home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 60209 w
- 60210 Bytes
- 60211 KB
- 60212 \n !!!!! <Error %d:%d:%d> %s
- 60213 \n !!!!! <Cause> %s
- 60214 Yes
- 60215 No
- 60216 MB
- 60217 ulead.dat
- 60218 u32afm.dll
- 60219 U32FIDO.DLL
- 60220 Windows Text File (*.txt)|*.TXT|Dos Text File (*.txt)|*.TXT|
- 60221 @Save Keywords@Load Keywords@Save Lists@Load Lists@
- 60222 Title@Subject@Author@Description@Keyword@Catalog@Comment@
- 60223 ulabmobj@uliacobj@ulres1@ulres2@ulres3@
- 60225 Field Name@Field Type@Status@
- 60226 &Edit Keyword...
- 60227 &Edit List...
- 60228 Original@Modified@New-Add@
- 60229 General@Fields@Advanced@text4@
- 60230 \shell\open\command
- 60231 (Class description is not defined.)
- 60232 ab3
- 60233 No compression@JPEG@Lossless@
- 60234 Same As Original@Indexed 256-Color@Indexed 16-Color@Black & White@
- 60235 Unable to obtain information for the file '%s'.
- 60236 Mark Values@Share Name@File Size@Insertion Date@Save Date@Creation Date@Access Date@File Name@File Name@Native Attribute@Drive Type@Media Type@Volume Label@Thumbnail Position@
- 60305 There are too many programs using the same DLL module. Close some of them and try again.
- 60306 File '%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
- 60308 Insufficient memory. Close other programs to free up system resources.
- 60310 The source buffer must be in the DWORD boundary.
- 60311 File '%s' is not a valid image file, or in an unrecognizable format.
- 60312 The dialog box is in use by another program.
- 60316 It is not possible to convert an icon to a thumbnail.
- 60317 Insufficient memory. Close other programs to free up system resources.
- 60318 Low system memory or resource.
- 60319 The album title '%s' is already in use, specify a new title.
- 60321 Unable to convert the format of the bitmap.
- 60322 There are too many albums in the workspace. Place excess albums onto the shelf or remove the ones you no longer need.
- 60323 Unable to find the library '%s'.
- 60324 Incompatible version number.
- 60325 Incorrect ID or checksum value.
- 60326 Unexpected end of file or reading failure.
- 60327 Illegal subdirectory name, may be invalid DOS path name.
- 60328 Subdirectory '%s' does not exist, do you want to create it?
- 60329 Unable to create the subdirectory '%s'.
- 60330 Each album must have a unique title.
- 60331 There are only %ld bytes of disk space left on drive %c, %ld bytes are required.
- 60332 There is not enough disk space to perform this operation.
- 60333 Unable to write the file.
- 60334 Insufficient memory.
- 60335 Try another album title as too many albums share similar file names.
- 60336 This album is in use by another program or user. When it is available you will be able to open it from the shelf.
- 60337 There are too many albums in the workspace. Place some albums onto the shelf or remove the ones you no longer need.
- 60338 The album file is missing.
- 60339 Too many files are open.
- 60340 Disk error.
- 60341 Sharing or lock violation.
- 60342 Network connection failure or busy.
- 60343 File seek operation failure.
- 60344 There is not enough memory to run this program.
- 60345 Unable to find the path or file of the program.
- 60346 Invalid EXE file, or incompatible Windows version.
- 60347 Out of memory, incompatible Windows version or execution mode.
- 60348 Unable to open file '%s'.
- 60349 The albums in this version can only hold %d files. To insert more, remove the ones you no longer need or create a new album.
- 60350 Invalid ordinal number or cannot load MIO.
- 60351 Unable to get the procedure address.
- 60352 No available file I/O modules found. Please reinstall.
- 60353 The version number of '%s' is incorrect.
- 60354 File '%s' does not exist.
- 60355 The file extension of '%s' is invalid, missing or not supported.
