1007 A memory share protection violation has occurred.
2001 Insufficient disk space.
2002 Unable to read the file.
2003 Insufficient space on this drive. Save to another drive or reduce file size.
2004 Insufficient disk space in the Windows folder.
2005 Insufficient disk space in the working folder.
2006 Invalid drive.
2008 The folder '%s' is on a compressed drive. This may cause problems when executing programs. Do you still want to set it as your working folder?
2009 Unable to allocate free disk space.
3000 Invalid handle.
3001 Insufficient memory. Close other applications to free up system resources.
3002 Unable to load resource.
3200 Invalid parameter.
3201 The Memory dialog box is being used by another program.
3202 An internal error in uKernel has occurred.
3203 The string length is too long.
3204 A parameter value overflow has occurred.
4000 Failed to save the file.
4001 The original file format does not support the current image type.\n Select a new format to save the image.
4002 Unable to create the file %s.
4003 Unable to open the file %s.
4004 Unable to open the file.
4005 File format mismatch.
4006 ERROR: No format.
4007 Unable to access the file.
4008 Unable to create the file.
4009 Illegal temporary record file name.
4010 Unable to create the file. Disk may be full or write-protected.
4011 There must be at least 1 digit in the file name.
4012 Saving to a lossy file may cause changes to image data. These changes will not reflect in the image until you reopen it.
