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- 1 QuickTime Movie Files
- 2 MOV
- 3 QT
- 4 Audio Interchange Files
- 5 AIFF
- 7 ╡Law Files
- 8 AU
- 9 Animated GIF Files
- 10 GIF
- 11 MPEG Audio Layer-3 Files
- 12 MP3
- 21 QT_SaveOpt
- 22 AU_SaveOpt
- 23 ULEAD32.INI
- 24 VIO.HLP>D
- 26 ~~qttemp
- 27 Export movie file (Sound only) as:
- 28 TargetDrive
- 29 DataRate
- 30 Codec
- 31 Quality
- 32 KeyFrame
- 33 OutBits
- 36 CheckDataRate
- 37 AudioCodec
- 38 Channel
- 39 BitsPerSample
- 40 SamplesPerSecond
- 101 MIDI
- 102 Unknown.
- 103 No audio.
- 104 No video.
- 105 %d.%03d kHz, %d Bits, Mono
- 106 %d.%03d kHz, %d Bits, Stereo
- 107 None
- 108 %d Bits, %d x %d
- 109 %d video track(s), %d sound track(s)
- 110 Video Track
- 111 Sound Track
- 112 %d x %d
- 113 Check data rate: %d KB/sec
- 114 %d Key Frame Rate
- 115 %d%% Quality
- 116 Not Accessible
- 201 %s K Bytes
- 202 %s Bytes
- 203 %.3lf Frames/Sec
- 204 %.3lf Seconds
- 205 %s Samples
- 206 %s Frame(s)
- 301 1-Bit Color Depth
- 302 2-Bit Color Depth
- 303 4-Bit Color Depth
- 304 8-Bit Color Depth
- 305 16-Bit Color Depth
- 306 24-Bit Color Depth
- 307 32-Bit Color Depth
- 308 Monochrome images of 1-bit color depth
- 309 2-Bit Grayscale Depth
- 310 4-Bit Grayscale Depth
- 311 8-Bit Grayscale Depth
- 312 Custom color table
- 313 Lossless format
- 314 Non-key frame format
- 1020 Custom
- 1021 Hard disk 800 KB/Sec
- 1022 Hard disk 700 KB/Sec
- 1023 Hard disk 600 KB/Sec
- 1024 Hard disk 500 KB/Sec
- 1025 Hard disk 400 KB/Sec
- 1026 Hard disk 300 KB/Sec
- 1027 Hard disk 150 KB/Sec
- 1028 Hard disk 90 KB/Sec
- 7000 Unable to initialize QuickTime.
- 7001 Invalid file.
- 7002 Unable to decode the audio data.
- 7003 Unable to compress the video.
- 7004 Unable to compress the audio.
- 7005 This codec is unable to compress video with the specified frame size.
- 7006 Cannot playback movie files using the movie controller.
- 7007 This movie file has no tracks.
- 7008 This movie file has no video or sound tracks.
- 7009 This movie file has no video track.
- 7010 This movie file has no sound track.
- 7011 This movie file has no music track.
- 7012 This movie file has no text track.
- 7013 Unable to create a video track.
- 7014 Unable to create a video media.
- 7015 Unable to create a sound track.
- 7016 Unable to create a sound media.
- 7017 Unable to start media-editing.
- 7018 Unable to end media-editing.
- 7019 Unable to create a graphics world.
- 7020 Unable to insert media into the track.
- 7021 Unable to add samples.
- 7022 Unable to flatten the movie or the action has been cancelled.
- 7023 Unable to export the movie or the action has been cancelled.
- 7024 Unable to create a new sound channel.
- 7025 The specified file name exceeds the limit of 63 characters. Please specify a file name with 63 characters or less.\n
- 7026 Unable to get samples.
- 8000 The data rate exceeds the specified value. Continue saving?
- 8001 Invalid data rate.\nThe rate should be between %d and %d.
- 8002 Invalid key frame rate.\nThe number must be an integer and between %d and %d.