/ Chip 2000 June / CHIPCD_6_2000.iso / software / trial / pinnacle / setup / data.z / HDExpert.dll / 1033 / string.txt |
Comma Seperated Value File | 1999-02-19 | 341b | 6 rows |
# | 2054 Drive TEST: Writing %u MByte | press ESC to abort |
1 | 2055 Drive TEST: Reading %u MByte | press ESC to abort |
2 | 3054 TEST: Schreibe %u MByte | ESC Taste zum Abbruch! |
3 | 3055 TEST: Lese %u MByte | ESC Taste zum Abbruch! |
4 | 4054 TEST: Ecriture de %u MByte | appuyez sur ESC pour arrΩter! |
5 | 4055 TEST: Lecture de %u MByte | appuyez sur ESC pour arrΩter! |