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- Autorunner 3.01 - Bitworks 98 (c)
- -See Autorun.hlp/Inimaker.hlp for more information
- Autorunner is a menu frontend for CD-Roms (or whatever).
- Autorunner is freeware and may be distributed freely
- (the files in this package may not be modyfied without permission though).
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- Note:
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- I will try to anser all of your questions and I will
- try to implement good suggestions from users.
- Feel free to report any errors that you may find.
- Remeber this though: No Fee - No Gurantee
- If you like it you can drop a note to : bitworx@dataphone.se
- //Joakim Lundberg
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- Publisher:
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- Bitworks Joakim Lundberg
- smtp: bitworx@dataphone.se
- http: www.dataphone.se/~bitworx
- Mail: Bergaparksvagen 12
- http://www.dataphone.se/~bitworx/download/autorun.zip
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- What is it:
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- Autorunner is a generic Autorun program.
- Use it as a custom menu on your CDs.
- A new frontend for creating the menu
- is included. Autorunner has a nice
- customizable GUI. Support for custom
- Sound and Graphics and Support
- for any language. Uninstaller included.
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- What's New
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- Fixed a bug in start.bat. Unzip support in autorunner. Scrollspeed.
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- Setup:
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- Run setup and install to a directory on your harddisk.
- Run Inimaker to add autounner to your CD Project.
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- Files:
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- Autorun.exe - The executable
- Inimaker.exe - Frontend for creating ini files for Autorunner
- Autorun.ini - Sample ini file
- Autorun.hlp - Application Helpfile (+ Autorun.cnt file)
- Inimaker.hlp - Application Helpfile (+ Inimaker.cnt file)
- Readme.txt - This file
- Wave.wav - Sample sound file
- Bitmap.Bmp - Sample background
- 401Comupd.exe - Update for COMTL32.DLL from Miscrosoft
- readme.txt - This file
- File_id.diz - Brief description of the program
- /Icons - Icons 1-19.ico
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- Comctl32:
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- Inimaker uses COMCTL32.DLL version 4.72 or later.
- It comes with various software (such as MSIE 4) but may not be present
- on the users system.
- Inimaker and Autorunner installs the comctl update from microsoft if
- an older version of the file is detected.
- Autorunner and Inimaker looks depends on this new version, and older
- version may corrupt the user interface.
- The file can also be downloaded from:
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/developer/downloads/files/40comupd.htm
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- History:
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- V1.0 Public Release Version
- V1.1 Added background support (sound comming up!)
- V1.2 Added scroll support and changed the bitmap support. More Icons - No registry!
- V1.3 Added soundsupport
- V1.4 Install support and new Wizard for Inimaker
- V1.41 Bug Fixes and updates in IniMaker and Autorunner
- V1.42 Optimized Code and changed the caption (gradient), new max,min,res popup menu. Fixes in inimaker
- V1.5 Minor upgrades and big changes to inimaker. Inimaker is now fully automatic (including wizards).
- V1.51 Fixed a nasty path bug in both autorunner and inimaker.
- V1.52 Autorunner can now start any file that has a program associated with it. Maximize Form support.
- V2.0 Support for any language. Inimaker can load old projects - New GUI (just like autorunner)
- V2.1 Custom Icons, Custom About information. Windows Size. It is still FREE!
- V2.3 All Icons Custom, New inimaker GUI. Splash Screen Support.
- V2.31 Fixed a nasty bug in Autorunner. It would not execute some items.
- V2.4 Inimaker now loads icons from the dest. dir when opening an existing project, new sort function.
- V2.4.5 Now all buttons can be hidden, New style of the popup menu in autorunner. Minor Updates (Smaller!)
- V3 Translation Tab. Disable all buttons, Disable Menu, Select Font. Fixed start.bat GUI updates. BUGfixed.
- V3.1 Fixed a bug in start.bat. Unzip support in autorunner. Scroollspeed