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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6>Star Schedule Context Menu </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>The StarSchedule context menus let you access commands relevant to the given context. The following menu commands are available (ordered alphabetically by job, calendar and appointment): </P> <P><A name="Hier stehen die allgemeinen Eintraege"></A></P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SENDASEMAIL"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="AlsEMail"></A>Send E~vent as E-mail...... </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Sends the selected task or event as an e-mail to the participants.</HLPTEXT> After having activated the command you will see an already filled message with the essential data of the task or event you want to send. </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/PRINT"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Drucken"></A>Print </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>The selected event or task will be printed.</HLPTEXT> </P> <P><A name="ende"></A></P> <P><A name="Hier stehen die Aufgaben-Eintraege"></A></P> <H2><A NAME="!COLUMNS"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="AngezeigteSpalten"></A>Displayed Columns </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>In the submenu, click the columns you want to display (or not display).</HLPTEXT> A check mark will be added to the selected columns. Click again to remove the check mark and to hide the column. </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F0"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Icon </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here if you want an icon, displayed in its own column, to be used as a handle for the Drag&Drop.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F1"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Complete </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to display a column for the <B>Finish</B> field.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F11"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Percent Complete </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to display a column for the <B>Percent Complete</B> field.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F5"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Completion Date </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to display a column for the <B>Completion Date</B> field.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F4"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Due Date </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to display a column for the <B>Due Date</B>field.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F7"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Closed </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to display a column for the <B>Closed</B> field.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F10"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Categories </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to display a column for the <B>Categories</B> field.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F8"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Priority </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to display a column for the <B>Priority</B> field.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F6"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Close Date </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to display a column for the <B>Close date</B> field.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F3"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Start Date </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to display a column for the <B>Start Date</B> field.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F9"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Status </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to display a column for the <B>Status</B> field.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F2"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Title </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>The title column is always displayed and cannot be removed.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/COLUMNCONFIG%3F12"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Access Level </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to display a column for the <B>Access Level</B> field.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME="!STYLES"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="EinStilAufgaben"></A>Current Layout </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Activates a submenu allowing you to select and define layouts.</HLPTEXT> </P> <P>The list of predefined (by Sun Microsystems) and user-defined layouts is displayed here. The current layout has a checkmark. You can activate a different layout by clicking the respective entry in the list. </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/TEMPLATES/TASKSTYLE/DEFAULTTASKSTYLE"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Default Layout </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>In order to reset a layout to the original default, select <B>Default Layout</B>.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/TEMPLATES/TASKSTYLE/GROUPCATEGORY"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Group by Categories </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Groups the tasks by category.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/TEMPLATES/TASKSTYLE/GROUPPARTICIPANT"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Group by Participants </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Groups the tasks by Participants.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/EDITVIEWS"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Define Layout... </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the <A href="../01/03320000.htm">Task Layout </A> dialog.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME="!FILTERS"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="EinFilterAufgaben"></A>Current Filter </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>In the submenu, click the desired options.</HLPTEXT> </P> <P>The list of predefined (by Sun Microsystems) and user-defined filters is displayed here. The current filter has a checkmark. You can activate a different filter by clicking the respective entry in the list. </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/TEMPLATES/TASKFILTER/NOTCOMPLETED"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Tasks in Progress </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>This filter displays only the unfinished tasks.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/TEMPLATES/TASKFILTER/DUETODAY"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Only Tasks Due Today </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>This filter displays only the tasks due today.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/TEMPLATES/TASKFILTER/OVERDUE"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Only Overdue Tasks </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>This filter displays only the overdue tasks.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/TEMPLATES/TASKFILTER"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Filter Off </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select this option to switch off all the filters in order to display all tasks.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/EDITFILTERS"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Define Filter... </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the <A href="../01/03310000.htm">Task Filters</A> dialog.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/BROWSERGROUP"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Gruppierung"></A>Group </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the <A href="../01/03320400.htm">Group</A> dialog enabling the grouping of the displayed tasks.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/DELETE"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/DELETE_PARTICIPANT"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/DELETE_LINK"></A> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Loeschen"></A>Delete </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Deletes the selected task or event or removes the references or participants from the list.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/OPENDETAILS"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Oeffnen"></A>Open </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the selected task or event.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/BROWSERSORT"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Sortierung"></A>Sort by </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the <A href="../01/03320300.htm">Sort by</A> dialog to enable a sorted view of the displayed tasks.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/HIDECOLUMN"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="SpalteAusblenden"></A>Hide Column </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>You can hide any of the available columns except the title column.</HLPTEXT>Click the column header and select the <B>Hide Column</B> function in the context menu. </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/BROWSERCOLUMNS"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Spaltenauswahl"></A>Column Selection... </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the <A href="../01/03320200.htm">Columns dialog</A> listing the available columns.</HLPTEXT> </P> <P><A name="end"></A></P> <P><A name="Hier stehen die Kalnderbereich-Eintraege"></A></P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SHOWEVENTS"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Termineanzeigen"></A>Show Events </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select this entry to highlight the days containing events with bold. The Help - Tips (menu <B>Help - Tips</B>), shows you the name of the events.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SHOWWEEKS"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Wochennummern"></A>Display Week Number </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Displays the number for each week of the year</HLPTEXT>. </P> <P><A name="ende"></A></P> <P><A name="Hier stehen die Terminbereich-Eintraege"></A></P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_WORKWEEK"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Arbeitswoche"></A>Workweek </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the <A href="../01/03300202.htm">Workweek dialog</A>.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/CLONERECURRENCE"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="AusWiedloesen"></A>Separate from Recurrence </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Removes the selected event from the recurring events that have been automatically inserted in your calendar. Later on, you can modify or delete one of these events independently from the others.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/ENDRECURRENCE"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="AlsEndtermin"></A>Set as Last Event for Recurrence </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Determines the selected event as the last of the recurrent events and deletes all subsequent calendar entries of this series.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_AUTOSIZE"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="automatischeGroesse"></A>AutoSize </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>This function in the context menu adjusts the event entry to an optimal column width automatically.</HLPTEXT>. If this option is not selected, the area size for the display of the day event does not adjust automatically if changed. You have to use the mouse to drag it to the appropriate width. </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SCROLLRANGE/3"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SCROLLRANGE/6"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SCROLLRANGE/12"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SCROLLRANGE/24"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SCROLLRANGE/36"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SCROLLRANGE/120"></A> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Scrollbereich"></A>Scroll Zone </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>This option, in the context menu of the right scroll bar, opens a submenu. Select here the scroll zone from the top to the bottom. The default scroll zone corresponds to one year. </HLPTEXT> </P> <P>Use one of the buttons at the bottom of the scroll bar to go to the next unit. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="EinStilTermine"></A>Current Layout </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P>Opens a submenu where layouts can be selected and defined. </P> <P>Here a list of the predefined (by Sun Microsystems) Layouts is shown. The activated (current) layout has a checkmark. </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/TEMPLATES/EVENTSTYLE/DEFAULTEVENTSTYLE"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Default Layout </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>In order to reset the modified layout, choose the <B>Default Layout</B> option.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Define Layout... </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the <A href="../01/03300000.htm">Event Layout</A> dialog.