S0000002 You already have an album titled \%1. Please specify a different album title.
S0000003 There are too many pages to print. Please decrease the number of photos or copies per photo.
S0000004 There are too many pages to print. Please decrease the number of photos or copies per photo.
S0000005 file not found: \%1Layout.txt
S0000006 file not found: \%1Layout.txt
S0000007 Problem launching Picture CD. Please re-install Picture CD and try again.
S0000008 To launch, insert the Picture CD with the indicated label into a CD-rom drive.\n\n\%1\n\nPlease click OK after you have inserted the CD into the drive.
S0000009 An error occurred when sending your E-mail.
S0000010 Your E-mail has been sent successfully.
S0000011 An error occurred when sending your E-mail.
S0000013 An error occurred when preparing your E-mail.
S0000014 You computer is not configured for E-mail access.
S0000015 An error occurred when sending your E-mail. There was an unexpected server error.
S0000016 The current operation has timed out.
S0000017 The connection has been shut down.
S0000018 The current connection has timed out.
S0000019 The requested connection has been refused by the remote host.
S0000020 The specified host name is too long.
S0000021 Remote host is currently unavailable.
S0000022 Remote host is currently unreachable.
S0000023 Remote system is not ready.
S0000024 An error occurred when preparing your E-mail.
S0000025 An error occurred while connecting to the E-mail server.
S0000026 The E-mail could not be sent.
S0000027 Your E-mail has been sent successfully.
S0000028 An error occurred when preparing your E-mail.
S0000029 An error occurred when preparing your E-mail.
S0000030 You computer is not configured for E-mail access.
S0000031 This picture is stored on a Picture Disk. Please insert the Picture Disk with the indicated label into a floppy drive.\n\n\%1\n\nPlease click OK after you have inserted the floppy into the drive.
S0000032 This picture is stored on a Picture CD. Please insert the Picture CD with the indicated label into a CD-rom drive.\n\n\%1\n\nPlease click OK after you have inserted the CD into the drive.
S0000033 Selected printer was not found.
S0000034 Your printer does not support Print Preview.
S0000035 The Print Preview could not be created.
S0000036 The picture is larger than the paper's printable area. Some clipping will occur. Continue anyway?
S0000038 The album \%1 has been corrupted and cannot be opened. We will attempt to restore your album.
S0000041 This function cannot be completed. There is not enough room on your disk. Please free up some space and try again.
S0000043 You are low on memory. Some operations may fail. Do you want to continue anyway?
S0000047 Your picture has been set as your desktop wallpaper!
S0000049 Are you sure you want to permanently delete this photo?
S0000057 Please insert the PictureCD disc \%1 and click OK.
S0000059 This album contains photos. Are you sure you want to permanently delete this album and all its contents?
S0000061 A file with the filename \%1 exists. Would you like to overwrite the file?
S0000062 Picture \%1 on Picture Disk \%2 was not found.
S0000063 Picture \%1 on Picture CD roll \%2 was not found.
S0000064 The zoom value cannot be less then 6.
S0000065 The zoom value cannot be greater than 1600.
S0000070 Your photos could not be found.
S0000072 Your album has been restored.
S0000073 Your album could not be recovered. However, your photos are still accessible on \%1. To import them back into the program, click the Import button.
S0000075 An album of your Picture CD has been created and placed in the album bin. Click the Picture CD in the album bin to see your photos!
S0000077 Your E-mails were not sent. The action was canceled by the user.
S0000078 You must type in an E-mail address in the To: and From: fields.
S0000079 Please type in a valid date.
S0000080 Please wait while we search through your photos.
S0000081 There were \%1 matches to your request.
S0000082 Please select a photo first.
S0000083 Please type in a valid number.
S0000085 You must have your display resolution set to at least 800x600 and 16bit color. Please reset the display resolution, and relaunch the program.
S0000086 You have exceeded the maximum number of characters. The maximum number of characters is \%1.
S0000087 The file format was not recognized. Save the file in JPEG, PNG,TIFF, EPS, BMP, GIF, PhotoDeluxe, or Photoshop 4.0 and 5.0 formats before importing.
S0000088 Your input device is not connected. Please connect your input device.
S0000089 Your device is not responding. Please check your connection and make sure the device is turned on.
S0000090 \%1 out of \%2 file(s) were not recognized. Recognized files have been imported.
S0000091 Please open the album you want to import files into.
S0000092 Please wait while previews are generated.
S0000094 No photos were found in your input device.
S0000095 No image was sent from your scanner.
S0000098 The filename you typed uses invalid characters. A filename cannot contain any of the following characters: \n \/:*?""<>| \n\n Please enter a valid filename.
S0000099 Please type the date in one of the following formats: \n\nDec. 1, 1999 \nDecember 1, 1999 \n12/1/99
S0000100 Copies of \%1 file(s) were saved to \%2.