4013 File %s is already open.
4014 Illegal private INI, pathname - %s.
4015 Illegal file name %s.
4016 Invalid path '%s'.
4017 Invalid working folder.
4018 Invalid folder.
4019 File format is not supported.
4020 File reading error.
4021 File writing error.
4022 The file may be write-protected.
4023 The ability of getting an offset table is not supported.
4024 Illegal image file '%s'.
4025 Invalid uFile plug-in library.
4026 Invalid parameter.
4027 File '%s' not found.
4028 Unable to complete the file format settings, the file format modules may be busy.
4029 Unable to load library.
4200 Unable to print. No printer selected or printer driver not found.
4201 An error occurred during printing.
4202 You must select an image before printing.
4203 The printer resolution is anisotropic (%d, %d ppi). Resample the image before printing. Do you want to continue?
4204 The current image's dimensions exceed the selected page size. The image will be resized to fit accordingly.
4205 Unable to open the printer.
4206 Unable to get the device mode size.
4207 A document properties error has occurred.
4208 Unable to find the default printer.
4209 Unable to find the printer or driver.
4210 Unable to lock the device mode.
4211 Unable to create the printer DC/IC.
4212 Unable to create Tab control.
4213 Unable to create a window.
4214 Invalid number.
4215 The value must be within the range %d and %d.
4216 A common dialog box error has occurred, code = %d.
4217 Wrong page selection.
4218 Printing has been aborted.
4219 Unable to get the correct procedure address.
4400 The TWAIN Set capability has failed. [T043]
4401 The TWAIN Get capability has failed. [T036]
4402 Image transfer has failed. [T037]
4403 A TWAIN setup memory error has occurred.
4420 Unable to operate in APS mode.
4421 Unable to operate in APS mode.
4422 Insufficient memory to show the scanning process.
4501 Ambiguous recipient.
4502 Attachment not found.
4503 Attachment opening failure.
4504 Attachment reading failure.
4505 Attachment writing failure.
4506 Counted string unsupported.
4507 Disk full.
4508 Failed.
4509 Insufficient memory.
4510 Invalid configuration.
4511 Invalid enum.
4512 Invalid flag.
4513 Invalid memory.
4514 Invalid message parameter.
4515 Invalid message reference.
4516 Invalid parameter.
4517 Invalid session id.
4518 Invalid UI id.
4519 Logon failure.
4520 Message in use.
4521 Not supported.
4522 Password required.
4523 Recipient not found.
4524 Service unavailable.
4525 Text is too large.
4526 Too many files.
4527 Too many recipients.
4528 Unable to not mark as read-only.
4529 Unrecognized message type.
4530 Unsupported action.
4531 Unsupported character_set.
4532 Unsupported data_ext.
4533 Unsupported flag.
4534 Unsupported function_ext.
4535 Unsupported version.
4536 Canceled by the user.
4537 User is not logged on.
4538 Sending album...
4539 Sending attachments... Press Esc to abort.
4540 Failed to send the mail.
4541 CMC is unable to provide Address Book UI.
4542 Unable to resolve friendly names.
4543 One or more names could not be resolved in the Address book.
4544 Unable to send the message: %s.
4545 Enter at least one recipient.
4546 An error occurred saving the file attachment.
4547 An error occurred reading the message.
4548 An error occurred while making a new message to Reply, Reply All, or Forward.
4549 The number in this edit control is invalid. Specify a number between %d and %d.
4550 Verify which thumbnails to send.
4602 Ulead Systems, Inc.
4603 Receiving image from data source...
4604 Data source error. Incorrect DIB header information. [T038]
4605 Data source error. Unable to transfer memory because strip coordinates are out of range. [T008]
4606 Data source error. Image width is inconsistent with the columns of the transfer buffer. [T007]
4607 Data bytes written by the data source exceed the transfer buffer size. [T042]
4608 TWAIN error. [T009]
4609 Error in opening the TWAIN source manager. [T010]
4610 Error in closing the TWAIN source manager. [T011]
4611 Error in opening the TWAIN data source. [T015]
4612 Error in closing the TWAIN data source. [T016]
4613 Error in accessing the TWAIN data source. [T017]
4614 The TWAIN data source does not support this memory transfer. [T018]
4615 Error in disabling the TWAIN data source. [T019]
4616 Error in enabling the TWAIN data source. [T020]
4617 Error in getting the first TWAIN data source. [T021]
4618 Error in getting the next TWAIN data source. [T022]
4619 Error in loading TWAIN.DLL. [T012]
4620 Error in getting the pixel type capability. [T013]
4621 Error in setting the pixel type capability. [T014]
4623 Unknown TWAIN error. [T023]
4624 Insufficient memory to perform TWAIN operation. [T028]
4625 No TWAIN source found in the TWAIN folder. Refer to your TWAIN source installation instructions. [T029]
4626 Data source is connected to the maximum possible applications. Close one or more applications and try again. [T030]
4627 TWAIN error. [T031]
4628 Unknown device capability. [T032]
4629 Unknown error code. [T033]
4630 Unknown error code. [T034]
4631 Unrecognized MSG DG DAT combination. [T035]
4632 Data parameter out of range. [T024]
4633 DG DAT MSG out of expected sequence. [T025]
4634 Unknown destination App/Src in DSM_Entry. [T026]
4635 Unknown TWAIN error code. [T027]
4636 Unable to find the TWAIN source manager (TWAIN.DLL). Copy the TWAIN.DLL file from the source disk to your Windows folder. [T039]
4640 Unknown pixel type; only Black & White, Grayscale, PALETTE and RGB supplied. [T044]
4641 This version does not support compressed image transfer. [T040]
4642 This version can only read interleaved (chunky) images. [T041]
4643 Image width is too wide. For B&W and Grayscale images, the largest width is 32000 pixels; for RGB images, 10666 pixels; for CMYK images, 8000 pixels. [T045]
4644 Logitech Corp.
4645 Mustek Corp.
4646 TWAIN_32.DLL
4700 Under Windows NT, %s does not support a 16-Color display mode, (1 plane 4 bits). You must change to another display mode before running %s.
4701 Display mode not supported.
5000 No initialization.
5001 Error in initialization.
5200 Operation terminated by the user.
5201 There is no selection or it falls outside of the image.
5202 Insufficient memory. Close other programs to free up system resources.
5203 Cannot run the Online Help, unable to find the file %s.