26131 Backward and forward range cannot both be zero.
26140 MainFrame
26141 StandardBar
26142 StatusBar
26143 OptionBar
26144 EditPal
26145 NavigatorPal
26146 FilmstripPal
26147 ColorPal
26148 PaintMgr
26149 TreasureWnd
26150 UI
26151 Setting
26155 Play by ActiveMovie MCI driver
26156 Best preview
26157 Instant preview
26201 The cue name cannot be empty.
26202 Unable to open \n%s\n\nThis is not a project file.
26203 File (%s) already exists. Replace?
26204 The duration can not be zero.
26205 The new size must be within the range (1..%d).
26206 The item name is too long.
28001 Always
28002 Hue & Saturation
28003 Hue Only
28004 Saturation Only
28005 Luminosity Only
28006 If Lighter
28007 If Darker
28008 Lighting
28009 Difference
28010 Addition
28011 Subtraction
28012 Multiple
28013 Inverse of Multiple
28014 Black Matte
28015 White Matte
28021 paint.rsp
28022 retouch.rsr
28023 clone.rsc
28024 macro.rsm
28025 filter.rsf
28026 Paint
28027 Retouch
28028 Clone
28029 Macro
28030 Filter
28031 Custom
28032 Custom
28033 Custom
28034 Custom
28035 Custom
28036 %s%s
28037 \ULEAD.DAT
28041 Macro
28042 This operation exceeds the Preferences dialog box setting for undoing multiple frame actions.\nDo you want to clear undo history to reduce memory usage?
28043 This operation is not yet complete.\nDo you want to stop it from finishing? (All changes already made will be retained.)
28046 Paint Option Files (*.rsp)|*.rsp|
28047 Retouch Option Files (*.rsr)|*.rsr|
28048 Clone Option Files (*.rsc)|*.rsc|
28049 Macro Option Files (*.rsm)|*.rsm|
28050 Video Filter Option Files (*.rsf)|*.rsf|
28051 155;96,0,-;156;64,0,-;157;158
28052 155;120,0,-;156;80,0,-;157;158
28053 155;144,0,-;156;96,0,-;157;158
28054 155;168,0,-;156;112,0,-;157;158
28055 155;360,0,-;156;240,0,-;157;158
28056 155;336,0,-;156;224,0,-;157;158
28201 Nothing was selected on the paint layer.
28202 The active selection is empty.\nIt cannot be shrunk.
28261 Please open a project file first.
28262 Could not create a selection.
28301 %d
28302 1/%d
28321 Position: (%d, %d)
28341 Recording data is invalid.
28342 Could not paint the frame.
28343 Creating brush mask...
28344 Click the recording button again after creating the macro to save it.\n(Recording a macro automatically clears the undo history.)
