20004 Rich Text Format (*.RTF) |*.RTF|ASCII Text Format (*.TXT) |*.TXT|All Files (*.*) |*.*||
20005 Video for Windows (*.AVI) |*.AVI||
20006 Object Style Files (*.cgs)|*.cgs|
20007 Object Files (*.cgo)|*.cgo|
20008 Envelope Files (*.cge)|*.cge|
20009 Object Motion Files (*.cga)|*.cga|
20010 Standard Toolbar
20011 Attribute Toolbar
20012 Tool Panel
20013 Time Control Panel
20014 Saving file...
20015 Reading file...
20016 Save changes to %s?
20017 File (%s) already exists. Replace?
20018 ulead32.ini
20019 IAC_E
20020 (%.1f,%.1f)
20021 (%.1f,%.1f)-(%.1f,%.1f)
20022 W:%.1f H:%.1f
20023 INS
20024 \DefaultIcon
20070 %s (%dx)
20071 %s (1/%dx)
20075 &Undo %s Ctrl+Z
20076 &Redo %s Ctrl+Y
20077 &Undo Ctrl+Z
20079 &Redo Ctrl+Y
20091 MS30
20092 FrameSizeExtra
20101 %4.2f
20102 %6.3f
20103 %4.1f
20104 %3.1f
20105 %4.1f
20106 %8.1f
20110 Rendering...
20201 Set Object Style
20202 Create Ellipse
20203 Create Rectangle
20204 Create Polygon
20205 Create Star
20206 Create Freehand Path
20207 Create Path
20208 Create Moving Path
20209 Remove Moving Path
20210 Adjust Moving Path
20211 Resize Moving Path
20212 Rotate Moving Path
20213 Close Moving Path
20214 Open Moving Path
20215 Set Object Animation Position
20216 Resize Animated Object
20217 Rotate Animated Object
20218 Set Animated Object Fading
20219 Set Animated Object Style
20220 Add Key frame
20221 Delete Key frame
20222 Move Key frame
20223 Reverse Key frames
20224 Move Selection
20225 Move Shadow
20226 Resize
20227 Rotate
20228 Skew
20229 Add Perspective
20230 Distort
20231 Envelope Transform
20232 Adjust Path
20233 Add Node
20234 Remove Node
20235 Change Segment Type
20236 Change Node Type
20237 Assign Moving Path
20238 Align
20240 Set Frame Properties
20241 Set Grid && Guide Options
20242 Set Background
20243 Adjust Guide Position
20244 Delete Guide
20245 Add Guide
20246 Close Path
20247 Open Path
20250 Import Vector File
20300 Backspace
20301 Typing
20302 Delete Text
20303 Resize Frame
20304 Change Font
20305 Change Alignment
20306 Change Leading
20307 Change Kerning
20308 Text Editing
20320 Drop Object
20321 Drop Style
20322 Drop Moving Path
20323 Drop Envelope
21002 Illegal Number.
21003 The value must be between %.2f and %.2f.
21004 No buffers allocated.
21005 Cannot write to the registry database.
21010 Cannot restore this CG Infinity project.
21012 Cannot create a new MDI child window
21014 Warning! Cannot read CG.CFG.
21015 Warning! Cannot write to CG.CFG.
21016 Error! Cannot find the required VIO filters to open or save files with this format.
21017 Error! Cannot read this video file.
21018 Error! Cannot view or create a thumbnail image for preview.
21019 Cannot change the location of the ruler origin.
21020 No file is selected.
21021 No character assigned.
21023 Cannot append this to the command list.
21024 Cannot create a video file.
21025 Cannot add to or drag from the Production Library. System resources may be low.
21026 Cannot change the number of files shown in the recent files list.
21027 Cannot open the image file.
21028 The frame is too small or text contains invalid characters.
21029 General Error.
21031 Cannot drop object from Production Library. Please check whether this is the latest version of the program.
21032 Cannot find GFILL.UPL.
21033 Cannot create a CG Infinity window.
21034 Cannot find the required FIO filter to open or save this format.
21035 %s\nThis path does not exist.\nPlease check and try again.
