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1026|BG|BGR|100|359|36 15033 |BF|BFA|854|226|227 15034 |BI|BDI|108|257|258 15035 |KH|KHM|116|855|856 15036 |CM|CMR|120|237|238 15037 4105|CA|CAN|124|1|108 15038 |CV|CPV|132|238|239 15039 |KY|CYM|136|1|109 15040 |CF|CAF|140|236|237 15041 |TD|TCD|148|235|236 15042 13322|CL|CHL|152|56|57 15043 2052|CN|CHN|156|86|871 15044 |CX|CXR|162|672|6721 15045 |CC|CCK|166|61|62 15046 9226|CO|COL|170|57|58 15047 |KM|COM|174|269|27 15048 |CG|COG|178|242|243 15049 |CD|COD|180|| 15050 |CK|COK|184|682|683 15051 5130|CR|CRI|188|506|507 15052 |CI|CIV|384|| 15053 1050|HR|HRV|191|385|386 15054 |CU|CUB|192|53|5399 15055 |CY|CYP|196|357|358 15056 1029|CZ|CZE|203|42|4201 15057 1030|DK|DNK|208|45|46 15058 |DJ|DJI|262|253|254 15059 |DM|DMA|212|1|110 15060 7178|DO|DOM|214|1|111 15061 |TP|TMP|626|| 15062 12298|EC|ECU|218|593|594 15063 3073|EG|EGY|818|20|212 15064 17418|SV|SLV|222|503|504 15065 |GQ|GNQ|226|240|241 15066 |ER|ERI|232|291|297 15067 1061|EE|EST|233|372|373 15068 |ET|ETH|231|251|252 15069 |FK|FLK|238|500|501 15070 1080|FO|FRO|234|298|299 15071 |FJ|FJI|242|679|680 15072 1035|FI|FIN|246|358|359 15073 1036|FR|FRA|250|33|3302 15074 |FX|FXX|249|| 15075 |GF|GUF|254|594|595 15076 |PF|PYF|258|689|690 15077 |TF|ATF|260|590|591 15078 |GA|GAB|266|241|242 15079 |GM|GMB|270|220|221 15080 |GE|GEO|268|995|0 15081 1031|DE|DEU|276|49|500 15082 |GH|GHA|288|233|234 15083 |GI|GIB|292|350|351 15084 1032|GR|GRC|300|30|31 15085 |GL|GRL|304|299|30 15086 |GD|GRD|308|1|112 15087 |GP|GLP|312|590|5901 15088 |GU|GUM|316|671|672 15089 4106|GT|GTM|320|502|503 15090 |GN|GIN|324|224|225 15091 |GW|GNB|624|245|246 15092 |GY|GUY|328|592|593 15093 |HT|HTI|332|509|51 15094 |HM|HMD|334|| 15095 |VA|VAT|336|39|380 15096 18442|HN|HND|340|504|505 15097 3076|HK|HKG|344|852|853 15098 1038|HU|HUN|348|36|370 15099 1039|IS|ISL|352|354|355 15100 |IN|IND|356|91|92 15101 1057|ID|IDN|360|62|63 15102 |IR|IRN|364|98|994 15103 2049|IQ|IRQ|368|964|965 15104 6153|IE|IRL|372|353|354 15105 |IL|ISR|376|972|973 15106 1040|IT|ITA|380|39|40 15107 8201|JM|JAM|388|1|113 15108 1041|JP|JPN|392|81|82 15109 11265|JO|JOR|400|962|963 15110 |KZ|KAZ|398|7|706 15111 |KE|KEN|404|254|255 15112 |KI|KIR|296|686|687 15113 |KP|PRK|408|850|852 15114 1042|KR|KOR|410|82|84 15115 13313|KW|KWT|414|965|966 15116 |KG|KGZ|417|7|708 15117 |LA|LAO|418|856|86 15118 1062|LV|LVA|428|371|372 15119 12289|LB|LBN|422|961|962 15120 |LS|LSO|426|266|267 15121 |LR|LBR|430|231|232 15122 4097|LY|LBY|434|218|220 15123 5127|LI|LIE|438|41|42 15124 1063|LT|LTU|440|370|371 15125 4103|LU|LUX|442|352|353 15126 |MO|MAC|446|853|855 15127 |MK|MKD|807|389|39 15128 |MG|MDG|450|261|262 15129 |MW|MWI|454|265|266 15130 |MY|MYS|458|60|61 