S0000101 The filename you typed uses invalid characters. A filename cannot contain any of the following characters: \n \/:*?""<>| \n\n Please enter a valid filename.
S0000102 Saving will flatten any layers you may have in this file. Would you like to save a copy of the file?
S0000104 Would you like to save changes to your photo?
S0000105 Photo with the caption "\%1" could not be found. Would you like to delete the preview of the photo?
S0000106 Copying Photo...
S0000107 The file format of this photo has been changed and is no longer recognized by this program. Please save the file in JPEG, PNG,TIFF, EPS, BMP, GIF, PhotoDeluxe, or Photoshop 4.0 and 5.0 formats.
S0000113 Sending photos to printer...
S0000114 Connecting to the E-mail server...
S0000115 Sending E-mail...
S0000116 Disconnecting from the E-mail server...
S0000117 Creating the E-mail message...
S0000118 Components necessary to use digital cameras in \%1 have been removed from your system. Please go to \%2 on the Internet and install \%3.
S0000119 Moving Photo...
S0000120 Moving Photos...
S0000121 Copying Photos...
S0000122 Importing Photo...
S0000123 Importing Photos...
S0000126 Sending Photo to Web...
S0000127 Sending Photos to Web...
S0000128 Downloading Photo...
S0000129 Downloading Photos...
S0000130 Downloading Preview...
S0000131 Downloading Previews...
S0000132 Scanning Photo...
S0000133 Downloading Photo...
S0000134 Duplicating Photo...
S0000135 Duplicating Photos...
S0000136 Deleting Photo...
S0000137 Deleting Photos...
S0000138 Please wait while we prepare the program for first use...
S0000139 Please type in your login name and password.
S0000140 We did not recognize your login name and/or password. Please check them and try again.
S0000141 You do not have enough space to add these photo(s). The photo(s) total \%1, but you only have \%2 left in your personal web group. Each personal web group allows up to \%3 of storage space.\n\nDelete some files or create a new group.
S0000142 Adding \%1 of \%2 photos...
S0000143 Adding the photo...
S0000144 Estimated Time Remaining: \%1 minute(s)
S0000145 Your browser could not be launched. Try re-installing your browser.
S0000146 You are not connected to the Internet. Please make sure you have a connection before using this feature.
S0000147 Loading Photo...
S0000149 Deleting Album...
S0000150 You canÆt import photos to a Picture CD album. Please select a standard album before clicking the Import button.
S0000151 You canÆt import photos to a Picture Disk album. Please select a standard album before clicking the Import button.
S0000152 Please insert the Picture Disk \%1 and click OK.
S0000153 Please Wait...
S0000154 Would you like to move this photo into the album, or copy the photo into the album?
S0000155 Would you like to move these photos into the album, or copy these photos into the album?
S0000156 There was a problem accessing the device.
S0000157 There was a problem during the scanning process. We could not complete the scan.
S0000158 You cannot delete your only album.
S0000159 The first date is later than the second date. Please check your dates and try again.
S0000160 Verifying login name and password...
S0000161 Saving photo...
S0000163 Saving a copy of the photo...
S0000164 Saving a copy of each photo...
S0000165 Creating Slide Show...
S0000167 Removing Red Eye...
S0000168 Are you sure you want to permanently delete these photos?
S0000169 You must have your display font size set to Small Fonts. Please reset the display font size, and relaunch the program.
S0000170 Photo could not be loaded because you are low on memory. Quit other applications and try again.
S0000171 ActiveShare needs to update system files that are in use. Please restart your machine and launch ActiveShare.
S0000172 ActiveShare didn't find PhotoDeluxe 4.0 installed on your computer. You need PhotoDeluxe 4.0 to use this feature.\n\nUsing PhotoDeluxe, you can do more advanced editing and apply cool special effects like 3D effects! Create projects such as photo greetings, cards, calendars, stickers, and T-shirt transfers.\n\nClick below to learn more and check out our special upgrade offer for ActiveShare users!
S0000174 Using PhotoDeluxe, you can do more advanced editing and apply cool special effects -- including 3D effects! Create projects such as photo greetings, cards, calendars, stickers, and T-shirt transfers.\n\nClick below to learn more and check out our special upgrade offer for ActiveShare users!
S0000175 Are you sure you want to move the album and album contents to the \%1 drive?
S0000176 You cannot run a slide show of photos in a camera. Open an album before using this activity.
S0000178 This file contains text or other layers that ActiveShare cannot display. Would you like to continue?
S0000179 We could not launch your copy of PhotoDeluxe 4.0. Please make sure it is installed correctly and try again.
S0000180 You have 2 photos selected. Are you sure you would like to change the photo information for both photos?
S0000181 You have \%1 photos selected. Are you sure you would like to change the photo information for all \%1 photos?
S0000183 Drive \%1 could not be found. Make sure the drive is connected, and try again.
S0000184 There is not enough room on drive \%1 to complete this operation. Free up some space and try again.
S0000185 Are you sure you want to move the album and album contents to the \%1 drive?
S0000186 Album names in ActiveShare have been updated to reflect the names on drive \%1.
S0000187 Please type in your E-mail address and password.
S0000188 We did not recognize your E-mail address and/or password. Please check them and try again.
S0000190 The current connection has timed out.
S0000191 An error occurred while connecting to the server.
S0000192 Remote host is currently unavailable.
S0000193 The input device does not accept any changes. To keep your changes, you must move the edited photo into an album.
S0000194 The disk is locked or full. Please unlock the disk, or insert a different disk and try again.
S0000195 A file with the filename "\%1" already exists. Please type in a different filename.
S0000196 Please insert the disk containing album "\%1" into drive \%2.
S0000197 ActiveShare can not launch because the ActiveShare albums are being used by another program. Please quit the other program and re-launch ActiveShare.
S0000198 ActiveShare could not complete this operation becuase another program is using ActiveShare albums. Please close the other program and try again.
S0000199 Uploading Photo...
S0000200 The album name "\%1" is already being used by ActiveShare. Please type in a different album name, or type in the same album name using a different combination of lower and upper case letters.
S0000201 The photos in this album are stored on removable media. In order to delete these photos, you must insert the disk containing album "\%1" into drive \%2. Please insert the disk and click the "Continue" button.\n\nIf you have lost your disk, and still want to delete the album, click the "Delete Album only" button.
S0000202 This disk does not contain photos from album "\%1." Please insert a different disk and click the Continue button.
S0000203 Verifying E-mail address and password...
S0000204 You must restart ActiveShare in order to view the photos on your Picture CD Roll ID #\%1.
S0000212 Please wait until the previous upload has finished before uploading new photos.
S0000213 Sharing your photos has never been easier. In partnership with eCircles.com,\nAdobe now gives you your own private space on the Web, where your friends\nand family can view your photos and add their comments.
S0000214 Share photos with far-away friends and loved ones effortlessly via email. Simply\ntype in an address and message, and we'll take care of the rest!
S0000215 ActiveShare makes it easy to print photos on your local printer. You can choose\nfrom a variety of standard photo sizes, or do package prints.
S0000216 Do more with your photos! Adobe PhotoDeluxe 4.0 has tons of cool projects and\npowerful editing features, and works with all ActiveShare photo files.
S0000217 ActiveShare lets you save copies of your photos in different popular image formats\nto suit your needs. For example, convert a JPEG image to a GIF file.
S0000219 Your Internet connection has been broken. Please make sure you are connected to the Internet, and click "Continue" to continue uploading your photos to Shutterfly.com.
S0000221 Order reprints of your digital photos, or send a real postcard through the US mail! \nOnline Printing requires an active Internet connection, and some services may not\nbe available in all areas.
S0000222 \%1 out of \%2 photos have been uploaded to Shutterfly.com. Would you like to go to Shutterfly.com now to see your photos?
S0000229 Uploading Photos...
S0000230 This Online Print Service requires Internet Explorer 4.01 or newer. To use this service, please update your copy of Internet Explorer.
S0010124 to an easy way to view, manage, and edit your photos. Best of all, you can share your photos and stay in touch with family and friends. Take a product tour and experience it for yourself!
S0010125 Find out how easy it is to enhance photos, manage photos, and share photos with friends and family! Be sure to sign up for free customer support, product updates, online sharing services, and more!
S0010126 Take the\nproduct tour!
S0010127 Connect to the Web
S0010130 Do not show this again
S0010131 Untitled
S0010138 Connection Settings
S0010139 \%1 Settings
S0010140 Serial
S0010141 Auto
S0010142 Type
S0010143 Port
S0010144 Speed
S0010145 COM\%1
S0010146 Choose a Circle:
S0010147 Choose a Circle and Album
S0010150 Photo(s) Successfully Added
S0010151 No
S0010152 Yes
S0010153 \%1 photos have been added to \%2 in the \%3 group.\n\nWould you like to see your photos now?
S0010154 Share on Web Confirmation
S0010155 \%1 photos will be added to \%2 in the \%3 group.\n\nPlease choose the level of quality for your photos.
S0010156 Add Photos Now
S0010157 Login
S0010158 Type in your login name and password below.
S0010159 Login Name:
S0010160 Password:
S0010161 Remember my password
S0010162 If you are a new user...
S0010163 Sign Up
S0010164 Login
S0010165 Share on Web
S0010166 Sharing your photos has never been easier. In a partnership with eCircles.com, Adobe now gives you your own private space on the Web, where your friends and family can view your photos and add their comments.\n\nTo add your first photo, click on "Sign Up" to choose a login name and password that you will use to access your account in the future.\n\nIf you already have an eCircles account, click on "Login" to proceed.\n\nTo learn more about this free service, click on "Tell Me More."