21036 Cannot find media player.
21037 Unable to save file.
21038 Unable to read file.
21039 Text does not contain valid characters and will be deleted, please re-enter the text.
21040 The destination folder may be write-protected or missing, or the filename may contain invalid characters.
21041 Cannot edit a text object containing double-bytes characters in single-byte system.
21042 Unable to get the image for this frame.
21043 Cannot drag more than one file as background.
21044 Cannot drag an UCG file as background.
21045 Web browser not installed.
21052 General Error(1), please reference the README file for more information.
21053 General Error(2), please reference the README file for more information.
21054 General Error(3), please reference the README file for more information.
21055 General Error(4), please reference the README file for more information.
21056 General Error(5), please reference the README file for more information.
21057 General Error(6), please reference the README file for more information.
21058 General Error(7), please reference the README file for more information.
21059 General Error(8), please reference the README file for more information.
21060 General Error(9), please reference the README file for more information.
21061 General Error(10), please reference the README file for more information.
21062 General Error(11), please reference the README file for more information.
21063 General Error(12), please reference the README file for more information.
21064 General Error(13), please reference the README file for more information.
21065 General Error(14), please reference the README file for more information.
21066 General Error(15), please reference the README file for more information.
24001 Ulead CG data
24002 AaBb
24004 Import
24005 Create Video File
24006 Create Video File...
24007 Arial
24008 Frame-based
24009 Field Order A
24010 Field Order B
24150 Text
24151 Graphic
24152 None
24153 Drop
24154 Extrude
24155 Glowing
24156 Still
24157 Animated
24159 Group
24170 %d pixels
24171 %s, %s
24172 Style
24173 Resize
24174 Rotate
24175 Key1
24176 Key2
24401 Production Library
24402 Object
24403 Style
24404 Moving Path
24405 Envelope
24406 object.cgo
24407 style.cgs
24408 motion.cga
24409 envelope.cge
24410 Custom
24411 Custom
24412 Custom
24413 Custom
24414 Style
24415 Object
24416 Moving Path
24417 Envelope
24418 &Apply to Selected Objects
24419 Set as Default Sty&le
26001 Object Style Panel
26002 General
26003 Color
26004 Shadow
26032 %d frame(s)
26033 Open
26034 Fit shape
26035 Fit length
26036 Horizontal
26037 Vertical
26040 %d object(s)
26050 Expanding File
26051 Compressing
26052 Create preview image...
26061 &f
26062 Preview - %s
26070 Read Vector File Data
26071 Convert vectors to Objects
30001 This command cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue?
30003 Some selected objects are outside the document boundary.\nDo you want to complete this action?
30004 File %s is already open or write-protected. Please try saving again using a different name and destination.
30005 Cannot find the specified file [%s] for the reference background.
30006 Reducing the number of frames may result in deleting key frames for existing objects.\nDo you wish to continue?
30007 Warning! Cannot find the specified font for this object. Some characters may have changed due to differences between the substituted font and the original.
30008 Cannot play video file, please use a proper media player or install the proper MCI driver to play it.
30009 Object size is too large, please reduce its size in the first frame or cancel this key frame.
30010 Cannot find the specified file [%s] for the reference background.\nDo you want to try to find this file yourself?
30011 The folder %s does not exist.
30012 This file contains no vector data.
33001 Customize the program's working environment\nPreferences
33002 Show the properties for the current project\nProperties
33003 Return the current project to its last saved condition\nRestore
33004 Create a video file from the current project\nCreate Video File
33005 Create an image file from the current frame of the current project\nCreate Image File
33007 Start Windows Media Player\nMedia Player
33008 Import vector file\nImport Vector
33101 Undo the previous action\nUndo (Ctrl+Z)
33102 Redo the previous action\nRedo (Ctrl+Y)
33103 Clear the undo/redo history for the current project\nClear Undo/Redo History
33104 Remove the selection from the project and place it onto the Clipboard\nCut (Ctrl+X)
33105 Copy the selection and place it onto the Clipboard\nCopy (Ctrl+C)
33106 Paste the Clipboard data into the project as an object\nPaste Object (Ctrl+V)
33107 Assign the object style on the Clipboard to the selection or object\nPaste Object Style
33108 Assign the moving path of the object on the Clipboard into the current selection or object\nPaste Moving Path
33109 Use the shape of the object on the Clipboard as the moving path for the selection or object\nPaste Object as Moving Path