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="EinFilterTermine"></A>Current Filter </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P>The list of predefined (by Sun Microsystems) and user-defined filters is displayed here. The current filter has a checkmark. You can activate a different filter by clicking the respective entry in the list. </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/TEMPLATES/EVENTFILTER/NOTIN"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Only Out-of-Office Events </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>This filter displays only the events with a location outside your office.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/TEMPLATES/EVENTFILTER"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><!-- ExtraKeyword=Filters Off -->Filters Off </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Switches off all the filters allowing the display of all events again.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Define Filter... </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the <A href="../01/03290000.htm">Event Filter dialog</A>.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_BACKGROUND"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Hintergrund"></A>Background </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the display of the background for the event window.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_MARK_AS_WORKTIME"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><!-- ExtraKeyword=Mark as Working Hours -->Mark as Working Hours </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>The selected area will be marked with the corresponding default color for working hours.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_MARK_AS_FREETIME"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Mark as Leisure Time </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>The selected area will be marked with the corresponding default color for leisure time.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_D_HIDE_DAY"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_M_HIDE_DAY"></A> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="TerminTage"></A>Hide Day </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Hides the current selected weekday in the event view. This option is only available in the 5 or 7 days event view.</HLPTEXT>This option is not available in the monthly view. </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SHOW_DAY"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Show Day </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens a submenu allowing you to show the previous or next day again.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SHOW_DAY_BEVOR"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Previous </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>This command shows the previous day.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SHOW_DAY_NEXT"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Next </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Shows the next day provided it was hidden.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SHOW_MONDAY"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SHOW_TUESDAY"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SHOW_WEDNESDAY"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SHOW_THURSDAY"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SHOW_FRIDAY"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SHOW_SATURDAY"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_SHOW_SUNDAY"></A> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Show Days </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens a submenu allowing you to select the days displayed in the month overview of the event area.</HLPTEXT> Deselect the days that you do not want in the month overview. </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_COLORS"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Terminfarben"></A>Colors </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the <A href="../01/03300300.htm">Color Settings</A> dialog allowing you to assign colors to the categories.</HLPTEXT> The corresponding events will be displayed with these colors on the left margin. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Wochen"></A>Weeks </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P>In the context menu of the column headers of the monthly view you can select the weeks to be displayed. </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_M_HIDE_WEEK"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Hide Selected Week </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Hides the week where the cursor is positioned.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_M_SHOW_WEEK_BEVOR"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Add Previous Week </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Shows the previous week additionally. Displays the week if it was hidden.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_M_SHOW_WEEK_NEXT"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Add Next Week </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Shows the following week additionally. Displays the week if it was hidden.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_WEEKBEGIN"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Wochenanfang"></A>Week begins on </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Defines the beginning of the week.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_WEEKBEGIN_0"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Monday </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select this option if you want the week to begin on monday.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_WEEKBEGIN_6"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Sunday </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select this option if you want the week to begin on sunday.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Wochenende"></A>Weekend </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P>Here allows you to open a submenu in the context menu of the column headers of the monthly view where you can choose how to display the weekends (Saturday and Sunday): </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_HIDE_WEEKEND"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Hide </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Weekends are not displayed in the month overview of the events</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_DO_NOT_COMPRESS_WEEKEND"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Normal Display </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Weekends are displayed as weekdays.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_COMPRESS_WEEKEND_HORIZONTALLY"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Compress Horizontally </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Weekends are displayed with the half of the width if compared with the weekdays.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_COMPRESS_WEEKEND_VERTICALLY"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Compress Vertically </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Weekends are displayed with the half of the height if compared with the weekdays.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_TIMERASTER/5"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_TIMERASTER/10"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_TIMERASTER/15"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_TIMERASTER/20"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_TIMERASTER/30"></A><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_TIMERASTER/60"></A> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Zeitraster"></A><!-- ExtraKeyword=Time Scale -->Time Scale </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the minutes for the displaying of each row in the event area.</HLPTEXT> You will find the same submenu in the context menu of the hour headers. </P> <H2><A NAME=".UNO:SS/SSV_TIMEZONE"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="Zeitzone"></A>Time Zone </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the <A href="../01/03300201.htm">Time Zone Settings</A> dialog.</HLPTEXT> </P> <P><A name="ende"></A></P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6>File menu</FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P><A name="EigenServerver"></A>The Explorer context menu - <B>StarSchedule / Server / Server Connection</B></P> <P><A name="EigenSerververein"></A>The Explorer context menu - <B>StarSchedule / Server / Server Connection</B> - <B>Settings</B></P> <P><A name="EigenBenutzer"></A>The Explorer context menu - <B>StarSchedule / Server / Server Connection / User</B></P> <P><A name="EigenBenein"></A>The Explorer context menu - <B>StarSchedule / Server / Server Connection / User</B> - Tab <B>Settings</B></P> <P><A name="EigenBenben"></A>The Explorer context menu - <B>StarSchedule / Server / Server Connection / User</B> Tab <B> User</B></P> <P><A name="PiDa"></A>Menu <B>File Import...</B></P> <P><A name="Umgekop"></A>Menu: <B>File - Export...</B></P> <P><A name="Kal"></A>Menu <B> File - Import Holidays...</B></P> <P><A name="Eigen"></A>The Explorer context menu - <B>StarSchedule - Properties...</B></P> <P><A name="ende"></A></P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6>Menu Tools</FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P><A name="Heute"></A>Menu <B>Tools - Go to Today</B><BR>Icon in the Object bar</P> <P><A name="Jumpdate"></A>Menu <B>Tools - Go to Date...</B></P> <P><A name="ende"></A></P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="DOKU:HELP_ID_100126"></A><A name="Arbeitsbereich"></A><A href="01000000.htm">How to use StarSchedule</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>Find here an introduction about how to use StarSchedule locally and on the net. The possible commands for the "Event Overview", "Tasks" and "Calendar" windows are described additionally in alphabetical order. <A name="Ende"></A> For further information refer to the User's Manual, in the <A href="../../staruser/01070000.htm">Introduction</A> as well as in the <A href="../../staruser/02150000.htm">User's Chapter</A>. </P> <P><A href="../../common/00/00000099.htm#ArbeitSchedule" rel=popup><A href="../../common/00/00000099.htm#Siehe" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../02/29120000.htm#Termin" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../02/29110000.htm#Aufgaben" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../02/29100000.htm#Kalender" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01000005.htm#Drucken" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="03000000.htm#Netzwerk" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02000000.htm#Pilot" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Drucken"></A><A href="01000005.htm">Printing in StarSchedule</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>You will find here a detailed description to help you print your events and tasks. An AutoPilot will assist you by the creation of your own print layouts.<A name="Ende"></A> </P> <P><A name="SchedDruck"></A><!-- ExtraKeyword=Printing in StarSchedule --><!-- ExtraKeyword=Print Events --><!-- ExtraKeyword=Print Tasks -->If you want to print your events and tasks formatted, you have access to practical print templates. If you print with the <B>Print</B> icon in the function bar, the suitable print template will be used. </P> <P>The print template used depends upon the view. When selecting the day view in the event calendar, for example, a day view will be printed. If you prefer to use another print template, you can select one from the list: </P> <UL> <LI><P>Select in the event view the <SWITCH "System"><CASE "MAC"><B>File</CASE>respectivement <DEFAULT>File</DEFAULT>(dépendant du système d'exploitation) </SWITCH> - Print... </B> command and click in the <B>Print</B> dialog the <B>Options</B> button. A list of <A href="../01/01130000.htm">print forms</A> will now appear. Select a print form and an event range and close the dialog. In the <B>Print</B> dialog click the <B>OK</B> button. </P> </UL> <UL> <LI><P>If you select in the task view the <B>Print</B> dialog and click "Extras", you will see the appropriate list of task print forms. </P> </UL> <P>In addition, the <A href="../01/01130000.htm">AutoPilot Report</A> can be helpful if you decide to create your own print template. </P> <UL> <LI><P>To open the AutoPilot in StarSchedule go to menu <SWITCH "System"><CASE "MAC"><B>File</CASE>respectivement <DEFAULT>File</DEFAULT>(dépendant du système d'exploitation) </SWITCH> - Print...</B> and click the <B>Options</B> button and, in the <A href="../01/01130000.htm">Print Form</A> dialog click on <B>New Form</B>. </P> </UL> <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0> <COL WIDTH=23*> <COL WIDTH=233*> <THEAD> <TR VALIGN=TOP> <TD WIDTH=9% HEIGHT=32> <P> <IMG SRC="../../../PICTURE/WIN/COMMON/SYMBOLS/ACHTUNG.GIF" NAME="HIND_1" ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=32 HEIGHT=32 BORDER=0> <BR> </TD> <TD WIDTH=91%> <P>When printing for the first time in StarSchedule, the print templates have to be calculated first. You can then be sure that the defaults in your operating system (language, date format, etc.) will be considered. Please have some patience when printing for the first time. </TD> </TR> </THEAD> </TABLE> <P><BR> </P> <P>You can edit the form with your data before printing if you select in the <B>Print Form</B> dialog the <B>Print Preview</B> field. A StarWriter document can then be created to correspond to your needs. </P> <P><A name="ende"></A></P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Aufgabenansicht"></A><A href="01000100.htm">Properties of the Tasks View</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>Here you can define a new task view or you can modify the task properties. You can name it, specify a server to which you want to establish a connection or configure the settings for a scheduler user. You can also specify filters and Layouts of that task view.