S0010168 Sign Up
S0010170 Tell Me More
S0010175 Share on Web
S0010176 Share photos on your web site
S0010177 Add Motion
S0010178 Enlarge
S0010179 Delete Photo
S0010180 Duplicate Photo
S0010182 Rename Photo
S0010183 View Information
S0010184 Move Here
S0010185 Copy Here
S0010187 Cancel
S0010188 Edit Information
S0010189 \%1 item in \%2
S0010190 \%1 items in \%2
S0010191 Caption
S0010192 Take a Tour
S0010193 Sign Up Online
S0010194 Start ActiveShare
S0010195 Exit
S0010196 Learn About ActiveShare
S0010197 File name:
S0010198 Remove Red Eye
S0010199 Back
S0010200 Next
S0010202 Take the Product Tour
S0010203 Welcome
S0010204 Index Print
S0010205 Fill in the following information, then click the Send button to automatically send your photos.
S0010206 Attachments (Total Size: \%1):
S0010207 Cancel
S0010208 Share on Web
S0010209 I Forgot My Password
S0010210 Photo(s) Successfully Added
S0010211 Digital Cameras
S0010212 Scanners
S0010213 Cameras using:
S0010214 Direct Access
S0010215 TWAIN
S0010216 Installed Cameras
S0010217 Cameras Shown
S0010218 <click the Show button to add a camera>
S0010219 Installed Scanners
S0010220 Scanners Shown
S0010221 <no scanners installed>
S0010222 <click the Show button to add a camera>
S0010225 Restore
S0010226 Move
S0010227 Size
S0010228 Minimize
S0010229 Maximize
S0010230 Close
S0010231 Import Photos
S0010232 View Photo
S0010233 View photo information
S0010234 Zoom to a percentage
S0010235 Zoom out
S0010236 Zoom in
S0010237 Saved in ActiveShare
S0010238 Drag into album to save
S0010239 Motion
S0010240 Click a button to add the illusion of motion to your photo.
S0010241 The object is moving
S0010242 from the left
S0010243 from the right
S0010244 Internet
S0010245 Collapse the interface
S0010246 Expand the interface
S0010247 About ActiveShare
S0010248 Welcome
S0010249 About Adobe« ActiveShareTM\n\nPortions of this product were created using LEADTOOLS (c)1991-1998, LEAD Technologies, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Adobe, the Adobe logo, and ActiveShare are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Patent pending. Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.\n\nEngineering\nDaniel Beardsley\nGary Beardsley\nAlan Caldwell\nGreg Gilley\nCharlie Good\nAnthony Lam\nGlenn Larson\nRajesh Naik\nJosh Noble\nBarry Owen\nRandy Silvia\n\nLegal Counsel\nBeverely Altschuler\nAnne Dana\nMeme Rasmussen\nLynsey Sayers\n\nLocalization\nDaniel DiGallo\nRichard Geraghty\nGary Jing\nBrian Moriguchi\nMorten Nilsen\nAndrew Webster\n\nMarketing\nCarole Larson\nSonya Schaefer\nPatty Thompson\n\nProduct Design\nYohko Fukuda\nMike Mueller\nSteve Sanchez\nJorge Tello\n\nProduct Management\nKyle Mashima\nDrew McManus\nPatrick Sagisi\nScott Wellwood\nAline Yu\n\nProject Management\nCraig Burriss\nGunar Penikis\n\nQuality Engineering\nNkono Boyomo\nNai-Chen Lin\nJoe Gilbert\nStephen German\nDavid Hooning\nMiji Kim\nRandy Oyler\nKristine Peng\nStew Perkins\nDaniel Presedo\nSteve Snyder\nTony Townsend\nCory Verbin\n\n\nTechnical/Customer Support\nJuliet Butler\nMark Dahm\nRandy Earwood\nJost Leite\n\nUser Education/Documentation\nChristopher Aiello\nErich Champion\nJo Davies\nTom Edelinski\nSteve Frank\nKim Isola\nPam Lu \nPaul Maccan\nDayna Musto\nSusan Pitera\nSusan Staker\nKevin Susco\n\nSpecial Thanks\nBruce Chizen\nMelissa Dyrdahl\nJuliet Langley\nPatricia Lewis\nNadia Sanchez\nZdenka Snyder\nAlan Williams\n\n
S0010250 Adobe ActiveShare Help
S0010251 The photo has been added to \%1 in the \%2 group.\n\nWould you like to see your photo now?
S0010252 The photo will be added to \%1 in the \%2 group.\n\nPlease choose the level of quality for your photo.
S0010253 Add Photo Now
S0010254 Save
S0010255 Save a Copy
S0010256 Don't Save
S0010257 Continue
S0010258 Install
S0010259 Don't Install
S0010260 Hide
S0010261 Move
S0010262 Copy
S0010263 Delete
S0010264 Choose Date
S0010265 Print Preview
S0010266 Setup
S0010267 MB
S0010268 K
S0010269 bytes
S0010270 To add your photo, first choose a circle, then choose an album.