15131 |MV|MDV|462|960|961 15132 |ML|MLI|466|223|224 15133 |MT|MLT|470|356|357 15134 |MH|MHL|584|692|7 15135 |MQ|MTQ|474|596|597 15136 |MR|MRT|478|222|223 15137 |MU|MUS|480|230|231 15138 |YT|MYT|175|269|2691 15139 2058|MX|MEX|484|52|53 15140 |FM|FSM|583|691|692 15141 |MD|MDA|498|373|374 15142 |MC|MCO|492|33|34 15143 |MN|MNG|496|976|977 15144 |MS|MSR|500|1|114 15145 6145|MA|MAR|504|212|213 15146 |MZ|MOZ|508|258|260 15147 |MM|MMR|104|95|960 15148 |NA|NAM|516|264|265 15149 |NR|NRU|520|674|675 15150 |NP|NPL|524|977|98 15151 1043|NL|NLD|528|31|32 15152 |AN|ANT|530|599|60 15153 |NC|NCL|540|687|688 15154 5129|NZ|NZL|554|64|65 15155 19466|NI|NIC|558|505|506 15156 |NE|NER|562|227|228 15157 |NG|NGA|566|234|235 15158 |NU|NIU|570|683|684 15159 |NF|NFK|574|672|673 15160 |MP|MNP|580|| 15161 1044|NO|NOR|578|47|48 15162 8193|OM|OMN|512|968|971 15163 |PK|PAK|586|92|93 15164 |PW|PLW|585|680|681 15165 6154|PA|PAN|591|507|508 15166 |PG|PNG|598|675|676 15167 15370|PY|PRY|600|595|596 15168 10250|PE|PER|604|51|52 15169 |PH|PHL|608|63|64 15170 |PN|PCN|612|| 15171 1045|PL|POL|616|48|49 15172 2070|PT|PRT|620|351|352 15173 20490|PR|PRI|630|1|122 15174 16385|QA|QAT|634|974|975 15175 |RE|REU|638|262|263 15176 1048|RO|ROM|642|40|41 15177 1049|RU|RUS|643|7|705 15178 |RW|RWA|646|250|251 15179 |KN|KNA|659|1|115 15180 |LC|LCA|662|1|123 15181 |VC|VCT|670|1|117 15182 |WS|WSM|882|685|686 15183 |SM|SMR|674|378|379 15184 |ST|STP|678|239|240 15185 1025|SA|SAU|682|966|967 15186 |SN|SEN|686|221|222 15187 |SC|SYC|690|248|249 15188 |SL|SLE|694|232|233 15189 4100|SG|SGP|702|65|66 15190 1051|SK|SVK|703|42|43 15191 1060|SI|SVN|705|386|387 15192 |SB|SLB|90|677|678 15193 |SO|SOM|706|252|253 15194 7177|ZA|ZAF|710|27|290 15195 |GS|SGS|239|| 15196 1034|ES|ESP|724|34|350 15197 |LK|LKA|144|94|95 15198 |SH|SHN|654|290|291 15199 |PM|SPM|666|508|509 15200 |SD|SDN|736|249|250 15201 |SR|SUR|740|597|598 15202 |SJ|SJM|744|| 15203 |SZ|SWZ|748|268|269 15204 1053|SE|SWE|752|46|47 15205 2055|CH|CHE|756|41|4101 15206 10241|SY|SYR|760|963|964 15207 1028|TW|TWN|158|886|90 15208 |TJ|TJK|762|7|709 15209 |TZ|TZA|834|255|256 15210 |TH|THA|764|66|670 15211 |TG|TGO|768|228|229 15212 |TK|TKL|772|690|691 15213 |TO|TON|776|676|677 15214 11273|TT|TTO|780|1|118 15215 7169|TN|TUN|788|216|218 15216 1055|TR|TUR|792|90|91 15217 |TM|TKM|795|7|711 15218 |TC|TCA|796|1|120 15219 |TV|TUV|798|688|689 15220 |UG|UGA|800|256|257 15221 1058|UA|UKR|804|380|381 15222 14337|AE|ARE|784|971|972 15223 2057|GB|GBR|826|44|45 15224 1033|US|USA|840|1|101 15225 |UM|UMI|581|1|20 15226 14346|UY|URY|858|598|599 15227 |UZ|UZB|860|7|81 15228 |VU|VUT|548|678|679 15229 8202|VE|VEN|862|58|590 15230 |VN|VNM|704|84|850 15231 |VG|VGB|92|1|107 15232 |VI|VIR|850|1|20 15233 |WF|WLF|876|681|682 15234 |EH|ESH|732|685|686 15235 9217|YE|YEM|887|967|968 15236 |YU|YUG|891|381|385 15237 |ZM|ZMB|894|260|261 15238 |ZW|ZWE|716|263|264 20000 AF|Afghanistan 20001 AL|Albania 20002 DZ|Algeria 20003 AS|American Samoa 20004 AD|Andorra 20005 AO|Angola 20006 AI|Anguilla 20007 AQ|Antarctica 20008 AG|Antigua and Barbuda 20009 AR|Argentina 20010 AM|Armenia 20011 AW|Aruba 20012 AU|Australia 20013 AT|Austria 20014 AZ|Azerbaijan 20015 BS|Bahamas 20016 BH|Bahrain 20017 BD|Bangladesh 20018 BB|Barbados 20019 BY|Belarus 20020 BE|Belgium 20021 BZ|Belize 20022 BJ|Benin 20023 BM|Bermuda 20024 BT|Bhutan 20025 BO|Bolivia 20026 BA|Bosnia and Herzegowina 20027 BW|Botswana 20028 BV|Bouvet Island 20029 BR|Brazil 20030 IO|British Indian Ocean Territory 20031 BN|Brunei Darussalam 20032 BG|Bulgaria 20033 BF|Burkina Faso 20034 BI|Burundi 20035 KH|Cambodia 20036 CM|Cameroon 20037 CA|Canada 20038 CV|Cape Verde 20039 KY|Cayman Islands 20040 CF|Central African Republic 20041 TD|Chad 20042 CL|Chile 20043 CN|China 20044 CX|Christmas Island 20045 CC|Cocos (Keeling) Islands 20046 CO|Colombia 20047 KM|Comoros 20048 CG|Congo 20049 CD|Congo, The Democratic Republic of The 20050 CK|Cook Islands 20051 CR|Costa Rica 20052 CI|Cote D'ivoire 20053 HR|Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska) 20054 CU|Cuba 20055 CY|Cyprus 20056 CZ|Czech Republic 20057 DK|Denmark 20058 DJ|Djibouti 20059 DM|Dominica 20060 DO|Dominican Republic 20061 TP|East Timor 20062 EC|Ecuador 20063 EG|Egypt 20064 SV|El Salvador 20065 GQ|Equatorial Guinea 20066 ER|Eritrea 20067 EE|Estonia 20068 ET|Ethiopia 20069 FK|Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 20070 FO|Faroe Islands 20071 FJ|Fiji 20072 FI|Finland 20073 FR|France 20074 FX|France, Metropolitan 20075 GF|French Guiana 20076 PF|French Polynesia 20077 TF|French Southern Territories 20078 GA|Gabon 20079 GM|Gambia 20080 GE|Georgia 20081 DE|Germany 20082 GH|Ghana 20083 GI|Gibraltar 20084 GR|Greece 20085 GL|Greenland 20086 GD|Grenada 20087 GP|Guadeloupe 20088 GU|Guam 20089 GT|Guatemala 20090 GN|Guinea 20091 GW|Guinea-Bissau 20092 GY|Guyana 20093 HT|Haiti 20094 HM|Heard and Mc Donald Islands 20095 VA|Holy See (Vatican City State) 20096 HN|Honduras 20097 HK|Hong Kong SAR 20098 HU|Hungary 20099 IS|Iceland 20100 IN|India 20101 ID|Indonesia 20102 IR|Iran (Islamic Republic of) 20103 IQ|Iraq 20104 IE|Ireland 20105 IL|Israel 20106 IT|Italy 20107 JM|Jamaica 20108 JP|Japan 20109 JO|Jordan 20110 KZ|Kazakhstan 20111 KE|Kenya 20112 KI|Kiribati 20113 KP|Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 20114 KR|Korea, Republic of 20115 KW|Kuwait 20116 KG|Kyrgyzstan 20117 LA|Laos People's Democratic Republic 20118 LV|Latvia 