10201 GoMotion (c) 2000 Ligos Corporation. All rights reserved. Ligos, the Ligos logo, GoMotion and GoMotion logo are trademarks of Ligos Corporation.\n\n RealProducer SDK version 6.0.7 (c) 1995-2000 RealNetworks, Inc. and/or its suppliers. 2601 Elliott Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98121, U.S.A. All right reserved. RealNetworks is a registered trademark of RealNetworks, Inc.
10202 Point your browser to www.ulead.com for great tips and the latest news about %s and other Ulead products.
10203 MS Sans Serif, 8, 34, N, 0
10204 MS Sans Serif, 6, 34, N, 0
10205 MS Sans Serif, 8, 34, B, 0
10300 MediaStudio Pro 6.0 (%i days left)
10301 Welcome to MediaStudio Pro 6.0! This trial version of MediaStudio Pro 6.0 is yours to explore for 30 days.\n\nUlead MediaStudio Pro 6.0 is a mature digital video editing solution designed for video professionals and enthusiasts who are looking to take advantage of DV with IEEE 1394, MPEG-2 and Internet streaming video technologies. \nOrder Today! We welcome your comments and suggestions.\n\n\nE-mail us at info@ulead.com or info@ulead.com.tw.
10302 http://www.ulead.com
10303 (c)1992-2000 Ulead Systems, Inc.
10304 OK
10401 Your 30-day trial period for MediaStudio Pro 6.0 has expired.\n\nWe hope you've enjoyed using MediaStudio Pro 6.0. Find out how you can order the full version of MediaStudio Pro 6.0 by clicking the 'Order Now' button below.\nMediaStudio Pro 6.0 is a mature digital video editing solution designed for video professionals and enthusiasts who are looking to take advantage of DV with IEEE 1394, MPEG-2 and Internet streaming video technologies.\n\nTo learn more about Ulead Systems' other imaging and multimedia solutions, \nplease visit our web site at http://www.ulead.com.