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- ProKon
- Ver. 9.4d
- The Metric Conversion Utility
- Copyright (c) 1997-99 by Harold Schwartz
- FIRST: Please make a backup copy of this diskette!
- This is the shareware version of ProKon, the metric conversion util-
- ity. ProKon is a 32-bit program and is intended to be run on Windows
- 95 or Windows NT. This package should contain the following files.
- If it does not, you do not have the complete package and ProKon may
- not operate properly. Before installation the shareware version con-
- tains the following 16 files:
- SETUP.EXE - The installation utility.
- PPROKON.HLP - The help file for ProKon.
- CALC._LP - The help file for the ProKon calculator.
- FILE_ID.DIZ - A description file for online services.
- GEOMETRY._LL - Compressed program files.
- ELEMENTS._TA - Data file for ProKon.
- PROKON._XE - More compressed program files.
- UNINPROK._XE - More compressed program files.
- INORG._TA - Data file for ProKon.
- GAUGE._TA - Data file for ProKon.
- CHEMICAL._TF - Font file for ProKon.
- CHEMICAL.FOT - Font definition file for ProKon.
- REGFORM.TXT - The registration form for ProKon.
- SITEREG.TXT - The site registration form for ProKon.
- README.1ST - The file you are reading now.
- HISTORY.TXT - History of changes beginning with v8.8
- After installation the shareware version contains 15 files:
- SETUP.EXE - The installation utility.
- PROKON.EXE - The program itself.
- GEOMETRY.DLL - The geometry dynamic link library.
- REGFORM.TXT - The registration form in Windows NOTEPAD
- format.
- SITEREG.TXT - The site registration form in Windows
- NOTEPAD format.
- PPROKON.HLP - The help file for ProKon.
- CALC.ELP - The help file for the ProKon calculator.
- ELEMENTS.DTA - The data for the periodic table.
- INORG.DTA - The data for inorganic chemicals.
- GAUGE.DTA - The data for wire/sheet gauge.
- CHEMICAL.TTF - A true type font for ProKon.
- CHEMICAL.FOT - A font definition file for ProKon.
- UNINPROK.EXE - The uninstallation utility.
- FILE_ID.DIZ - A description of ProKon for online services.
- README.1ST - The file you are reading now.
- Once ProKon has been run one time, an additional file will be created
- in the home directory called CUSTOM.INI. This is a configuration file.
- Another file called CONVERT.TXT may be created when you 'Copy' a set
- of results to clipboard and file.
- There are two ways to install ProKon. You can use Windows 95 Explorer
- to show the files on the distribution diskette and 'double-click' on
- the SETUP.EXE file or you can use the 'Run' menu item in the 'START'
- menu on the Windows Task Bar. For the second option, enter the
- path to the SETUP.EXE file in the dialog box in the 'Run' window.
- For example, entering
- would run the installation program if you were installing from the
- "A-Drive". SETUP.EXE will copy the necessary files to your hard drive
- and, if you prefer, SETUP will also create the Program Manager group
- along with the necessary icons to run ProKon.
- ProKon can be removed from your system by using the uninstall utility.
- When you install ProKon, the program item titled 'Uninstall ProKon' is
- automatically installed also. By running this program item, ProKon
- can be removed from your system. This program (filename = Uninprok.exe)
- will attempt to remove all of the program files, the folder containing
- the program files, and the program group and program items placed in
- the Windows menu system.
- Note that if you have a previous version of ProKon installed, you
- are not required to uninstall the previous version before you install
- the new version. Simply install the new version to the same location
- as the previous version. The installation program will overwrite the
- old files with the new versions of these files. Installing over the
- old version in this manner will retain your current configuration
- files for use with your newly installed version. If you choose to
- uninstall the previous version, the existing configuration files will
- be deleted and you will be required to reconfigure the software with
- the options you desire.
- ProKon is capable of making many different conversions, both to and
- from metric and Imperial (English) as well as to and from many ancient
- and archaic units. ProKon is capable of over 350,000 different conver-
- sions. ProKon also gives the density of over 625 different materials,
- some common and some not so common. In addition, ProKon contains a
- periodic table of the elements which allows access to pertinent data
- on each element and notebooks full of useful geometric formulas and
- constants. ProKon has help available throughout and all conversions
- can be copied to the Windows clipboard for pasting to other documents.