<A name="Ende"></A> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../../common/Explorer/Files/02040000.htm#Allgemein" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01000400.htm#Daten" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01000101.htm#AnsichtAuf" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="AnsichtAuf"></A><A href="01000101.htm">View Options</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>Select here filters and layouts of this view. <A name="Ende"></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!TASKSTYLE_NAMELIST)"></A>Layout </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>The list box provides the available (already defined) layout names. Use the <B>Define Layout</B> option to create a new layout.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!TASKFILTER_NAMELIST)"></A>Filter </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>You can select a filter from the list. Use the <B>Modify</B> button to create a new layout</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!TASKFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!TASKSTYLE_EDIT)"></A><A name="!TASKFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!TASKFILTER_EDIT)"></A>Modify </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Click this button to modify the Filter or Layout.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Terminansicht"></A><A href="01000200.htm">Properties of the Events view</A></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P>Here you can define a new events view or you can modify the event properties. You can name it, specify the server to which you want to establish a connection or configure the settings for a scheduler user. You can also specify filters and layouts of that task view.<A name="Ende"></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../../common/Explorer/Files/02040000.htm#Allgemein" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01000400.htm#Daten" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01000201.htm#AnsichtTer" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="AnsichtTer"></A><A href="01000201.htm">View Options</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>Select here the Filter and Layout for this view.<A name="Ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="00000401.htm#Ansichtoptionen" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Events </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P>Define here the view for the events. </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!EVENTSTYLE_NAMELIST)"></A>Layout </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select the desired Layout from the list. Click <B>Modify</B> to create a new or modify an existing Layout.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!EVENTFILTER_NAMELIST)"></A>Filter </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select the desired Filter from the list. Click <B>Edit</B> to define a new filter.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!EVENTSTYLE_EDIT)"></A><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!EVENTFILTER_EDIT)"></A>Edit </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Click here to define a new layout or a new filter for this view.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!CHECK_TASKS)"></A>Tasks </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Define here the view for the tasks in the event view. If you do not select the check box, the task window is not displayed in this view.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!TASKSTYLE_NAMELIST)"></A>Layout </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the desired Layout from the list. Click the respective button to define a new or to <B>Modify</B> an existing layout.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!TASKFILTER_NAMELIST)"></A>Filter </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the desired filter for this view. Click the respective button to define a new or to <B>Modify</B> an existing filter.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!TASKSTYLE_EDIT)"></A><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!TASKFILTER_EDIT)"></A>Edit </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Click here to define a new or <B>Modify</B> an existing filter for this view.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!CHECK_CALENDAR)"></A>Calendar </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want a calendar to be displayed in the event view.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="EiStarSchedule"></A><A href="01000300.htm">Properties</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><A name="EigText"></A><HLPTEXT>Define here some settings for StarSchedule.</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#Eigen" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../../common/Explorer/Files/02040000.htm#Allgemein" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01000310.htm#Einstellungen" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Arbeit"></A><A href="01000301.htm">Working Hours</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><A name="ArbeitText"></A><HLPTEXT>Define here the beginning and the end of the daily working hours.</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A> You can select equal working hours for every single day or for all days, which are then highlighted in the view. </P> <P><A href="00000401.htm#Arbeit" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DLG_WORKTIME/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!WORKTIMEFORALLWEEKDAYSTHESAME)"></A>All </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box to set an equal working time for the beginning and for the end of the working hours.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DLG_WORKTIME/ANTTIMECONTROL(!WORKTIMEBEGINALL)"></A>Start </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the beginning of the working hours.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DLG_WORKTIME/ANTTIMECONTROL(!WORKTIMEENDALL)"></A>End </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the end of the working hours.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Einstellungen"></A><A href="01000310.htm">Settings</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>Define here the general StarSchedule settings.<A name="Ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#EigenAll" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DLG_ROOT_EVENT_PROPERTY/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!TIMEZONEUID)"></A><A name="!STARSCHEDULEPROPERTIES/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!TIMEZONEUID)"></A>Time Zone </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the standard time zone .</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DLG_ROOT_EVENT_PROPERTY/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!FIRSTWEEKDAY)"></A><A name="!STARSCHEDULEPROPERTIES/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!FIRSTWEEKDAY)"></A>Week Begins On </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select the day for the beginning of the week in the month and week views.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!STARSCHEDULEPROPERTIES/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!WEEKCOUNTSTART)"></A>First Week of Year </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the rule for the first week of the year.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!STARSCHEDULEPROPERTIES/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!ENABLEINTRAYS)"></A>Automatically import vCalendar e-mail invitations into the default calendar </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>If you check this box, the e-mail invitations via<A href="03000000.htm#email">StarSchedule in the network</A> are automatically imported into your default calendar.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!STARSCHEDULEPROPERTIES/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!INTRAYS)"></A>Inboxes to be considered </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Displays the inboxes with the e-mail invitations to be considered.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!STARSCHEDULEPROPERTIES/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!EXPL_COMP_PROP_PROP_LATEINIT)"></A><A name="!NOLATEINITDIALOG"></A><A name="ScheduleDienst"></A><!-- ExtraKeyword=Start StarSchedule at the same time StarOffice is started -->Start StarSchedule at the same time StarOffice is started </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Confirm here if you want StarSchedule to be started at the same time you start StarOffice. You will be immediately reminded about due dates when StarOffice is started. </HLPTEXT>. </P> <P>If the box is not checked, StarSchedule starts later. Select this option if you want to benefit from the scheduler's Reminder function. However, StarOffice starts faster and needs less disk space without the reminder function. </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Einstellungen"></A><A href="01000312.htm">Settings</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Define here the settings for the server conection.</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#EigenSerververein" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!SERVERPROPERTIES/ANTEDITCONTROL(!SERVER)"></A>Server </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter here the name of the network server.</HLPTEXT> This field is only displayed if you create a new server connection or modify the properties of a server. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!SERVERPROPERTIES/ANTEDITCONTROL(!PORT)"></A>Port </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the port here. The default is 4243.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!SERVERPROPERTIES/ANTEDITCONTROL(!LOGIN)"></A>Login </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Define here the initials for the login in your computer and in the StarSchedule server.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!SERVERPROPERTIES/ANTEDITCONTROL(!PASSWORD)"></A>Password </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter a password.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Benutzer"></A><A href="01000313.htm">User</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Define here the settings for a new user.</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#EigenBenben" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTEDITCONTROL(!LOGIN)"></A>Login </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the initials for the login.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTEDITCONTROL(!PASSWORD)"></A>Password </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the password here.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!ISADMIN)"></A>Administrator </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want the registered user to have administrator rights for the server.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTEDITCONTROL(!EMAIL)"></A>E-mail address </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>The users that want to be informed per e-mail about common events and tasks in the network must enter the own e-mail address in order to receive the StarSchedule messages.</HLPTEXT> Refer to <A href="03000000.htm#email">StarSchedule in the Network</A>. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!READACCESS)"></A>General Read Access </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>If you deselect this option, only the user and their designates will have access to the events and tasks.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!DESIGNATESLIST)"></A>Designates </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>This list box displays the entered designates. A designate has the same rights in the calendar as the owner.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!DESIGNATEADDBUTTON)"></A>Add... </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Click this button to open the <B>Add Designate</B> dialog.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!DESIGNATEREMOVEBUTTON)"></A>Delete </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Click this button to delete the selected user from the designates list. It is not possible to delete the default user.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!MAYREMOVEFOREIGNITEMS)"></A>You are allowed to remove foreign items from your own calendar </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>You are allowed par default to remove foreign items from your own calendar.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Einstellungen"></A><A href="01000314.htm">Settings</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Define here the settings for one user in a server for StarSchedule. If you want to use StarSchedule only locally edit the settings under "My Computer / Default User".</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#EigenBenEin" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!EXPL_COMP_PROP_PROP_CATEGORIES)"></A><!-- ExtraKeyword=Create New Category -->Categories for Events and Tasks </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>In this list, enter all the categories to be displayed in the list boxes available for the user (for this calendar on the server).</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!EXPL_COMP_PROP_PROP_ADD)"></A>New... </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Click <B>New...</B> to enter a new category into the list.</HLPTEXT> You will see then the <B>New Category</B> dialog allowing you to enter a name for the category. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!EXPL_COMP_PROP_PROP_DELETECAT)"></A>Delete<!-- ExtraKeyword=Delete Category --> </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Click this button to delete the selected category from the list.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!SET_WORKTIME)"></A><!-- ExtraKeyword=Set Working Hours -->Set Working Hours... </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>This button opens the <A href="01000301.htm">Working Hours</A> dialog.</HLPTEXT> Determine here which working hours you want to be displayed when you open this calendar (=user). </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!SHOWALARMS)"></A>Send reminders to </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want to receive the defined reminders in this calendar; as if it was your own calendar.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!DEFAULTALARM_ONOFF)"></A>Default Reminder </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want a reminder dialog to be displayed when a new entered event is due or if you want to be automatically reminded before the due date.</HLPTEXT> </P> <P><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!REMINDERDISTANCE:DIALOG)"></A><HLPTEXT>Select in the list box when you want the reminder to be displayed before the event takes place.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!DATAFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(ACCESSLEVEL)"></A>Default Access Level </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here with which access level a new entered event is to be registered.</HLPTEXT> The default is "confidential". </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Login"></A><A href="01000315.htm">Login</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Correct here the settings if the login is incorrect.</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!LOGINDIALOG/ANTEDITCONTROL(LOGIN)"></A>Login </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the login data here.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!LOGINDIALOG/ANTEDITCONTROL(PASSWORD)"></A>Password </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the password here.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!LOGINDIALOG/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(SAVEPASSWORD)"></A>Remember login data for this server connection </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want the login and password data to be registered in the server connection.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Servereigenschaften"></A><A href="01000316.htm">Properties</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Configure how many threads the server should use for the execution of requests.</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!ADMINSERVER/ANTNUMERICCONTROL(NUMBERCORETHREADS)"></A>Number of server threads </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select the number of threads in this spin button.</HLPTEXT> The default is 5 threads. </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Serverkommunikation"></A><A href="01000317.htm">Server Communication</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Define here how the server will communicate with other StarSchedule servers in order to exchange tasks and events between different servers.</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A> This entry does not exist in "My Computer". </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!ADMINSERVER/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(CORESENDOPTIONS.ENABLE)"></A>Connect to remote StarSchedule servers </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box to enable the server to request data to other servers.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!ADMINSERVER/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(CORERECEIVEOPTIONS.ENABLE)"></A>Enable the access to remote StarSchedule Servers </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box to enable the server to respond to other servers by the sending of data.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Emailbenachrichtigung"></A><A href="01000318.htm">Notification via e-mail</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Allows the automatic e-mail notification of participants with common events and tasks.</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!ADMINSERVER/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(EMAILSENDOPTIONS.ENABLE)"></A>Permission to send e-mails </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>If you check this box, the server or your computer can send an e-mail message to the participants so far as the other two conditions are fulfilled (mailto: registered e-mail URL in the calendar field of the address book and active automatic notification to the participants in the <B>Details / Participants</B> area).</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!ADMINSERVER/ANTEDITCONTROL(EMAILSENDOPTIONS.SERVERNAME)"></A>Which SMTP mail server should be used for outgoing e-mails on this server? </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter here the name of the SMTP mail server to which the outgoing message of this Schedule server will be sent.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6>Data Source Properties </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Define here the settings for a data source, that means for a server connection or "My Computer".</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#EigenServerver" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../../common/Explorer/Files/02040000.htm#Allgemein" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01000312.htm#Einstellungen" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6>User Properties </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Define here the settings for a user in StarSchedule (corresponds to a calendar on the network).</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#EigenBenutzer" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../../common/Explorer/Files/02040000.htm#Allgemein" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01000313.htm#Benutzer" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01000314.htm#Einstellungen" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6>Administrate </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Define here the settings for the administration of a StarSchedule server or for "My Computer". You need administrator rights to open this dialog.</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#Serveradmin" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01000316.htm#Servereigenschaften" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01000317.htm#Serverkommunikation" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01000318.htm#Emailbenachrichtigung" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Daten"></A><A href="01000400.htm">Data</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>Set here from which user and on which server you want to display the data.<A name="Ende"></A> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!SERVERPATHUID)"></A><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!SERVERPATHUID)"></A>Server </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select a server connection from the list box.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!ADDSERVER)"></A><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!ADDSERVER)"></A>Add... </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Click this button to open the <A href="01000330.htm">New Connection</A> dialog corresponding to the <B>Server Connection Properties</B> dialog.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(USERRESOURCE)"></A><A name="!EVENTFOLDER/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(USERRESOURCE)"></A>User </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here an user defined on the server connection.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Pilot"></A><A href="02000000.htm">Data Synchronisation with the PalmPilot</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=4 CELLSPACING=0> <COL WIDTH=256*> <THEAD> <TR> <TD WIDTH=100% VALIGN=TOP> <P> <IMG SRC="../../../PICTURE/WIN/COMMON/OTHER/PALM01.GIF" NAME="Grafik1" ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=541 HEIGHT=351 BORDER=0> <BR> </TD> </TR> </THEAD> </TABLE> <P><BR> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!PILOTDIALOG/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(SERVERPATHUID)"></A>Server </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the StarSchedule server.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!PILOTDIALOG/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!CALENDARUID)"></A>Calendar </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the calendar.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!PILOTDIALOG/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(SYNCTASKS)"></A>Synchronize Tasks </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want to synchronize the tasks of StarSchedule and PalmPilot.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!PILOTDIALOG/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(SYNCEVENTS)"></A>Synchronize Events </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want to synchronize the events of StarSchedule and the calendar of the PalmPilot.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!PILOTDIALOG/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(SYNCADDRESSBOOK)"></A>Synchronize Address Book </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want to synchronize the StarOffice and the PalmPilot address books.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!PILOTDIALOG/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(SYNCACTION)"></A>Which type of data synchronization do you want? </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the type of synchronization.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>StarSync Setup: Categories </FONT></FONT> </H2> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!PILOTDIALOG/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!CATEGORIES)"></A>Local category </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>In this list box choose a category of StarSchedule.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!PILOTDIALOG/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!PILOTCATEGORIES)"></A>PalmPilot category </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>In this list box choose a category of the PalmPilot.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!PILOTDIALOG/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!ADD)"></A>Add </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Click <B>Add</B> if you want to insert the selected pair from two categories to the list box.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!PILOTDIALOG/ANTGENERICCONTROL(!MAPPINGS)"></A>List Box </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>You can see here the already assigned pairs of categories.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!PILOTDIALOG/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!REMOVE)"></A>Delete </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Click <B>Delete</B> to remove the selected pair of categories from the list box.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><A NAME="!PRINTOPTIONSDIALOG/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!PRINTTEMPLATES)"></A> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6>Print Form </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>This is a list of the provided print forms to print tasks and / or events. You'll be able to access the event templates if you opened this dialog from an event view or from a mixed task- and event view. However, if you opened this dialog from a task view, you'll see only the task print forms.</HLPTEXT><A name="ende"></A> Refer also to <A href="../00/01000005.htm">Printing in StarSchedule</A>. </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#Druformulare" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><!-- ExtraKeyword=Print Forms, in StarSchedule --><!-- ExtraKeyword=StarSchedule, printing --><!-- ExtraKeyword=Events, printing --><!-- ExtraKeyword=Tasks, printing --> <!-- ExtraKeyword=Printing your Tasks and /or Events -->Printing your Tasks and /or Events </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><A name="SchedAutopi"></A>The filter setting enables you to print your tasks and/ or events anytime you wish. You can see this filter setting on your screen. For example, let's imagine you want to print your "office" events, just set an office filter to only display the office events and click the <B>Print</B> icon in the function bar. </P> <P>If you click the <B>Print</B> icon, it will use the print form which corresponds to the current overview. If you see a day overview, the print form "day overview" will be printed. In a week's overview, it will print the "week overview" print form. In a month's overview it will use the "month overview". </P> <P>If you call up the print command via the context menu of an event or task, the detail view of the event or task will be printed. </P> <P>The events in your events calendar, defined as day events, will be separately marked when printing them and do not contain any time information. If, for a certain event, you entered a place, it will also be printed.<A name="ende"></A> </P> <P>In case you would like to print in another print form, you should open the respective dialog with<B> File - Open</B> and then click on <B>Options...</B>. Now, select the print form per hand. </P> <P><!