- 60356 Unable to attain thumbnail data from file '%s'.
- 60357 Unable to insert file '%s' into album '%s'.
- 60358 The mark file is invalid or corrupted.
- 60359 Unable to create '%s' folder within the Windows folder.
- 60360 Unable to read the query file '%s'.
- 60361 The query file '%s' has been corrupted.
- 60362 Unable to convert the album file format. Insufficient memory or invalid album file.
- 60363 Album file '%s' is in the old format. Do you want to convert it to the new format?
- 60364 Converting the file to the new format will make it incompatible with the previous version of this program.
- 60365 Unable to register the instance at AIK.
- 60366 File format '%s' has been locked, you cannot remove it.
- 60367 Unable to setup file formats preferences.
- 60368 Operation is terminated by the user.
- 60369 Album '%s' is read only.
- 60370 The file format '%s' has been disabled or is not supported by Album.
- 60371 Unable to create the album file using the current album title.
- 60372 File '%s' is read only, hidden, a system file, or write protected.
- 60373 The file is read only, hidden, a system file, or write protected.
- 60374 Unable to perform file operation or show dialog box. Check that no other program is using this command and try again.
- 60375 No file format available.
- 60376 Unable to create an album file on '%s'.
- 60377 Incompatible version number of mark file.
- 60378 Incorrect ID or checksum value of mark file.
- 60379 Unexpected end of file or reading mark file failure.
- 60380 Insufficient global memory.
- 60381 Insufficient local memory.
- 60382 Unable to create an album. May be insufficient disk space or no access rights.
- 60383 Unable to write data to an album. May be insufficient disk space, no access rights, or the diskette has been removed.
- 60384 An incorrect version of UFIDO.DLL is being used.
- 60385 Unable to read-write data from an album.
- 60386 Unable to open the album file. No access right or file used by another.
- 60387 Not a valid album file.
- 60388 The album file is corrupt.
- 60389 This album file is an unsupported version.
- 60390 The text field data has exceeded 255 characters.
- 60391 Unable to get the size of free disk space.
- 60392 Unable to create a file-mapping object.
- 60393 Unable to lock shared resources.
- 60394 Unable to update the INI file.
- 60395 Unable to process the command.
- 60396 Unable to access a shared memory object.
- 60397 Album '%s' is not open in the workspace.
- 60398 File '%s' is not a valid album file.
- 60399 Unable to read/write to album file, as the last read/write session was not closed.
- 60400 Incorrect read/write album file ID.
- 60401 Password is incorrect.
- 60402 Unable to complete the operation as Album was terminated in the middle of a file access operation.
- 60403 The record has been deleted.
- 60404 The field ID is not valid.
- 60405 Unable to add the Keyword or List string into the table.
- 60406 File '%s' is not an album file.
- 60407 There is an album that is open in the workspace, or on the shelf, which has the same title.
- 60408 (Cannot display message because of insufficient memory.)
- 60409 Do you want to retain the old keywords?
- 60410 Do you want to retain the old lists?
- 60411 Loading keywords operation aborted.
- 60412 Loading lists operation aborted.
- 60413 Unable to insert any more keywords (or lists) as the index table has reached its maximum number of entries.
- 60414 You can add more data into this table after you execute the Save Sequence command.
- 60415 Unable to continue as the number of keywords (or lists) has exceeded %d.
- 60416 Some of the keywords exceed 255 characters and will be truncated.
- 60417 Some of the lists exceed 255 characters and will be truncated.
- 60418 '%s' is not a text file.
- 60419 Unable to process the keyword (or list) table.
- 60420 Insufficient memory.
- 60421 %s
- 60422 The total number of fields must not exceed %d.
- 60423 This operation will erase the original Keyword data. Do you want to continue?
- 60424 This operation will erase the original List data. Do you want to continue?
- 60425 Field '%s' is a default field to all albums, it cannot be deleted or changed.
- 60426 Unable to create a Keyword or List table.
