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- 98 \nTemplate\nACT! Word Processor Template\nACT! Word ProcessorTemplate (*.tpl)\n.tpl\nActWP.Template\nActWP Template
- 99 \nDocument\nACT! Word Processor Document\nACT! Word Processor Document (*.wpa)\n.wpa\nActWP.Document\nActWP Document
- 100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
- 102 MIT initialization failed. Make sure that the MIT libraries are the correct version.
- 103 ACT! word processor initialization failed.
- 190 ACT! Word Processor
- 1001 Can't &Undo Ctrl+Z
- 1002 &Undo Typing Ctrl+Z
- 1003 &Undo Deletion Ctrl+Z
- 1004 &Undo Para Change Ctrl+Z
- 1005 &Undo Style Change Ctrl+Z
- 1006 &Undo Cut Ctrl+Z
- 1007 &Undo Paste Ctrl+Z
- 1008 &Undo Insertion Ctrl+Z
- 1009 &Undo Page Setup Ctrl+Z
- 1010 &Undo Replace Ctrl+Z
- 1011 Can't &Redo Ctrl+Z
- 1012 &Redo Typing Ctrl+Z
- 1013 &Redo Deletion Ctrl+Z
- 1014 &Redo Para Change Ctrl+Z
- 1015 &Redo Style Change Ctrl+Z
- 1016 &Redo Cut Ctrl+Z
- 1017 &Redo Paste Ctrl+Z
- 1018 &Redo Insertion Ctrl+Z
- 1019 &Redo Page Setup Ctrl+Z
- 1020 &Redo Replace Ctrl+Z
- 1034 inches
- 1035 cm
- 1036 pt
- 1037 pi
- 1038 Inches
- 1039 Centimeters
- 1040 Points
- 1041 Picas
- 1053 All Files (*.*)
- 1056 *.awf
- 1057 *.*
- 1061 &1 must be in the range of \n&2 to &3 &4.
- 1062 Left indent
- 1063 First indent
- 1064 Right indent
- 1065 Top margin
- 1066 Left margin
- 1067 Bottom margin
- 1068 Right margin
- 1069 &1 must be in the range of \n &2 to &3.
- 1070 Font size
- 1071 Tab offset
- 1072 Absolute spacing
- 1073 Header height
- 1074 Footer height
- 1075 "&1" not found.
- 1076 &1 instance(s) replaced.
- 1078 &1 contains an invalid number.
- 1079 Replace all cannot be undone. Continue anyway?
- 1080 Insufficient memory to perform this operation.
- 1081 There is no print driver installed on this machine.
- 1082 A system error occurred while printing this document.
- 1083 An error occurred while interacting with the filter.
- 1084 Attempt to open as text file?
- 1085 A history record cannot be created for this document's associated contact.
- 1086 All faxes for the selected contacts failed. Be sure all contacts have a fax phone number.
- 1087 The fax for the current contact failed. Be sure the contact has a fax phone number.
- 1088 Creation of temporary file failed.
- 1090 Do you want to print an envelope for this contact?
- 1190 Loading filters
- 1191 There is a problem launching or communicating with the fax software. Check that the fax software is functioning properly.
- 1195 WPA
- 1196 TPL
- 1197 ACT! Default Word Processor
- 1198 ACT! Word Processor Document (*.wpa)
- 1199 ACT! Word Processor Template (*.tpl)
- 1200 Preferences
- 1201 Insert
- 1202 United States
- 1203 United Kingdom
- 1204 Australia
- 2000 Error: An error occured during faxing with ACT!
- 20202 Open the ACT! help contents\nHelp Topics
- 20203 This command is not available in the word processor
- 20206 Find out how to use ACT! help\nHow to Use Help
- 32768 Save the current selection as a new file\nSave Selection As
- 32784 Copy the current ruler settings\nCopy Ruler
- 32785 Apply the copied ruler settings\nApply Ruler
- 32786 Find the specified text and replace with different text\nFind and Replace
- 32787 Set or change ACT! Word Processor preferences\nPreferences
- 32800 Insert the text of another file into the active document\nInsert File
- 32801 Insert the date into the active document\nInsert Date
- 32802 Insert the time into the active document\nInsert Time
- 32803 Insert the current page number into the current position\nPage Number
- 32804 Insert a page break to end the current page\nPage Break
- 32805 Bring up the field list to insert fields into the active template\nMail Merge Fields
- 32817 Set indentation, spacing, and alignment for the current paragraph\nParagraph
- 32818 Set the tab stops for the active document\nTabs...