-- ExtraKeyword=Print form, edit for StarSchedule -->You are able to edit anytime all print forms created with StarSchedule 5.1. When editing you can either do it with the help of the<B> AutoPilot Report</B> or with a template used as an StarWriter document. The <A href="01130100.htm">Auto Pilot Report</A> can help you, though you can still create your own individual forms. </P> <H2><A NAME="!PRINTOPTIONSDIALOG/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!NEW)"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>New Form </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Click here to open the<A href="01130100.htm"> AutoPilot Report</A>. Use it to create a new print form.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME="!PRINTOPTIONSDIALOG/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!EDIT)"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Edit a Form </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Click here to edit the selected form. The <A href="01130100.htm">AutoPilot Report</A> allows you to edit the form.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><A NAME="!PRINTOPTIONSDIALOG/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!EDITASPATTERN)"></A> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Edit as Template </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Click here to edit the selected form as a StarWriter document, including its fields.</HLPTEXT>. Change the name of the template displayed in the Print Form dialog with the<B> File - Properties</B> menu. The Stylist allows you to modify the fonts of the different form parts as well as to adapt other paragraphs and text styles. </P> <H2><A NAME="!PRINTOPTIONSDIALOG/ANTPUSHBUTTONCONTROL(!DELETE)"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Delete Form </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Click here to delete the current selected form. Confirm it before deleting.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Print Range </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P>In this section, also select the events' range to be printed. </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>days displayed </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>This option allows only the print of the displayed days.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME="!PRINTOPTIONSDIALOG/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(!ART_FROMTO)"></A> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>From the beginning to the end </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select this option to enter the start and end dates.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME="!PRINTOPTIONSDIALOG/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(!ART_SELECTION)"></A> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>current selection </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select this option to print the current selected event. This option corresponds to the <B>Print </B>command of the event's context menu.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME="!PRINTOPTIONSDIALOG/ANTDATECONTROL(!START_DATE)"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Start </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select the start date for the events you want to print. The <B> From the beginning to the end </B> option must be checked.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><A NAME="!PRINTOPTIONSDIALOG/ANTDATECONTROL(!END_DATE)"></A><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>End Date </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select the end date for the events you want to print. The <B> From the beginning to the end </B> option must be checked.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Options </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P>This is the option area. </P> <H3><A NAME="!PRINTOPTIONSDIALOG/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!EDIT_IN_WRITER)"></A> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Print preview </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select this field if you want StarSchedule no to print the form, but to create and display a StarWriter document on your screen. You can then edit, save or send it as an e-mail, etc.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><!-- ExtraKeyword=AutoPilot Print Form -->AutoPilot Print Form<!-- ExtraKeyword=Print Forms --> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>This AutoPilot helps you to define a new print form for StarSchedule.<A name="ende"></A> Select on the pages of the AutoPilot the options you want. Click the <B>Next</B> button to go to the next page; and the <B>Back</B> button to go again to the previous page. On the last page, click <B>Create</B> to complete the print form. Afterwards, you can choose it in the <B>Print Forms</B> dialog. </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#SchedAutoPi" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01130101.htm#Listenauswahl" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01130102.htm#KopfUndFuss" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01130104.htm#Tabelleneinstellung" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01130103.htm#Seiteneinstellung" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_CMDPREV"></A><< Back </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>In the dialog it is possible to see the selection of the previously completed step.</HLPTEXT> The current settings remain unchanged. You can select this button only after the second step. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_CMDNEXT"></A>Next >> </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>With this button, the AutoPilot uses the current settings of the dialog and goes to the next step.</HLPTEXT> When you reach the last step, it is not possible to click this button anymore. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_FRAMEFOOTER"></A>Create </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>The AutoPilot creates a new print form based on your selection and saves it on the disk.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Listenauswahl"></A><A href="01130101.htm">AutoPilot Print Forms: List Selection</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>Select here the list type and the settings for the new print form.<A name="ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#SchedAutoPi1" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_FRAMELISTTYPE"></A><A href="../../common/00/00000001.htm#Vorschau" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_OPTTASK"></A>Tasks </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here if you want the task overview to be printed. This option is already checked if you opened the AutoPilot from a task view.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_FRAMEPAGE"></A>Event Overview </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to print the event overview.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_OPTDAY"></A>Day Events Overview </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to print the day events.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_OPTWEEK"></A>Week Events Overview </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to print the week events.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_OPTMONTH"></A>Month Events Overview </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to print the month events.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_OPTTASKALL"></A>Detail View - Tasks </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the detail view of the tasks. It prints a page per each task.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_OPTEVENTALL"></A>Detail View - Events </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Opens the detail view of the events. It prints a page per each event.</HLPTEXT> </P> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box to print the event view and the task view on the same page.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_CHECKWEEKENDCOMPRESS"></A>Compress weekend </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here if you want the saturday and sunday fields in a week events view to be printed with the half size.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_OPTCOL1"></A>Single column </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here a single column display for the task view.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_OPTCOL2"></A>Double column </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here a double column display for the task view.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="KopfUndFuss"></A><A href="01130102.htm">AutoPilot Print Forms: Header & Footer</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>Select here the information for the header and footer of the new print form.<A name="ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#SchedAutoPi2" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../../common/00/00000001.htm#Vorschau" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELTEMPLATETITLE"></A>Template title </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter here the title for the new print template. This name is then displayed in the <B>Print Templates</B> dialog.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_FRAMESPEZIAL"></A>Headline from document </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box to apply the header of the template document.</HLPTEXT> Use the <B>Edit as Template</B> button to edit the corresponding template as a text document. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Header </FONT></FONT> </H2> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELHEADER"></A>Heading </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter here the text for the heading of the printed pages.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_CHECKDATE1"></A>Date </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want the print date to be printed in the header.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_CHECKUSERNAME"></A>User name </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here if you want the user name to be printed in the header.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_FRAMEHEADER"></A>Footer from document </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box to apply the footer of the template document.</HLPTEXT> Use the <B>Edit as Template</B> button to edit the corresponding template as a text document. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Footer </FONT></FONT> </H2> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_CHECKDATE2"></A>Date </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want the print date to be printed in the footer</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_CHECKTIME"></A>Time </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want the print time to be printed in the footer.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_CHECKNUMBER"></A>Page number </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want the page number to be printed in the footer. </HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Seiteneinstellung"></A><A href="01130103.htm">AutoPilot Print Forms: Page settings</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>Select here the page settings for the new print form. Additionally, you can define new paper formats and delete them.<A name="ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#SchedAutoPi3" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../../common/00/00000001.htm#Vorschau" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELPAPERFORMAT"></A>Paper format </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>This combo box allows you to select the paper format for the printing.</HLPTEXT> It is also possible to define a new paper format and to enter a name in this field. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELSCALE"></A>Scale </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>This spin button allows you to choose a scale for the printing of the characters.</HLPTEXT> Other elements, such as, table frames and lines remain unchanged. The values above 100% enlarge the printout; the values under 100% reduce the printout. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELUNIT"></A>Unit </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the cm or " (inch) unit for the display of the measurements on this page.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_OPTIONPORTRAIT"></A>Portrait </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to set the portrait paper format.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_OPTIONLANDSCAPE"></A>Landscape </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to set the landscape paper format. The contents are printed crosswise.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_COMMANDDELETE"></A>Remove </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Click this button to remove the format displayed in the <B>Paper format</B> combo box from the list.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_COMMANDSAVE"></A>Save </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>This button allows you to save the new or the modified paper format under the name displayed in the <B>Paper format</B> combo box.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Page </FONT></FONT> </H2> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELPAPERWIDTH"></A>Width </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select the unit for the width of the paper pages.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELPAPERHEIGHT"></A>Height </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select the unit for the height of the paper pages.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELROWS"></A>Rows </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>This button allows you to select the number of rows for the printout.