33110 Select all objects in the current project\nSelect All
33111 Deselect all objects in the current project\nDeselect All
33112 Bring the selection to the front\nBring to Front
33113 Bring the selection forward one level\nBring Forward
33114 Send the selection to the back\nSend to Back
33115 Send the selection back one level\nSend Backward
33116 Reverse the layer order of all selected objects\nReverse
33117 Evenly arrange all selected objects relative to each other\nAlign
33118 Group all selected objects into one\nGroup
33119 Separate previously grouped objects into their previous components\nUngroup
33120 Delete the selection or object\nDelete
33121 Duplicate the selection or object\nDuplicate
33122 Automatically place the insertion point at the nearest guide\nSnap to Guides
33123 Automatically place the insertion point at the nearest grid\nSnap to Grid
33124 Paste\nPaste
33201 View the frame at its actual size\nActual View
33202 Resize the image to the largest size that will fit in the current window\nFit in Window
33204 Hide all program elements except the current frame and floating toolbars and panels\nFull Screen
33205 Remove the menu from the workspace\nNo Menu
33206 Show only the outline of each object in the project\nWireframe (Ctrl+D)
33207 Show or hide toolbars and panels\nToolbars & Panels
33208 Show or hide the rulers\nRulers
33209 Show or hide the ruler guides\nGuides
33210 Show or hide the grid\nGrid
33211 Change the grid and guide options\nGrid & Guide Options
33212 Select a reference background to show behind the objects in the current project\nBackground
33214 Show objects as they will appear in the completed project or as a video\nPreview (Ctrl+D)
33217 Show or hide the title safe area\nTitle Safe Area
33218 Show color palette as a map.
33219 Show color palette as a wash.
33220 Show color palette as a swatch.
33221 Show a custom color palette.
33222 Toggle between a dockable vertical color palette or full-sized floating palette.
33223 Control the appearance of the Color Palette.
33301 Resize the image on screen for better detail
33302 Change the view to two times actual size
33303 Change the view to three times actual size
33304 Change the view to four times actual size
33305 Change the view to five times actual size
33306 Change the view to six times actual size
33307 Change the view to seven times actual size
33308 Change the view to eight times actual size
33321 Resize the image on screen to see more of it at one time
33322 Change the view to one half actual size
33323 Change the view to one-third actual size
33324 Change the view to one-fourth actual size
33325 Change the view to one-fifth actual size
33326 Change the view to one-sixth actual size
33327 Change the view to one-seventh actual size
33328 Change the view to one-eighth actual size
33340 Optimize the image and window size for a specified zoom ratio
33341 Optimize for 1/8 actual size
33342 Optimize for 1/7 actual size
33343 Optimize for 1/6 actual size
33344 Optimize for 1/5 actual size
33345 Optimize for 1/4 actual size
33346 Optimize for 1/3 actual size
33347 Optimize for 1/2 actual size
33348 Optimize for actual size
33349 Optimize for 2 times actual size
33350 Optimize for 3 times actual size
33351 Optimize for 4 times actual size
33352 Optimize for 5 times actual size
33353 Optimize for 6 times actual size
33354 Optimize for 7 times actual size
33355 Optimize for 8 times actual size
33402 Close all open CG projects\nClose ALL
33501 Opens the CG Infinity Help Contents dialog box\nCG Infinity Help topics
33502 Presents information about other Ulead products\nAbout Ulead Products
33504 Go to Ulead's homepage\nUlead Homepage
33505 Go to Ulead's MediaStudio Pro homepage\nUlead MediaStudio Pro Homepage
33506 Go to Ulead's Technical Support page on the Web
33507 Register MediaStudio Pro online
33508 Show information about upgrading to the full version of MediaStudio Pro
33509 Show order information
35001 Show or hide the Standard toolbar
35002 Show or hide the Attribute toolbar
35003 Show or hide the Color Palette
35004 Show or hide the Production Library
35005 Show or hide the Tool panel
35006 Show or hide the Object Style panel
35007 Show or hide the Status bar
35008 Show or hide toolbars and panels
35009 Show or hide Time Control panel
35061 Apply to selected object(s)
35062 Choose a shape or character to display the default style settings
35071 Remove the selection and place it onto the Clipboard
35072 Copy the selection and place it onto the Clipboard
35073 Paste the Clipboard data into the current project as an object
35074 Assign the object style on the Clipboard to the selection
35075 Assign the shape of the object on the Clipboard as the moving path of the selection
35076 Assign the moving path on the Clipboard to the selection
35078 Bring the selection to the front
35079 Bring the selection forward one level
35080 Send the selection back one level
35081 Send the selection to the back
35082 Delete the selection
35083 Duplicate the selection
35086 Select all objects in the current project
35087 Deselect all objects in the current project
35088 Show the properties for the current project
35102 Free Memory: 99%
35131 Add the selected object(s) to the Production Library
35132 Add the moving path of the selected object(s) to the Production Library
35133 Add the style of the selected object(s) to the Production Library
35134 Add the envelope to the Production Library
35135 Use the selected object's style as the default style
35136 Apply the default style to the selection or object
35180 Show or hide the Production Library\nShow/Hide Production Library
35181 Show or hide the Object Style Panel\nShow/Hide Object Style Panel
35182 Show or hide the Time Control Panel\nShow/Hide Time Control Panel
57344 CG Infinity
57345 Ready
57600 Create a new CG Infinity file\nNew (Ctrl+N)
57601 Open an existing CG Infinity file\nOpen (Ctrl+O)
57602 Close the current CG Infinity file\nClose
57603 Save the current CG Infinity file\nSave (Ctrl+S)
57604 Save the current CG Infinity file with a new name and/or destination\nSave As
57616 Open this file
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select all objects in the current project\nSelect All
57648 Open a copy of the current project in another window as a reference\nNew Window
57649 Arrange minimized projects along the bottom of the workspace\nArrange Icons
57650 Arrange open projects diagonally in the workspace from the top left to the bottom right\nCascade Windows
57651 Tile all open project windows left to right, top to bottom\nTile Windows
57652 Tile all open project windows top to bottom, left to right\nTile Windows
57653 Split the current window into panes\nSplit
57664 Shows copyright, version number, and other information about this version of CG Infinity\nAbout CG Infinity
57665 Quit CG Infinity\nExit
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next project window
61189 Switch to the previous project window
61190 Close the current window and prompt to save changes if necessary