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- 5005 art.
- 5006 adj.
- 5007 adv.
- 5008 tran
- 5009 noun
- 5010 verb
- 5011 prep
- 5012 pron
- 5013 num.
- 5014 excl
- 5015 intr
- 5016 conn
- 5017 sent
- 5018 prfx
- 5019 co
- 5020 Unable to load the Word Finder DLL.
- 5021 The word was not found. Choose another word to look up.
- 5022 Looking...
- 5023 Find Thesarus File
- 5120 Main Dictionary
- 5121 User Dictionary
- 5122 Thesaurus
- 5123 Hyphenation
- 5124 Software\Claris Corp.
- 5125 Software\Claris Corp.\ClarisWorks for Windows
- 5126 User Directory
- 5127 Claris.MainDictionary
- 5128 Claris.UserDictionary
- 5129 Claris.Thesaurus
- 5130 Claris.Hyphenation
- 5131 Claris Main Dictionary
- 5132 Claris User Dictionary
- 5133 Claris Thesaurus
- 5134 Claris Hyphenation
- 5135 claddon.clr
- 5201 Internal speller error - SPL01.
- 5202 User Dictionary already in use.
- 5203 User Dictionary Full.
- 5204 Can't write to file.
- 5205 File not found.
- 5206 Invalid User Dictionary number.
- 5207 Internal speller error - SPL07.
- 5208 Word not found in dictionary file.
- 5209 Internal speller error - SPL09.
- 5210 Internal speller error - SPL10.
- 5211 Invalid main dictionary.
- 5212 Invalid user dictionary.
- 5213 User Dictionary file is too big.
- 5214 User Dictionary is read only.
- 5217 Speller error - SPL17.
- 5218 Speller error - SPL18.
- 5219 Speller error - SPL19.
- 5220 Speller error - SPL20.
- 5221 Speller error - SPL21.
- 5222 Speller error - SPL22.
- 5224 Word is too long for User Dictionary.
- 5225 Unable to add word to dictionary.
- 5226 Entry contains multiple words.
- 5300 Fatal Error: Can't find Speller.
- 5305 Find Claris Directory
- 5306 Claris Error
- 5307 Create File
- 5400 An Error Occurred
- 5401 Cannot open the main dictionary file.
- 5402 Cannot open the user dictionary file.
- 5403 Not enough memory to load dictionary.
- 5404 Can't load char table
- 5405 Can't open the import file.
- 5406 Can't open the export file.
- 5407 The speller is already in use by another application.
- 5408 Unable to create the User Dictionary.
- 5409 You have modified the user dictionary. Are you sure you want to cancel?
- 5410 Confirm Cancel
- 5411 Word already in Main or User Dictionary.
- 5412 Unable to create the CLARIS.INI file. Check your hard disk to make sure there is enough room.
- 5413 Unable to find the Claris directory. You should either reinstall or edit your WIN.INI file.
- 5414 Word not found in User Dictionary.
- 5415 There was an error writing to the export file.
- 5416 Error writing to export file. Out of disk space.
- 5417 Error writing to the User Dictionary. Out of disk space.
- 5418 This is not a valid text file.
- 5419 Please enter a valid file name for the User Dictionary.
- 5420 Import Complete.
- 5421 Import
- 5422 Export Complete.
- 5423 Export
- 5425 Dictionary is already installed.
- 5426 Invalid Dictionary
- 5427 Select main dictionary first
- 5500 &Replace
- 5501 Don&e
- 5502 &Next
- 5503 &Text File >>
- 5504 &Text File <<
- 5505 Con&text >>
- 5506 Con&text <<
- 5550 Finished Spelling
- 5600 Questionable Spelling
- 5601 Correct Spelling
- 5602 Spelling...
- 5603 %ld Instance
- 5604 %ld Instances
- 5605 %ld Questionable Word
- 5606 %ld Questionable Words
- 5607 ...
- 5608 <None>
- 5609 Select Dictionaries
- 5610 %1 %2