S0010271 JPEG
S0010272 Bitmap
S0010273 PNG
S0010274 Photoshop
S0010275 TIFF
S0010276 GIF
S0010277 PhotoDeluxe
S0010278 Set up devices and preferences
S0010279 You cannot save changes into your Picture CD or Picture Disk. To keep these changes, save the edited photo into an album.
S0010280 Direct
S0010281 No Preview Available
S0010283 Gb
S0010284 Delete Photos
S0010285 Duplicate Photos
S0010286 Rename Photos
S0010287 Album Information
S0010288 Change Location...
S0010289 Change Location
S0010290 In my computer
S0010291 On removable media
S0010292 Store photos in my computer
S0010293 Store photos on removable media
S0010294 Send to PhotoDeluxe
S0010295 Open photos in PhotoDeluxe 4.0
S0010296 Add a New Device...
S0010297 Back up your photos to Zip
S0010298 Choose a Web Service
S0010299 Create and send a postcard
S0010300 Rotate
S0010301 Try Adobe PhotoDeluxe or Adobe Photoshop LE today and enjoy expanded photo editing features and cool special effects!\n\n PhotoDeluxe guides the beginning user in creating more complex photo edits and projects. Photoshop LE offers an affordable introduction to the world-standard professional imaging tools found in Adobe Photoshop.
S0010303 More Tools
S0010304 More Projects
S0010305 Amazing Mail
S0010306 Now you can easily make and send a real printed postcard using\nyour own photo! Adobe and AmazingMail have partnered to bring\nyou this incredible service. Simply upload your photo to our web site,\nand weÆll print the postcard in full color for delivery by the U.S. Postal\nService.\n\nTo create your first postcard, click "Sign Up" to enter an E-mail address\nand choose a password that you will use to access your AmazingMail\naccount in the future.\n\nIf you already have an AmazingMail account, click "Login" to\nproceed.\n\nTo learn more about this service, click "Tell Me More."
S0010307 Create Postcard...
S0010308 Send to PhotoDeluxe
S0010309 ______________________________________________\nFor a fun and simple way to share photos with\nfriends and family, Go to http://www.activeshare.com!
S0010310 Share on Web...
S0010311 View album information
S0010312 pixels
S0010313 dpi
S0010314 Save PhotoDeluxe File
S0010315 Open PhotoDeluxe File
S0010316 Album Information
S0010317 Sample Photo
S0010318 Type in your E-mail address and password below.
S0010319 E-Mail
S0010320 Your photo will be uploaded to the Amazing Mail web site, where you can continue creating your postcard.\n\nThis will take approximately \%1 minute(s) using a 28.8K modem.
S0010321 Amazing Mail
S0010322 Picture CD:
S0010323 Software License Agreement
S0010324 Please read the following License Agreement. Press the PAGE DOWN key to see the rest of the agreement.
S0010325 Do you accept these terms of the preceding License Agreement? If you choose No, ActiveShare will close. To run Activeshare, you must accept this agreement.
S0020002 Program Files
S0020003 Common Files
S0020004 Adobe
S0020005 ActiveShare Catalog
S0020006 Cameras
S0020007 Scanners
S0020008 Albums
S0020009 Picture CD Catalogs
S0020010 Exported Pictures
S0020011 PhotoNet Upload
S0020012 Edited Pictures
S0020013 Copy
S0020014 E-Mail Pictures
S0020015 www.adobeactiveshare.com
S0020016 /cgi-bin/webshare.cgi
S0020017 Adobe Albums
S0020018 PhotoParade
S0020019 Screen Saver
S0020020 /cgi-bin/webshareurl.cgi
S0020021 Amazing Mail
S0030004 OK
S0030005 Cancel
S0030011 Print
S0030012 Crop to Fit
S0030013 Shrink to Fit
S0030014 Close
S0030015 These Words:
S0030017 This Date:
S0030018 and
S0030019 Current Album
S0030020 Cancel
S0030021 Find
S0030022 All Albums
S0030023 Find all that contain
S0030028 Caption:
S0030029 Date:
S0030030 File Format:
S0030031 Input Source:
S0030032 Comments:
S0030033 File Location:
S0030034 File Size:
S0030035 Discard
S0030036 Continue
S0030038 Close
S0030039 Save
S0030040 +
S0030041 -
S0030042 Package Printing
S0030043 Custom Size and Quantity
S0030044 Optional Settings...
S0030045 Copies of Each Picture:
S0030046 Print Size:
S0030047 Cancel
S0030048 Print Preview...
S0030049 Print
S0030051 Number of Sheets Per Photo:
S0030052 Photo Quality:
S0030053 From: (E-mail address)
S0030054 Cancel
S0030055 Send
S0030061 Size:
S0030062 High (for print)
S0030063 Low (for screen)
S0030065 To: (E-mail address)
S0030066 Subject:
S0030067 Message:
S0030068 Warning: Large E-mail Sends Slowly!
