>Define Users..." to change the setting to their correct values.
16066 This is a beta version of ACT! 2000, and the trial period for using it has expired. Please contact Symantec to obtain a purchase a new copy of ACT! 2000.
16067 This is a beta version of ACT! 2000, and the trial period for using it will expire in %d days. Please contact Symantec to obtain a purchase a new copy of ACT! 2000.
16068 ACT! cannot find a My Record for this user. It is likely that your database is corrupted. It is strongly recommended that you rebuild your database indexes. Do you want to do this now? Note that the process of rebuilding the database indexes will take some time.
16069 This database was created using a later version of ACT! The database cannot be opened using this ACT! version.
16070 Conversion is not available in the Trial Size of ACT!. The Retail version of ACT! will convert any ACT! v2.0 or 3.0 database to ACT! v4.0 format. It will also convert an ACT! v4.0 database to ACT! v3.0 format.
16071 To use this ACT! database, you must convert it to ACT! 2000 format. Do you want to convert this database to ACT! 2000 format?
16072 Your database has been successfully converted to ACT! 2000 format.
16073 You will not be able to use this database in ACT! 2000 until you convert it to ACT! 2000 format
16074 You must have Administrator security level to convert a database to ACT! 2000 format\n
16075 Searching Sales Database
16076 Purging sales
16077 The Index files are either missing or they are corrupt. ACT! can reindex your database. Do you want to do this now? Note that the process of rebuilding the database indexes will take some time.