20119 LB|Lebanon 20120 LS|Lesotho 20121 LR|Liberia 20122 LY|Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 20123 LI|Liechtenstein 20124 LT|Lithuania 20125 LU|Luxembourg 20126 MO|Macau 20127 MK|Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of 20128 MG|Madagascar 20129 MW|Malawi 20130 MY|Malaysia 20131 MV|Maldives 20132 ML|Mali 20133 MT|Malta 20134 MH|Marshall Islands 20135 MQ|Martinique 20136 MR|Mauritania 20137 MU|Mauritius 20138 YT|Mayotte 20139 MX|Mexico 20140 FM|Micronesia, Federated States of 20141 MD|Moldova, Republic of 20142 MC|Monaco 20143 MN|Mongolia 20144 MS|Montserrat 20145 MA|Morocco 20146 MZ|Mozambique 20147 MM|Myanmar 20148 NA|Namibia 20149 NR|Nauru 20150 NP|Nepal 20151 NL|Netherlands 20152 AN|Netherlands Antilles 20153 NC|New Caledonia 20154 NZ|New Zealand 20155 NI|Nicaragua 20156 NE|Niger 20157 NG|Nigeria 20158 NU|Niue 20159 NF|Norfolk Island 20160 MP|Northern Mariana Islands 20161 NO|Norway 20162 OM|Oman 20163 PK|Pakistan 20164 PW|Palau 20165 PA|Panama 20166 PG|Papua New Guinea 20167 PY|Paraguay 20168 PE|Peru 20169 PH|Philippines 20170 PN|Pitcairn 20171 PL|Poland 20172 PT|Portugal 20173 PR|Puerto Rico 20174 QA|Qatar 20175 RE|Reunion 20176 RO|Romania 20177 RU|Russian Federation 20178 RW|Rwanda 20179 KN|Saint Kitts and Nevis 20180 LC|Saint Lucia 20181 VC|Saint Vincent and The Grenadines 20182 WS|Samoa 20183 SM|San Marino 20184 ST|Sao Tome and Principe 20185 SA|Saudi Arabia 20186 SN|Senegal 20187 SC|Seychelles 20188 SL|Sierra Leone 20189 SG|Singapore 20190 SK|Slovakia (Slovak Republic) 20191 SI|Slovenia 20192 SB|Solomon Islands 20193 SO|Somalia 20194 ZA|South Africa 20195 GS|South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands 20196 ES|Spain 20197 LK|Sri Lanka 20198 SH|St. Helena 20199 PM|St. Pierre and Miquelon 20200 SD|Sudan 20201 SR|Suriname 20202 SJ|Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 20203 SZ|Swaziland 20204 SE|Sweden 20205 CH|Switzerland 20206 SY|Syrian Arab Republic 20207 TW|Taiwan, Republic of China 20208 TJ|Tajikistan 20209 TZ|Tanzania, United Republic of 20210 TH|Thailand 20211 TG|Togo 20212 TK|Tokelau 20213 TO|Tonga 20214 TT|Trinidad and Tobago 20215 TN|Tunisia 20216 TR|Turkey 20217 TM|Turkmenistan 20218 TC|Turks and Caicos Islands 20219 TV|Tuvalu 20220 UG|Uganda 20221 UA|Ukraine 20222 AE|United Arab Emirates 20223 GB|United Kingdom 20224 US|United States 20225 UM|United States Minor Outlying Islands 20226 UY|Uruguay 20227 UZ|Uzbekistan 20228 VU|Vanuatu 20229 VE|Venezuela 20230 VN|Viet Nam 20231 VG|Virgin Islands (British) 20232 VI|Virgin Islands (U.S.) 20233 WF|Wallis and Futuna Islands 20234 EH|Western Sahara 20235 YE|Yemen 20236 YU|Yugoslavia 20237 ZM|Zambia 20238 ZW|Zimbabwe