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELCOLUMNS"></A>Columns </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the number of columns for the printout.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Margins </FONT></FONT> </H2> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELTOPMARG"></A>Top </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Defines the top margin.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELINNERLEFT"></A>Left </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Defines the left margin.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELRIGHTMARG"></A>Right </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Defines the right margin.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELBOTTOMMARG"></A>Bottom </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Defines the margin of the bottom.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Internal margins </FONT></FONT> </H2> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELINNERTOP"></A>Top </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Defines the top margin.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Left </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Defines the left margin.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELINNERRIGHT"></A>Right </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Defines the right margin.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_LABELINNERBOTTOM"></A>Bottom </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Defines the margin of the bottom.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_TEXTBOXUW.ENABLED"></A>Width </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>This field displays the usable width of each single form.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_TEXTBOXUH.ENABLED"></A>Height </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>This field displays the usable height of each single form.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Tabelleneinstellung"></A><A href="01130104.htm">AutoPilot Print Forms: Table settings</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P>Select here the table settings for the new print form.<A name="ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#SchedAutoPi4" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../../common/00/00000001.htm#Vorschau" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_STARTTIMEONLY"></A>Start date only </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here if you want only the events start date to be printed, not the end date .</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_AMPM"></A>Use 08:00 am/pm instead of 08:00 AM/PM </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this field if you want the AM/PM information in small print. You can only choose this option if your system is defined for a 12 hours day.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_CHECKLOCATION"></A>Events with location </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box to print also the information under <B>Details - Location</B>.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_CHECKTABLEHEIGHT"></A>Fixed table height </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box to print all tables with equal height.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name=".UNO:SS/BASICDLG_CHECKALLDAYSVISIBLE"></A>All days visible </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box to print also the days without events.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Exportieren"></A><A href="01200000.htm">Export...</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#Umgekop" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!VCALEXPORTCOMPONENT/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(VCALEXPORTUSEFILTER)"></A>Use current filter for export </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box to export only the events and tasks corresponding to the current filter.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!VCALEXPORTCOMPONENT/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(VCALEXPORTNORMAL)"></A>Set compatibility mode: default </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Only the default set in the vCalendar specifications is exported.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!VCALEXPORTCOMPONENT/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(VCALEXPORTNETSCAPE)"></A><!-- ExtraKeyword=Netscape Calendar -->Netscape Calendar </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>The properties that make the export file to become appropriate for the Netscape Calendar will be considered. The category data, for example, will not be exported.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!VCALEXPORTCOMPONENT/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(VCALEXPORTMICROSOFT)"></A>Microsoft <!-- ExtraKeyword=Outlook 98 -->Outlook 98 </FONT></FONT> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name=".UNO:SS/IMPORTHOLIDAYS"></A><A name="Feier"></A><A href="01210000.htm">Calculate Holidays</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><A name="FeierText"></A><HLPTEXT>In the <B>Holidays</B> dialog you can apply the official holidays of your state.</HLPTEXT><A name="Ende"></A><!-- ExtraKeyword=Import Holidays --> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000401.htm#Kal" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name=".UNO:SS/GOTO_DATE"></A><A name="SprzumDat"></A><A href="01400000.htm">Go to Date...</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>This command opens a dialog allowing you to select the date to be displayed in the event window.<A name="ende"></A></HLPTEXT> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000404.htm#Jumpdate" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <P><A name="!DLG_GOTODATE/ANTDATECONTROL(!GOTODATE)"></A><HLPTEXT>In the <B>Go to Date</B> dialog you can enter a date or select one from the <A href="../../common/00/00000001.htm#Datumfeld" rel=popup>Date Box</A>.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name=".UNO:SS/DELETE_VISIBLE_EVENTS"></A><A name="AlleTermine"></A><A href="01500000.htm">Delete all visible events</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Deletes all events corresponding to the display of the current filter (also the ones not displayed on the screen).<A name="ende"></A></HLPTEXT> You will see a confirming box. It is not possible to undo this process. </P> <P><A href="../00/00000404.htm#AlleTermine" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name=".UNO:SS/DELETE_VISIBLE_TASKS"></A><A name="AlleAufgaben"></A><A href="01600000.htm">Delete all visible tasks</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Deletes all tasks corresponding to the display of the current filter (also the ones not displayed on the screen).<A name="ende"></A></HLPTEXT> You will see a confirming box. It is not possible to undo this process. </P> <P><A href="../00/00000404.htm#AlleAufgaben" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTTABPAGECONTROL(!TABPAGE_EVENTDETAILS_CONTENT)"></A><A name="Uebersicht"></A><A href="03240100.htm">Contents</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Under "Details," click <B>Contents</B> to view additional information for the selected entry in the event overview or task window.</HLPTEXT><A name="ende"></A> </P> <P><A href="../00/00000403.htm#Ueber" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTEDITCONTROL(TITLE)"></A><A name="!TASKFORMULAR/ANTEDITCONTROL(TITLE)"></A>Event / Task </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>The specified title for the event or task is displayed here. It is also possible to modify it here.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Owner </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P>Displays the owner of the current event or task. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTEDITENGINECONTROL(DESCRIPTION)"></A><A name="!TASKFORMULAR/ANTEDITENGINECONTROL(DESCRIPTION)"></A>Description </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>In this box you can enter additional comments for the selected event or task.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTGENERICCONTROL(!ATTACHMENTS)"></A><A name="!TASKFORMULAR/ANTGENERICCONTROL(!ATTACHMENTS)"></A>References </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>All objects related to the task or event are displayed in this field. You can drag files, links and URLs directly from the Beamer or Explorer to this field. double-click to open them here.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTTABPAGECONTROL(!TABPAGE_EVENTDETAILS_DETAILS)"></A><A name="Details"></A><A href="03240200.htm">Details</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><A NAME="END11"></A>Click <B>Details</B> to enter or edit additional information about the selected entry in the event overview or task window. The structure of the Details box depends on the selection: event or task. <HLPTEXT></HLPTEXT><A name="ende"></A></P> <P><A href="../00/00000403.htm#Details" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <P>If you view the details for an event in the Event Planner, you will see the following elements: </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTDATECONTROL(STARTDATE)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTTIMECONTROL(STARTDATE:TIME)"></A>Start </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the date and time for the start of the event in the <A href="../../common/00/00000001.htm#Datumfeld" rel=popup>date selection field</A> and <A href="../../common/00/00000001.htm#Drehfeld" rel=popup>spin box</A>.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTDATECONTROL(ENDDATE)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTTIMECONTROL(ENDDATE:TIME)"></A>End date </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the date and time for the end of the event in the <A href="../../common/00/00000001.htm#Datumfeld" rel=popup>date selection field</A> and <A href="../../common/00/00000001.htm#Drehfeld" rel=popup>spin box</A>.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(DAYEVENT)"></A>Day Event </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box to assign an event to the entire day. It will automatically replace the other events in the daily event view.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(BUSYTYPE)"></A>Show time as </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select here the display for the event in the event view: Free - Temporary - Busy - Out of Office.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTEDITCONTROL(LOCATION)"></A>Location </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the event location here.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(ACCESSLEVEL)"></A>Access Level </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Specify here the access level for the other users in the network concerning this event.</HLPTEXT> "Public" entries are available for everyone. "Confidential" entries allow the others to see only the time of the event, no other information. "Private" entries are only available for you. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCOMBOBOXCONTROL(CATEGORIES)"></A>Categories </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>In the combo box <B>Categories</B>, select the categories - if you want use the multiselection function by pressing the (Shift) or <SWITCH "System"><CASE "MAC">(Command)</CASE><DEFAULT>(Ctrl)</DEFAULT></SWITCH> keys or enter the categories directly.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(PRIORITY)"></A>Priority </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select the priority for the event. The lower the number, the higher the priority!</HLPTEXT> </P> <P>If you call up the details of a task in the task window, you will see the following elements: </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFORMULAR/ANTDATECONTROL(STARTDATE)"></A>Start date </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the start date for the task here.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFORMULAR/ANTDATECONTROL(DUEDATE)"></A>Due date </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the due date for the task here.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFORMULAR/ANTDATECONTROL(COMPLETIONDATE)"></A>Completion date </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>This field displays automatically the completion date of the task.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFORMULAR/ANTDATECONTROL(CLOSEDATE)"></A>Close Date </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter here the close date for the task.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(TASKSTATE)"></A>Status </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Specify here the current status of the task: Not started - In progress - Completed - Waiting - Deferred.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFORMULAR/ANTCOMBOBOXCONTROL(CATEGORIES)"></A>Categories </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>In the combo box <B>Categories</B>, select the categories - if you want use the multiselection function by pressing the (Shift) or <SWITCH "System"><CASE "MAC">(Command)</CASE><DEFAULT>(Ctrl)</DEFAULT></SWITCH> keys or enter the categories directly.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(COMPLETIONPERCENTAGE)"></A>% Complete </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Specify here the extent to which a task is already completed.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(ACCESSLEVEL)"></A>Access Level </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Specify here the access level for the other users in the network concerning this event.