- 60427 Unrecognizable Windows version %lx. Windows 3.1 is assumed.
- 60428 Folder '%s' does not exist. Do you want to create it?
- 60429 Unable to create the folder '%s'.
- 60430 Unable to access the folder '%s'.
- 60431 Access denied.
- 60432 You must specify at least one kind of file type to enable folder monitoring.
- 60433 Each file type must be enclosed with a pair of double quotes; for example "*.bmp".
- 60434 No file type was specified in a pair of double quotes.
- 60435 '%s' is not a valid monitoring file type.
- 60436 Only space(s) can be used to separate two monitoring file types.
- 60437 The 'New' password and 'Verify' password do not match. Please try again.
- 60438 Each album must have a unique title.
- 60439 Unable to invoke the Find File utility.
- 60440 Unable to create a new album.
- 60441 Unable to put the Keyword or List information into the album file.
- 60442 Unsupported file format.
- 60443 Invalid record number.
- 60444 No thumbnail image exists for this record.
- 60445 The file '%s' is not catalogued in the album file.
- 60446 Unable to read the record PIC data.
- 60447 Unable to read the mark value of this thumbnail.
- 60448 Unable to read the mark names of this thumbnail.
- 60449 Unable to reorganize this album.
- 60450 Unable to get the information of a specific album file.
- 60451 Unable to read/write to the album file.
- 60452 Unable to insert thumbnail information to the album file.
- 60453 Unable to write field data information to the album file.
- 60454 A field name cannot contain a character '@', it will be replaced by the character '_'.
- 60455 The password must have at least 4 characters.
- 60456 The field name '%s' has been reserved for internal use.
- 60457 A Keyword or List string cannot contain a character '@', it will be replaced by the character '_'.
- 60458 Before PhotoImpact can perform this operation, close any dialog box displayed in the Album program.
- 60459 PhotoImpact Interprocess Communication Error
- 60460 Since Album is running, you can use it to see the album file information.
- 61017 ulead32.ini
- 61018 Albums
- 61019 album
- 61020 ImagePals Album
- 61021 DefAbmDir
- 61023 None
- 61024 JPEG
- 61025 Lossless
- 61027 Reorganizing album file %s... Press Esc to abort.
- 61028 Thumbnail %d of %d
- 61029 .FIO
- 61030 ufDLLGetFileFmtNum
- 61031 Library
- 61032 FIO3PATH
- 61033 Field Name@Field Data@Field Type@
- 61034 Enter description for %s:
- 61035 File Name@Description@
- 61036 Unable to read the record field data.
- 61037 This function is only available in the full version of Album.
- 62002 File not found.
- 62003 Path not found.
- 62004 Too many files open.
- 62005 Access denied.
- 62006 Invalid handle.
- 62008 Insufficient memory.
- 62015 Invalid drive name.
- 62016 Attempted to remove current folder.
- 62017 Not the same device.
- 62018 No more files.
- 62019 Disk is write protected.
- 62021 Drive not ready.
- 62023 CRC error.
- 62025 Seek error on disk.
- 62026 Unknown media type.
- 62027 Sector not found.
- 62029 Write fault.
- 62030 Read fault.
- 62031 General failure.
- 62032 Sharing violation.
- 62033 Lock violation.
- 62034 Invalid disk change.
- 62036 Sharing buffer overflow.
- 62039 Inusfficient disk space.
- 62051 Remote computer not responding.
- 62052 Duplicate name on network.
- 62053 Network name not found.
- 62054 Network busy.
- 62055 Network device no longer exists.
- 62057 Network adapter error.
- 62059 Unexpected network error.
- 62064 Network name deleted.
- 62065 Access denied.
- 62066 Network device type incorrect.
- 62070 Sharing temporarily paused.
- 62071 Network request not accepted.
- 62080 File already exists.
- 62082 Cannot make a folder entry.
- 62087 Invalid parameter.
- 62088 Network data fault.
- 62090 Required system component is not installed.
- 62099 Unknown error.