S0030069 Title:
S0030070 Display Tooltips
S0030071 Show Welcome Screen at Startup
S0030073 Show >
S0030074 < Hide
S0030075 Installed Printers
S0030076 Printers Shown
S0030077 Devices Shown
S0030078 Installed Devices
S0030080 Remove Red Eye
S0030081 Rotate
S0030082 Trim
S0030083 Instant Fix
S0030084 View as Slide Show
S0030085 Create Wallpaper
S0030087 Saved
S0030088 Not Saved!
S0030090 Empty Album
S0030091 Scan New Photo
S0030092 Launch Picture CD
S0030093 You cannot save changes into your input device. To keep these changes, save the edited photo into an album.
S0030097 Help
S0030098 Setup
S0030099 Fix\nMy Photo
S0030100 Photo\nProjects
S0030103 More Help
S0030104 Back
S0030105 Close
S0030108 Caption:
S0030113 Drag photo into album to save
S0030114 Load Photo Previews
S0030115 Choose a Date:
S0030116 Scanner Settings
S0030117 When Scanning
S0030118 Automatically scan using ActiveShare
S0030119 Use the software that came with the scanner
S0030120 Crop To Fit
S0030121 Shrink To Fit
S0030122 Save a Copy As
S0030123 Type in a filename for each file.
S0030124 Choose a file format.
S0030125 Choose a location to save your file(s).
S0030126 Save in:
S0030127 Save as type:
S0030128 Any Date
S0030129 On
S0030130 Before
S0030131 After
S0030132 Between
S0030133 Search on
S0030134 OK
S0030135 Cancel
S0030136 Abort
S0030137 Retry
S0030138 Ignore
S0030139 Yes
S0030140 No
S0030141 Cancel
S0030142 Type a title for the album you want to create.
S0030143 Create Album
S0030144 Find Photos
S0030145 Device Settings...
S0030146 Print Options
S0030147 No Photos
S0030148 Click a button to rotate your photo.
S0030149 Rotate\nLeft
S0030150 Rotate\nRight
S0030151 \%1 available
S0030152 Get Help on\nthe Web
S0030153 More Tools...
S0030154 More Projects...
S0030155 Title of album:
S0030156 Number of photos:
S0030157 Photos stored in:
S0030158 Notes:
S0030159 Store the contents of this album:
S0030160 Remember the E-mail addresses of the last 5 recipients
S0030161 Back Up to Zip
S0030162 Enter text to change the content of a field for all selected photos.
S0030163 Choose a Web service where you would like to add your photos, and click Continue.
S0030164 Create Postcard
S0030165 More about PhotoDeluxe
S0030166 More about Photoshop LE
S0030167 Choose an eCircles Album:
S0030168 Saving this file in ActiveShare will flatten any layers you may have in this file. However, you can open it in PhotoDeluxe 4.0, which will preserve the layers. Would you like to open the file in PhotoDeluxe 4.0?
S0030169 Launch PhotoDeluxe
S0030170 This file contains text or other layers that ActiveShare cannot display. Saving this document in PhotoDeluxe 4.0 first, then opening it in ActiveShare will fix the problem. Would you like to open the document in PhotoDeluxe 4.0?
S0030171 Open in ActiveShare
S0030172 Open in PhotoDeluxe
S0030173 Save As...
S0030174 Yes to All
S0030175 E-mail address:
S0030176 To add your photo, first choose a circle, then choose an album.
S0030177 To add your photos, first choose a circle, then choose an album.
S0030178 Learn More...
S0030179 Delete Album Only
S0030180 Display Quality (appropriate for on-screen viewing only)
S0030181 Print Quality (appropriate for printing and creating gifts on the Internet)
S0030182 Total size: \%1 Upload time: \%2 \%3 using a 28.8 modem
S0030183 minute
S0030184 minutes
S0030227 Online Print Services
S0030230 Your photo will be uploaded to Shutterfly.com, where you will be able to order prints.\n\nThis will take approximately \%1 minute(s) using a 28.8K modem.
S0030231 Shutterfly
S0030232 Please select a service:
S0030233 Please select a photo before using this activity.
S0030234 To use this service, please go back and select the photos you wish to share.
S0030235 To email your photos, please go back and select the photos you wish to send.
S0030236 To print your photos, please go back and select the photos you wish to print.
S0030237 To edit your photos in PhotoDeluxe, please go back and select the photos you wish to edit.
S0030238 To use this feature, go back and select the photos you wish to save.
S0030239 To use this service, please go back and connect to the Internet.
S0030240 Your photos will be uploaded to Shutterfly.com, where you will be able to order prints.\n\nThis will take approximately \%1 minute(s) using a 28.8K modem.
S0040002 More Help
S0040003 Back
S0040004 Close
S0040005 How Do I...
S0040006 ...Look at Sample Photos?
S0040007 ...Look at photos in my digital camera?
S0040008 ...Scan photos?
S0040009 ...Look at scanned photos?
