-Ping search results added (hides offline users) In addition, if your behind a Fire Wall, it won't show you results for others who are also behind a FW.
-Option to not show users with no connections available during search results ping added
NOTE: Both above options almost guarantee a successful download. Things such as the other user stopping the transfer will still have an effect of course, but overall you chances are much higher.
-Multipart (threaded) transfers re-enabled
-Hard drive "File Locator Wizard" feature added
-Filters now can apply to search results and can be password protected
-Total search results and line number count show in status bar (current results limit is 200)
-Icon added to quickly jump to download folder added
-"Successful Download" dialog added
-Various controls added to Media Viewer for webpage browsing
-MP3s can be streamed from webistes (HTTP) including www.cutemx.com
-Many bugs fixed including Win95/98 GPF when replying to IM
4-5-2000 1.0 final
--Various last minute changes
-Multi-part transfers disabled (pending fix in next release)
4-4-2000 Beta 12 Build 21
-Various small bugs fixed
-Client now connects to new backend system
3-29-2000 Beta 12 build 19
-Icon tool bar added.
-Several bug fixes made.
3-17-2000 Beta 12 build 15
-Continued optimization of backend. Still will be somewhat unstable for next couple weeks. We are continually making enhancements to it. Server can easily handle a huge load, go ahead and invite your friends to help test it.
-Literally hundreds of bug fixes made to the client.
-Many small features added, new toolbar, multi-file DCC send, additional settings, etc.
2-28-2000 Beta 12 build 1
- New backend system, this will allow for tremendous amounts of shared libraries on a single non-segregated system
- Multiple bug fixes
- Small features added
- A new wizard setup
- The transfer engine has been optimized even further
- New reporting has been added to the log
2-9-2000 Beta 11 build 1
- Browse bug fixed
- Many other small bugs fixed
- Small features added (finger/history from IM screen, other small things)
- "Finger File" added but NOT complete. Will show file info pertinent to
selected file (Such as bit rate and freq. for mp3s + info for other media
types. This is not completed yet).
2-3-2000 Beta 10 build 9
Another release is finally here. A totally new server is on its way, for
now we have added some more great features to the client and a brand new chat server.
We would also appreciate your feedback on these changes (discussion board). We are
currently addressing all the issues you brought to our attention, and are working
hard to fix all problems that exist in CuteMX. Thank you for your patience and continued
support of CuteMX!
1) DCC (Send File...) Feature Added. This feature allows you to send a file
to another CuteMX user, instead of waiting for them to request it from you
(much like DCC in IRC).
The receiving user has a variety of choices on whether to either accept or
refuse the file transfer. For those unfamiliar with DCC, it is a fast,
reliable way of transferring files between two systems. You can use DCC and
CuteMX as a substitute for an FTP server/client combination. The increased
flexibility which DCC provides makes CuteMX a forerunner in file transfer
An example: You have CuteMX setup at work and home (two different
usernames). You can DCC files to yourself at home and vice-versa. You can
setup your home MX to auto accept files only from you, if you want.
2) Finger Feature Added. This allow you to query other users for
information about their listed connections speed, Ping Time, Max DL/User,
Max Connections/User, IP Address, Number Files Shared, Total Size Shared, etc...
To use this, right-click on any user's name in the in any window and click
"Finger User".
3) New Chat Server - The new chat server has been highly optimized to handle
the growing number of users. This should eliminate the lag issues that sometimes
occur in the old chat server.
-Private Channels are now viewable in the channel list to alleviate channel
-Instant message history has been added.
-Away Message functions for instant messages added (Accessible through the
Options Menu).
Now when you leave your PC for an extended amount of time you can set an
away message.
When other users message you this will display your away message of choice.
4) Transfer Session Logs added. This allows you to view all incoming and
outgoing activity in the send and receive queues. The option to save these
logs to a file is also available.
5) All the 'Enemy' options have been enabled. These options can be accessed
from the settings menu. You can block people from: viewing your files,
downloading from you, messages in chat, personal messages, DCC files,
private chat channels. You can also ban IP addresses (user specified), which
completely limits any access from that IP through CuteMX.
6) Download throttles added. You now have complete control over the
bandwidth usage provided to CuteMX. By limiting other users (and yourself),
you'll be able to more efficiently utilize available bandwidth.
-Start by configuring Maximum Simultaneous Downloads to limit the TOTAL
number of downloads at any instance.
-Next set the Maximum Simultaneous Downloads Per User. This option will
specify how many files you can grab from each USER at the same time.
Example of usage:
1)You find 100 songs you want to get from various users, and you are on a
Cable connection
2)You want to 'Fire and Forget' and transfer the files while your away
3)You don't want to leech of any one user.
1) Select the 100 files that you want
2) Set your Max (global) connections to 12 and your PER USER connections to,
say 3.
3) Add all 100 files to the queue
4) CuteMX will then grab a max of 3 files (or threads) from each user but
never exceeding your 12 at a time total. Once the files are transferred, it
will keep going until you reach all 100 that you requested. Of course, some
users may have gone offline, and network trouble could occur, but for the
most part, it is an effective way to get many files without leeching off one
particular host.
7) Many bug fixes.
1-12-99 Beta 9 build 1
Well, it has been some time between releases. We have been working hard on the client
and server. The awesome new server will be available soon, for now we want to share
some of the improvements we have made in the client. We also need your feedback on
these changes (discussion board).
1) VFS (Virtual File System) added. Now you can choose multiple folders to share using
a simple VFS dialog under settings.
2) The TE (Transfer Engine) has been completely rewritten. The TE has been highly optimized
and is tightly integrated with the queue. Also, we have added multi-part (threaded)
transfers that will take a single file and download it in simultaneous parts to take
advantage of the available bandwidth. This can greatly speed up a file transfer.
Actual example of old (current) CuteMX (and all other file transfer programs for that matter)
User A is on a T1 pipe
User B is on a cable modem
User A can get a file from user B at .19mbps (megabytes per second). Although this is not
the full potential of what the T1 can dish out, it is the allocated rate that this
particular T1 is dishing out for each connection port.
Actual example of new CuteMX:
User A is on a T1 pipe. And has "Max Users" 4, "Max Connections Per User" 4 in his CuteMX settings.
User B is on a cable modem, and sets the new "Max Threads Per Download" to 4, and initiates
a transfer from User A.
The file is split in 4 parts and transferred using a sophisticated algorithm. Each thread
gets .19 mbps for a cumulative speed of almost .8 mbps (800 kbps).
Your transfer speed is multiplied times the factor of threads you set. Of course it also
depends on both pipes and on the other CuteMX user to set his "connections per user" to
a significant amount, to allow you to download using multiple threads.
In one test, using a T1, we were able to seriously saturate the T1 when requesting a single
large file using many threads. Much to the disdain of MIS ;-)
3) Streaming. Now CuteMX can stream various media files while downloading. To use this
feature, simply highlight the file you want to download and click on Stream (rather than
Get File). The file when then buffer and start playing the file. The download will
continue until the file is received of course. This is great to test/listen to a song
or movie while downloading it.
4) Media Player changes. It now undocks, so you can watch a movie while chatting. Also
can play WMA files with DRM (Digital Rights Management) support.
Tons and tons of bug fixes. Should have more detailed release notes later regarding these.
12-3-99 Beta 8 Build 6
- Further improvements to Transfer Engine. The "Send Priority" was removed for the time
being. The TE makes best use of the network buffer and adjusts the transfer accordingly.
We will add a feature soon that will allow you to precisely limit the upload speed
etc. Also added ability for moderators to un-moderate themselves.
- Media Player bugs fixed and slider added
- Refresh command added to menu bar
- Progress bar restored for peer to peer listings.
- MP3 tagger fixed and works great.
- MP3 Autotagger works, and also renames songs automatically (if "[]rename on update"
checkbox is checked in tagger.)--The Tagger and AutoTagger are very helpful in maintaining
a solid naming convention.
11-30-99 Beta 8 build 5
- Search Engine improved. Searches should be very fast and efficient.
- Transfer engine vastly improved. We are re-writing the transfer code with some very cool
optimizations. For now the current one works decently and has added reporting
- Many bugs fixes to chat client and server (including memory leak fixes). The chat should
be quite stable now. Various users can be assigned moderator status.
- Media player supports many multimedia file types (WMA (non-encrypted for now) ASF, AVI,
MP3, Quicktime and more) We are still working on the media player.