28345 Add Options To Production Library
28346 Add Macro To Production Library
28347 Cannot drop more than one item. \nPlease drag only one item from Production Library.
28381 Press the SHIFT key and click the image to set the reference point.
28382 Cannot clone on the same frame when using the Frame clone option
28401 Unable to apply the video filter because the Paint Layer is empty. \nTry switching to Composite mode
28402 Video filter initialization failed.
28403 Video filter function failed.
28801 Start
28802 End
28803 None
28804 Small
28805 Medium
28806 Large
28807 This is not a valid mask for duplicating.
28809 There is nothing to duplicate on this layer.
28811 Pixel
28812 Percent
28813 %d
28821 Similarity error.\nThe selection is invalid.
28822 There is nothing inside the active selection. It cannot be floated.
28823 Floating error.\nThe boundary for the selection is not valid.
28824 Merge error.\nThere is nothing to merge.
28825 Magic wand error.\nThe selection is invalid.
28826 The selected area is empty.\nCannot make a selection.
28827 The selected area is empty.\nCannot make a selection.
28901 Preview - %s
28951 You cannot delete every frame in the project.
28952 This will replace the last video frame when out of source video range.
29001 Create a New Mask
29002 Change Mask
29003 Move Selection
29004 Move Mask
29011 Grab
29012 Grab All Frames
29021 Cut Paint Layer
29022 Cut Static Selection
29023 Cut Floating Selection
29031 Copy Static Selection
29041 Clear Paint Layer
29042 Clear Static Selection
29043 Clear Floating Selection
29051 Paste
29052 Paste Mask
29061 Duplicate Last Floating Selection
29062 Duplicate Last Paint Layer
29063 Power Duplicate
29071 Fill Color
29081 Resize
29082 Rotate Freely
29083 Flip Vertically
29084 Flip Horizontally
29085 Rotate Left 90░
29086 Rotate Right 90░
29087 Rotate 180░
29088 Rotate by Degree
29089 Rotate
29091 Select All
29092 Select None
29093 Select Invert
29094 Select Soft Edge
29095 Select Similar
29096 Select Transparency
29097 Make Floating
29098 All Frames Select None
29100 Painting
29101 Erasing
29102 Macro Playing
29103 Clone
29104 Retouch
29201 Wintab32
33001 Open an existing video file\nOpen Video File
33002 Open an existing image file\nOpen Image File
33003 Create a video file
33004 Customize the program's working environment
33005 Select a printer and its settings
33006 Print the active frame
33007 Select a portion of the project to edit
33008 Copy the project file along with the source video file
33009 Display the video properties of the current project
33010 Create an image file
33011 Review and delete preview files for Video Paint projects
33012 Start the program media player
33101 Undo the previous action\nUndo (Ctrl+Z)
33102 Redo the previous action\nRedo (Ctrl+Y)
33103 Clear Undo/Redo History
33104 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut (Ctrl+X)
33105 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy (Ctrl+C)
33106 Paste Clipboard contents into a project\nPaste (Ctrl+V)
33107 Paste the top left corner of the Clipboard contents where you click the mouse
33108 Paste only the selection mask for the Clipboard object
33109 Paste only the selection mask for the Clipboard object where you click the mouse
33110 Permanently remove everything in the active selection from the project
33111 Duplicate last floating selection
33112 Duplicate last paint layer
33113 Duplicate the floating selection or paint layer
33114 Fill the selection with a single color
33115 Make the selection bigger or smaller
33116 Spin the selection about its center
33117 Select everything in the current frame
33118 Deselect everything that is currently selected
33119 Give the active selection a soft edge to help blend with the background
33120 Grow the active selection based upon similarity to colors already selected
33121 Make the active selection more clear or opaque
33122 Float the current selection
33123 Select unselected areas and deselect selected areas
33130 Deselect selections for all frames
33150 Source video mode\nSource Video
33151 Select and edit the data on the paint layer\nPaint Layer Mode
33152 Select data on the paint layer and source video and edit only on the paint layer\nComposite mode
33201 Display the frame with at the same size it would be when played in a video\n1:1
33202 Increase the magnification\nZoom In
33203 Reduce the magnification\nZoom Out
33204 Resize the frame to the largest size that will fit the window without scroll bars
33205 Show or hide toolbars, panels, and other workspace items
33206 View or hide the title safe area
33207 Switch foreground and background color\nSwitch foreground and background color
33208 Show or hide the marquee
33209 Show or hide the Production Library\nShow/Hide Production Library
33210 Change the view to two times actual size
33211 Change the view to three times actual size
33212 Change the view to four times actual size
33213 Change the view to five times actual size
33214 Change the view to six times actual size
33215 Change the view to seven times actual size
33216 Change the view to eight times actual size
33217 Change the view to nine times actual size
33218 Change the view to ten times actual size
33219 Change the view to eleven times actual size
33220 Change the view to twelve times actual size
33221 Change the view to thirteen times actual size
33222 Change the view to fourteen times actual size
33223 Change the view to fifteen times actual size
33224 Change the view to sixteen times actual size
33230 Change the view to one-half of the actual size
33231 Change the view to one-third of the actual size
33232 Change the view to one-fourth of the actual size
33233 Change the view to one-fifth of the actual size
33234 Change the view to one-sixth of the actual size
33235 Change the view to one-seventh of the actual size
33236 Change the view to one-eighth of the actual size
33237 Change the view to one-ninth of the actual size
33238 Change the view to one-tenth of the actual size