S0040010 ...Bring photos in?
S0040011 ...Save my photos?
S0040012 ...Organize my photos?
S0040013 ...Trim my photo?
S0040014 ...Rotate my photo?
S0040015 ...Enlarge my photo?
S0040016 ...View my photos in a slide show?
S0040017 ...Print my photos?
S0040018 ...E-mail my photos?
S0040019 ...Use my photos in other programs?
S0040020 ...Scan another photo?
S0040021 ...See my Picture CDs?
S0040022 ...Save a copy of a photo?
S0040024 ...Find a specific photo?
S0040025 ...Save the found set of photos into a new album?
S0040026 ...Add a caption to my photos?
S0040027 ...Rename an album?
S0040028 ...Decide which option to pick?
S0040029 ...Undo my action?
S0040030 ...Trim again?
S0040032 ...See information about my photo?
S0040033 ...Get to the web site?
S0040034 ...Make the program take up less/more room on my screen?
S0040035 ...Edit photo information?
S0040036 ...View the photo again?
S0040037 ...More Help
S0040038 To look at your photos,\nclick the camera button in the Input area.
S0040039 Click the scanner button in the Input area,\nand then click the Scan New Photo button.
S0040040 Click the scanner button in the Input area!
S0040041 Connect an input device such as a scanner or camera,\nand then click the button representing the device.\nClick the Import button to get your photos from your\ncomputer. Or simply drag photos into the application.
S0040042 Save a copy of your photo by dragging it into an\nalbum.
S0040043 Organize your photos by dragging them into albums.\nTo create a new album, click the Create Album\nbutton.
S0040044 Click the Trim button in\nthe Fix My Photo drawer.
S0040045 Click the Rotate button in\nthe Fix My Photo drawer.
S0040046 To enlarge your photo, double-click its preview.
S0040047 Click the View as Slide Show button in the\nPhoto Projects drawer.
S0040048 Select the desired photo,\nand then click the printer button in the Output area!
S0040049 Select the desired photo, and then click the\nE-mail button in the Output area!
S0040050 Simply drag your photo onto the other program!
S0040051 Click the scanner button in the Input area,\nand then click the Scan New Photo button.
S0040052 Insert your Picture CD, and a catalog of your photos\nautomatically gets created in the Album area.
S0040053 Just drag your photo into an album to save a copy!
S0040054 Click the Find Photos button in the Button tray.
S0040055 Click the Create Album button, and then drag the\nphotos into the new album.
S0040056 Click the caption area below your photo,\nand type a new caption.
S0040057 Click the album name under the album, and type\na new name.
S0040058 The input device does not accept any changes.\nTo keep your changes, you must copy the edited\nphoto into an album.
S0040059 Click the Undo button in the Button tray.
S0040060 Simply reposition the square,\nand click the Trim button again.
S0040061 Double-click your photo,\nand then click the Info button.
S0040062 Click the ActiveShare.com button!
S0040063 Resize the window by dragging the lower right corner.
S0040064 Information that can be edited is enclosed in a box.\nClick inside the box to type in your photo information.
S0040065 Click the Photo button to see your photo.
S0040066 Click the album that came with your software\nto see your Sample Photos.
S0040067 ...Get photos onto ActiveShare.com to share with others?
S0040068 ...Store my albums on a disk?
S0040069 ...Set up my camera in ActiveShare?
S0040070 ...Create backup copies of my photos?
S0040071 Select the photos you want to share, and click the\nShare on Web icon.
S0040072 To store photos on a disk instead of your computer,\nclick the Create New Album button, and choose\nyour disk drive from the menu.
S0040073 Click the Setup button. Choose your camera\nfrom the list of installed devices, and click the\nShow button.
S0040074 Select the photos you want to back up, and click\nthe Back Up to Zip icon.
