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- object Form1: TForm1
- Left = 200
- Top = 112
- Width = 421
- Height = 400
- Caption = 'BDE Check Routine'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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- Left = 216
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- Caption = 'EXIT'
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- Kind = bkOK
- end
- object Memo1: TMemo
- Left = 0
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- Width = 409
- Height = 313
- Lines.Strings = (
- 'The DataChart Installation will attempt to identify whether you '
- 'have an existing version of the Borland Database Engine (BDE)'
- 'active on your system.'
- ''
- 'It is recommended you respond to the OK button, after which'
- 'your system registry will be examined for BDE information.'
- ''
- 'This information may be helpful to you when making choices'
- 'for installation options.'
- '___________________________________________________'
- ' ')
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- TabOrder = 2
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- end