- There is a Windows 3.1 version of ProKon available. It's called SICon
- and is available most places that ProKon is available. Both versions
- are capable of the same conversions.
- Remember, ShareWare is software you can try before you buy. You are
- entitled to evaluate ProKon for a period of sixty days. If you try
- ProKon and decide you like it, you are asked to pay the author the
- registration fee of $21.95 + $3.00 shipping/handling. You will
- receive the latest version registered in your name. The registered version does not have the advertisement screens you see in the share-
- ware version.
- Thank you and Enjoy ProKon.
- Harold Schwartz
- P.O. Box 104482
- Jefferson City, MO 65110
- ShowMe Software License Agreement
- 1. Grant of License
- a) This ShowMe Software License Agreement ("License") permits
- the holder of an individual License to use one copy of the
- software program on any single computer, provided the soft-
- ware is in use on only one computer at any time. If you
- have multiple Licenses for the software, then at any time
- you may have as many copies of the software in use as you
- have Licenses. A copy of the software is in use when it is
- loaded into memory ("RAM") or when it is loaded onto a per-
- manent memory device such as a hard disk or diskette or other
- similar storage device. It is the user's responsibility to
- ascertain that the number of concurrent users of the software
- will not exceed the number of Licenses. If a copy of the
- software is loaded onto the hard disk or other storage device
- of a computer that is assigned to one individual, then that
- individual may also use one copy of the software on a port-
- able computer or a home computer.
- b) This ShowMe Software License Agreement ("License") permits
- the holder of an unlimited site License to use an unlimited
- number of copies of the software on an unlimited number of
- computers at one geographic site. A geographic site is
- defined as one building or group of buildings that are situ-
- ated on a single contiguous site, said buildings and site
- being owned or leased by a single individual or business
- entity. If a copy of the software is loaded onto the hard
- disk or other storage device of a computer that is assigned
- to an individual who's place of business or employment is
- located on a geographic site where that business or employer
- holds an unlimited site License, then that individual may also
- use one copy of the software on a portable computer or a home
- computer.
- 2. Restrictions
- ShowMe Software and the author stipulate that you may not rent,
- sublease, lease, sell, pledge or otherwise transfer or distri-
- bute the original copy or archival copy of the program. You
- agree not to translate, desassemble, modify, decompile, reverse
- engineer, or create derivative works based on the program or
- any part thereof. This agreement is automatically terminated
- without notice if any provision of this agreement is breached
- by you.
- 3. Copyright
- This software is owned by ShowMe Software or its suppliers and
- is protected by the United States copyright laws and interna-
- tional treaty provisions.
- Copyright (c) 1997-99 by Harold Schwartz. All Rights Reserved.
- You may copy the software for backup purposes, and you may give
- copies of the unregistered version to other individuals, which
- they may also use and copy under the terms of this agreement.
- If you copy the unregistered version of the software for others,
- you must include all of the files distributed with it. The soft-
- ware may not be sold, licensed, or a fee charged for its use.
- If a fee is charged in connection with the unregistered version
- of the software, it must cover the cost of copying or dissemina-
- tion only. Such charges must be clearly identified as such by
- the originating party. Under no circumstances may the purchaser
- be given the impression that he is buying the software itself.
- The author encourages BBS operators to post the unregistered
- version of the the software package on their systems for down-
- load by users wishing to evaluate it. No other reproduction or
- use is authorized without the express prior written consent of
- the copyright owner.
- 4. Limited Warranty
- ShowMe Software has attempted to build reasonable safeguards into
- this software. As with any useful computer application, this soft-
- ware may contain errors in the program or documentation. The author
- does not give any warranty, either expressed or implied, to anyone
- using this program other than for the replacement of defective media.
- ShowMe Software does not warrant that your use of this program will
- be uninterrupted or error free. In no event shall the author be
- liable for any damages, including loss of profits or anticipated
- profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages
- arising out of the use or inability to use this program. The program
- comes "as is" and it is the user's responsibility to determine
- whether the program is suitable for his or her computer system and
- software needs. Replacement of the disk(s) containing the program is
- your exclusive remedy and is your sole measure of recoverable damage.
- REMEMBER: Make a backup copy. . .