- New icons added, UI improved.
- The MP3 tagger is still being worked on so still has bugs. You can edit and autoedit
tags from the right click menu in the shared files tab.
- Intellimouse scroll support added
- _mx_listing saved to default TEMP directory
- File renaming support added (F2 shortcut)
- Shortcut to shared dir icon added (in build 1)
- Predefined chat filters added (in build 1)- You need to download complete install for
- Limit chat line buffer in settings added
- Refresh channels and update connection added to Chat menu
- Connection retry in settings added.
11-19-99 beta 8 build 1
-Transfer engine vastly improved (please test and report any problems on discussion board )
-Many UI fixes/enhancements (new graphics, mnemonics added, etc.)
-Multiple bug fixes (lots of bugs fixed, many more being worked on)
-Media player added (in early stages, will support streaming and many file types)
-Many fixes to chat (still some bugs to work out though)
Thanks for you patience and support!
11-15-99 1.0 beta 7
-Huge resource bug fixed
-Some chat server changes
-Some default swear filters added
-Shared MP3 tab is gone, replaced by shared files tab.
(The Shared Files tab will display all files you are sharing. Coming soon is a multimedia player that will allow you to play and/or view various music, video, graphic or text files from within the Shared Files tab.)
-Various UI fixes
-Various chat scrolling bugs fixed (plus a new bug introduced, where you can't be in two channels at once. That will be fixed in later build)
-Other minor bugs fixed
11-12-99 1.0 beta 6
-Toolbar bugs fixed (with different resolutions)
-Many UI fixes, such as losing focus of users in chat ID list, sorting, etc.
-Added .wma to extension listings
-Various memory leaks fixed
-Various tweaks to file transfer engine
-Many chat fixes (scrolling, case sensitive ids, etc.)
- Peer to Peer file list transfer with progress bar.
- Serveral bug fixes.
***********New Features****************
-Send Priority Slider Bar instead of specifying time manually.
-Default Font set to plain Arial text.
-More options added to Prompts Settings.
-Many bug fuxes
10-15-99 1.0 Alpha 2 release notes
*******New Features********
-sharing of sub folders
-option to change delay time between packets (for sending)
-various additions to chat
-show users/files in status pane
-128bit encrypted passwords in registry
-added full support for multiple file types
-delete, rename, add to shared, etc. options added to right click menu
-much more small stuff added
-versioning added
-behind firewall support
-hundreds of bug fixes
9-28-99 1.0.0 Alpha release notes
*******New Features*******
-Share Files Easily
CuteMX makes it easy to share various media types. Configurable options allowing sharing one or many file-types, limit download and upload connections, and specify upload and download folders.
-Personalized Login
All users create their own UserID and Password, with automatic login or password
prompt. Keep others from impersonating you and allow friends to recognize when
you're available to trade.
-User Friendly Interface
Designed to be user friendly, CuteMX is easy to use, with a small learning curve.
The simple to use interface allows new users to begin sharing files almost immediately.
-Browse Mode
Just looking? Users can login to CuteMX to do searches, or just chat,
without sharing files.
-File List
Select local files to share with other users. Explorer-like interface makes
it easy to see exactly what files are shared, add and remove files from the list.
-MP3 List
Listing of MP3s currently being shared and made available to other users. Edit MP3
tags or add MP3s to your playlist and listen to them in CuteMX or external player.
-Download Queue
Keep track of what you're downloading. Complete listing with file name, owner,
progress indicator, size and elapsed time. Stop or remove transfers as desired.
-Upload Queue
See who is downloading files from you with a comprehensive listing.
Full-featured chat rooms on various subjects with the ability to create
your own. Protect private chat with passwords; channel owners can kick disruptive
users. Personalize fonts, sounds and colors.
-Private Messages
Send private messages to other users. Automatic popup boxes for immediate viewing,
or a flashing icon in the Status Bar indicates a message has been received.
-Friends and Enemies List
Keep track of your Friends and Enemies. Know who's online and what files they're
-Limit Your Enemies
Disable access to your files for certain users, ignore their search requests or files on their computer. Hide their chat and private messages, and even ban them from private chat rooms.
-File Searcher
Integrated file search engine allows for finding shared files quickly and easily.
Many available options limit searches to user-specified requirements.