</HLPTEXT> "Public" entries are available for everyone. "Confidential" entries allow the others to see only the time of the event, no other information. "Private" entries are only available for you. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!TASKFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(PRIORITY)"></A>Priority </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Select the priority for the event. The lower the number, the higher the priority!</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTTABPAGECONTROL(!TABPAGE_DETAILS_PARTICIPANTS_BUSY)"></A><A name="Teilnehmer"></A><A href="03240300.htm">Participants</A></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>In the details box, click <B>Participants</B>, to gain access to the list of people attending the event or involved in the task.</HLPTEXT><A name="ende"></A></P> <P><A href="../00/00000403.htm#Teil" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Participants</FONT></FONT></H2> <P>Put the names of the participants in this combo box and/or select them from the list.</P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>People Participating</FONT></FONT></H2> <P>Put the names of the participants in the combo box, select them from the list, or use drag&drop from the address book. Mark the whole line of the participant in the address book and drag it to the <B>Participants</B> box. To delete a participant, mark the name and press the (del) key, or select <B>Delete</B> from the context menu.</P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/"></A><A name="Wiederholung"></A><A href="03240400.htm">Recurrence</A></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>In Details, click <B>Recurrence</B>. In this way, you can say when, how often and until when the event should automatically be entered in the events overview.</HLPTEXT><A name="ende"></A></P> <P><A href="../00/00000403.htm#Wieder" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>None</FONT></FONT></H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Click here if the event will only occur once.</HLPTEXT></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR"></A>Daily</FONT></FONT></H2> <P><HLPTEXT>Click here to define a daily recurring event.</HLPTEXT></P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(!CHOICE)"></A>Every...day(s)</FONT></FONT></H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the number of days between each recurrence here, e.g., "Every third day".</HLPTEXT></P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTEDITCONTROL(!FREQ:DAILY)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(!WORKDAYCHOICE)"></A>Every workday</FONT></FONT></H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Click here to define an event that should recur every workday (Mon - Fri).</HLPTEXT> Holidays not recognized by StarSchedule are considered workdays. The command <SWITCH "System"><CASE "MAC"><B>File</CASE>respectively <DEFAULT>File</DEFAULT>(Depends on platform) </SWITCH></B> - <A href="01210000.htm"> Import holidays</A> allows you to decide which holidays are relevant to you.</P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTDATECONTROL(!RECUREND)"></A>No recurrence after</FONT></FONT></H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Specify the last date of the recurrence here.</HLPTEXT></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Weekly</FONT></FONT></H2> <P>Click here to define a weekly recurring event.</P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTEDITCONTROL(!FREQ)"></A>Every...week(s) on:</FONT></FONT></H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the number of weeks between each recurrence here, e.g., "Every second week on Friday".</HLPTEXT></P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!DAY6)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!DAY5)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!DAY4)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!DAY3)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!DAY2)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!DAY1)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!DAY7)"></A>Sunday to Saturday</FONT></FONT></H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select the day of the week for the recurring event.</HLPTEXT></P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>No recurrence after</FONT></FONT></H3> <P>Specify the last date of the recurrence here.</P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Monthly</FONT></FONT></H2> <P>Click here to define a monthly recurring event.</P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Day</FONT></FONT></H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Select the day of the month for the recurring event.</HLPTEXT></P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTEDITCONTROL(!FREQBYDATE:MONTHLY)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTEDITCONTROL(!DAY:MONTHLY)"></A>Every...month(s)</FONT></FONT></H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the number of months between each recurrence here, e.g., "Every third month on the first day".</HLPTEXT></P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(!WEEKMONTHLY)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!WEEKNUMBERS:MONTHLY)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!WEEKDAYS:MONTHLY)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTEDITCONTROL(!FREQBYDAY:MONTHLY)"></A>Each...every...month(s)</FONT></FONT></H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the time period between the recurrence here, e.g., "Each fourth Tuesday every 2 months".</HLPTEXT></P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>No recurrence after</FONT></FONT></H3> <P>Specify the last date of the recurrence here.</P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Yearly</FONT></FONT></H2> <P>Click here if the event should recur yearly.</P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!MONTHSBYDATE:YEARLY)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTEDITCONTROL(!DAY:YEARLY)"></A>Every...</FONT></FONT></H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the time period between the recurrence here, e.g. "Every second day in March of every year".</HLPTEXT></P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(!WEEKYEARLY)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!WEEKNUMBERS:YEARLY)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!WEEKDAYS:YEARLY)"></A><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!MONTHSBYDAY:YEARLY)"></A>Every...in...</FONT></FONT></H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the time period between the recurrence here, e.g. "Every first Monday in April, every third year".</HLPTEXT></P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>No recurrence after</FONT></FONT></H3> <P>Here, select the last possible date at which the event should be automatically entered.</P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTTABPAGECONTROL(!TABPAGE_EVENTDETAILS_ALARM)"></A><A name="Erinnerung"></A><A href="03240600.htm">Reminder</A> </FONT></FONT> </H1> <HR> <P><HLPTEXT>Under "Details," click <B>Reminder</B>, if you want to be notified of an upcoming event by a dialog or via e-mail. </HLPTEXT><A name="ende"></A></P> <P><A href="../00/00000403.htm#Erinnerung" rel=popup><A href="../00/00000004.htm#Wie" rel=embedded></A></A></P> <P>Choose whether you want a reminder dialog to be displayed, an e-mail notification, or both. </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>Dialog </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P>Here you can specify options for a reminder dialog. <A href="03240601.htm"></A></P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!SHOWDIALOG)"></A>Show dialog </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you want a reminder dialog to be displayed a specified amount of time before the event.</HLPTEXT> Of course, StarOffice must be running at the specified point in time in order for the reminder to be displayed. <A href="03240601.htm"></A></P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!REMINDERDISTANCE:DIALOG)"></A>before event </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>In this spin box you can specify how far in advance you want to receive a reminder for an event.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!PLAYSOUND)"></A>Sound alarm </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check this box if you also want to be reminded by a sound in addition to the dialog.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(!USESTANDARDSOUND)"></A>Use default sound </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Choose this option to use the default sound specified by your operating system as a reminder.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(!USECHOSENSOUND)"></A>Select sound </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>If you choose this option, you can select a sound file to be played as a reminder.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCOMBOBOXCONTROL(!SOUND)"></A>Sound field </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the path and name of the sound file here.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>E-mail </FONT></FONT> </H2> <P>Select this option to be receive a reminder via e-mail </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTCHECKBOXCONTROL(!SENDEMAIL)"></A>Send e-mail </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Check here to have an e-mail sent to remind you of an event.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTLISTBOXCONTROL(!REMINDERDISTANCE:EMAIL)"></A>before event </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>In this spin box you can specify how far in advance you want to be reminded of an event.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(!USEOUTBOXADDRESS)"></A>Use sender address from outbox </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>If you select this option, the e-mail is sent to the sender address specified in the <A href="../../common/explorer/server/10000000.htm">outbox</A> settings.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTRADIOBUTTONCONTROL(!USEADDRESS)"></A>Enter address manually </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Choose this option to enter the address of the e-mail recipient.</HLPTEXT> </P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><A name="!EVENTFORMULAR/ANTEDITCONTROL(!EMAILADDRESS)"></A>Address field </FONT></FONT> </H3> <P><HLPTEXT>Enter the e-mail address for the recipient as follows: <B>name@provider.com</B>.</HLPTEXT> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6>Contents of the StarSchedule Help</FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P><A name="schedule"></A><B>StarSchedule</B> is the program used for managing and editing <B>Appointments and Events</B>.<A name="Ende"></A> Below, you will find a description of the relevant topics in the StarOffice help. Click here for more <A href="../common/05/00000003.htm">tips on using help</A>.</P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="main0503.htm#Waskann" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="00/01000000.htm#Arbeitsbereich" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="main0100.htm#Menues" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="main0200.htm#Symbolleisten" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="04/01020000.htm#StarScheduleTastaturbefehle" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="main0010.htm#Konmenues" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/05/00000001.htm#Support" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="../sdeskt/main1000.htm">To StarOffice Help</A></P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Konmenues"></A><A href="main0010.htm">StarSchedule's Context menus in the Explorer</A></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P>A description of all StarSchedule related Explorer context menus and submenus can be found here.<A name="Ende"></A> In addition, you can find detailed information about how to boost your efficiency with StarSchedule.</P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="00/01000000.htm#Arbeitsbereich" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P>Context menues of the <B>StarSchedule</B> Explorer entry with the respective submenues:</P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#NeueAufgaben" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#NeueTermin" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#Datei" rel=embedded_end></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#EiStarSchedule" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#NeueSerververb" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#EiSchServer" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#NeuerBenutzer" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#EiScheBenutzer" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#Serveradmin" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#EiAufgabenansicht" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#EiTerminansicht" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#Termineimportieren" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#Termineexportieren" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#Aufgabenimportieren" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#Aufgabenexportieren" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#Standardansicht" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/00/00000010.htm#Verknuepfungerstellen" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="../schedule/main0000.htm">To the StarSchedule Help</A></P> <P><BR> </P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Menues"></A><A href="main0100.htm">Menus</A></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P>A description of all menus, submenus and dialogs and activated dialogs can be found here.