Description_CGSamples=These are sample files created by CG Infinity.
MSG_AppRunning=Unable to continue as %s is currently running in the background. Please close %s and try again.
CopyMSG_MFCdll=Copying MFC shared files...
Description_AudioEditor=Audio Editor brings sound to your video production through an intuitive interface that makes working with audio data as simple as point and click.
DisplayName_ProgramFiles=Program Files
MSG_NoneChoose_AP_Samples=Please choose at least one of the five programs and/or samples.
DisplayName_VideoCapture=Video Capture
MSG_ErrorPreviewFolder=The drive name you entered cannot be found. Please select an existing hard drive in your PC.
MSG_OtherProduct=There is another Ulead Product already installed on the folder you selected. \nPlease select another folder.
StartCopyList_NeedSize=Total Disk Space Required :
CopyMSG_Samples=Copying sample files...
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the data transfer process: %d
Description_ProgramFiles=These are the programs that you need to run %s.
Description_VideoCapture=Video Capture allows you to view and capture video from a variety of different sources.
DisplayName_VideoPaint=Video Paint
ASK_OPTION3_MSG1=Yes, I want to register online.
Description_VideoEditor=Video Editor is a powerful and comprehensive program which makes editing videos as easy as drag-and-drop.
Description_VPSamples=These are sample files created by Video Paint.
ASK_OPTION3_MSG2=Yes, I want to view the ReadMe file now.
UNINST_KEY=Ulead MediaStudio Pro
Description_VESamples=These are sample files created by Video Editor.
DisplayName_VideoEditor=Video Editor
MSP6PreviewFiles=MSP6 Preview Files
ASK_DB_MSG1=To select or clear a setup option, click the check box.
MSG_PreviewFolder=Please specify a location for placing the preview files that are used for rendering projects. Type a new destination or click the Browse button to find the location. You may also change the destination by selecting File: Preferences in Video Editor.
Description_VideoPaint=Video Paint is a rotoscoping program that allows you to paint over video frames and create special effects.
DisplayName_CGSamples=CG Infinity Samples
VersionKey_Trial= Trial
MSG_ErrorSN=Invalid serial number. Please re-enter the serial number in xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx format.
MSG_NoneChoose_AP=Please choose at least one of the five programs - Video Capture, Video Editor, Video Paint, CG Infinity, and Audio Editor.
DisplayName_CGInfinity=CG Infinity
MSG_ReInstall=The installation program has detected an existing copy of %s on your computer. Do you want to reinstall this program? If not, click No to cancel and end the installation.
StartCopyList_SetupType=Setup Method :
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
Description_Samples=These are sample files that you can use for your projects. For more sample files, check out the %s CD.
ERROR_NotEnoughSpace=You do not have enough disk space. \nPlease empty your recycle bin, delete some other files or choose a different drive for the program.
Description_AESamples=These are sample files created by Audio Editor.
Description_CGInfinity=CG Infinity allows you to create impressive titles and motion graphics for your video project.
Description_MoreSamples=These are more samples created by Video Editor, CG Infinity, Video Paint, and Audio Editor.
DisplayName_MoreSamples=More Samples
StartCopyList_ProgramFolder=Program Folder :
DisplayName_VPSamples=Video Paint Samples
MSG_Install_DVPatch=Do you want to install the "Microsoft Windows 98 SE Digital Video Update" from the "DV Patch".
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=UnInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.
PRODUCT_NAME=Ulead MediaStudio Pro
VersionKey_VE= VE
MSG_IntsallAndWait=%s is being installed, please wait...
DisplayName_VESamples=Video Editor Samples
ERROR_NotAdministrator=Installation of this product on Windows NT(tm) requires you to be logged in with Administrator's privileges.