33 Unable to find Synchronization directories. Use ACT! general preferences panel in edit menu to set directories.
34 Unable to load necessary setup Information.\nUse ACT! File/Synchronize Setup and Edit/Preferences/Synchronization panels to setup synchronization.
35 Because of a problem, all sync files were not transfered. You may want to try synchronizing again after the problem is corrected.
36 Unable to launch Windows modem setup applet.
37 Unable to launch Windows telephony setup applet.
38 All sync files were not transfered. You may want to try synchronizing again.
50 The remote modem is busy. Make sure that the remote user is ready to receive sync messages.
51 Cannot receive incoming call. This call may not have been a sync message.
52 Remote modem has stopped responding during file transfer. Resetting modem.
53 Remote modem has stopped responding. Resetting modem.
54 Error initializing modem, you may need to reset your system.
55 Modem is in use by another application. Close any applications that may use the modem or reset your system, then try again.
56 An internal error has occurred. You may need to reset your system
57 Modem or communications port has stopped responding. You may need to reset your system.
58 There was an error dialing. The telephone number may be invalid.
59 Remote modem is not answering. Make sure remote user is ready to receive sync messages.
65 Timeout waiting for call from remote host. Do you want to continue waiting?
66 No dialtone detected. Make sure that your telephone cord is plugged into your modem and that no one else is currently using the line.\n\nDo you want to try again?
67 Cannot initilialize modem. Make sure that your modem is turned on and connected to the computer.\n\nDo you want to try to again?
68 Modem or communications port not responding. Make sure that your modem is turned on and connected to the computer.\n\nDo you want to try again?
69 Call Out Completed.\n\nDo you want to return to Waiting for Calls?
70 Your system does not appear to have a modem configured for use.\n\nDo you want to set up a modem now?
71 Your system does not appear to have a telephony location configured.\n\nDo you want to setup your current location now?
72 There are no sync data files to send.\n\nDo you want to continue in Wait for Calls mode?
73 The remote host modem is busy.\n\nDo you want to try again in 30 seconds?
74 Remote modem is not answering.\n\nDo you want to try again in 30 seconds?
75 Remote modem is not answering.\n\nDo you want to automatically retry the call later?
76 Remote modem is busy.\n\nDo you want to automatically retry the call later?
77 Cannot establish connection with remote system. Make sure the remote user is ready to receive sychronization messages.\n\nDo you want to try this call again?
78 Remote modem has stopped responding during a file transfer.\n\nDo you want to try this call again?
79 Remote modem has stopped responding\n\nDo you want to try this call again.
80 Modem is currently in use by another application.\n\nClick YES to continue waiting for calls when the other application finishes, or click NO to cancel.