<A name="Ende"></A> The commands required to edit, view, arrange, format and print documents (and objects in documents) can only be selected if a document has been opened and the document is active.</P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="main0101.htm#Datei" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="main0102.htm#Bearbeiten" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="main0103.htm#Ansicht" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="main0106.htm#Extras" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="main0107.htm#Fenster" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/main0108.htm#Hilfe" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Datei"></A><SWITCH "System"><CASE "MAC">File<A href="main0101.htm">File</A></CASE><DEFAULT><A href="main0101.htm">File</A></DEFAULT></SWITCH></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P>This menu contains commands which are relevant for the document as a whole. You can create, open, close or print a new document, as well as enter document information. To close StarOffice, simply click <B>Exit</B>.<A name="Ende"></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/01010000.htm#Neu" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/01020000.htm">Open...</A></FONT></FONT></H2> <P><A href="../common/01/01020000.htm#OeffnenText" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/Autopi/01000000.htm#AutoPilot" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/01050000.htm#Schliessen" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/01180000.htm#AllesSpeichern" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01/01210000.htm">Importieren Holidays...</A></FONT></FONT></H2> <P><A href="01/01210000.htm#FeierText" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01/01190000.htm">Import...</A></FONT></FONT></H2> <P><A href="01/01190000.htm#ImportText" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01/01200000.htm#Exportieren" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/01130000.htm">Properties...</A></FONT></FONT></H2> <P><A href="../common/01/01130000.htm#DruckenText" rel=embedded></A></P> <P><A href="../common/01/01140000.htm#DruckereinstellungText" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/01170000.htm#Beenden" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Bearbeiten"></A><A href="main0102.htm">Edit</A></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P>Here you will find editing commands such as undo, redo, copy and paste. You can also access the Navigator to aid you in working with long and complex documents, for example, with functions for editing indexes and embedded objects.<A name="Ende"></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/02040000.htm#Ausschneiden" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/02050000.htm#Kopieren" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/02060000.htm#Einfuegen" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/02130000.htm#Adressbuch" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Ansicht"></A><A href="main0103.htm">View</A></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P>This menu contains commands which control the display of the StarOffice window when the scheduler is activated as well as the document contents. You can determine which toolbars you want to display or how the document should appear on the screen. You can, for instance, edit a document in full screen view.<A name="Ende"></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/03160000.htm#Explorer" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/03150000.htm">Zoom...</A></FONT></FONT></H2> <P><A href="../common/01/03150000.htm#BrowserText" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/03990000.htm#Symbolleisten" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/03060000.htm#Taskleiste" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01/03240000.htm#LauxArea" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01/03190000.htm#Tasks" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01/03280000.htm#Kalender" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/02130000.htm#Adressbuch" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01/03290000.htm">Define Filter (Events)...</A></FONT></FONT></H2> <P><A href="01/03290000.htm#TerFi" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01/03300000.htm">Define Style (Events)</A></FONT></FONT></H2> <P><A href="01/03300000.htm#TerStil" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01/03310000.htm">Define Task Filter...</A></FONT></FONT></H2> <P><A href="01/03310000.htm#AufgFi" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01/03320000.htm">Define Task Filter</A></FONT></FONT></H2> <P><A href="01/03320000.htm#AufgStil" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/03110000.htm#GanzerBildschirm" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><SWITCH "System"><CASE "WIN"><A href="../common/01/03180000.htm#Inte" rel=embedded></A></SWITCH></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Extras"></A><A href="main0106.htm">Tools</A></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P>The <B>Tools</B> menu contains additional word processing functions, such as the spellcheck feature (unless the automatic spellcheck is active) and the thesaurus.<A name="ende"></A> With the functions in the Tools menu, you can define the AutoCorrect settings, page and chapter numbering, and much more. You can also assign macro events and customize the toolbars, menus, key combinations and general program settings.</P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01/04100000.htm#Suche" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="01/01400000.htm#SprzumDat" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29090000.htm#heute">Springe auf Heute</A></FONT></FONT></H2> <P><A href="02/29090000.htm#HeuteText" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/06130000.htm">Macro...</A></FONT></FONT></H2> <P><A href="../common/01/06130000.htm#Makro" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/Optionen/01000000.htm#Optionen" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Fenster"></A><A href="main0107.htm">Window</A></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P>The commands for arranging open and closing all documents within StarOffice are in the Window menu.<A name="Ende"></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/07010000.htm#NeuesFenster" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/07020000.htm#Ueberlappend" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/07030000.htm#Nebeneinander" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/07040000.htm#Horizontal" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/07050000.htm#Vertikal" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/07070000.htm#Alleschliessen" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/01/07080000.htm#Dokumentliste" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P>Further commands for windows can be found in the <A href="../common/00/00000005.htm#KontextmenueG" rel=popup>context menu</A> in the Task Bar.</P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Symbolleisten"></A><A href="main0200.htm">Toolbars</A></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P>Here you will find a description of the elements displayed in the toolbars of an active text document.<A name="Ende"></A><A href="../sdeskt/main0200.htm#Symbolleistenneu" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="main0229.htm#ScheduleObjektleiste" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/main0201.htm#Funktionsleiste" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/main0228.htm#Taskleiste" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/main0209.htm#Hyperlink" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="ScheduleObjektleiste"></A><A href="main0229.htm">StarSchedule Object Bar</A></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P>The object bar displays all the relevant functions for conveniantly working with StarSchedule.<A name="ende"></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29160000.htm#NeuerTermin" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29160000.htm#SyNeuerTermin" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29170000.htm#NeueAufgabe" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29170000.htm#SyNeueAufgabe" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29010000.htm#zurueck" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29010000.htm#Syzurueck" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29130000.htm#zurueck2" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29130000.htm#Syzurueck2" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29140000.htm#vor2" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29140000.htm#Syvor2" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29020000.htm#vor" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29020000.htm#Syvor" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29090000.htm#Heute" rel=embedded_end></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29090000.htm#SyHeute" rel=Embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29030000.htm#Tag" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29030000.htm#SyTag" rel=Embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29050000.htm#Woche" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29050000.htm#SyWoche" rel=Embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29060000.htm#Monat" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29060000.htm#SyMonat" rel=Embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29040000.htm#Arbeitswoche" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29040000.htm#SyArbeitswoche" rel=Embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29150000.htm#MehrAw" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29150000.htm#SymehrAw" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29180000.htm#Terminliste" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29180000.htm#SyTermliste" rel=embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29110000.htm#Aufgaben" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29110000.htm#SyAufgaben" rel=Embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29100000.htm#Kalender" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29100000.htm#SyKalender" rel=Embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29070000.htm#LauxArea" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29070000.htm#SyLauxArea" rel=Embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="02/29190000.htm#Suchen" rel=embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="02/29190000.htm#SySuchen" rel=Embedded></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4><A href="../common/02/17170000.htm#Adressbuch" rel=Embedded></A></FONT></FONT></H2> <H2><BR> </H2> <P><A href="../common/02/17170000.htm#SyAdressbuch" rel=Embedded></A></P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=6><A name="Waskann"></A><A href="main0503.htm">The StarSchedule Functions</A></FONT></FONT></H1> <HR> <P>Here you'll find out all you need to know about StarSchedule.<A name="Ende"></A></P> <H2><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=4>StarSchedule has so much to offer!</FONT></FONT></H2> <P>StarSchedule is the StarOffice module that's perfectly assisting you in planning your Appointments, events and tasks. In addition, you can use the integrated calendar to - among many other features - that allows to highlight events and to display week numbers.</P> <P>You can use StarSchedule locally, i.e., in stand-alone mode limited to your computer, or you can benefit form the scheduler's server facilities in a network. In this case, the computer providing the scheduler server must run both StarOffice and StarSchedule at any time. Thus you can manage the appointments and tasks of your workgroup from your machine and your staff can see yours. However, you can control the visibility and access with the settings you specify under Details, e.g., by assigning the Public, Confidential, Private attribute to an event or task thus determining whether all (Public), or only your designates (Private) can see them. The Confidential attribute is slightly different: here only starting and ending time can bee seen, nothing else.</P> <P>You can determine who will be your designate(s) thus enabling them to view, create, edit, delete and write all your appointments or events</P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Events Overview</FONT></FONT></H3> <P>You can display events sorted by time in a daily, weekly or monthly view. Or the entire workweek can be shown. You can even create events for a specific day without specifying a time value.</P> <P>For a given event you can enter a number of characteristics such as further details, priority, location or a confidential or the private attribute to prevent other team members from viewing your personal event. A Recurrence attribute is also provided. In this case, StarSchedule automatically repeats the event entry (a specified number of / ) several times in your calendar.</P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>Managing 'timeless' tasks</FONT></FONT></H3> <P>You can enter your tasks in a separate section of StarSchedule's work area. They can be sorted alphabetically by categories, priority, or other criteria and you can determine by simple mouse click that the task is completely done now. You can set filters to only see the overdue tasks for instance, or you can define your own filter criteria.</P> <P>Details can also be set for tasks.</P> <H3><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3><SWITCH "System"><CASE "WIN">Synchronize</SWITCH></FONT></FONT></H3> <P><SWITCH "System"><CASE "WIN">With StarSchedule, you can synchronize your scheduler data with the 3Com Robotics PalmPilot's data.</SWITCH></P> <HR> </BODY> </HTML>