- 32820 Set or change Header and/or Footer settings\nHeader and Footer
- 32822 Use the current template to merge with ACT! data\nMail Merge
- 32825 Modify the current user dictionary\nModify User Dictionary
- 32832 Check the spelling in the active document\nCheck Document
- 32833 Check the spelling in the current selection\nCheck Selection
- 32834 Select which dictionaries to use\nSelect Dictionaries
- 32848 Show or hide the Ruler\nToggle Ruler
- 32849 Show or hide Page Guides\nToggle Page Guides
- 32861 Make the current selection Plain text (toggle)\nPlain
- 32862 Make the current selection Bold text (toggle)\nBold
- 32863 Make the current selection Italic text (toggle)\nItalic
- 32864 Underline the entire selection (toggle)\nUnderline
- 32865 Underline only words in the current selection (toggle)\nWord Underline
- 32866 Strikethrough the current selection (toggle)\nStrikeout
- 32867 Move the current selection above baseline (toggle)\nSuperscript
- 32868 Move the current selection below baseline (toggle)\nSubscript
- 32869 Make the current selection all Uppercase (toggle)\nUppercase
- 32870 Make the current selection all Lowercase (toggle)\nLowercase
- 32871 Make the current selection black\nBlack
- 32872 Make the current selection white\nWhite
- 32873 Make the current selection red\nRed
- 32874 Make the current selection green\nGreen
- 32875 Make the current selection blue\nBlue
- 32876 Make the current selection cyan\nCyan
- 32877 Make the current selection magenta\nMagenta
- 32878 Make the current selection yellow\nYellow
- 32880 Set the page margins for the active document\nPage Margins
- 32881 Send file as an E-mail or Fax\nSend E-Mail or FAX
- 32882 Send document as an E-mail\nSend E-Mail
- 32883 Send document as a Fax\nSend FAX.
- 32885 Create a user-defined dictionary\nCreate User Dictionary
- 36864 Specify the font for the current selection\nFont List
- 36865 Specify font size for the current selection\nFont Size
- 36866 Make the current selection Bold text (toggle)\nBold
- 36867 Make the current selection Italic text (toggle)\nItalic
- 36868 Underline the entire selection (toggle)\nUnderline
- 36869 Symantec
- 36870 ACT! Word Processor
- 36871 5.0
- 36872 English
- 36873 Copyright ⌐ 1990 - 1999 Symantec Corporation
- 36874 International CorrectSpell (TM) ⌐ 1990 - 1995, by Inso Corporation.
- 36875 (541)465-8420
- 36876 techsupport@symantec.com
- 36877 http://service.symantec.com
- 50000 301|ACT! Word Processor
- 50001 ActWrite|{13F204D0-752F-11CE-93D5-0020AF1D7C99}|LocalServer32
- 50002 ACT! Word Processor Document|ACT! Word Processor Document (*.wpa)|wpa
- 50003 ACT! Word Processor Template|ACT! Word Processor Template (*.tpl)|tpl
- 50004 ActTrialWrite|{734133b0-b225-11d1-acb2-0060083a21b2}|LocalServer32
- 57344 ACT! Word Processor
- 57345 Ready
- 57600 Create a new document\nNew File
- 57601 Open an existing document\nOpen File
- 57602 Close the active document\nClose
- 57603 Save the active document\nSave File
- 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
- 57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
- 57606 Change the printing options\nPageSetup
- 57607 Print the active document\nPrint
- 57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
- 57616 Open this document
- 57617 Open this document
- 57618 Open this document
- 57619 Open this document
- 57632 Erase the selection\nErase
- 57633 Erase everything\nErase All
- 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
- 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
- 57636 Find the specified text\nFind
- 57637 Paste the Clipboard contents into the current position\nPaste
- 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
- 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
- 57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
- 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
- 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
- 57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window
- 57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
- 57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows
- 57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles (up-and-down)\nTile Windows
- 57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles (side-by-side)\nTile Windows
- 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
- 57664 Show the About box\nAbout
- 57665 Exit the program\nExit
- 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
- 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
- 57696 Set the font for the current selection\nFont
- 59136 EXT
- 59137 CAP
- 59138 NUM
- 59139 SCRL
- 59140 OVR
- 59141 REC
- 59392 Show or hide the Toolbar\nToggle Toolbar
- 59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
- 61184 Change the window size
- 61185 Change the window position
- 61186 Reduce the window to an icon
- 61187 Enlarge the window to full size
- 61188 Switch to the next document window
- 61189 Switch to the previous document window
- 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
- 61202 Restore the window to normal size
- 61203 Activate Task List
- 61215 Activate this window
- 61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview
- 61446 General\Prompt Envelope
- 61447 .wpa