S0050002 Album Title
S0050003 Print
S0050004 Too Many Photos To Print
S0050005 File Not Found
S0050006 File Not Found
S0050007 Problem Launching Picture CD
S0050008 Launch Picture CD
S0050009 E-mail Error
S0050010 E-mail Sent
S0050011 E-mail Error
S0050013 E-mail Error
S0050014 E-mail Error
S0050015 E-mail Error
S0050016 E-mail Error
S0050017 E-mail Error
S0050018 E-mail Error
S0050019 E-mail Error
S0050020 E-mail Error
S0050021 E-mail Error
S0050022 E-mail Error
S0050023 E-mail Error
S0050024 E-mail Error
S0050025 E-mail Error
S0050026 E-mail Error
S0050027 E-mail Sent Successfully
S0050028 E-mail Error
S0050029 E-mail Error
S0050030 E-mail Error
S0050031 Picture Not Found
S0050032 Picture Not Found
S0050033 Print
S0050034 Print Preview
S0050035 Print Preview
S0050036 Print
S0050038 Corrupt Album
S0050041 Low on Space
S0050043 Low Memory
S0050047 Wallpaper
S0050049 Delete Photo
S0050057 Insert Picture CD
S0050059 Delete Album
S0050061 Save a Copy As
S0050062 Picture Not Found
S0050063 Picture Not Found
S0050064 Zoom
S0050065 Zoom
S0050070 Print
S0050072 Album Restored
S0050073 Unable to Recover Album
S0050075 Picture CD Album Created
S0050077 E-mail Canceled
S0050078 E-mail Error
S0050079 Find Error
S0050080 Searching
S0050081 Find Results
S0050082 Select a Photo
S0050083 Invalid Number
S0050085 Screen Resolution
S0050086 Exceeded Character Maximum
S0050087 Import
S0050088 Input Device
S0050089 Device Not Responding
S0050090 Import
S0050091 Import
S0050092 Generating Previews
S0050094 No Photos Found
S0050095 Scan
S0050098 Invalid Character
S0050099 Invalid Date Format
S0050100 Copy
S0050101 Invalid Character
S0050102 Save
S0050103 Insert Disk
S0050104 Save
S0050105 Photo Not Found
S0050106 Copying Photo
S0050107 Format Not Recognized
S0050113 Printing
S0050114 E-mailing
S0050115 E-mailing
S0050116 E-mailing
S0050117 E-mailing
S0050118 Digital Camera Problem
S0050119 Moving Photo
S0050120 Moving Photos
S0050121 Copying Photos
S0050122 Importing Photo
S0050123 Importing Photos
S0050126 Sending Photo
S0050127 Sending Photos
S0050128 Downloading Photo
S0050129 Downloading Photos
S0050130 Downloading Preview
S0050131 Downloading Previews
S0050132 Scanning Photo
S0050133 Downloading Photos
S0050134 Duplicating Photo
S0050135 Duplicating Photos
S0050136 Deleting Photo
S0050137 Deleting Photos
S0050138 Preparing Program
S0050139 Login: Error
S0050140 Login: Error
S0050141 Exceeded Limit
S0050142 Adding Photos
S0050143 Adding Photo
S0050144 Time Remaining
S0050145 Can't Launch Browser
S0050146 Not Connected to Internet
S0050147 Loading Photo
S0050148 Loading Photos
S0050149 Deleting Album
S0050150 Cannot Import into Picture CD Album
S0050151 Cannot Import into Picture Disk Album
S0050152 Insert Picture Disk
S0050153 Please Wait
S0050154 Move or Copy to Album
S0050155 Move or Copy to Album
S0050156 Can't Access Device
S0050157 Scanner Error
S0050158 Cannot Delete Album
S0050159 Find Error
S0050160 Verifying
S0050161 Saving Photo
S0050163 Saving A Copy
S0050164 Saving Copies
S0050165 Creating Slide Show
S0050167 Removing Red Eye
S0050168 Delete Photos
S0050169 Display Font Size
S0050170 Low Memory
S0050171 Updating System Files
S0050172 Send to PhotoDeluxe
S0050174 More Projects
S0050175 Change Location
S0050176 View as Slide Show
S0050178 Open
S0050179 Can't Launch PhotoDeluxe
S0050180 Change Photo Information
S0050181 Change Photo Information
S0050183 Drive Not Found
S0050184 \%1
S0050185 Change Location
S0050186 Albums Updated
S0050187 Login Error
S0050188 Login Error
S0050190 Connection Error
S0050191 Connection Error
S0050192 Connection Error
S0050193 Cannot Save
S0050194 Disk Error
S0050195 Save
S0050196 Insert Disk
S0050197 ActiveShare Can't Launch
S0050198 Cannot Complete Operation
S0050199 Uploading Photo
S0050200 Album Title
S0050201 Delete Album
S0050202 Delete Album
S0050203 Verifying
S0050204 Restart ActiveShare
S0050212 Please Wait
S0050213 Share on Web
S0050214 E-mail
S0050215 Print
S0050216 Send to PhotoDeluxe
S0050217 Save a Copy As
S0050219 Connection Error
S0050221 Online Print Services
S0050222 Photos Uploaded
S0050229 Uploading Photos
S0050230 Online Print Services
S0070002 We have upgraded our site security. Please choose a new and different password for your account. To select a new password, go back to the website where you registered for this service and change your password. Please use the new password to access your circles in the future.
S0070003 Create Photo Postcard
S0070004 AmazingMail lets you create and send a real postcard using your own photo! Upload your photo to our web site, and we'll print the postcard in full color for delivery by the US Postal Service.
S0070005 Order KODAK Digital Pictures
S0070006 Print@Kodak offers an easy way to get real photo-quality prints from your digital pictures! Your pictures will be uploaded to the Print@Kodak website where you may order prints, mugs, T-shirts and more!
S0070007 Order Shutterfly Prints
S0070008 Shutterfly makes it simple for you to get beautiful prints from your digital photographs. We mail prints, ready for framing or photo albums, directly to you or your friends and family.