33239 Change the view to one-eleventh of the actual size
33240 Change the view to one-twelfth of the actual size
33241 Change the view to one-thirteenth of the actual size
33242 Change the view to one-fourteenth of the actual size
33243 Change the view to one-fifteenth of the actual size
33244 Change the view to one-sixteenth of the actual size
33251 Optimize for actual size
33252 Optimize for two times actual size
33253 Optimize for three times actual size
33254 Optimize for four times actual size
33255 Optimize for five times actual size
33256 Optimize for six times actual size
33257 Optimize for seven times actual size
33258 Optimize for eight times actual size
33259 Optimize for nine times actual size
33260 Optimize for ten times actual size
33261 Optimize for eleven times actual size
33262 Optimize for twelve times actual size
33263 Optimize for thirteen times actual size
33264 Optimize for fourteen times actual size
33265 Optimize for fifteen times actual size
33266 Optimize for sixteen times actual size
33267 Optimize for actual size
33268 Optimize for one-half actual size
33269 Optimize for one-third actual size
33270 Optimize for one-fourth actual size
33271 Optimize for one-fifth actual size
33272 Optimize for one-sixth actual size
33273 Optimize for one-seventh actual size
33274 Optimize for one-eighth actual size
33275 Optimize for one-ninth actual size
33276 Optimize for one-tenth actual size
33277 Optimize for one-eleventh actual size
33278 Optimize for one-twelfth actual size
33279 Optimize for one-thirteenth actual size
33280 Optimize for one-fourteenth actual size
33281 Optimize for one-fifteenth actual size
33282 Optimize for one-sixteenth actual size
33290 View the image as it will appear in the finished product\nNormal
33291 View multiple overlapping frames to see how they change over time\nOnionskin
33292 Add a colored mask over the image to help isolate parts of the image\nRuby Mask
33293 Show the paint layer without the underlying source video\nNo Source Video
33294 Show color palette as a map
33295 Show color palette as a wash
33296 Show color palette as a swatch
33297 Show a custom color palette
33298 Toggle between dockable vertical color palette or full-sized floating palette
33301 Stop frame playback\nStop (ESC)
33302 Play the current project\nPlay (Shift+Enter)
33303 Play the frames specified in the preview range\nPlay Preview (Enter)
33304 Play a short sequence frames preceding or following the active frame\nFlick (Shift+F)
33305 Go to previous cue in the project\nPrevious Cue (Ctrl+Home)
33306 Go to previous frame in the project\nPrevious Frame (Ctrl+<-)
33307 Go to next frame in the project\nNext Frame (Ctrl+->)
33308 Go to next cue in the project\nNext Cue (Ctrl+End)
33309 Repeat the playback and the flick continuously\nRepeat
33313 Temporarily stop the playback\nPause
33314 Quickly advance or rewind to a desired frame\nJog
33321 Go to a specified frame in the project
33322 List, create, and modify cues in the project
33323 Set how multiple frames can be shown simultaneously
33324 Set the range for flicking forward or backward
33325 Set the desired transparency for the paint layer
33326 Set the default film color
33327 Set options for playing previews\nPreview Options
33328 Insert new frames into the project
33329 Duplicate the active frame to a sequence of frames for a specified duration
33330 Remove the frames included in a specified duration
33331 Replace the source video
33332 Set the preview range for the project
33333 Add cue
33401 Close all open windows
33501 Presents information about other Ulead products
33503 Opens the Video Paint Help Contents dialog box\nVideo Paint Help
33504 Go to Ulead's homepage\nUlead Homepage
33505 Go to Ulead's MediaStudio Pro homepage\nUlead MediaStudio Pro Homepage
33506 Go to Ulead's Technical Support page on the Web
33507 Register MediaStudio Pro online
33508 Show information about upgrading to the full version of MediaStudio Pro
33509 Show order information
33520 Open a file
33521 Paste Clipboard contents
33524 Operations for the selection
33525 Change the layer mode
33526 Show the image in better detail
33527 Show more of the image
33528 Optimize the image and window size for a specified zoom size
33529 Control the appearance of the Color Palette
33530 Change the display mode
33531 Go to a frame in the project
33602 One Test\nDo it
35051 Show or hide the Standard toolbar
35052 Show or hide the Attribute toolbar
35053 Show or hide the Tool panel
35054 Show or hide the Status bar
35055 Show or hide the Navigator
35056 Show or hide the Filmstrip panel
35057 Show or hide the Color Palette
35058 Show or hide the Production Library
35101 For Help, Press F1
57344 Video Paint
57345 Ready
57600 Create a new project\nNew (Ctrl+N)
57601 Open an existing project file\nOpen Project File (Ctrl+O)
57602 Close the active project\nClose
57603 Save the active project\nSave (Ctrl+S)
57604 Save the current project file with a new name and/or destination\nSave As
57616 Open this file
57617 Open this file
57618 Open this file
57619 Open this file
57620 Open this file
57621 Open this file
57622 Open this file
57623 Open this file
57624 Open this file
57625 Open this file
57626 Open this file
57627 Open this file
57628 Open this file
57629 Open this file
57630 Open this file
57631 Open this file
57648 Open a copy of the current project in another window as a reference\n
57649 Arrange minimized projects along the bottom of the workspace\n
57650 Arrange open projects diagonally in the workspace from the top left to the bottom right
57651 Tile all open project windows left to right, top to bottom
57652 Tile all open project windows top to bottom, left to right
57664 Shows copyright, version number, and other information about this version of Video Paint\nAbout Video Paint
57665 Quit Video Paint\nExit (Ctrl+Q)
57680 Switch to the next window\nNext Pane
57681 Switch to the previous window\nPrevious Pane
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents