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- ****************************************************************
- Daikatana DEMO
- README.TXT by John Romero (C) 2000 Ion Storm, Inc.
- Version 1.0
- April 13th, 2000
- ****************************************************************
- Thanks for downloading the demo version of Daikatana, I hope you'll
- like it enough to buy the full version! The demo features a lot of
- single-player game time in episodes 1, 2 and 3. I left out episode
- four to keep the mystery quotient up...... what's in the fourth
- episode??? Cool stuff -- so cool you'll need to go to the store
- and find out! :)
- Multiplayer-wise, there's no CTF or DeathTag in this demo version,
- but there's Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Cooperative play. The
- first multiplayer demo of Daikatana was released over a year ago
- and it only featured episode 1. This demo has multiplayer in
- episodes 1, 2 and 3, so you can play with all the weapons in those
- eras and get a feel for the DM styles since they're a little diverse.
- When you start playing the demo, you will see a loading screen that
- has text on it. This information is provided because the levels
- in the demo do not normally flow from one to another, so I need
- to give you the setup for that level. When you play the retail
- version, you won't see this text.
- I recommend that you read this file for the most up-to-date
- information about various features or technical issues with Daikatana
- because we've really been cramming a lot of last-minute stuff in here.
- 1) General Information
- a) System Requirements
- b) Quake II Engine Enhancements
- c) Game Saving
- 2) Video Issues
- a) Brightness
- b) Window Switching
- 3) Sound Issues
- a) 3D Sound
- 4) Sidekicks
- a) Commanding the sidekicks
- 5) Skill System
- a) Gaining Levels
- b) Assigning points
- 6) Multiplayer Games
- a) DeathMatch Rules
- b) Team DeathMatch Rules
- c) Cooperative Rules
- 7) Console Commands
- 8) Map Editing
- 9) Technical Support
- ****************************************************************
- 1) General Information
- a) System Requirements
- Minimum Specification Recommended Specification
- --------------------- -------------------------
- Pentium 233 or equivalent Pentium II 300 or equivalent
- Windows 95/98/NT/2000 Windows 98/NT/2000
- 32Mb RAM 64Mb RAM
- 200Mb Uncompressed HD space 450Mb Uncompressed HD space
- DirectX 6.0 or higher DirectX 7.0
- 4Mb OpenGL compliant video card 16Mb OpenGL compliant video card
- 4x CD-ROM 8x CD-ROM
- 100% DirectX-compatible sound card EAX Enhanced audio supported
- Keyboard and Mouse A3D Enhanced audio supported
- A brain capable of comprehending Complete mastery over FPS games
- complex sidekick commands and
- composites and alloys
- Kickass Specification
- ---------------------
- PentiumIII 500+ or equivalent
- Windows 95/98/NT/2000
- 128Mb RAM
- 850Mb Uncompressed HD space
- DirectX 7.0 or higher
- 32Mb OpenGL compliant video card
- 16x CD-ROM
- Multiplayer Support
- ---------------------
- * Internet via TCP/IP with 28.8 or faster connection speed
- (I would suggest having DSL, Cablemodem, or a T1)
- * Local Network via TCP/IP
- (You should have a 100mb Network Card, too)
- * Enhanced play via EidosGames.com
- b) Quake II Engine Enhancements
- Daikatana uses a heavily modified Quake II engine. This means
- that although Quake II runs fairly quickly on today's computers,
- since we have modified the engine, Daikatana will run a little
- slower than Quake II on your machine. Some of our engine
- modifications and enhancements:
- * Volumetric Fogging
- * Distance Fogging
- * Specular Lighting on Models
- * 32-bit Alpha-blended textures
- * Industry-standard Miles Sound Engine with 3D Audio support
- * Node-based AI System
- * Enhanced Sky Technology (tm) EST!
- c) Game Saving
- After the game loads a new map, your progress is automatically saved
- so after you die, you will come back to the beginning of the current
- map. At this point, you do NOT need to use a SaveGem -- use it later
- on after you've traveled a ways.
- When you die, pressing FIRE will start you back at the LAST SAVE that
- was perfomed. This will either be a SAVEGEM save, or a MAP CHANGE
- save. In the LOAD GAME menu the auto-selected savegame will always
- be the last one saved. If you choose to go back to the start of the
- current map instead of where you used a SAVEGEM, load up the game
- titled "Last Map Change". There is no status information shown for
- this savegame though.
- ****************************************************************
- 2) Video Issues
- a) Brightness
- There are 4 different ways you can use to brighten up Daikatana:
- 1) Turn up the Brightness in the VIDEO MENU. The maximum value is 130%
- brightness. Some video cards remain unchanged by setting this.
- 2) Turn up the Intensity in the VIDEO MENU. The maximum value is 9.
- Usually, this method is the furthest you need to go as even a couple
- increments of Intensity can give you great results.
- 3) Go into your computer's DISPLAY SETTINGS and turn up the OpenGL
- Brightness and maybe even the Gamma (make sure Contrast goes up too).
- Usually you have to click on ADVANCED to reach these controls.
- 4) Geez. You need to turn up the brightness on your monitor!
- b) Window Switching
- If you experience problems with switching windows while Daikatana is
- running, click the 'no alt-tab' option in the options menu.
- ****************************************************************
- 3) Sound Issues
- a) 3D Sound
- Due to programming difficulties, we do NOT have 3D Sound Support
- in this initial release. We will issue a patch shortly that will
- fix this problem. The game runs and sounds just fine without
- 3D Sound, though.
- ****************************************************************
- 4) Sidekicks
- As you travel through Daikatana, you will meet up with two
- characters, Superfly Johnson and Mikiko Ebihara. They will
- assist you in battling enemies and provide commentary as you
- travel through the game.
- Controlling them is easy. You can use the Sidekick HUD (press
- the Swap Sidekick or HUD CYCLE key to activate) to give each
- sidekick commands: COME, GET, ATTACK, BACK OFF, STAY. Press
- the HUD NEXT/PREV keys to cycle through the commands and press
- the HUD USE key to give the command.
- One important note: If the sidekick's status bar is not visible
- on the screen (next to your status bar), you CANNOT give that
- sidekick any commands because they are not close enough to you.
- You will need to find the sidekick before issuing any commands.
- The Get Command:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The get command will tell the sidekick that you want them to pickup a
- specific item. There are several reasons why they will not pickup a
- specific item:
- 1.)The item you have told them to pickup was never intended to
- work with the sidekick or was intended to be in the client's
- inventory.
- 2.)They do not need that item. In the case of telling them to
- pickup health, if they are already at 100% then they will tell
- you they don't need it. In the case the health item is in a position
- they cannot reach they will tell you they cannot reach it. This is
- the same with both armor and ammo.
- You will notice a red flare appear at the location that you are point at
- when you tell a sidekick to pick something up. Make sure the flare is on
- the object you wish the sidekick to pickup. The Mana Skull, Mega Shield,
- and Wraith Orb will affect all members in the party once picked up by the
- player.
- The Come Command:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The come command is used to tell a sidekick to come to some location
- close to your current location. The sidekick will adjust his final position
- if you move around after you have instructed the sidekick to come.
- The Stay Command:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This can be good and can also be bad. When told to 'stay' the sidekick
- will stay right where they are unless hurt by something. This also means
- that the sidekick will not come to your aid if you are around the corner and
- it would require the sidekick to actually move to get a clear shot of the
- enemy you are currently engaged with.
- The Attack Command:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The attack command will instruct the sidekick that it is ok to attack. If
- you are pointing at a monster when you tell the sidekick to attack a red
- flare will appear on the monster. At this point, the sidekick's top priority
- is to kill this one enemy. Be careful when telling the sidekicks to attack
- something. They might not be able to kill the monster or might be too low
- on health and or ammo. If the sidekick runs too low on either they will
- attempt to run away from any enemies present.
- The Back Off Command:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The back off command has dual purposes. The primary purpose is to tell
- the sidekicks that they are not to attack ANYTHING. Even if they can
- attack, when instructed to Back Off, the sidekick will evade any monster
- that is currently active and attacking the party. In order to get the
- sidekick out of 'Back Off' mode one must only tell them to attack. The other
- use for the 'Back Off' command is to make the sidekick move away from your
- current location.
- IMPORTANT: You can assign HOTKEYS to give the sidekicks
- commands instead of using the Sidekick HUD. The Keyboard
- menu will let you assign hotkeys for each of the above commands.
- Pressing a sidekick hotkey will give that command ONLY to that
- one sidekick. Holding down SHIFT while pressing the hotkey
- will give the command to BOTH sidekicks, if they are both
- present.
- ****************************************************************
- 5) Skill System
- In Daikatana, dispatching enemies will award you with
- experience points equal to the monster's toughness. If you have
- the Daikatana sword readied as your current weapon, the sword
- will gain the experience points, not your character.
- There are 5 skills you can assign points toward:
- POWER -- affects the damage your weapons deal out
- ATTACK -- affects the rate of weapon firing
- SPEED -- affects your movement speed
- ACRO -- affects your jumping height
- VITALITY -- affects your maximum health
- There's a maximum of 5 levels for each skill. You are limited
- to being able to assign 2 skill points to any one skill during
- the first episode. In each new episode, your skill point maximum
- is increased by one point. In episode 4, you can assign up to
- five skill points (the maximum) to any of your skills.
- a) Gaining Levels
- Kills made with the Daikatana apply experience to the sword, not your character's
- experience. If the Daikatana is awarded EXP, displaying the scoreboard will
- let you see how close you are to gaining a Daikatana Level. It takes 100 points
- to gain a Daikatana Level and you can see how close you are in the scoreboard.
- If it displays 1.50, you are halfway to achieving a Level 2 Daikatana.
- When the Daikatana achieves a new Level, you will be surrounded by blue upward-moving
- circles and lots of smoke and particles.
- Kills made with any other weapon apply to your character's experience.
- Experience gained is based on the enemy's hitpoints. A small, easily killed enemy
- does not give you as much experience as a hard to kill enemy. Enemies killed by
- your sidekicks do not give you experience points. Skill points for both the Daikatana
- and your character become increasingly hard to achieve. The first few points will
- come faster than subsequent ones.
- On the status bar's right-hand cell, there's an image of a person and your character
- level is shown next to it. To the left of the 'person' there are some little dots.
- As you gain EXP, the dots will fill in vertically. When the topmost dot is filled,
- you will gain a level and be awarded a SKILL POINT.
- In Multiplay, skill points for both the Daikatana and your character come much faster. The
- number of character skill points can be limited in the Multiplayer setup menu.
- b) Assigning Points
- If you are using the Daikatana, the sword will automatically power up when it has reached
- the next level. If you are using any other weapon, an alert indicator will pop up next to
- the skill attribute status bar, asking you to choose which skill attribute to assign the point
- to. You can scroll through the attributes using your HUD-Next or HUD-Previous keys. Press
- HUD USE to assign the point.
- ****************************************************************
- 6) Multiplayer Games
- When you are connecting to a multiplayer game, you will see a
- flashing red light under the LOADING graphic. When you successfully
- connect to a new server, the light will turn green and the map
- data will begin loading. If you are having a problem connecting
- to a server, you can press CTRL-C to abort the connection.
- IMPORTANT: You can press CTRL-C to abort a multiplayer connection.
- a) DeathMatch Rules
- Deathmatch mode in Daikatana is exactly like DM in other games
- except that you can use Daikatana's SKILL SYSTEM to make your
- player more powerful as you score frags. The person setting
- up the server has the option of using the SKILL SYSTEM or
- turning it off. The game can end depending on frag limit,
- time limit, or level limit.
- There are many options available while setting up a server.
- You can turn on/off footstep sounds, fast weapon switching,
- respawning of certain items, etc.
- You can also run what is called a DEDICATED SERVER, which is
- a computer that has no one playing on it -- it just runs the
- game and has everyone connect to it. This is the fairest way
- to play because any player who is playing ON the server machine
- has an advantage because they do not experience latency. To
- start a DEDICATED SERVER you must pass a command-line parameter
- to Daikatana when you start it up: -dedicated
- (1) Players run around the map accumulating weapons, ammo and
- powerups.
- (2) Players fire upon other players and if they kill the opposing
- player, they get a FRAG.
- Simple. :)
- b) Team DeathMatch Rules
- This mode is the same as normal Deathmatch, except that players
- can be on the same team and attempt to score higher than the
- opposing team.
- c) Cooperative Rules
- You can play all the way through Daikatana in Cooperative Mode
- (COOP) with a maximum of three players, each one being one of the
- principal characters in Daikatana -- Hiro, Mikiko and Superfly.
- I would suggest first playing Daikatana in Single Player Mode,
- as Cooperative Mode does NOT play the cinematics. It's intended
- to be the mode you play the game in AFTER you've beaten it --
- but hey, I can't stop you from disobeying my supreme orders!
- (1) In COOP mode, all players have to be at the level transition
- point to have the game progress to the next area. This prevents
- one player from running straight to the exit and leaving while
- everyone else is still busy gathering items and smashing monsters.
- (2) There is no rescuing Superfly or Mikiko and the end
- of the game is changed slightly as well because of some things that
- I won't be telling you.
- (3) Whenever someone picks up a SAVEGEM, the person who HOSTED the
- game gets the SAVEGEM because only the HOST can save the game. This
- means that DEDICATED COOP servers can NOT save the game, ever. You
- MUST HOST a COOP game and play it on the same machine to be able
- to save the game.
- (4) All weapons will STAY on the ground for other players to pick up.
- (5) If a player disconnects (or gets disconnected), they will drop
- a backpack on the ground. If they reconnect, they can pick up that
- backpack to get all their stuff back.
- (6) If a player connects to a COOP game while the game has
- progressed past the first few areas, they will appear with the
- weapons and ammo that they should have up to that point.
- (7) When everyone exits the level, the number of monsters and secrets
- is displayed. Someone needs to press FIRE to progress to the next
- area.
- f) Public Servers
- To make your server available to everyone on the Internet,
- you have to be a DEDICATED SERVER and have 'public' set to 1.
- Also, port 27982 needs to be open on your firewall if you
- are behind one.
- ****************************************************************
- 7) Console Commands
- You can only enable the console by having "console 1" in your
- AUTOEXEC.CFG, CURRENT.CFG or user config file. You can also
- enable it by passing "+set console 1" as a command-line parameter
- to Daikatana.exe.
- Here's a short list of some useful console commands:
- CHEATS <value> 1 = cheats are turned on
- GOD God mode/Invulnerable
- NOCLIP Move through walls
- NOTARGET Monsters don't see you
- MASSACRE Kill all monsters and sidekicks
- HEALTH <value> Give yourself health
- WEAPON_GIVE_<value> Give yourself weapon in slot <value>
- SCREENSHOT Takes a screenshot in TGA format
- More Technical Commands:
- DEVELOPER <value> 1 = shows all messages from engine
- FLUSHMAP <value> 1 = completely clean map load; no caching
- R_SPEEDS <value> 1 = show rendering speeds
- R_DRAWFLAT <value> 1 = draw flat-shaded polys only
- R_FULLBRIGHT <value> 1 = no lightmaps on surfaces
- GL_POLYLINES <value> 1 = display line drawing only (not on Voodoo)
- TIMESCALE <value> 1 = normal time, 0.5 = half the speed, etc.
- CAM_TOGGLE Toggles 3 different camera modes
- CAM_NEXTMON Cycles through all characters on level
- CAM_NEXTSIDEKICK Cycles through sidekicks
- There are about a hundred more of these to be found so check out
- www.daikatana.com and eventually there will be a large list available.
- You can also ALIAS commands just like you could in Quake2. A simple
- example for turning R_SPEEDS on and off:
- alias g1 "bind f4 g2;r_speeds 1"
- alias g2 "bind f4 g1;r_speeds 0"
- bind f4 g1
- ****************************************************************
- 8) Map Editing
- Our in-house editor, IonRadiant, is a modified version of QERadiant
- by Robert Duffy. You can get it from http://www.daikatana.com and
- it has all the texture generating and map compiling utilities
- contained in one ZIP.
- 9) - Technical Support
- Please read the following section before calling technical support:
- Because of the millions of different hardware and software combinations possible with
- today's Personal Computers, you may still have to refer to your computer manufacturer of
- software publisher to properly configure their product to run our game.
- Contacting Tech Support
- If you have technical questions about the game, our Technical Support Department is here
- to help. Our web site contains up-to-date information on the most common difficulties
- with our products; this information is the same as that used by our support agents. If
- you are unable to find the information you need on our web site, please fell free to
- contact us via e-mail, fax, telephone or letter.
- If you need to talk to someone immediately, call us at (415) 547-1244. We are available
- to take your calls Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Pacific Standard
- Time. If possible, be at your computer when you call. The support representative will
- need specific information about your computer and may need you to access or change some
- of the files while you are on the telephone. If it is impossible for you to be at your
- computer, be sure to have the following information:
- -> A listing of your computer's hardware and the settings from Device Manager, including
- what sound and video card your system has. (Contact your computer manufacturer if you
- aren't sure.)
- -> What version of Windows you are using.
- -> How the game is currently configured.
- Our tech support personnel will do their very best to get our software working on your
- system, so please be patient with them. Certain times of the year (around Christmas, or
- when we release a brand new game) the Tech Support lines can get rather busy. You may be
- asked to leave a message about your problem and they will call you back. If you must do
- this, please leave a 'best time to call' and our Tech Support people will make their best
- efforts to contact you in that timeframe. If you need faster support please use our web
- site and check the Tech Support web pages (see below). This is where the most common
- problems can be fixed with easy step-by-step instructions, and we recommend trying it
- before contacting the Tech Support line. The answer to your question just might be
- sitting right there.
- Hints and tips will not be given out over the Technical Support line, please refer to a
- strategy guide for additional help.
- Technical Support Fax
- For your convenience, we also offer the option of faxing us with your technical questions
- at:
- 415-537-0095 or 415-547-1202
- When sending us a fax, please include your name, return fax number with the area code,
- and a voice phone number so we can contact you if we experience any problems when trying
- to fax you back.
- World Wide Web Support
- You may reach us on the web: http://www.eidosinteractive.com
- or by e-mail at techsupp@eidos.com.
- Technical Support Mailing Address
- Eidos Interactive
- 651 Brannan Street, 4th floor
- San Francisco, CA 94107
- Attn.: Customer Support
- Eidos Interactive Company Store
- For the latest and greatest Eidos merchandise, you can now visit the Eidos Interactive
- Store. You can go to the web site at http://www.eidosstore.com